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Manresa School

Candida Ma. St. BF Homes Paranaque City



A Science Investigatory Research Presented to the

Science Department

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the

Junior High School

Gabrielle Althea E. Ranario

Sophia Franzine F. Deblois
Maria Ysabella L. Alcalde
Miguel E. Bertoso
March 2019


This Science investigatory research entitled “EFFECTIVENESS OF STARCH


prepared and submitted by Maria Ysabella L. Alcalde, Miguel E. Bertoso, Sophia Franzine

F. Deblois, and Gabrielle Althea E. Ranario, in partial fulfillment of the requirements in

Science 9, has been examined and is recommended for acceptance and approval for oral



Research Adviser

Approved by the Committee on oral examination on March 21, 2019.


Chairwoman Member


Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements in Science 9


JHS Science Coordinator


JHS Asst. Principal Principal

Recently, plastics had been causing severe damage to life due to its harmful nature. It

was frequently suggested that Bioplastics are an eco-friendly alternative to the situation.

As such, many bioplastic that are starch based are being created in the present day.

Water Chestnuts (Eleocharis Dulcis) are plants that grow in the marshes and are found

to be native in the Philippines. It contains starch that can be potentially turned into a

bioplastic. In this study, the potential of starch extracted from Water Chestnuts to form an

effective bioplastic was investigated. The study investigated if starch extracted from

Water Chestnuts can be transformed into a bioplastic that is capable of fast

decomposition and if it is capable of being an effective container. The starch was first

tested for its ability to decompose as a bioplastic. A bioplastic made from 3-g starch, 20-

ml water, 2.5-ml glycerol, and 2-ml vinegar was made in order to test its decomposition.

It was buried for 10 days and was found to have decomposed. Another batch was made

with the same ingredients was made in order to teste its effectivity as a container. It was

made with 45-ml water, 9-ml vinegar, 21-g Starch, and 6-ml glycerol. It was tested for its

ability to contain water and to survive a height fall and it passed both tests. The results

showed that the starch extracted from Water Chestnuts is capable of producing an

effective bioplastic. This is achieved through its ability for decomposition and its ability to

be an effective container through the prevention of fluid leaks and external force.


The researchers would like to acknowledge the help of our research adviser, Ms.

Jaiza Cia, in her editing and proof reading of this research. Her corrections are of help to

the advancement of this research. The researchers would also like to thank the various

parents of the researchers for their suggestions in the research. The researchers would

also like to thank the class of Grade 9 Fortitude SY 2018-2019 for their comments and

encouragement in this research. Lastly, the researchers would like to thank the Almighty

God who had blessed them in times when the study didn’t seem possible.

Table of Contents
Approval Sheet ii
Abstract iii
Acknowledgement iv
Table of Contents v
Introduction 1
Statement of the Problem 3
Objectives 3
Hypothesis 3
Significance of the Study 4
Scope and Delimitations 4
Definition of Terms 5
Review of Related Literature 7
Review of Related Studies 11
Research Design 16
Collecting Data 16
Conclusion 23
Recommendation 24
References 25
Appendices 34
A. Materials 34
B. Procedures 35
C. Results 37


I. Introduction

Plastic materials are widely used around the world and they are one of the major

cause of environmental problems in our planet. Plastic materials cause a significant

amount of damage to the world’s oceans. It is said that 8 Million tonnes of plastic ends up

in the world’s oceans every year (Johnston, 2017). Sperm Whales and other species also

end up as victims of plastic pollution (Stephanis, Gimenez, Carpinelli, and Canadas,

2013). Plastic wreaks havoc on the ecological structure of the world’s oceans, takes the

lives of many species, and contributes to the worsening impact of climate change or global

warming. Plastics are so durable that it could take hundreds of years before it

disintegrates. Other types of plastic can even last forever. Burning plastic releases

harmful chemicals such as carbon dioxide which can contribute to global warming. Today,

many alternatives to plastic have been considered. Among them is the use of

biodegradable plastic or bioplastic. Bioplastic, due to its eco-friendly structure and impact,

is an alternative that can be explored, in order to lessen the impact of harmful plastics.

