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The King’s Land School


Q1: Encircle one choice A, B, C or D in each case.
1. Which of the following is not a high level language?
(a) Fortran (b) Basic
(c) C and C++ (d) Assembly Language
2. Which of the following is not true about Personal Computers?
(a) The PC was introduced by IBM in 1981 (b) Computers are easy to use
(c) They are analogue machines
(d) People could do work at home that would be transferable to the company’s computer.
3. The third generation computers used
(a) Vaccum Tubes (b) Transistors
(c) Integrated Circuits (d) Microprocessors
4. A terminal consists of
(a) a keyboard, mouse and printer (b) mouse and monitor
(c) Keyboard and monitor (d) system unit and I/O devices
5. Minicomputer is
(a) Faster than microcomputer (b) smaller in size than microcomputer
(c) Expensive than micro computer (d) a and b

Q2: Describe Charles Babbage work in the history of computers?

Ans: In 1823, Charles babbage a british Mathematician developed “Difference Engine” and
“Analytical Engine”.
• Store Unit:
This part was to store the numbers fed to the machine and also those numbers that were
generated during the process of problem solving, along with the instruction.
• Mill Unit:
This was the arithmetic unit, which had to perform all arithmetic operations automatically by the
rotation of gears and wheels.
• Control Unit:
This unit was to supervise all the other units and direct their working. The other task assigned to
this unit was to transfer the numbers and instructions from the store to the mill and vice versa,
by rotation of gears and wheels.
• Input Unit:
The input unit of the analytical engine had to supply data and instructions to the store. The input
media was in the form of punched cards.
➢ Output Unit:
The output unit of the analytical engine had to display the results of calculations.

Q3: Describe the advancements in the computers during the 1950’s and 1960’s?
Ans: In early 1950’s two important engineering discoveries changed the image of the computer
field. These discoveries were the magnetic core memories and the transistor circuit elements.
During this period, the computer equipment with different prices as well as

Usman Haider Cheema (0308-6908152)

The King’s Land School
accessories such as:
• Card Readers Printers Cathode Ray Tube
These were widely used in business for such things as:
• Accounting Payroll Applications

Q4: Write a note on different computer generations, briefly explaining their features?
Ans: Generations in computer talk is a step in technology. It provides a framework for the
growth of the computer industry.
First Generation Computers:
• Vaccum tubes were used as the principle of electronic component.
• Memory access time was expressed in mile second.
• Punch cards were used as secondary storage to store data and input the computer.
• Computer languages were consisting on machine language.
• Computer operating systems were primitive and jobs were process regularly and manual
control of the computer operator.
Second Generation Computers:
• Transistors were used.
• Memory access time was expressed in micro time.
• Magnetic tape was the dominant form of secondary storage.
• High level language such as COBAL was used.
• Batch operating systems were used that permitted rapid process magnetic tape.
Third Generation Computers:
• Transistors were replaced with integrated circuit.
• Memory Access Time came in Nano Second.
• Magnetic storage disk came as secondary storage devices.
• Structured languages were used in computer.
• Interactive operating systems were used.
Fourth Generation Computers:
• Fourth generation computers used ICs.
• Memory Access time came in nana second.
• A variety of storage device were being introduced for that program and data.
• New user’s oriented and application oriented languages were introduced.
• Virtual operating system were in used that pursuit many users of the computer to share it.

Q5: What is the difference between a digital and an analog computer?

Analog Computers Digital Computers
1 Accepts data in continuous or physical form Accepts data in the form of digits.
2 Represent it in a suitable form on an Represent it in terms of discrete numbers and
indicator and perform scientific operations. processes numbers.
3 They are represent physical quantities like In Digital computer quantities are counted
speed, weight etc. rather than measured.
4 They are fast in processing but not very They are capable fast rate and store large
accurate. data or information.
5 They can be used in industries. They are general purpose in use.

Usman Haider Cheema (0308-6908152)

The King’s Land School
Q6: Write a short note on the following:
(a) Pocket Computers
Ans: Pocket computers have been designed to keep lots of information close to hand wherever
they happen to be. A pocket computer has to have small, light batteries that last a long.
(b) Laptop Computers
Ans: Laptop computers are usually much more expensive than desktop computers. They have
expensive battery packs that have to power the hard disk, CD drives and LCD screen. The main
aim of a laptop is that the person using it can have all programs and data from their desktop
computer on a portable computer.
(c) Micro Computers
Ans: All the computers using microprocessors are called microcomputers. It is less expensive
computer. Microcomputers were introduced in 1970s as a result of the development of
microprocessor. Microcomputers are being widely used and accepted in thousands of

Q7: Describe the impact of computers and internet on society?

Ans: There are numerous areas in which the increased ease and efficiency of computers have
put a large impact. Some of the impacts of the computers and internet on our society are as
• Educational institutes from primary level to university level are using computers.
• A large number of learning programs are available on almost every subject.
• These provide a one to one interaction with the students.
• Computer is now being widely used in business and industry.
• Computer information systems are used to keep track of huge transactions.
• They also allow transactions to be made from anywhere in the world.

Q8: Define Computer? Briefly describe classification of computers?

Ans: “A computer is an electronic device that stores, retrieves and processes information.
Computer processes data and converts it into information.”
Based on the size the computers systems are classified as:
1) Super Computer
2) Mainframe Computer
3) Mini frame Computer
4) Micro Computer

Q9: Modern computers are based on stored program concept. Who introduces the concept?
Discuss his/her contribution in the history of computers.
Ans: Fascinated by the success of ENIAC, the mathematician John Von Neumann in 1945
undertook a study of computation that showed that a computer should have a very simple, fixed
physical structure, and yet be able to perform any kind of computation without the need for any

Usman Haider Cheema (0308-6908152)

The King’s Land School
Q10: Briefly name and describe some of the applications of computers?
• Retailing Applications of the computer:
Computers are used to write sales report, financial statements, product cost, and volume and
profit analysis.
• Applications in Entertainment and recreation:
Computers can be found throughout the entertainment industry. They are behind much of the
glitz and excitement that we encounter every time we turn on the television.
• Applications of computers in publishing:
Today, writers work on word processing programs and send their manuscript files to the
publisher on disk. To save time, they can even transmit them using a modern via email.
• Applications of computers in Libraries:
The computer has long been a powerful tool for libraries, providing patrons access to
bibliographic information on all of the materials that are available for their use.

