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Soil Fertilization - for nutrient build-up & maintenance

Plant Fertilizations: Sufficiency of Nutrients

Economic Consideration: Balance between Yield/Production Cost & Nutrient


Relation Between Yield and Soil Test Value

Bray- used the Mitscherlick -Baule Equation on yield increments due to soil test
value. Specifically of exchangeable K with absolute yields.

Treatments: Residue-Lime-Phosphate (w/o K) (RLPK0)

Residue-lime-Phosphate (w/ K) (RLPK1)

Soils used varies (wide range of K)

Relative Yield (w/o K) = RLPKo x 100


Applying the equation:

log (A - y) = log A - c1b1

A = highest possible yield (RLPK1)

y = yield obtained at a given soil test value
c1 = efficiency of soil test value
b1 = soil test value of surface layer

Using Absolute Yield

log (RLPK1 - RLPKo) = Log RLPK 1 - c1b1)

RLPKo = 39.9 bushels/Acre
RLPK1 = 60.2 bushels/Acre
Exchangeable K = 76 pounds/Acre

Log (60.2-39.9) = Log 60.2 - c1 (76)

Log 20.3 = Log 60.2 - c1 (76)
1.307 = 1.779 - c(76)
c = 1.779 - 1.307
c = 0.0062
The prediction equation:

Log (100-y) = log 100 - 0.0062b

From this , K fertility/productivity rating or sufficiency level of different areas can

be calculated.


STV, K = 90ppm/Acre; What is the K fertility

Log A - y = log A - c1b1
Log (100 - y) = log 100 - .0062 (90)
Log 100 - y = 100 - 0.5580
y = 100 - antilog 2 - 0.550
y = 100 - antilog 1.4420
= 100 - 27.1
A soil test value of 90ppm/acre will produce 72.9% of the yield

Example: Tomato

Yield Ko = 3000kg/ha, 3t/ha

Yield K1 = 25,000 kg/ha, 25t/ha
Exch K = 200 kg/ha

Log (25,000 - 300) = log 25, 000 - c1 (200)

Log 22,000 = log 25000 - c (200)
c (200) = log 25000

c = ----------

The efficiency factor (c1) varies with nutrient, crops, and possibly soil type,
To get c1 value, the percent yield in all sites were taken and c 1 for each site,
then determined the average:

Example: Site 1 c1 = 0.052

2 c1 = 0.049
3 c1 = 0.064 Ave c1 = 0.350/6
4 c1 = 0.055 = 0.0583 for 6 sites
5 c1 = 0.060
6 c1 = 0.070
Eqn: Log A - y = log A - 0.0583 (b)


Baule Unit Percent Yield STV (Calculated ) (Kppm)

1 50 5.75
2 75 ?
3 88 ?
4 94 ?
5 97 ?
6 98.44 ?

Log (A - y) = log A - 0.0583 (b)

Log (100 - 50) = 2 - 0. 0583b
Log 50 = 2 - 0.0583
b = 2 - 1.69897 = 5.75 ppm


1. Crop yields obey the percentage sufficiency concept of Mitcherlich- Baule for
elements that are adsorbed such as P, K., Ca - Mg and which are relatively
immobile in the soil. To increase absorption plant should develop rooting system

2. For mobile elements (NO3- - N, SO4=, Cl-, borates) the law of the minimum is
being followed in terms of yield response due to:

1. minimal or no fixation
2. what is applied is generally available in the soil
3. the yield may increase or decrease as the amount of mobile nutrient is
increase or decrease
4. no reserves in the soil solution

For mobile nutrients, the amount of nutrient required by the soil (amount that
should be present in the soil for plant use) should be equal to plant uptake.

* Fertilizer Requirement = uptake - soil supply (STV) (exclusive of other leaching

losses or volatilization)

 40% - efficiency of NH4 - N (to account for volatilization)

For Immobile Elements:

SNR (Soil Nutrient Rqt.) = Uptake + Fixation

FR(Fertilizer Requirement) = SNR - soil supply exclusive of other losses

Definition :

As the mobility of a nutrient in the soil decreases, the amount of that nutrient
needed in the soil (SNR) to produce maximum possible yield increases from a
variable net value determined principally by the magnitude of the yield and the
optimum percentage composition of the crop to an amount whose value tends to
be constant.

Constancy is satisfied through adsorption isotherm studies; amount of nutrient

fixed by the soil

Significance of the concept:

There is an optimum level of that nutrient that must be maintained in the soil
to satisfy the production of maximum possible yield. Build-up and maintenance is

In rice, c1 = 0.158; 1 baule unit 1.9 ppm P

corn, c1 = 0.0523; 1 baule unit 5.75 ppm P


Bray modified the equation to include efficiency factor of fertilizer.

Log (A - y) = log A - c1 b1 - cx

A = Maximum Possible yield

y = Relative yield (%)
x = Amount of fertilizer
c = Efficiency factor of soil test value (STV)
b1 = STV

For corn the final equation:

Log (A - y) = log A - 0.0523 b1 - 0.0338

From the eqn.

The amt. of fertilizer P needed to supplement the various baule units of P test
values or other soil optimal test values can be calculated in order to increase the
yield to a desired level.