The use of starch from plants and its products and parts, as component of biodegradable

plastics is an eco-friendly alternative.

Biodegradable plastics or Bioplastics are eco-friendly plastics made from an

organic source or biological substances. Today, 800,000 tons of bioplastic are produced

every year around the world. Bioplastics, made from biological substances, are capable

of decomposition when buried in the ground. To expand and propagate the use of

bioplastic, the researchers propose the use of water chestnut starch as a main component

of bioplastic. An important component of bioplastics are glucose substances. Glucose is

classified under carbohydrates. Hence, any starch substance must have a good amount

of carbohydrates in order to make Bioplastics. Water chestnut is common and planted

extensively in the Philippines, making it an attractive source. In this research, the

researchers will use the starch of the Water Chestnut to make the bioplastic and the

researchers will observe the effectivity of water chestnut as a plastic. Throughout the

study, the researchers will use the same process for different amounts of water chestnut

in extracting the starch and producing the bioplastic.

The study seeks to provide an eco-friendly bioplastic alternative to the harmful

everyday plastic. The use of regular plastic and its disposal leads to environmental

damage and ecological destruction. An alternative is the starch from water chestnut,

noted for its amount of carbohydrates (and its potential for glucose) and its availability in

the country. The study wants to prove that bioplastics made from Water Chestnut starch

can be an eco-friendly substitute to harmful regular plastic.

The research will benefit two groups of beneficiaries. The first group are the farmers

and the agriculturalists. Although Water Chestnut is planted in the Philippines, it is more

common in China than in the Philippines. It is not seen as an endemic Philippine plant

despite being indigenous in the country. If Water Chestnut starch can be used as a

component for bioplastic, the Water Chestnut industry will expand and agriculture will see

an increase in trade in Water Chestnut, most favorably for export. The second group of

beneficiary is the environment. Plastic contributes to the death of many animals and the

destruction of the environment, especially after its increased use in the 21 st century. By

proving that Water Chestnut can be used for Bioplastics, people can lessen the impact of

plastics and contribute to the expansion of the Bioplastic Market.

II. Statement of the Problem

In the study, the researchers seek to answer the possibility that Bioplastic can be

produced from starch made from Water Chestnut. The researchers also seek to establish

if the bioplastic from Water Chestnut starch is an eco-friendly alternative.

Specifically, the researchers seek to answer the following specific questions:

1. How long did it take for the produced material made primarily from Water Chestnut

Starch to decompose?

2. How much water will the Water Chestnut Bioplastic will be able to contain as a bio-

sauce plate and how high can it survive from a fall?

III. Objectives

The general objective of the study is to research and investigate if starch extracted

from Water Chestnuts can be transformed into an effective and successful bioplastic.

Another objective is to investigate if the production of Water Chestnut starch based

bioplastic is cost-effective, safe and green. These objectives will be the central focus of

the research.

This study’s specific objectives are the following:

1. Design the procedure such that the production of Water Chestnut Starch based

Bioplastic is cost-effective and the ensured decomposition of the end product.

2. Produce a bioplastic that will be as useful, strong, and reliable as plastics.

IV. Hypothesis

1. Water Chestnut Starch based Bioplastic cannot be constructed safely, effectively, and

has slow rate of decomposition.

2. The procedure of making Water Chestnut Starch is hard, expensive, and uncommon.
V. Significance of the Study

The study, in summary, will benefit the farmers of the Water Chestnut trade and

the environment. For the farmers and the agriculturalists, a novel use of Water Chestnut

can augment their income which would lead to a better economic condition for them and

as for the environment, this will reduce the use of plastics, expand the bioplastic industry,

and reduce the impact of climate change.

Specifically, this study would be beneficial to the following for the reason stated


Farmers and agriculturalists. A new use of Water Chestnut with its starch as a main

component of bioplastic can further expand the Water Chestnut trade and improve the

economic situation of the farmers and open a new field of interest in Water Chestnuts.

