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16/10/2019 Personality Test - Genius Style Assessment

You Are An INFP.

Let's align your personality to empower you in love, career and

INFPs remind humanity that the most personal experiences also happen to be the most universal

As an INFP, your mind is fundamentally wired di erently from other personality types. 1/19
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INFPs have a deep connection with human values and the complexities of the human spirit. They are extremely well attuned to mankind’s progression and often form the
moral backbone of social movements. 

They are individualists, both in action and in belief. A core principle is their insistence that everyone be allowed to “be truly themselves…”

But being an INFP can be challenging. Here's why...

"The Unacknowledged Struggles of the INFP Personality Type"

Do any of these challenges resonate with you?

You feel out of control in your outer surroundings, and instead of addressing it, you feel overwhelmed, powerless, and withdraw into
what others might call “procrastination mode.”

When you are around people who try to assert power over others you feel the need to stand up to the disenfranchised "underdog."

You are overly giving with your energy in service to others, but feel emotionally depleted afterwards, wishing that others would
naturally serve you back. When they don't you feel taken advantage of, but feel too awkward or bad asking directly to get your need met.
Besides, you want it to be their authentic idea, not yours. 

You hold endless space for other people's emotions, but nd yourself alone and unable to communicate the depth of what you're

You escape the outer world by engaging in excessive reading, video games, TV marathons, or other isolation strategies.

You feel indecisive, and commit to things only to cancel from overwhelm at the last minute, often creating friction in your relationships.
When you nally know what you want it's di cult to communicate how important it is to you, only to end up feeling marginalized in the

You feel criticized for being too emotional and for taking things too personally. It makes sense - because to you everything IS personal.

At Personality Hacker, we've worked with hundreds of INFPs who have faced and overcome these challenges and others.

And today, we want to help you do the same.

"How INFPs Win Big (or Lose Big) in Business, Romance, and
The rst step to hacking your personality to achieve massive growth and success in all areas of your life is understanding it. 2/19
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Let's start with your four letters. What do they mean?


For you, the internal world is the 'real world'. The real world for Extraverted (E) types is the external world.


You focus on meaning and pattern recognition. Sensing (S) types focus on what they observe with their 5+ senses.


You make decisions according to your core values and what feels right to you. Thinker (T) types prefer to look at data and metrics rather than human emotions when deciding.


You prefer freedom in the world around you and create structure internally. Judging (J) types prefer structure around them to free their mind and thoughts.

You may already be familiar with the four letters above.

Most personality tests, articles, and websites spend a lot of time focused on the behaviors INFPs show the world.

When it comes to personality types this is just the tip of the iceberg .

Ready to go deeper - past your behaviors - to see HOW your mind is wired?

Let's look into the actual mental wiring of your INFP mind.

The four letter code INFP gives us a key into the cognitive functions your mind uses to learn information and make decisions.

The easiest way to explain these is with "The Car Model".

Let’s pretend your mind is a four passenger vehicle.

These four ‘passengers' represent four distinct mental processes which in uence you the most.

Here is how they're arranged:

In the front seat you have the Driver. This is the most developed function of your personality. You spend most of your time here naturally because it puts you into
ow. 3/19
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Next, there's the Co-Pilot. This is your second strongest function which supports your Driver and is very important for you to develop to achieve growth.

Behind this, there's the 10 Year Old. This function shows up with the maturity of a 10 Year old. While important, without working on it this can become your go-to
Defensive Position.

Finally, there's the 3 Year Old. This is your least mature function. Its in uence over you is unconscious and yet is often the source of your life's aspiration. 4/19
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"Inside the Mind of the INFP: Your Four Cognitive Functions"

YOUR Driver is Introverted Feeling. 

(Nickname: "Authenticity") 5/19
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This is how you make your best decisions. You focus on how things are impacting you on an emotional level, and ask "What feels right according to my core principles?"

YOUR 3 Year Old is Extraverted Thinking

(Nickname: "E ectiveness")
This process is about making decisions based on "what works." As a "3 Year Old" this function is your blind spot and can become aggressive, manipulative and over
demanding when under stress.

YOUR Co-Pilot is Extraverted Intuition

(Nickname: "Exploration")

This is how you perceive the world. While it does many things, Exploration loves to ask the question “What if?” By opening up to all possibilities - Exploration is able to
create connections between people, ideas, objects, or places that discover new ways of thinking.

