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8/12/2019 Booting up Kali Linux GUI in AWS

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1. Search “aws console login” in Google and click on the highlighted URL

2. Click on “Sign in to the Console” at highlighted top right corner

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3. Login with your credentials

4. Submit MFA if you have enabled Multi Factor Authentication for additional security

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5. Click on EC2 under Compute

6. Click on “Lunch Instance”

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7. Search for “kali linux” in search box

8. Click on “results” in Community AMIs

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9. Select any kali linux AMI (Amazon Machine Image)

10. Choose an Instance Type (Family: General purpose, Type: t2.micro) & click Next

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11. Leave “Configure Instance Details” page as it is & click Next

12. Leave “Add Storage” page as it is & click Next

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13. Leave “Add Tags” page as it is & click Next

14. Add at least “SSH, All ICMP – IPv4 & HTTP” rules and select “Anywhere” from dropdown item in
“Source” field. Click on “Review and Launch”

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15. Review your instance details and click Launch

16. Select “Create a new key pair” from dropdown and name it. Click “Download Key Pair”

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17. Key Pair with “.pem” file extension will be downloaded and click “Launch Instances”

18. Click on “View Instances”

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19. Verify “Instance ID” & “Instance State”

20. Copy “IPv4 Public IP” value & try to ping in command prompt to satisfy added “ICMP - IPv4” rule

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21. Open “PuTTY Key Generator” software & load Key Pair with “.pem” file extension

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22. Click “Save private key” & click Yes. Private key with “.ppk” file extension will be saved

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23. Open “PuTTY Configuration” software and specify kali machine IP address

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24. Click “Auth” under “SSH” in left pane & load Private key with “.ppk” file extension for
authentication. Click Open

25. Click Yes

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26. Login as “ec2-user” and you will successfully be logged-in to kali linux machine satisfying added
“SSH” rule

27. Elevate your privilege & login as root by “sudo su –“ command

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28. Start apache service by “service apache2 start” command check the status by “service apache2
status” command

29. Go to “/var/www/html/” directory by “cd /var/www/html/” command & list the files by “ls -l”

30. Copy “Public DNS (IPv4)” value & try to hit it in web browser to satisfy added “HTML” rule

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31. Apache HTTP Server is working properly

32. Update kali linux machine by “sudo apt-get update” command

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33. Install VNC server in to kali by using “sudo apt-get install xfce4 xfce4-goodies tightvncserver”
command & type “Y” when it prompts to continue

34. Install GUI in kali linux machine by “apt-get install gnome-core kali-defaults kali-root-login
desktop-base” command & type “Y” when it prompts to continue.

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35. Leave as it is when it prompts for “Default display manager”

36. Start VNC server in kali machine using “vncserver” command & submit a password when it
prompts, which will be used when VNC client authenticate to server

37. Type “n” when it prompts for view-only password & VNC server is started @port : 5901

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38. Cross check whether VNC server has been started @port : 5901 by “netstat -anop | grep 590”

39. Save the current kali linux session by right click on putty session & then clicking “Change

40. Type “kali linux” & click on “save” button. Hit Apply

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41. To do local port forwarding with SSH & get secure VNC, open putty, select “kali linux” and load it
(Do not open the SSH session)

42. Automatically IP address as well as Private key file for authentication will be loaded in Putty

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43. Click on Connection->SSH->Tunnels. Under Source port, type a port that you want to use on
your local window computer. Under Destination, type “localhost:5901” (change 5901
accordingly to your VNC server port)

44. Save the session and open up this session

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45. Open TightVNC client (to be installed first in client machine). Type “localhost:4444” & click

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46. Provide Password which we have created at step 36

47. Kali Linux GUI is ready to use

Satyajit Dash Accenture Security

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