Environment. With Water Chestnut starch based bioplastic as an alternative for

harmful plastic, the harmful effects of plastic on the environment could be reduced.

Researchers. It will provide future researchers with more related literature such as

this to help them in future studies and analysis, especially those researchers who are

specifically researching and studying in the field of bioplastics and biodegradable objects,

especially starch based bioplastic.

VI. Scope and Delimitations

This research study is generally focused on the effectivity of Water Chestnut starch

as a bioplastic. Specifically, the study covers the effectivity of the said bioplastic, its status

as eco-friendly, cheap, and safe alternative to plastic, and the procedure of making Water

Chestnut starch based bioplastic and its decomposition.

The study shall not cover the creation of new methods of making bioplastic. We

shall be adapting existing methods in making bioplastics that have already been

established in order to make Water Chestnut Starch based bioplastic. The study will also

determine the biodegradability of the bioplastic to see if it can be an eco-friendly

alternative. The durability of the bioplastic will also be tested. The construction for the

Bioplastic will take 3 to 4 months. Lastly, the experiment will be held in the premises of

Manresa School or in the Science Laboratory and Libraries.

VII. Definition of Terms

The following terms are conceptually and operationally defined for better

understanding of the readers.

 Biodegradable Plastic/Bioplastic - Natural polymers that are made without

petrochemicals: for example, cellulose based, starch based and natural based

rubber materials. Some are completely biodegradable and require less energy to

produce than synthetic polymers (Bioplastics, n.d.). In this research, we will try to

create a starch based Bioplastic from Water Chestnut.

 Carbohydrate - it is any of a large group of organic compounds occurring in foods

and living tissues and including sugars, starch, and cellulose (English Oxford

Living Dictionary, n.d.). They contain hydrogen and oxygen in the same ratio as

water (2:1) and typically can be broken down to release energy in the animal body.

In the research, the amount of carbohydrates is vital, as glucose is classified as a


 Glucose - a simple sugar that is an important energy source in living organisms

and is a component of many carbohydrates (Archuleta, 2013). In this study, the

researchers identified glucose as an important component in the formation of


 Plastic - it is a synthetic material made from a wide range of organic polymers

such as polyethylene, PVC, nylon, etc., that can be molded into shape while soft

and then set into a rigid or slightly elastic form (English Oxford Living Dictionary,

n.d.). Due to its harmful properties, the researchers seek an alternative (which is

Starch based Bioplastic based from Water Chestnuts).

 Starch - it is an odorless tasteless white substance occurring widely in plant tissue

and obtained chiefly from cereals and potatoes (English Oxford Living Dictionary,

n.d.). It is a polysaccharide that functions as a carbohydrate store and is an

important constituent of the human diet. In the research, Bioplastic is based from

Starch made from Water Chestnut.

 Water Chestnut - a whitish crunchy vegetable used especially in Chinese cooking

that is the peeled and often sliced tuber of a sedge (Eleocharis dulcis synonym E.

tuberosa) native to Asia but widely cultivated elsewhere (Water Chestnut, n.d.). In

this research, Water Chestnuts will be used as the source of Starch in order to

make the Bioplastic.


Plastic causes unwanted damage to the environment every year when thrown as

waste. It affects the world’s oceans and the life that resides in it. It also affects the

atmosphere in the Earth when burned. This study seeks to lessen the effects of plastic

through the production of a certain bioplastic. In this study, the researchers aim to make

a bioplastic made from starch extracted from Water Chestnut. Here, the researchers also

aim to make an effective, and cheap means of production of bioplastic. This is in order to

benefit many sectors of society and to find alternative solutions in solving problems that

is related to plastic. It is also in the interest of the researchers to review the different

characteristics of the variables of the study. With this as the objective of the study, the

researchers will define the following terms in order to enhance the understanding of

concepts and further interest and knowledge in the study:

Water Chestnut

It is known by its scientific name as Eleocharis dulcis. Described as a knobby edible

tuber, the water plant is indigenous to Southeast Asia (Genius Kitchen, n.d.). Although it

is named as a Chestnut, the vegetable is actually planted in the marshes. It is harvested

when its bulb has grown into a brown skinned color. Water Chestnuts are available all

year-round. It is also planted extensively in China and throughout Southeast Asia

(Humanity Development Library 2.0, n.d.). The Water Chestnut contains carbohydrates

that has glucose that can be used to make a bioplastic (Raman, 2018). In this study, the

researchers will be extracting starch (a form of carbohydrates) from Water Chestnut.

