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A Position Paper

on War against D
rugsBy: Janrey
Drug is the best th
ing that will ruin yo
ur life. It is the har
dest trouble of our
and the worst p
roblem of our c
ountry. “Say No
Drugs”, avoid dr
ugs because it c
an destroy
your own life and
can be destroy the
life of others and
also the communit
y where you belon
g.We can prevent
the drug abuse in t
his country if we c
ooperate in our Pr
esident Duterteca
mpaign stop the dr
ug dealers in the
Philippines. The O
plan Tokhang that
gives the drug use
rsa second chanc
e to have a better l
ife and start a new
life. War on drugs
campaign by Dut
Administration is
a good plan and a
n active campaign
by the president.
It is a better way t
oresolve the drug
addiction and the
crimes that are inv
olved in using illeg
al drugs. This pap
ershows the pros
and cons of the is
sue on war agains
t drugs. I am agre
e of the campaign
ofDuterte on war a
gainst drugs beca
use it is the only w
ay to resolved the
drug addiction and
tostop producing i
llegal drugs, as a
whole, we observe
d that in previous
administration, the
government has n
o effective solution
to this problem. N
ow, its
Duterte’s admin
istration that
slowly resolved th
e illegal drugs and
will continue unt
il the last day of
Duterte’s will.

Counter Argume
When the war on
drugs had been st
arted, the Extra-
Judicial Killings oft
en referred to on
the archipelago
by its acronym “
EJK”. A poll rele
ased on April 20
, 2017 by Social
Station found that
73 percent of resp
ondents are worrie
d that they or som
eone they know c
ouldbe fall on the
on the victim to an
Judicial Killings.It i
s not a valid evide
nce that the war o
n drugs have a ba
d sabotage to man
age to kill theunwa
nted or petty crime
s and als
o no bad record
persons. The c
ountry’s top bro
adcaster, ABSC
BN, reported in
early August 20
16 that 603 peo
ple had been kill
ed since Dutert
e’s May
election. Over 4,0
00 were arrested
while over half a
million drug users
turned themselves
The war on dru
gs of Duterte’s
was committing
a Human Right
s violation.
Just because on t
he issue on Extra-
Judicial Killings th
at the Police and
PDEA are committ
crimes and viola
ting the Human
Rights due to o
beying the Presi
dent’s order
to kill the drugrelat
ed persons.It does
mean that
wars on drugs
of Duterte’s Ad
ministration are
bad. It really need
“walk your talk”
ordered by Dut
erte to accompli
sh the mission t
o kill the drug a
ddicts who want
to fight the Police
during Oplan Tokh
ang. It does not co
mmit Human Righ
ts violation becaus
ethe police are pro
perly have a warra
nt of arrest and tol
d carefully the dru
g addicts to surren
Helps create a pla
ce that is drug free
. A drug free area
or community may
seemimpossible g
iven the present si
tuation, but it is ac
hievable as long a
s everyone does t
heir sharein the fig
ht against drugs.
War on drugs sho
uld not only involv
e the government
and localauthoritie
s, but also friends
and family of drug
users or sellers.Le
ssen drug-
related crimes, wh
en drug addicts wil
l not have access t
o illegalsubstance
s, they will not exp
erience highs or h
allucinations that
will drive them to c
ommitcrimes. The
y would not need t
o steal either so th
ey can buy drugs.
Put simply, withou
t thepushers there
will be little no us
Despite internat
ional criticism of
the Philippines’
deadly anti
drug war, the maj
ority of
Filipinos continu
e to support pre
sident Duterte’s
campaign that
killed thousands
of mostly poor
drug suspects. Th
e SWS survey, inv
olving 1,200 adult
respondents acros
s the country, foun
d in
March that 78%
were satisfied
with the admini
stration’s perfor
mance in its ca
mpaign against
illegal drugs, with
43% are very satis
fied and 35% are
somewhat satisfie
d, 10 % wereunde
cided, while only 1
2% were dissatisfi
Although there
so many again
st of the Dutert
e’s campaign o
n war on drugs,
the majority
of Filipinos is still s
trong to support th
e campaign becau
se it has a big cha
nges to the countr
y. Itlessens the dr
ug related crimes.
The big real evide
nce is that there ar
e thousands ofsurr
enderies of drug a
ddicts due becaus
e of the campaign
of Duterte. Making
a country and

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