Q11: What is the difference between low level and high level language?
• Low Level Languages:
Low level languages provide the programmer with a high degree of control, but they require a
detailed knowledge of the hardware to be used. They are really only required for advanced
programming needs.
• High Level Languages:
High level languages are close to human languages and far from the machine language. These
are machine independent languages which are also known as third generation languages. These
languages consist of English words, basic mathematical symbols and a few punctuation

Q12: Discuss some negative aspects of the use of Internet in our society?
Ans: Following are some negative aspects of the internet in our society:
• Privacy issues.
• Kids use internet for chatting and waste their precious time.
• Internet is not regulated by the authorities.
• Credibility of information.
• Social Isolation.
• No check on the volgure sites.

Q13: Write a note on the following:

(a) Visual Basic
Ans: It is a high level language. It is a tool that allows you to develop windows applications. The
applications have a familiar appearance to the user. Visual basic is event-driven language,
meaning code remains idle until called upon to respond to some event.
(b) LISP
Ans: LISP stands for List Processing Language. It was designed for Artificial Intelligence (AI)
research. Because it was designed for such a highly specialized field, its syntax was very different
from ordinary language.
(c) C/C++
Ans: C++ was an extension to C using OOP (Object Oriented Programming) concept, while
maintaining the speed of C. C++ is most often used in simulation, such as games.

Usman Haider Cheema (0308-6908152)

The King’s Land School

Q1: Encircle one choice A, B, C or D in each case.
1. Which of the following devices in not inside the system unit?
(a) Random Access Memory (RAM) (b) Monitor
(c) The Hard Disk (d) the modem
2. Which of the following is a part of computer?
(a) Central Processing Unit (b) Memory
(c) Input / Output Units (d) All of the above
3. The arithmetic/logic unit can perform
(a) Addition (b) Subtraction
(c) Multiplication (d) All of the above
4. Which of the following is not a type of bus in computer?
(a) Data Bus (b) Address Bus
(c) Power Bus (d) Control Bus
5. The system bus is used to connect the following units.
(a) Central Processing Unit (b) Main memory (RAM, ROM)
(c) Input / Output Devices (d) All of the Above

Q2: What is the difference between computer hardware and software?

Computer Hardware Computer Software
1 The Physical parts of the computer system The physical parts of the computer system that
that you can touch and feel you cannot touch and feel
2 It has three types: Input Unit, Output Unit It has two types: System Software and
and System Unit. Application Software.
3 Examples: Mouse, Keyboard, Monitor Examples: Games, MS Word, Windows
Q3: Write short notes on the following:
(a) Central Processing Unit
 The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is also called brain of the computer.
 The primary work of CPU is to convert data from input, process the data and output in
useful information that can be used by either user.
 All computers must have a central processing unit.
 Central Processing Unit is a highly complex set of electronic circuitry that executes
program instructions.
(b) Arithmetic and Logic Unit
 All computer data is stored as numbers, a lot of the processing that takes place involves
comparing numbers or carrying out mathematical operations.
 Arithmetic operations include addition, subtraction, multiplication and divisions.
 Logical operations include comparisons such as determining whether one number is equal
to, greater than, or less than another number.

Usman Haider Cheema (0308-6908152)

The King’s Land School
(c) Control Unit (CU)
 The control unit is the boss, so to speak, and coordinates all of the CPU’s activities.
 Using Programming instructions, it controls the flow of information through the processor
by controlling what happens inside the processor.
 The Control Units reads and interprets the program instruction and changes the
instruction into machine language.

Q4: What is a System Bus? Differentiate between Data bus, Address bus and Control bus?
Ans: The devices are connected together by a communications channel called a bus. A bus is
composed of a set communications lines or wires.
 Data Bus: A data bus carries data. It is an electrically path that connects the central
processing unit (CPU), memory, input / output devices and secondary storage devices.
 Address Bus: An address bus carries address information. It is a set of wires similar to the
data bus but it only connects central processing unit (CPU) and memory.
 Control Bus: The control bus carries control information from the control unit of the other
units. The control information is used for directing the activities of all units.

Q5: Differentiate between System Software and Application Software?

System Software Application Software
1 Controlling and managing the actual Application software is used to accomplish
operations of the computer hardware. tasks specified by the user.
2 It consists of an operating system and It consists of an image viewer or a collection of
some fundamental utilities. programs.
3 Example: disk formatters, file managers Example: Word Processor, Spreadsheet

Q6: Write a note on Main memory and Secondary memory? Also give examples.
Main Memory Secondary Memory
1 Accessible directly by the processing unit. Additional memory is required in all the
computer systems.
2 It is more expensive than secondary It is not expensive
3 Its size is less than secondary memory It is large size
4 Example: Motherboard Example: Floppy disk, Magnetic disk

Q7: What are the different kinds of Input devices?

Ans: When we feed data and instructions through some devices to the computer. These are
called Input Devices. Some of the Kinds of Input devices are given as:
1. Monitor.
2. Keyboard.
3. Printer.
4. Mouse.
5. System Unit.

Usman Haider Cheema (0308-6908152)

The King’s Land School
Q8: Define Magnetic disk?
Ans: A magnetic disk is a storage device that uses a magnetization process to write, rewrite and
access data. It is covered with a magnetic coating and stores data in the form of tracks, spots and

Q9: Explain Random Access Memory?

Ans: Random Access Memory (RAM):
 RAM is a temporary area in the memory where information is stored.
 It is also called main memory where information is kept while the CPU does it jobs.
 Example: When you write a report, information about the document is sent to RAM. If you
shutdown the computer, all the information in RAM can be lost.

Usman Haider Cheema (0308-6908152)

The King’s Land School

Q1: Encircle one choice A, B, C or D in each case.
1. Which of the following is not an input device?
(a) Magnetic tape units (b) Mouse
(c) Monitor (d) Keyboard
2. The keys on computer keyboards are often classified as follows:
(a) Alphanumeric keys (b) Function keys
(c) Numeric keys (d) All of the above
3. Which printer uses laser beams to burn special ink called toner on the page to create a
permanent character?
(a) dot matrix (b) Plotter
(c) daisy wheel (d) Laser
4. Flat panel displays are usually used in
(a) Supercomputer (b) Personal computer
(c) Portable computer/Laptops (d) All of the above
5. Hard disk is a disk that stores data.
(a) Optical (b) Magnetic
(c) Random Access (d) Read Only

Q2: Name the different categories of input devices?

Ans: The most commonly used input devices are:
• Keyboard
• Mouse
• Monitor
• Printer
• Microphone etc.