Once made, the researchers will use the starch to make an effective and durable



Carvalho (2013) states that starch is a major carbohydrate that is stored in plants

and are consumed daily by humans. Starch is classified as a biopolymer, specifically a

polysaccharide. Examples of starch are potatoes, pasta, bread, and rice (Carvalho,

2013). It has also seen use in industries unrelated to food or human consumption. Among

the food and non-food related products that uses starch as a core ingredient are

medicines, packaging materials, candies, food thickener, jellies, and eco-friendly

substances such as biofuel and other biopolymers (Blecker and Thitisaksakul, 2014).

Along with its increased use in the 21st century, researchers has concentrated on starch

as a potential source for renewable energy and other ecological solutions (Arikan and

Ozsoy, 2015). This includes eco-friendly plastics or bioplastics. In this study, the

researchers identified starch as an important component in the development of Water

Chestnut Bioplastic. Here, the researchers will extract starch from Water Chestnut in

order to make the bioplastic.


Perkins (2018) defines glucose as a monosaccharide, sugars that cannot be

simplified further, that is in a form of a sugar molecule. It is the basic structure that forms

starch. The primary energy source found in plants and needed by humans and animals,

it is found in food with carbohydrates such as pasta or pastries. According to Gotro (2013),

glucose can be utilized to make chemicals that is the basis for bioplastic (chemicals such

as bio-ethylene and bio-polyethylene). In this study, the researchers identified glucose as

the basic molecule that forms starch. Starch, composed of carbohydrates that are

compose of glucose, will be extracted from Water Chestnuts in order to make an effective

bioplastic. Like other bioplastics based from starch, the glucose will be used to make the

basic building blocks of the bioplastic that is based from starch extracted from Water



According to Szalay (2017), carbohydrates are sugars and macronutrients found in

fruits and vegetables, milk, and grain products. The macronutrients are considered as the

main source of energy for the human body. It is found in plants and is consumed not just

by humans but also by milk producing animals. In order to create Bioplastic, it is

necessary to acquire carbohydrates like starch (Floreon, 2014). Examples of

carbohydrates are vegetables, fruits, and dairy products. In this research, starch (from

Water Chestnuts) will be used to create an effective and durable bioplastic.

Biodegradable Plastic/Bioplastic

It is an eco-friendly plastic that is wholly or partly based from an organic biomass

(Creative Mechanisms Staff, 2016). The eco-friendly plastic is known for its

decomposition when buried in the ground. Since it is made from organic matter, it

decomposes fast. Woodford (2018) stated that when simple chemicals are used in

creating plastic, it breaks down faster and easier. Hence, organic matter is used to create

bioplastic and this paves the way for faster decomposition. Its biodegradability makes it

an eco-friendly alternative to the usual plastic since it can decompose by itself in a faster

rate when thrown as waste or buried in the ground as this is credited to the use of matter

with simple chemicals like Organic matter. According to Cho (2018), Bioplastic is being

produced as consumer goods such as utensils, containers, bags, and food packaging. It

has seen use in many industries related to the mentioned products. Bioplastics can also

help in reducing the effects of climate change (Floreon, 2014). By using bioplastic, the

use of harmful plastics can be reduced. In the study, the researchers seek to create a

bioplastic based from starch made from Water Chestnut.

In this study, the researchers investigated on the potential of starch from Water

Chestnuts as a bioplastic. From the definitions mentioned from above, the study will be

making an efficient, durable, and cheap bioplastic from starch extracted from Water

Chestnuts. Water Chestnuts have components such as carbohydrates in the form of

starch and glucose that can be utilized to make a bioplastic. Most bioplastics are made

of starch. Because of this, the researchers realized that starch extracted from Water

Chestnuts can be used to make a bioplastic that is durable and effective. This can be

done by transforming the glucose of the starch into basic components essential for

bioplastics. Therefore, it is conclusive that starch from Water Chestnuts can be

transformed to make a bioplastic.


