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This chapter discusses the materials and equipment, experiment set-up, data gathering

procedure and data analysis and interpretation technique.

Materials and Equipment

Name Quantity Unit

Dried Malunggay Bark 500 grams

Chlorine 125 grams

Caustic Soda 100 grams

Table 1.Materials used in the Experiment

The equipment used in the experiment are shown in the table below.

Name Quantity Unit

Venus Dye 2 grams

Mold and Deckle 1 piece

Silk Screen Cloth 1 piece

Weighing Scale 1 piece

Mortar and Scale 1 piece

Table 2.Equipments used in the Experiment

Experimental Set-up

The study has only one set up. The barks of the Malunggay stem is removed. The outer

skin was scraped off and the bark was stripped off from the inner wood after that the barks were

placed under the heat of the sun to be dried. After the barks were dried they were boiled in

caustic soda and water for 2-3 hours. Then the barks were washed to remove the chemicals.They

were pounded then to produce wood pulp, the pulp that was produced in the process was

bleached using chlorine. After bleaching, it was washed again to remove chemicals. The wood

pulp was soaked in water for about 5-15 minutes to make it whiter after soaking it with water the

wood pulp was boiled in dye and water for about 15 minutes. After boiling the wood pulp it can

now be molded using the mold and deckle. In drying the pulp, place it on an even wall or screen

to dry. When the pulp is dried, strip off the paper from the wall.

Data Gathering

The researchers followed a step-by-step process in order to come up with accurate and

precise results from the experiment. First, the researchers gathered all materials and equipments

needed. After gathering the materials and equipments, the researchers did the experimental

procedure. Afterwards, the researchers then made their conclusions based on their observations.

The characteristics the researchers wish to apply on their malunggay paper are the following:

1.) it is durable;

2.) it helps lessen wastes;

3.) it is smooth and flexible;

4.) it can also be absorbent;

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