Q3: What is a Keyboard? Name the different key categories on the keyboard.
Ans: “Keyboard is the standard input device used to enter textual data into the computer”. The
keys on computer keyboards are classified as follows:
• Alphanumeric keys
• Numeric keys
• Function keys
• Cursor control keys

Q4: Name five important keys on a keyboard along with their functions?
Ans: The keys on computer keyboards are often classified as follows:
➢ Alphanumeric Keys : Alphabets and Numbers
➢ Numeric Keys : Numbers and Mathematical Operators.
➢ Function Keys : Keys for special functions (F1, F2, F3, ….. )
➢ Cursor Control Keys : Keys that move the cursor (Up, Down, Left, Right)

Usman Haider Cheema (0308-6908152)

The King’s Land School
Q5: What is Voice recognition software? Explain.
Ans: A voice-recognition system, using a microphone as an input device, converts a person’s
speech into digital data by comparing the electrical patterns produced by the speaker’s voice
with a set of prerecorded patterns stored in the computer.

Q6: Define Scanners?

Ans: A scanner is an input device which is capable of reading the image present on a piece of
paper and transferring the information into a computer where a program can store and interpret

Q7: What is a Monitor? Differentiate between monochrome and color monitors.

Ans: “A monitor is an electronic visual computer display that includes a screen, circuitry and the
case in which that circuitry is enclosed”. It is also called a display or a screen.
Monochrome Color Monitor
1 Monochrome monitors can display only Color monitor display combination of red,
one color (such as green, amber or white) green, and blue colors
2 These are not used for Graphics These are used for Graphics

Q8: Define:
(a) Flat Panel Display
Ans: Flat Panel Monitors are usually used in portable computers and laptops because their small
size. They are expensive to manufacture and don’t provide the high quality and bright colors that
CRT technology provides.
(b) Liquid Panel Display
Ans: An LED display is a flat panel display, which uses an array of light-emitting diodes as pixels
for a video display.

Q9: Write a note on different kinds of printers?

Ans: There are two types of Printers:
1) Impact Printer
2) Non-Impact Printer
1) Impact Printer: An impact printer produces images by striking an inked ribbon with a hammer or
a set of pins, pressing ink from the ribbon onto a piece of paper. There are three types of Impact
• Dot-Matrix Printer
• Daisy-Wheel Printer
• Line Printer
2) Non-Impact Printer: A non-impact printer produces images on paper without striking the page in
any way. There are several types of Non-Impact Printer:
• Laser Printer
• Electro-thermal Printer
• Electrostatic Printer
• Ink Jet Printer

Usman Haider Cheema (0308-6908152)

The King’s Land School
Q10: What is Plotter?
Ans: “A plotter is a large scale printer that receives commands from a computer to make
drawings on the paper with one or more automatic pens”. There are three basic types of plotter:
1) Drum plotters
2) Flatbed plotters
3) Electrostatic plotters

Q11: What is the difference between Soft copy and Hard copy?
Soft Copy Hard Copy
1 A soft copy is an electronic copy of some Hard copy is a permanent copy, in the form of
type of data, such as file viewed on a physical object.
computer’s display.
2 They are temporary in nature They are permanent in nature
3 Example: Monitors, Printer Example: Like Print out on the paper

Usman Haider Cheema (0308-6908152)

The King’s Land School

Q1: Encircle one choice A, B, C or D in each case.
1. Tape storage is
(a)Slower than the hard disk (b)Faster than hard disk
(c)Direct access device (d)All above
2.1 KB is equal to
(a)1000 bytes (b)210 bytes
(c)220 bytes (d)230 bytes
3.Cache memory is
(a)Faster than the main memory (b)Slower than the main memory
(c)Smaller than the main memory (d)Only ( 1) and (2)
4.Impact printers
(a)Touch the surface of the paper during printing process
(b)Don’t touch the surface of the paper during printing process
(c)Faster than non impact printers (d)All of the above
5.Static RAM
(a)Contents are required to be refreshed periodically
(b)Contents are not required to be refreshed periodically
(c)Is faster than DRAM (d)0nly (1) and (2)

Q2: Describe in detail the purpose and working of the main memory
Ans: A computer executes a program in its main memory, which is another very important
component of the stored program computer. A computer cannot work without having some kind
of main memory in it. Mostly the modern computer memory is built in the form of a chip of a
semi conductor material. It is built in the form of thousand or even millions of cells each capable
of storing a bit i.e: 0 and 1. These cells are logically organized into group 8 bits called a byte.

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Types of Main Memory:

There are two types of main memory, which are as follows:

Q3: Describe in detail the purpose and working of the following Secondary storage devices
a. Floppy disk
b. Hard Disk
Ans: (a) Purpose and Working of Floppy Disk: Floppy disks are mostly used for transferring data
between computer systems and for casual backup of data. They have low capacity, and are very
slow in speed as compared to the hard disks. Floppy disks come in size 3.5 inches, 5.25 inches in
diameter. These disks are not fixed inside the system unit. These disks are interchangeable.
These disks are less expensive than hard disks.

Usman Haider Cheema (0308-6908152)

The King’s Land School
(b) Purpose and Working of Hard Disk: The increasing complexity of the software requires
additional storage space. The user must switch floppies in and out as needed by the software
packages. To meet this growing need for large secondary storage, the hard disks are developed.
Hard disks or fixed disks, also called Winchester, are permanently installed or fixed within the
system unit. All fixed disks rigid are usually made of aluminum with a surface coating of easily
magnetized elements, such as iron, cobalt.

Q4: Describe in detail the purpose and working of the following backing storage devices
a. Compact Disks
b. Magnetic Tape
Ans: (a) Purpose and Working of Compact disks: One of the most prominent optical storage
systems is the Compact Disk (CD), which is compatible with those in the music industry except
that computer CD players spin the CD faster than the original CD’s used in the music industry to
obtain higher data transfer rates.
(b) Purpose and Working of Magnetic Tape: This is an old form of mass storage device that uses
magnetic tape. In a magnetic tape information is recorded on the magnetic coating of a plastic
tape. To access the data, this tape is mounted in a device called a tape drive that can read, write
and rewind the tape.

Q5:Explain, using a labeled diagram, the concepts of track and sector when describing
magnetic disk storage
Ans: Microcomputers magnetic disks use sector organization to store and retrieve data. In sector
organization, the recording surface is divided into pie-shaped sectors. The number of sectors
depends on the density of the disk. The surface of the diskette is logically divided into sectors.
Each sector is assigned a unique number.