This study is focused on the potential of the usefulness of Water Chestnut as a

potential source of starch that can be used to make an effective and durable bioplastic.

As such, a study on “Biodegradable Plastic Production from Fruit Waste material and its

sustainable use for Green Applications” is relevant to the topic. It was done by Yaradoddi

et al. (2016). The study was focused on making a bioplastic by converting banana peel

waste into a polymer. The polymer, in turn, was used to make an effective bioplastic. In

the study, it was found that:

1. When buried in the ground and its weight measured daily over a span of 15 days,

the weight of the banana peel bioplastic exhibited a constant decrease. It was

inferred by the researchers that the decrease of weight pertains to the successful

decomposition of the banana peel bioplastic.

2. When the bioplastic is soaked in chloroform and methanol, it gained little weight.

This is only true when soaked with chloroform and methanol. However, when

soaked in water, its weight doubles. As stated in the study, the results are

desirable since a doubling of weight from water can lead to a faster decomposition

rate in the soil.

3. Many chemicals tested for solubility with the banana peel bioplastic were found to

be either completely insoluble or partially soluble. This is a desired result as the

integrity of the bioplastic is not entirely compromised when exposed to several or

different chemical elements.

Another study that is related to this research is “A study on Bioplastic based on

starch and cellulose nanocrystals from rice straw”. It was conducted by Agustin, Ahmmad,

Alonzo, and Patriana (2014). Their study focused on the use of starch from rice straw as

a potential source of production for bioplastic. The rice straws were retrieved from the

Philippines. Among their findings are:

1. Cellulose nanocrystals can be extracted from the rice straws and can be

employed to create bioplastic.

2. The starch extracted from the rice straws have strong points in terms of

crystallinity, chemical and morphological structure. However, it is weak in terms

of resistance to moisture and thermal stability.

3. The extracted material showed desirable stiffness, an important factor in the

durability of bioplastics.

A study entitled “Production of potato starch based bioplastic” was conducted by

Soomaree (2016) is of interest. Its main focus was the use of potato as a source of starch

for bioplastic. In the study, Soomaree concluded that:

1. Starch may be extracted using the following substances: water, alkali, and


2. Starch from 10 tons worth of potatoes is capable of producing 356 bioplastic


3. The Potato Bioplastic is resistant to prolonged elongation and strain.

4. The Bioplastic is capable of resisting a force of 1kg, making it a durable and

effective bioplastic.

Goswami (2014) conducted a study entitled “Bio-Plastic From Waste Newspaper”.

It investigates the potential use of waste newspaper as a bioplastic. Cellulose was

extracted from paper sludge and was then transformed into a bioplastic. The bioplastic

was then subjected to testing. In the results, it was found that:

1. The specific starch material that is produced is dextrose. It is then converted

into a lactic acid.

2. Heat can be applied to the lactic acid, which can cause it to form substances

that are essential to bioplastic production.

Another study that is closely related was conducted by Wahyuningtiyas and

Suryanto (2018). It is “A study on the Properties of Cassava Starch based Bioplastic

Reinforced by Nanoclay”. The study focuses on the properties of cassava, potato, and

corn starch for its use as an effective and durable bioplastic. The study found that:

1. Bioplastics produced from Cassava starch have a decomposition rate of 12 days.

2. Bioplastics produced from Corn starch have a decomposition rate of 7 days.

3. Bioplastics produced from Potato starch have a decomposition rate of 5 days.

4. Nanoclay is effective in reducing the decomposition rate by half. For example,

cassava starch bioplastic take 6 days when made from nanoclay.

Another study that is related to the research is entitled “Biodegradability of oil palm

cellulose-based bioplastics”. In the mentioned study that was conducted by Isroi,

Rahman, and Syamsu (2018), Oil palm bioplastics were analyzed for its element of

biodegradability and its effectiveness as a bioplastic. The bioplastic is cellulose based.