YOUR 10 Year Old is Introverted Sensing (Nickname: "Memory")

Introverted Sensing wants reliable information. As a 10 Year Old it wants comfort and safety, be it physical, emotional or cerebral. It can manifest as refusing to take in
new information that now must be acted upon, or perpetually curling up at home while your life slips by.
Here's What Your Functions Look Like using the Car Model: 6/19
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Deep dive into cognitive functions to discover how your mind is wired.


Gain powerful and applicable insights to craft a personal development path tailored to you. 7/19
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Bring your optimized self as a true partner in your relationships and become self-determined in your career.

"Three Things You Can Do Today to Reach Epic Levels Of

First, starting today, you need to dedicate careful time and attention to developing your co-pilot function of Extraverted Intuition

This is the #1 thing you can do to grow right now.

Without a strong co-pilot, you're going to stay stuck in the same place with the same old challenges.

Second, you need to become aware of your 10 Year Old Introverted Sensing ("Memory") and how it hijacks your personality,
steering you away from where you actually want to go.

Developing strategies for dealing with this, and getting yourself back on track is essential to success.

Third, your 3 Year Old Extraverted Thinking ("E ectiveness") needs attention too. Learn how to give your 3 Year Old function
what it needs to keep you safe, healthy, and on the right track.

If you ignore your 3 Year Old it will nd unhealthy ways to get your attention.

Now we've got some good news and bad news.

The good news is that some people naturally learn to do all three of these over a lifetime.

The bad news is that even for them this can take years and years of pain, frustration, and missed opportunities before they
gure it out.

Fortunately at Personality Hacker, we have developed a shortcut.

We've assisted hundreds of INFPs in developing their personality. We want to work with you too. 8/19
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Imagine becoming the best possible version of an INFP.

We created a speci c, highly detailed home study personality development starter kit that we want to show you today:

"Introducing... The Ultimate Personality Hack for INFPs"

Get Instant Access To The INFP Starter Kit:

Full INFP Personality Pro le

Includes Written and Audio Version

Advanced INFP Video Training

Over 3.5 hours of INFP-speci c training around business and relationships 9/19
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Relationship Type Pairings

A Type-by-Type Comparison of How Your Personality Type Pairs With All 16 Types in A Romantic Relationship.

BONUS: Transcending Type 

A bonus 2 hour webinar on the MBTI system and how NOT to exploit knowing your type

Only $67

A System Backed by Science and Research

Author, Former UCLA professor, and personality typology expert Dario Nardi, has been doing research on the neuroscience of personality. His work with EEG machines and brainwave scans have
indicated that the once soft science of personality typology can actually be measured in brainwave activity.

What Your INFP Personality Development Starter Kit

Will Do For You: 10/19
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Stop indecisiveness and self-doubt from wrecking your productivity and happiness

Discover how your personality sabotages your business opportunities and makes it feel impossible to nd your career footing

How to generate motivation to put your visions into action and watch the world nally appreciate your artistic perspective and passion

Rapidly develop your co-pilot function of Extraverted Intuition and feel your fears (of failure, limiting beliefs, etc) melt away

Become the inspirational leader others want to follow by developing natural leadership skills already inside you

How to avoid the top 3 energy drains for your INFP type and how to manage stress

Discover your business "power partner" who complements your strengths & weaknesses and can drive each other toward career and nancial success

Shine a bright light on your blind-spot and stop it from tripping you up

Yes - you are di erent! Finally be able to explain to others how your mind works

Do the single most important thing you can do for your personality type to advance your goals and achieve succcess 11/19
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Joel Mark Witt & Antonia Dodge

Owners, Personality Hacker

Created By Two Personal Growth Teachers

Joel Mark Witt & Antonia Dodge
This Starter Kit is designed by two personal growth teachers who credit much of their own success to the techniques you're about to learn. They each bring their unique skills into this program.

As a teenager, Antonia Dodge began studying personality types to understand how people tick and learn how to connect and relate to others. The results changed her life and she was hooked. Years later, she's developed
and co-developed over 10 personal growth programs, coaches others in how to understand their personality and nd the right personal growth path tailored to them.

Joel Mark Witt is a digital media entrepreneur with over two decades of business experience. His life changed when he truly understood that his personality was wired to give back to the world in a big way. He
immediately gave himself permission to be his authentic self - quit his day job - and helped build Personality Hacker into a growing movement.