Q6:Explain the purpose of the following and draw a diagram showing their relationship
a. Cache memory
b. Hard disk
c.Magnetic Tape
Ans: Cache Memory: Cache memory is a special type memory, used by the computer designers
to increase the performance of the computer. Like RAM, Cache memory is a high speed holding
area for program instructions and data.
Hard Disk: Hard disks or fixed disks, also called Winchester. They are permanently installed or
fixed within the system unit. All fixed disks rigid are usually made of aluminum with a surface
coating of easily magnetized elements, such as iron, cobalt. A fixed disk or hard disk is a high
speed, large capacity disk. Data are stored on all recording surfaces.

Usman Haider Cheema (0308-6908152)

The King’s Land School
Magnetic Tape: This is an old form of mass storage device that uses magnetic tape. In a magnetic
tape information is recorded on the magnetic coating of a plastic tape. To access the data, this
tape is mounted in a device called a tape drive that can read, write and rewind the tape.

Q7: Explain why secondary memory is needed in a computer system

Ans: This storage is limited in size and volatile. We need some storage device that is not
temporary in nature and that does not have the same restrictions of size as that of main
memory. Such a device is called Secondary device.

Q8:Explain the purpose of following

1. High level formatting
2. Low level formatting
3. RAM and ROM
Ans: High Level Formatting: The information about file storage is written onto the disk called
file-allocation table. This process also prepares the drive to hold data.
2. Low Level Formatting: A drive marks the tracks and sectors on the disk. Usually this is done by
the manufacturer of the disk. In this process the starting and ending points of each sector are
written onto the platter. This process prepares the drive to hold data.
1 RAM stands for Random Access ROM stands for Read Only
Memory. Memory.
2 It is a volatile memory. It is non volatile memory.
3 It is primary memory. It is permanent memory.

Q9: A 9th class student has a home computer system. What storage devices, the student will
use on the home computer system. Explain why these devices are needed
Ans: At home, a student will use one floppy disk drive, one hard disk and a compact disk drive.
Because hard disk is needed in every computer to run operating system and for storing of
programs and data, so it is compulsory.

Usman Haider Cheema (0308-6908152)

The King’s Land School

Q1: Encircle one choice A, B, C or D in each case.
1. The hexadecimal number 10(16) is equal to
(a)10(10) (b) 100(10)
(c)16(10) (d)All of above
2.The hexadecimal number 100(16)is equal to
(a) 0001 0000 0000(2) (b)256(10)
(c) 400(8) (d)All of above
3.2 s complement of 0101010(2) is
(a)1010110 (b)1010101
(c)0000011 (d) None of above
4.1 s complement of a negative binary number can be calculated by
(a)Reversing the bits in the number (b)Reversing the bits in number and adding one
(c)Can not be calculated (d)Both (a) and (b)
5.(011)4752105 is
(a)Numeric data (b) Alphanumeric data
(c)Alphabetic data (d) Both (b) and (c)

Q2: Explain the following

a. Binary number system
Ans: This system has base of 2. It requires only two numbers 0 and 1.
b.Octual number system
Ans: This system has base of 8. It requires only eight number 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7.
c. Decimal number system
Ans: This system has base of 10. It requires only 0 to 9.
d.Hexadecimal number system
Ans: This system has base of 16. It requires only 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F.
e. ASCII codes
Ans: ASCII is a 7 bit code used to handle alphanumeric data stands for American Standard Code
for Information Interchange.
f. BCD
Ans: Each decimal digit is represented by its four-bit binary equivalent.

Q3: Explain the following terms with examples

a. Data
b. Information
Ans: (a) Raw facts are called data. Data is the words, numbers and graphics that describe people,
events, things and ideas. Example: Class student result wise. 2+2=
(b) Processed data is called Information. The words, numbers and graphics used as the basis
for actions and decisions. Example: Class wise student result 2+2=4

Usman Haider Cheema (0308-6908152)

The King’s Land School
Q4: What are the main types of data used in different computer application? Explain the uses
of each of the data types and the operations performed on it
Ans: Types of Data: There are three types of data:
1. Numeric Data
2. Alphabetic Data
3. Alphanumeric Data
1. Numeric Data: Numeric data contains discrete numbers only for example 3, 56, 6, 7.
Types of Numeric Data: There are two types of numeric data.
(a) Integer Data: Integer data consists of positive or negative whole numbers including zero.
(b) Real Data: Real data contains numbers which may be fractions or including integer numbers.
2. Alphabetic Data: Alphabetic data includes all the letters of alphabets. Example: A to Z
3. Alphanumeric Data: Alphanumeric data includes all the numbers and letters including special
character such as #, &, %, etc.

Q5: Explain the 1,s complement method of representing signed numbers. How can you
perform subtraction using this method?
Ans: 1’s complement of a binary numbers can be obtained by replacing 0’s by 1’s and 1’s by 0’s.

Q6: Explain the 2,s complement method of representing signed numbers. How can you
perform subtraction using this method?
Ans: 2’s complement of a binary numbers can be obtained by adding 1 in the 1’s complement of
that binary number.

Q7: Convert the following decimal numbers into binary, octal and hexadecimal
Ans: 2 78
2 39-0 (78)10= (1001110)2
2 19-1
2 9-1
2 4-1
2 2-0
Ans: 2 97
2 48-1 (97)10= (1100001)2
2 24-0
2 12-0
2 6-0
2 3-0
2 1-1

Ans: 2 129
2 64-1
2 32-0 2 2-0 (129)10= (10000001)2
2 16-0 1-0
2 8-0
2 4-0

Usman Haider Cheema (0308-6908152)

The King’s Land School
Q8: Convert the following hexadecimal numbers into binary, octal and decimal
a. 7A(16)
Ans: 7 = 0111
A = 1010
(7A)16 = (01111010)2
Ans: 1 = 0001
C = 1100
2 = 0010
(1C2)16 = (000111000010)2
Ans: 8 = 1000
9 = 1001
(89)16 = (10001001)2

Q9: Convert the following octal numbers into binary, decimal and hexadecimal
a. 125(8)
Ans: 1×82+2×81+5×80 1=001
1×64+2×8+5×1 2 = 010
64+16+5 5 = 101
(85)10 (125)8 = (001010101)2
b. 57(8)
Ans: 5×81+7×80
c. 777(8)
Ans: 7×82+7×81+7×80 7= 111
7×64+7×8+7×1 7= 111
448+56+7 7 = 111
(511)10 (777)8 = (111111111)2