From the study, it was confirmed that:

1. Oil palm bioplastics are faster in their rate of decomposition than starch based

bioplastics and conventional or non-bioplastics.

2. Oil Palm based bioplastics release more carbon dioxide than starch bioplastics.

The release of carbon dioxide pertains to the biodegradability rate of bioplastics.

Hence, Oil Palm degrade faster than starch bioplastics.

In another study conducted by Isroi (2018), Tithonia diversifolia extract was used

as an important element to test the biodegradability of bioplastics. The study is entitled

“Effect of Tithonia diversifolia extract on the biodegradability of the bioplastics in

plantation soil”. The biodegradability test was conducted over 60 days. The bioplastic

was made from Cacao pod husk and starch but was enriched with the said extract. In

the study conducted by Isroi, it is stated that:

1. Bioplastics enriched with Tithonia diversifolia extract had a faster

biodegradability rate than bioplastics that had no extract.

2. The release of Carbon Dioxide was heavier for bioplastics with the extract than

bioplastics without the extract. A heavy release of Carbon Dioxide means a fast

biodegradability rate.

A study on the production of bioplastics through soybeans was entitled

“Investigation of Bioplastic Properties Developed from Acrylate Epoxidized Soybean Oil

Through Ring Opening Polymerization Process”. It was conducted by Yua, Gupta, Gupta,

and Bala (2017). This was made possible through a Ring Opening Polymerization

Process. It has been found that:

1. Bioplastics made from soybeans have weaker tensile strength.

2. Crystalline properties are visible and clear. This indicates durability and



I. Research Design

This experimental research is conducted in the study in order to focus on the

utilization of starch in Water Chestnuts to produce an effective and durable bioplastic. In

this study, the researchers will determine if the production is cost-effective. The

researchers will also determine if the produced product is durable and useful as a normal

plastic but also eco-friendly as a bioplastic.

The production of bioplastics made from starch extracted from Water Chestnuts

will be divided into two operations: combining the water chestnut starch, distilled water,

glycerol, and white vinegar to make a bioplastic and testing its decomposability, by

combining again the same ingredients and producing a sauce plate, and creating a small

bowl made from the same ingredients.

II. Collecting Data


For the first operation, the following materials will be used to produce two small

bioplastics: 20ml of distilled water, 2ml of white vinegar, 3g of extracted Water Chestnut

starch, and 2.5 ml of Glycerol. The researchers will also use a saucepan, a stove, syringe,

weighting scale, silicon spatula, and toothpicks as tools that will be used to manipulate

the elements in order to make a bioplastic. The said materials and ingredients are bought


After the bioplastic is produced, its decomposability will be checked after two days

of drying by using the following: one container of dry soil, one container of wet soil, and

digging materials.

In the second operation, the researchers will make two bioplastics that will be

shaped into a sauce plate that can contain water and survive falls. Materials and

ingredients that will be used are 45ml of distilled water, 9ml of white vinegar, 21g of

extracted Water Chestnut Starch, and 6 ml of glycerol.

Schematic Diagrams

First Operation

Mixing and Drying and Observation

Heating Decomposing

• Certain • After mixing • After 10 days

amounts of and heating, of
water chestnut the bioplastic, decomposition,
starch, it will be left to it will be
glycerol, water, dry for 2 days. checked for its
and vinegar After the decomposition
will be mixed mentioned and
at low heat. period, it will disintegration
be into the soil.
for 10 days.

Second Operation

Mixing and Heating Drying and Observation


• Certain • After mixing and • After two days,

amounts of heating the the integrity of
water chestnut bioplastic, it will the bioplastic
starch, glycerol, be left to dry for will be tested
water, and 2 days but not with a fall test
vinegar will be before and its ability to
mixed at low separating the contain water
heat. bioplastic into effectively.
two sauce
plates, one
small, one large.