Baule Unit PSTV Rel.Yield P fertilizers

(%) P2 O5 /1600 m2 req. to inc the yield to 94%, 97%

1 5.8 50
2 11.6 75
3 17.4 87.5
4 23.2 94
5 29 97


1. Log (A - Y) = log A - c1 b1 used to determine the fertility rating of a given STV

calculating c1

2. Log (A - Y) = log A - c1 b1 - cx

Used to determine the effect of fertilizer (x) applied to support STV (b) after
computing c to increase the yield (Y)

The c1 and c values of Bray can be used to compute P 2O5 required for each
PSTV at a desired % yield, say 94 & 97%

Log A - Y = log A - c1 b - cx
Log 100 - 94 = log 100 - 0.0523 (5.8) - 0.0338 (x)
x = log 100 - 0.0523 (5.8) - log 6
x = 2 - 0523 (5.8) - 0.7782
x = 0.91846
= 27.17 kg P2O5

1. Used to determine the relative importance of the nutrient to a crop production in

an area.

2. Important in determining which nutrients are important immediately or needed

in the future


1. Missing element technique: one element at a time is removed or not applied

Ex. Control (no fertilizer


The element that results to largest decrease in yield once omitted is the most


1. Apply only the element where response to such element is significant

2. In long term, other elements can become important
3. Experiment must be conducted after determining the most crucial element
Example: Relative Yield of White Potato on a volcanic soil

Treatment After bringing the land to cultivation 20 years after

NPK 100 100

O Fertilizer 14 24
NK 15 67
PK 63 57
NP 85 25

Immediate effect:
Response to N: NPK - PK
100 - 63 = 37%
P : NPK - NK
100 - 15 = 85% *most critical
100 - 85 = 15%
NPK: 100 - 14 = 86%
NP: 85 - 14 = 71%
PK: 63 - 14 = 49 %
NK: 15 -14 = 1%

20 yrs later

Response to N: 100 - 57 = 43%

P: 100 -67 = 33%
K: 100 - 25 = 75% *most crucial
NPK: 100 -24 = 76%
NP: 25 - 24 = 1%
PK : 57 - 24 = 33%
NK: 67 - 24 = 43%


1. If 3 nutrients are moderate to slightly deficient the addition of anyone of them

can increase yield

2. If 3 nutrients are extremely deficient, the application of any two of them will not
have effect because the one which is extremely deficient will limit the yield
3. Interaction (positive) may occur (not taken cared of in the law of minimum)

- addition of 2 nutrients at the same time produces a yield that is greater than the
sum of the individual yields obtained from individual application

A & B = AB no interaction
A & B > AB antagonistic
A & B < AB synergism or positive interaction

Example: Yields of Pechay at different rates of N & K (t/ha)

No K o = 20 Response to N = 21 - 20 = 1 t/ha
N 1 K o = 21 K = 26.5 - 20 = 6.5 t/ha
N o K 1 = 26.5 NK = 30.90 - 20 = 10.9 t/ha
N 1K 1 = 30.90
Interaction effect: (10.9 – ( 1 + 6.5)) = 10.9 - 7.5 = 3.4 t/ha

Example : Marketable yield (t/ha) of Pechay at different rates of N & K w/ and w/o

No K o N1 Ko NoK1 N 1K 1

No compost 2.0 10.85 7.65 12.36

w/compost 8.0 15.65 12.55 15.95

2. Interaction of Compost & K at adequate N

Response to compost: No K o w/ compost - No Ko w/o C

= 8 - 2 = 6t/ha

K: N 1K 1 - N 1K o = 12.36 - 10.85
= 1.51 t/ha
Compost + K = 15.95 - 10.85 = 5.10 t/ha

Interaction effect: (5. 10 - (6 + 1.51)) = 5.10 - 7.51

= -2.49 t/ha
negative interaction or antagonistic effect
Soil Nutrient Availability

It is the relative ability of the soil to supply an effective quantity of nutrients

to plants. Indicated in amount of nutrients in the soil that can be absorbed by the

Index of Soil Nutrient Availability

1. Biological indeces - Mitscherlich Bray Equation

2. Chemical Indeces

1) Capacity factor or quantity factor - quantity of nutrients in soil surfaces

that could go into soil solution. Exchangeable amount approximate the capacity
factor. Long term consideration particularly to the next crop.

2) Intensity factor- measure the concentration of nutrient in the soil.

Important in daily plant requirement.

Expressions of Intensity Factor:

a) Activity ratio = aK

aCa + aMg

b) Phosphate potential 1/2 pCa + pH2PO4

p = log
c) lime potential. = pH - 1/2p (Ca + Mg)
d) others: ppm or mg/li or mg/kg

3) Rate of Renewal:

Rate of transfer of nutrient from solid surfaces to the soil solution. Important
in long term production to maintain satisfactory level of nutrient
Relationship of Intensity with Quantity Components and Nutrient Sources

Intensity factor Nutrient in Solution

Rapid, fast

Exch. Sites Capacity Labile Pool

Main Component

Nutrient Released
from Slowly
Available form

Nutrient Released ----- possible

from Weathered routes/process
Minerals & OM


* Affected by:

a) soil depth
b) moisture
c) pH
d) structure
e) aeration
f) texture
g) porosity
h) bulk density

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