Q10: Convert the following binary numbers into octal, decimal and hexadecimal
a. 01110101(2)
Ans: 0×27+1×26+1×25+1×24+0×23+1×22+0×21+1×20
b. 10101001(2)
Ans: 1×27+0×26+1×25+0×24+1×23+0×22+0×21+1×20
c. 00110011(2)
Ans: 0×27+0×26+1×25+1×24+0×23+0×22+1×21+1×20 000=0
0+0+32+16+0+0+2+1 110=6
(51)10 011=3

Usman Haider Cheema (0308-6908152)

The King’s Land School
Q11: Represent the following numbers as 8-bit 1’s complement and 10-bit 2’s complement
a. 76
Ans: 2 76 (76)10= (01001100)2
2 38-0
2 19-0
2 9-1
2 4-1
2 2-0

So in 1’s Complement 76 = 101100112

So in 2’s Complement 76 = 1110110100
b. -98
Ans: 2 98 (98)10= (01100010)2
2 49-0
2 24-1
2 12-0
2 6-0
2 3-0

So in 1’s Complement 98 = 100111012

So in 2’s Complement 98 = 1110011110
c. -126
Ans: 2 126 (126)10= (01111110)2
2 63-0
2 31-1
2 15-1
2 7-1
2 3-1

So in 1’s Complement 126 =10000001 2

So in 2’s Complement 126 = 1110110100

Q12: Represent the following 8-bit 1s complement number into decimal

a. 00101011 = 11010100
Ans: 1×27+1×26+0×25+1×24+0×23+1×22+0×21+0×20
b. 10001001 = 01110110
Ans: 0×27+1×26+1×25+1×24+0×23+1×22+1×21+0×20
c. 11111111 = 00000000
Ans: 0×27+0×26+0×25+0×24+0×23+0×22+0×21+0×20

Usman Haider Cheema (0308-6908152)

The King’s Land School
Q13: Represent the following 8-bits 2’s complement number into decimal.
a. 0011110 = 11000011
Ans: 1×27+1×26+0×25+0×24+0×23+0×22+1×21+1×20
b. 11111111 = 00000001
Ans: 0×27+0×26+0×25+0×24+0×23+0×22+0×21+1×20
c. 10101010 = 01010110
Ans: 0×27+1×26+0×25+1×24+0×23+1×22+1×21+0×20

Q14: Perform the following subtraction using 8-bits 1’s complement method. Verify your
answer by converting it into decimal. All numbers are in decimal.
a. 57-126
Ans: 2 57 (57)10= (111001)2
2 28-1
2 14-0
2 7-0
2 3-1

2 126 (126)10= (01111110)2

2 63-0
2 31-1
2 15-1
2 7-1
2 3-1

1’s complement -126 = 10000001

Then Add 57+(-126)
+ 10000001
Convert 1’s complement result into decimal 10111010 = - 01000101

Q15: Perform the following subtraction using 8-bits 2’s complement method. Verify your
answer by converting it into decimal. All numbers are in decimal.
a. 127-126

Usman Haider Cheema (0308-6908152)

The King’s Land School
2 127 (127)10= (01111111)2
2 63-0
2 31-1
2 15-1
2 7-1
2 3-1

2 126 (126)10= (01111110)2

2 63-0
2 31-1
2 15-1
2 7-1
2 3-1

2’s complement -126 = 10000010

Then Add 57+(-126)
+ 10000010
Convert 1’s complement result into decimal 00000001

Q16: What are the smallest and largest numbers that could be represented in 8-bits?
Ans: The smallest 8-bit number is a negative number whose M.S.B is 1 while the largest 8-bit
number is a positive number whose M.S.B is 0.
Q17: What are the smallest and largest numbers that could be represented in 8-bit 1’s
Ans: Largest number is +12710, smallest number is -12710 using an 8-bit 1’s complement
representation method.
Q18: What are the smallest and largest numbers that could be represented in 8-bits 2’s
complement form?
Ans: Largest number is +12710, smallest number is -12810 using in 8-bit 2’s complement
representation method.

Q19: Represent the following numbers using fixed point representation. Use the following
format for the conversation. Also verify your results by converting your results back into
a. 25.5
Ans: 2 25 (25)10= (11001)2
2 12-1
2 6-0
2 3-0

Usman Haider Cheema (0308-6908152)

The King’s Land School
(0.5)10= (?)2
0.5 × 2 = 1.0
25.5 = 11001.1
25.5 = 0000011001.100000
And in fixed point format
25.5 = 0000011001100000
Integral Part = 0000011001
Fractional Part = 100000
0×2 +0×2 +0×27+0×26+0×25+1×24+1×23+0×22+0×21+1×20
9 8

0000011001100000 = 25.5

Q20: Represent the following numbers using fixed point representation. Use the format given
in the previous question for the conversion. Explain if there is any trouble.
a. 1025.5
Ans: 2 1025 (1025)10= (10000000001)2
2 512-1
2 256-0
2 128-0
2 64-0
2 32-0
2 16-0
2 8-0
2 4-0
2 2-0
b. 1233.9
Ans: 2 1233 (1233)10= (10011010001)2
2 616-1
2 308-0
2 154-0
2 77-0
2 38-1
2 19-0
2 9-0
2 4-1
2 2-0

Usman Haider Cheema (0308-6908152)

The King’s Land School
Q21: Represent the following messages using the ASCII codes given in the table of ASCII codes.
Also verify your coded message by converting it back into English.
a. He is a good student.
Character Code Character Code Character Code
h 72 g 103 t 116
e 101 o 111 u 117
32 o 111 d 100
i 105 d 100 e 101
s 115 32 n 110
32 s 115 t 116

b. 2 + 2 = 4
Character Code Character Code Character Code
2 50 2 50 4 52
+ 43 = 61

c. I like computer science

Character Code Character Code Character Code
i 73 o 111 s 83
32 m 109 c 99
l 108 p 112 i 105
i 105 u 117 e 101
k 107 t 116 n 110
e 101 e 101 c 99
32 r 114 e 101
c 67 32

d. Binary numbers are GREAT

Character Code Character Code Character Code
b 66 u 117 114
i 105 m 109 r 101
n 110 b 98 e 32
a 97 e 101 G 71
r 114 r 114 R 82
y 121 s 115 E 69
32 32 A 65
n 110 a 97 T 84

Usman Haider Cheema (0308-6908152)

