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Parte de la universidad:

1. What we can see in the photo we chose to represent a problem is a pipe and garbage
inside it.
2. What's happening here is that because of the amount of waste people throw away as they
pass, it causes when we're in winter time like the current one that is inside the pipe more
specifically the solids what they do is plug the Drain holes and that's why often the water
gets stuck here and this produces odors from the mixture between water and garbage, in
addition to becoming a mosquito breeding ground which spreads diseases.

3. Of course, it relates a lot to our lives as this is largely the fault of us and the government
for the lack of citizen culture teaching courses to educate all people about the preservation
of the environment as this is fundamental to the desa Full of our human life.

4. This problem as I said above is due to the lack of citizen culture of the people who are
part of this community, it is also evident that this happens because the mayor of Cartagena
does not yet have chosen the company that will be in charge of cleaning the pipes the
city's canals, which causes the passing of time to accumulate more and more garbage.

5. This image can educate because by looking at the pipe with the garbage inside it gives us
awareness about taking care of the environment as this benefits us all and helps us
prevent diseases

6. What we can do is talk to University Welfare to call a day of cleaning through the pipes
and sectors of the area where all students from different schools and obviously the
community are part of the project.

Parte de la comunidad:

1. What we as a community can see in the photo is that one of the most important
natural resources for us humans, which is water, is affected by the accumulation of
solid waste that people throw away as they pass through that pipe.

2. What's happening is that the decomposition of the garbage they throw into the pipe
results in the proliferation of pests and diseases that affect our community.

3. Yes, because we as a community have been destroying our environment and thus harming our

4. This problematic is because people around them and those in the surrounding area throw
debris. In addition, the lack of culture of the people who live near it and the lack of authority on
the part of the entities responsible for the management and care of the pipe.
5. Realize that we must take care of our water resources because they have expiration and we are
quickly killing them when we start throwing a lot of garbage at these pipes. We can also educate
others by showing them that we ourselves are the ones that are increasingly polluting.

6. Manifested as a leader the community that we can do with this problem is to carry out programs
of citizen consciousness, where the importance of keeping the pipe in good condition and
establishing rules that prohibit the throwing of rubbish into the pipe is reflected.

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