In the first operation, two bioplastics will be made. 20ml of distilled water, 2ml of

white vinegar, 3g of extracted Water Chestnut starch, and 2.5 ml of Glycerol will be mixed

in the saucepan. The water will be added first via syringe followed by the vinegar, glycerol,

and lastly the starch. After mixing the four components, the saucepan will be placed into

the stove and is subjected into low heat for 5 minutes and continuous stirring. After 5

minutes, the mixture must have a somewhat viscous and thicker form. It is then extracted

from the saucepan and flattened on top of a plastic container through the use of a

toothpick. After being left to dry for two days, the bioplastics will be tested for its

decomposability in different conditions. One bioplastic will be buried in dry soil, the other

will be buried in wet. After burial, the bioplastic will be checked for how long it

decomposed. It will be also checked for other signs of decomposition like the presence

of fungi.

For the second operation, one bioplastic will be made. 45ml of distilled water, 9ml

of white vinegar, 21g of extracted Water Chestnut Starch, and 6 ml of glycerol will be

mixed. After creation, the bioplastic will be divided into two small sauce plates: one big

and one small. If the ratio were to be compared to the first operation, Starch, water, and

vinegar were increased to make way for a more solid form while glycerol is reduced to

lessen the flexibility in order to make an effective container. Like the first operation, it will

be placed in a saucepan on a stove and it will be subjected to low heat. After 5 minutes,

the researchers will start molding the bioplastic into two sauce plates, one large and one

big. For this to be achieved, it will be sandwiched between two sauce plates for its curved

shape to be achieved. It will then be left to dry for 2 days. After 2 days, it will be subjected

to a fall test and it will be tested to what extent can it contain water. This is done in order

to test the integrity of the bioplastic.


As stated in the methodology of the research, the experiment will be divided into

two operations. The first operation will test the biodegradability of the bioplastic while the

second operation will test if the same type of bioplastic can be molded into a form that

can contain water and survive falling impact. The bioplastics are all made from Water

Chestnut Starch. Here, the researchers will be discussing the results of the two


In the first operation, 2 thin sheets of Water Chestnut bioplastics were produced.

The two bioplastics were then placed in the soil, one dry and one wet. After 10 days, the

bioplastics were checked for decomposition and the table below shows the results:

Research Question 1: How long did it take for the produced material made primarily

from Water Chestnut Starch to decompose?

Table 1: Decomposition of Bioplastic

Bioplastics First Day Day of Full Appearance of

Decomposition Fungi

Bioplastic in Dry Soil Whole 14th day of 9th Day of

Decomposition Decomposition

Bioplastic in Wet Soil Whole 10th Day of 4th Day of

Decomposition Decomposition

Based from the data that is available, the bioplastic has successfully decomposed.

The bioplastic in the dry soil has mostly decomposed or broke apart while the other

bioplastic decomposed faster due to the presence of water.

In the second operation, two sauce plates made from Water Chestnut Starch were

produced. One Sauce Plate is large, the other is small. After it was left to dry for 2 days

after its creation, the researchers tested how much water it can contain and how high can

it survive in a height fall. The table shows the following results:

Research Question 2: How much water will the Water Chestnut Bioplastic will be

able to contain as a bio-sauce plate and how high can it survive from a fall?

Table 2: Integrity of Bioplastic

Bioplastic Amount of Water it was Height Fall it was able to

able to contain. survive.

Small Bio-Sauce Plate 4ml 100cm

Large Bio-Sauce Plate 8ml 100cm

From the table presented above, the small bio-sauce plates was able to contain

4ml of water and the large bio-sauce plate was able to contain 8ml of water. Both were

able survive a 100cm fall. The ability of the produced bioplastic to contain water shows

that larger forms of the bioplastic like bowls and plate might be able to contain water,

food, and other liquids and solids for consumption. It also shows that there were no leaks

of water from either the two sauce plates, making it an effective holder of liquid. As for

the 100cm height fall, both sauce plates were able to withstand the fall. This shows the

strong structure and integrity the sauce plate contains with the material used to form the

said subject. Due to the two sub-experiments in the second operation, the bio-sauce plate

has been proven to be an effective container and larger forms can be made with the same

ratio of ingredients.