The King’s Land School

Q1: Encircle one choice A, B, C or D in each case.
1. k-Map is used to
(a) Evaluate a Boolean expression (b) Simplify a Boolean expression
(c) Both a and b (d) None of these
2. Demorgan’s Law states that
(a)a(a+b)=a.b + a.c (b) a+( b + c ) = ( a + b ) + c
(c) a+b=a.b (d) None of these
3. A Boolean function with four variables will have
(a)8 maxterms (b) 16 maxterms
(c)24 maxterms (d) 32 maxterms
4. The idempotent law states that for two variables x and y
(a) x+x.y = x+y and x. (x+y) =x (b)x=x
(c)x.x=x and x+x =x (d)none of these
5. The absorption law states that for two variables x and y
(a) x.x =x and y.y =y (b) x.y = y.x
(c) x+x.y = x+y and (x.y)=x (d) none of these

Q3: State and prove the De Morgan’s law for the Boolean algebra.
Ans: If x and y are two Boolean variables then
(x + y)’ = x’. y’ and (x. y)’ = x’ + y’
L.H.S (x + y)’ L.H.S (x . y)’
x’ + y’ (By duality Principle) x’ . y’ (By Duality Principle)
x’ . y’ x’ + y’

Q4. If x and y are Boolean variables then prove the following identities
(a) x + y
x y x’ y’ x’ + y’
0 0 1 1 1
0 1 1 0 1
1 0 0 1 1
1 1 0 0 0
(b) x + x.y = x
x y x.y x + x.y
0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
1 0 0 1
1 1 1 1

Usman Haider Cheema (0308-6908152)

The King’s Land School
(c) x.(x+y) = x
x y x+y x.(x+y)
0 0 0 0
0 1 1 0
1 0 1 1
1 1 1 1
(d) x + 1 = 1
x x+1
0 1
1 1
(e) x.0 = 0
x x.0
0 0
1 0

Q5: Make truth table of the following functions

(a) f (x,y) = x.y + x.y
x y x’ x.y x’.y x.y + x’.y
0 0 1 0 0 0
0 1 1 0 1 1
1 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 1 0 1
(b) x.y + x.y
x y x’ y’ x.y’ x’.y x.y’ + x’.y
0 0 1 1 0 0 0
0 1 1 0 0 1 1
1 0 0 1 1 0 1
1 1 0 0 0 0 0

(a) 𝒙′.y + x’.z’ + x.y’ for x=0, y=1 and z=0
Ans: First Calculate complements
x’ = 1 , y’ = 0 and z’ = 1
𝑥′.y + x’.z’ + x.y’
1.1 + 1.1 + 0.0
1 + 1 + 0 = 1 Ans
(b) (x’+y) .x + (y’+z) for x=0, y=1 and z=1
Ans: First Calculate complements
x’ = 1 , y’ = 0 and z’ = 1
(x’+y) .x + (y’+z)
1.0 + 1 = 1 Ans

Q7: Prove the following results and apply the principle of duality to obtain the dual of these

Usman Haider Cheema (0308-6908152)

The King’s Land School
a) x + x’ = x
Ans: By applying duality principal on the above expression
x . x’ = x
b) x + 0 = x
Ans: By applying duality principal on the above expression
x.1 = x
c) x’ + x.y = x’+ y
Ans: By applying duality principal on the above expression
x’. x + y = x’. y
d) x’.(y+z) = (x’.y) + (x’.z)
Ans: By applying duality principal on the above expression
x’ + (y.z) = (x’+y) . (x’+z)

Q8: Simplify the following Boolean Algebra functions using K-maps.

a) f(x,y) = x + x’.y
Ans: x + x’.y
x(y +y’) + x’.y
x.y + x.y’ + x’.y
x.y + x.y’ + x.y +x’.y
x.(y +y’) + y (x.x’)
x(1) + y (1)

b) f(x,y,z) = x’.y.z + x.y’ + x’.y’.z

Ans: x’.y.z + x.y’(z+z’) + x’.y’.z
x’y.z + x.y’.z + x.y’.z’ + x’.y’.z
x’.y’.z’ + x’y’.z + x.y’.z + x.y.z
x’.y’(z’+z) + xz(y’+y)
x’y’(1) +xz(1)

c) f(x,y,z) = x.z + x’.z.y

Ans: x.z + x’.y.z
x.z (y+y’) + x’.y.z
x.z.y + x.z.y’ + x’.y.z
x.y.z + x.y’.z + x’.y.z
x’.y.z + x.y.z + x.y’.z + x.y.z
y.z (x’ + x) +x.z (y’+y)
y.z(1) + x.z(1)
yz + xz
y.z + x.z Ans

Usman Haider Cheema (0308-6908152)

The King’s Land School

Q1: Encircle one choice A, B, C or D in each case.

(a) Can copy subfolders as well (b) Is an external DOS command
(c) Both a and b (d) None of above
2. Windows
(a) Has a GUI (b) Is not an operating system
(c) Is a compiler (d) All of above
3. DOS
(a) Is an operating system (b) Is not an operating system
(c) Is a compiler (d) All of the above
4. Interpreter translate
(a) The assembly language program line by line (b) The source program line by line
(c) The source program as a whole (d) none of the above
5. Dir?lass.* Command
(a) Will list all files whose last four characters are less with any extension.
(b) Will list all files starting with any character and with any extension.
(c) Will list all files whose name starts with any character but last four characters are less.
6. Rmdir command
(a) Makes directory (b) Removes directory
(c) Copies file (d) none of the above
7. Prompt command
(a) Confirms deletion of file (b) Changes prompt
(c) Searches a directory (d) none of the above
8. Dir**
(a) List all files of extension .doc (b) List all files
(c) List all files of name sample (d) none of the above

Q1: Describe
(a) System Software.
Ans: System software is a collection of programs which are designed by the manufactures of
computers. System software is used to control, monitor or facilitate use of the computer. System
software helps the computer to carry out its basic tasks.

(b) Application Software

Ans: Application software is a collection of programs created to perform a specific task for a
user. Application software is used to solve particular user problems and help the user to carry
out a task.

Usman Haider Cheema (0308-6908152)

The King’s Land School
Q2: What is DOS? How is it different from Windows?
DOS Windows
DOS provides us command line interface. Windows provides us graphical user interface.
DOS operating system is difficult for the Windows operating system is easy for the
beginners. beginners.
DOS is a single user single task operating Windows is a multi-user, multitasking
system. operating system.

Q3: How many types of commands are available in DOS? Discuss briefly.
Ans: There are two types of DOS commands, which are as follows:
(a) Internal Command (b) External Command
(a) Internal DOS Command: DOS internal commands are stored in the file. These
are loaded automatically into the memory during booting process. These include the commonly
used commands. Some of the internal DOS commands are as: CLS, DIR, DEL, DATE etc.
(b) External Command: DOS external commands are those, which need special files for their
execution. Some of the external DOS commands are as: CHKDSK, DELTREE, FORMAT, XCOPY, etc.

