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Connected but alone and Flight from conversation

A reaction paper

“People are connected through technology but seem alone because of too much
involvement into it”. In Sherry Turkle’s “connected but alone” she spoke about how
technology has impacted our lives with communication, which is true we are
dependent on technology, we use it all the times. When we left our phones at home we
would freak out and go back just to get it. Our communication with other people has
been different ever since technology has evolved.

Technology has always been our scape for boredom when we are lonely. However,
we don’t see that technology is the reason why we are lonely, because we prefer texting
or chatting online rather than communicating with one another. Turkle points out
that if we don’t have the capacity to be alone, we are going to be lonelier.

I believed that technology has ruined our ways of communicating with others.
When a group of people goes out, you would see that they are using their phones a lot
of times instead of being presently with one another. According to Beck,2016, it is now
normal to see a group of people using their phones rather than taking to each other.

People who text more are most likely to be socially awkward. Texting or
messaging is only surface level communication. People who text or message most likely
do not produce any meaningful conversations (Villines, 2014). I agree because
whenever I want a serious talk about an important matter I prefer real-life
conversations rather that texting it to them because when it’s in real life I can express
my emotion just like I want it to be aside from that I will know if the person I am
talking about is listening or not.

We are always distracted from our life; we could never be fully present in our
life; technology is one of the distractions in our life. To fully be able to handle being
alone, we need to be fully be part of our experience and in the real world( Arndt,
2018). “We’re lonely but we’re afraid of intimacy” this is a quote from the video. I
agree to it because we are afraid of being too close with people , maybe of some bad
experience from the past and such.

It is clear to say that technology has fully impacted our lives, it seem that we
cant live now without using it or without being incline to it even in a day. Sherry
Turkle’s TEDtalk was a great talk. She fully explained and made great points on how
technology has affected our ways of communicating. Even though technology is really
useful we should not always be depend into it. We should remember that Human
should control technology and don’t let technology control us.

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