According to Saharan and Sharma (2018), bioplastics should be capable of

decomposition. The first operation proves this. Roymahapatra and Katua (2016) also

states that in applying the use of bioplastics in households, it is important for a bioplastic

to be able to survive basic tests like the leaking of water and a height fall from a table. As

such, the subjected bioplastic was able to survive the mentioned tests and through its

survival, it was able to prove that the bioplastic can maintain its integrity and structure

and prevent the leakage of water, making it an effective container.


At this stage in the research, the researchers will further discuss the results and from

this discussion, recommendations will be made on the improvement of the bioplastic and

for future researchers to study and discuss on.


In the discussion of this research, it has been proven that the bioplastic that is

produced from Water Chestnut Starch is biodegradable and strong and effective in terms

of integrity and structure. By analyzing the two operations conducted in the research and

the corresponding data obtained from the experiments of the research, it has been found


1. The problem of the research has been satisfied through the formation of a low cost

and safe procedure that can produce a bioplastic capable of decomposition using

extracted starch from Water Chestnuts and other materials. This was shown in the

first operation.

2. The problem of the research is also satisfied with the effectiveness of the produced

bioplastic as a liquid container and its capability to survive a fall from a height

similar to a table. This was shown in the data and analysis of the second operation.

In conclusion, bioplastics made from starch extracted from Water Chestnuts can be

a durable and effective alternative to the use of plastics. It can also done with low cost

production. According to Goodall (2011), these characteristics meets the expected status

of bioplastics in its state of eco-friendliness and effectiveness. As such, the researchers

considers the bioplastics successful.


In this study, the researchers notice some problems that can be fixed in future


1. One problem is the softness of the bioplastic. Although it was able to survive a

fall the height of a table and was able to prevent any fluid leaks, it is thought that it can

be destroyed in more severe conditions like a fall from a taller height and damage

obtained from other materials. As such, we recommend the inclusion of materials or

substances that will further enhance the strength of the bioplastic.

2. The researchers also recommend lessening the amount of water in future

experiments. The reason why water should be lessened is that when the bioplastics are

left to dry, small cracks begin to appear. This is the result of the evaporation of water.

Although the bio-sauce plates were able to prevent any leaks, the cracks are still a sign

of needed improvement in the bioplastic formula in future studies.

3. The researchers also suggest making bigger forms of the bioplastic like bowls and

plates in order to see further the effectivity of the bioplastic in future researches.

4. The researchers also propose the use of compression test in future studies in

testing the effectivity of the Water Chestnut bioplastic.


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LEFT TO RIGHT: Extracted Water Chestnut Starch, White Vinegar, Distilled Water,

Glycerol. Digital Weighting Scale, and Syringes.

LEFT TO RIGHT: Plastic top, container used for starch measure, silicon spatula, spoon,

and saucepan on top of a stove.

LEFT TO RIGHT: Measuring Stick used for 100 cm height fall, the sauce plate that will

be used to shape the bioplastic in the second operation.



LEFT TO RIGHT: The mixture before being heated, 3 minutes in heating, and the result.

LEFT TO RIGHT: The bioplastic 2 days after drying, the soil that will be used to bury the

LEFT TO RIGHT: The ingredients of the bioplastic of the second operation being mixed,
the bioplastic being mixed. The bioplastic after 5 minutes of mixing. Notice that the
bioplastic has a bigger form than the first operation bioplastics. The measure of the
ingredients were increased in order to make more bioplastic suitable for two sauce plates,
one large and one small.

LEFT TO RIGHT: Molding the Bioplastic, the bioplastics after creation.


LEFT TO RIGHT: The bioplastic in dry soil after 10 days, the bioplastic in wet soil in the
same period as the dry soil bioplastic.

LEFT TO RIGHT: The bio-sauce plate was able to contain water, there are no leaks in
either of the two bio-sauce plates as shown in the right picture.

ABOVE: The two bio-sauce plates still intact after the height test.


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