Q4: What is language translator? Describe its type’s briefly.

Ans: A language translator is translation software that enables a computer to respond the user’s
instructions. Since computer can understand machine code only and to write a program in
machine language is very difficult, there are three types of language processors, which are as
1. Assemblers 2. Compilers 3. Interpreter
1. Assemblers: Assemblers is system software supplied by the manufacturer for automatically
translating assembly language into an equivalent binary machine language.
2. Compilers: A computer cannot understand directly a high level language, which is similar to
the English language. A compiler is complex system software that automatically translates a high
level language source program into machine language.
3. Interpreter: An interpreter is complex system software that automatically translates a high
level language source program into machine language. Interpreter converts the program into
machine language line by line before execution.

Q5: Define operating system. List important functions of operating system

Ans: An operating system is a set of programs running on a computer system, and provides an
environment in which other programs can be executed and the computer system can be used
Functions of an Operating System:
The operating systems are divided into the following main
 Batch Processing Operating Systems.
 Real-Time Operating Systems
 Multi-User Time Sharing Operating Systems
 Network Operating Systems

Q6: What is a directory, a volume label, and drive name?

Ans: Directory: A directory is a container. The data from drives are organized on the directories.
Directories can be filled with files. In Windows the directions are called folders.

Usman Haider Cheema (0308-6908152)

The King’s Land School
Volume Label: The volume label is the name of the disk. It is used to identify the disk. In DOS
volume label can be a maximum of 11 characters including spaces.
Drive Name: DOS divides the secondary storage of the computer into logical areas called drives
and each drive is recognized by a name followed by a colon (:).

Q7: How do you launch the command processor under Windows XP?
Ans: In order to launch command processor under Windows XP, follow the following steps:
 First click a at the start button shown on desktop of your computer.
 Then choose the programs Menu by using the mouse or the keyboard.
 From this menu choose the MS-DOS prompt option.
 After starting command processer, you will see the screen.
 To expand the DOS prompt to fill screen, press the ALT + Enter keys
 You can close the command processor by entering the E XIST command.

Q8: Describe the following terms:

(i) Path
Ans: The path specifies the location of a file within the directory tree. You can think of it as the
route DOS must follow, starting at the root directory, to get to files in another directory.
(ii) Parent Directory
Ans: It is upward directory of current directory.
(iii) Sub Directory
Ans: It is a child directory, which is created under the main directory or parent directory.

Q9: How do you

(i) List all text files in subdirectory b:\reports\
Ans: To list all text files in subdirectory b:\reports\, use the following command:
(ii) List all files with name accounts under directory a:
Ans: To list all files with name accounts under directory a:, use the following command:

Q10: Suppose you are working in directory C:\test directory. How would you perform the
(i) Create a new directory named user.
Ans: To create a new directory named user in directory C:\testdiectory, use the following
(ii) Change directory to C: by changing to parent directory twice.
Ans: To change directory to C: by changing to parent directory twice, use the following command
(iii) Delete file named sample 3.doc under the test directory
Ans: To delete file named sample 3.doc under the test directory, use the following command
C:\TEST\>DEL Sample3.doc
(iv) Remove the test directory after deleting files sample 2.txt and sample 3.doc
Ans: To remove the test directory after deleting files sample 2.txt and sample 3.doc, use the
following commands in a sequence.
C:\TestDirectory\>DEL Sample2.TXT
C:\TestDirectory\>DEL Sample3.doc

Usman Haider Cheema (0308-6908152)

The King’s Land School
Q11: Write DOS commands:
(i) To view current date.
Ans: Date command is used to view the current date:
(ii) Change date to new date 2018-09-26.
Ans: To change the date to new date 2018-09-26, use the following command at the command
(iii) Change date back to 2018-09-26 in one statement.
Ans: To change date back to 2018-09-26 in one statement, use the following command at the
command prompt

Q12: Take listing of

(a) All files under test directory when you under C:\
Ans: To view all files of test directory under C:\, use the following command at the command
(b) List all files of name sample under the test directory
Ans: To view all files of name sample under the test directory, use the following command at the
command prompt:
(c) Listing of all files of extension. doc under the test directory
Ans: To view all files of extension.doc under the test directory, use the following command at
the command prompt:

Q13: Write DOS commands to Erase

1. Sample.doc file under C:
Ans: To erase Sample.doc file under C: use the following command at the command prompt:
2. Sample4. doc file under test directory.
Ans: To erase Sample4.doc file under test directory, use the following command at the command
3. All files under test directory.
Ans: To erase all files under test directory, use the following command at the command prompt:

Q14: Make test2 directory under subdirectory test directory test directory when you are under
Ans: To make a test2 directory under test directory, use the following command at the command

Q15: Explain the following commands:

1. Format:
Ans: Format command is used to formats the disk in the specified drive to DOS files.

Usman Haider Cheema (0308-6908152)

The King’s Land School
Format Drive:
E.g. Format A:
2. Exit
Ans: EXIST command is used to close DOS command processor to send control back to the
Windows E.g. EXIST
3. Find
Ans: Find Commands helps you to locate file or files on different locations of the disk drive
4. Pause
Ans: Pause commands provide pauses with using of any command when output of command
makes screen rows full.
5. Print
Ans: Print command sends output of file to the printer

Q16: Change prompts to:

(a) Current time
Ans: To change the prompt to current time, use the following command at the command
(b) Version Number
Ans: To change the prompt to the version number uses the following command at the command
(c) Default Drive
Ans: To change the prompt to the default drive use the following command at the command
(d) > character
Ans: To change the prompt to > character, use the following command at the command prompt:
(e) < character
Ans: To the change the prompt to < character, use the following command at the command

Q17: Write down the procedure for writing autoexec.bat file.

Ans: It is a batch file often found on the boot disk. DOS accesses this files in the last stage of
booting of your system and executes each command it contains .To create a autoexec.bat file,
use the following command at the command prompt.

Q18: Explain Sort and Sys commands

Ans: Sort: This command sorts a text file input to into alphabetical order.
SYS Command This command is used to create a bootable drive and installs the main DOS files.
Syntax: SYS [drive] E.g: SYSA:

Q19: Explain Type, Volume and XCOPY commands.

Ans: Type Command: Type command is used to display the contents of a text file on the screen.
Volume: VOL command is used to see the volume label and serial number if it exists of the
current drive or any other specified drive.