In this Personality Development Starter Kit, Joel & Antonia show you the concrete structure and frameworks that power the mental wiring of your mind and the daily practices needed for personal growth.

Here's What Comes In The Personality Development Starter Kit 12/19
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16/10/2019 Personality Test - Genius Style Assessment

Full Personality Pro le

Complete breakdown of how your mind works and a stunningly accurate description of your blind spots. Includes 20 minute exercises to help you grow.

INFP Action Webinar 

This 30 minute INFP-speci c training reveals the highest leverage points in your personality; the ultimate how-to guide on how to become your best possible self.

INFP Business Training

This training covers how to leverage your strengths in your career, deal with common challenges for your type in business, and spot unique opportunities.

INFP Relationship Training

This training explores how INFPs approach dating, intimacy, and romance. You'll learn how to deal with common challenges you face in this area and learn about your "romantic blind-spots."

Relationship Type Pairings

TListen as Antonia details how your type interacts in a relationship with all 16 of the Myers Briggs types. The good, the bad, and the ugly. She details the challenges and rewards and makes suggestions for improved

INFP Growth Series

Listen to the life experiences of other xNFPs, their growth strategies that can be applied to your life, and how they overcame the same struggles you experience.

"About Me" Guides 

Each of these guides is designed for you to give to others to explain... YOU. Includes: guide for your lover/spouse and guide for your co-workers or boss.

Car Model Presentation

A fun, 20 minute animated presentation that explains the car model in more detail and shows how the di erent parts of your personality work together (or sometimes against each other) every day.

12-Week Life Path Journal

Apply your new understanding of how an INFP is wired to every area of your life. 12-weeks of journal prompts take into account your cognitive functions and help you tailor a personal development strategy to yourself. 14/19
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PLUS: Unlock This Exclusive Bonus for Free

BONUS: Transcending Type Webinar ($57 value)

Knowing your type is a powerful tool.
The most powerful tools must be used responsibly. A hammer can help build a house or bludgeon someone to death.
This bonus webinar guides you to the best and most healthy relationship you can have with your personality type, and reminds you to always use your understanding for building yourself up,
never bludgeoning yourself (or others).

Are you ready to start YOUR personal development journey by "hacking" your personality type? 15/19
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You're in good company! Do you know these famous INFPs?

Ellen DeGeneres
Actress, Comedian 16/19
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Isabel Briggs Myers

Creator of Myers-Briggs

Ben Gibbard

What Others Are Saying:

"Since my childhood I have felt like a square peg in a round hole.  I have thoroughly researched my 'pro le' through other avenues yet have not been provided with the detail that links it all together - you provided that
for me."

- Helen

"I always wondered why I had such an ability of nding new information and integrating it into my worldview. Once I started acting on developing my Growth State, new worlds of possibility and opportunity opened up. It
was like magic." 

- Evan

"You have granted me a new level of understanding about myself. This grants me a level of sense of self acceptance that is practically life saving. Thank you for changing my life." 

- Romi

"I didn't understand the meat and bones of the MBTI, that is, the cognitive functions. It is easy to read the stereotypical pro les on other websites and be completely misled into thinking that you are one type when
you are really another.

That is why I am so grateful for your very honest thoughts! 

I discovered that I truly am an ENTP!"

- Lauren

"The simplicity and usability of the information has been remarkable. Together we were able to create breakthroughs in a matter of months where we had been stuck for years."

- Ivan 17/19
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"My pro le caused me to have rich, deep appreciation for myself that I have never had before." 

- Bill

Get Instant Access To the INFP Starter Kit:

Full INFP Personality Pro le

Includes Written and Audio Version

Advanced INFP Video Training

Over 3.5 hours of INFP-speci c training around business and relationships

Relationship Type Pairings

A Type-by-Type Comparison of How Your Personality Type Pairs With All 16 Types in A Romantic Relationship. 18/19
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BONUS: Transcending Type 

A bonus 2 hour webinar on the MBTI system and how NOT to exploit knowing your type

Only $67

When you invest in your Personality Development Starter Kit, you get 30 FULL DAYS to decide if it's right for you.
If for any reason you’re not happy with your Starter Kit, let us know here and you'll get a full refund.

Copyright © 2017 Personality Hacker. All Rights Reserved. 19/19

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