Usman Haider Cheema (0308-6908152)

The King’s Land School
XCOPY Command: This command is used to copy files and directories, including
subdirectories. We know that the copy command cannot be used for copying the subdirectories.

Q20: Discuss in class room the salient points of MS-DOS.

Ans: DOS stands for Disk Operating System. It is a single user operating system and has been very
popular on microcomputers up to mid 1990s. DOS was designed by IBM (International Business
Machines). DOS resides on disk and controls the overall functioning of the computer. It performs
the following major tasks:
1. Control input and output devices.
2. Manage system resources.
3. Memory management.
4. Execute user programs.
5. Provide user interface.

Usman Haider Cheema (0308-6908152)

The King’s Land School

Q1: Encircle one choice A, B, C or D in each case.
1. the gateway of accessing most of the functionality available in the
computer loaded with windows.
(a) Taskbar (b) Folders
(c) Start Button (d) Mouse
2. Control panel allows you to customize which of the following feature.
(a) Appearances (b) Themes
(c) Printers (d) All of the above
3. Computer virus is simply a
(a) A Disease (b) Hardware component
(c) Type of bacteria (d) Set of computer instructions or computer code
4. Klez is a
(a) Game name (b) Hardware component
(c) Virus Name (d) Person name
5. Good Times was a
(a) Virus (b) Antivirus
(c) Fake news about the existence of virus (d) none of the above

Q4: Briefly explain the following:

(a) Drives (b) Folders (c) Directory
(d) Files Extension (e) Icon
Ans: (a) Drives: Drives are devises use to store data. Most computers have at last two drives
which are as following
(i) Hard Drive: It is the main means of storage. It is fixed inside the system unit.
It store data permanently. It has more storage capacity as compared to the floppy drives.
(ii) Floppy drives: A floppy drive stores smaller volumes of data . A floppy disk is not fixed inside
the system unit. It has less storage capacity as compared to the hard drives. It is slow in speed as
compared to the hard drives.
(b) & (c) Folder Or Directory: Folders are used to organize the data stored on your drives .Think
of your computer drives as filing cabinets. You can sort data on drives with folders that store
different fills. The fills that make up a program are stored together their own set of folders. You
can organize the fools you create in folders for better accessibility. Folders can be copied and
moved from one place to another on your hard disk.
(d) FILE EXTENTION: File extension is the ending letters which are placed after a DOT in the file
name e.g. dps.doc. In this file name ‘dps’ is the name of file and ‘doc’ is the file extension. This
Extension of the file associates it with an application that can be used to view and manipulate it.
In this way window knows which program to open for a particular file type.
(e) Icon: An icon is a graphic image. Icon help you create command quickly .Commands tell the
computer what you want the computer do. These may be shortcut to applications which are
installed on your computer.

Usman Haider Cheema (0308-6908152)

The King’s Land School
Q5: Name and explain three different features of Window?
Ans: With Windows operating system you have faster access to information, and you are able to
accomplish tasks more quickly and easily.
 Start Button:
There is another class of symbols called buttons. Generally the buttons look
the same from program to program. Buttons are areas of screen where on clicking cause
something to happen. Most buttons have a name while some buttons have icon or both name
and icon surrounded by a black border.
 Taskbar:
As the name suggests, the taskbar provides information and access to
applications that are being currently run by windows. Using this, one can keep track of programs
that have been activated and can switch between them.
 Shortcuts:
A shortcut is a link to any item accessible on your computer or on a network
such as a program, file, folder, disk drive, web page, printer, or another computer.

Q6: What is the start button and taskbar?

 Start Button:
There is another class of symbols called buttons. Generally the buttons look
the same from program to program. Buttons are areas of screen where on clicking cause
something to happen. Most buttons have a name while some buttons have icon or both name
and icon surrounded by a black border.
 Taskbar:
As the name suggests, the taskbar provides information and access to
applications that are being currently run by windows. Using this, one can keep track of programs
that have been activated and can switch between them.

Q7: Write the steps needed to start a program?

Ans: Steps to start a program are as:
 Click on the start button, and then point to all programs option.
 Select the program you want to run.
 Click on the program icon or menu.

Q8: What are the steps for shutting down and restarting Windows?
Ans: Steps for shutting down and restarting windows are as:
 Click on the start button at the bottom left corner of screen.
 Click on the shutdown button.
 Select an option from the pop-up menu.
 Click on OK button.
 The system will save necessary files to the disk and then take the requested actions.

Q9: What is Windows Explorer? How can we start Windows Explorer?

Ans: Windows explorer is a program which allows you to view all of your folders, and files in
those folders. It is divided into 2 panes. One the left side is the drives and folders. The right pane
shows the files.
Steps for starting windows explorer are as:
 Click on the start button at the bottom left corner of screen.

Usman Haider Cheema (0308-6908152)

The King’s Land School
 Click on programs.
 Select window explorer.
 In this way you can easily start the window explorer.

Q10: What is the use of the recycle bin?

Ans: All the deleted files from the hard disk go to the recycle bin. When you delete a file, folder,
or some other item, you click on it once and press delete key or drag it to recycle bin icon on the
desktop. The deleted files appear in the recycle bin folder.

Q11: What is control panel? Name three different options of control panels and tasks
performed them.
Ans: The control panel allows you to customize features such as “Appearances and themes” or
“Printers and other Hardware”. With the control panel, you can change the system defaults or
properties of your computer.
Option Functions
Display Used for changing background, screen saver, appearance
and settings.
Keyboard This option is used for configuring keyboard speed and
other attributes.
Mouse For setting mouse pointer and mouse speed.
Printers This option allows installation and removal of printers
from the computer.

Q12: Write a note on computer virus?

Ans: A computer virus is a program that installs itself on to a computer system without the
operator’s knowledge. It is designed to disrupt the normal running of the computer and may
corrupt or destroy data, including the system software. Viruses are transmitted from one
computer to any other by using an infected diskette, or by downloading information from
another contaminated computer. There are over 5000 viruses.

Q13: What are the benefits of using anti-virus program?

Ans: Special programs that can detect and remove viruses from the computer are called anti-
Virus programs .Anti-virus programs are used to scan a new disk for a range of well known
Viruses before it are used. There is no guarantee that virus detection programs will stop every
virus, as new viruses are always appearing. Anti-virus programs should be updated regularly to
minimize this problem. A large number of anti-virus programs are available for windows
Operating system. These programs contain a list of known viruses.

Usman Haider Cheema (0308-6908152)

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