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Objective: At the end of the chapter, you are able to

1. differentiate between and among the three types of stretching techniques

2. state some guidelines and precautions in stretching
3. name some benefits derived from stretching
4. demonstrate some basic stretching exercises.

When you wakes up from a sound sleep, your first instinct is to stretch your arms and with a
seemingly satisfying yawn, you gets up from bed ready for your subsequent movement.

Before we do complicated movements especially doing exercise or rigorous trainings, stretching

is a big help. We need to prepare the rested muscles and bone so to avoid injuries.

Similarly, an individual who has been seated all day long in his office chair finds some relief in
standing for a while and stretching a part of his body. Obviously, stretching brings some comfort
and relaxation to one’s body; hence, it is resorted to by people who are tired or have been inactive
for a while.

Stretching techniques for improving flexibility have evolved over the years. The oldest technique
for stretching is called ballistic stretching- it makes use of repetitive bouncing motions. A second
technique, known as static stretching, involves stretching a muscle to the point of discomfort and
then holding it at the point for an extended time. Recently, another group of stretching techniques
known collectively as proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF)

Ballistic stretching

Ballistic stretching used the momentum of a moving body or a limb in attempt to force it beyond
its normal range of motion. This stretching is bouncing into (or out of) a stretch position, using
the stretched muscles as a spring, which pulls you out of the position (e.g. bouncing down
repeatedly to touch your toes)

Ballistic technique, although apparently effective in improving range of motion, has been
virtually abandoned by most experts because increased range of motion is achieved through a
series of jerks or pulls on the resistant muscle tissue. If the forces generates by the jerks are
greater than the tissue extensibility, muscle injury may result.

Static stretching

The static stretching techniques is still an extremely effective and popular technique of
stretching. This stretching involves passively stretching a given antagonist muscle by placing it in
a maximal position of stretch and holding it there for an extended time. Recommendations for the
optional time for holding this stretched position vary, ranging from as short as 3 seconds to as
long as 60 seconds.
Much research has been done comparing ballistic and static stretching techniques for the
improvement of flexibility. Both static and ballistic stretching are effective in increasing
flexibility, and there is no significant difference between the two. However, with static stretching
there is less danger of exceeding the extensibility limits of the involved joints because the stretch
is more controlled. Ballistic stretching is apt to cause muscular soreness, whereas static stretching
generally does not and is commonly used in injury rehabilitation of sore or strained muscle.

Static stretching is certainly a much safer stretching technique, especially for sedimentary
or untrained individuals. However, many physical activities involve dynamic movement. Thus
stretching, as warm-up for these types of activities should begin with static stretching followed
by ballistic stretching which more resembles the dynamic activity.

PNF Stretching

PNF Stretching is currently the fastest and most effective way known to increase static-
passive flexibility. PNF is an acronym for Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation. PNF
techniques were first used by physical therapist for treating patients who had various types of
neuromuscular paralysis. Only recently have PNF stretching exercises been used as a stretching
technique: PNF techniques being currently used for stretching, include slow-reversal-hold-relax,
contact-relax, and hold-relax techniques.

PNF stretching techniques are capable of producing dramatic increases in range of

motion during one stretching session. Studies comparing static and PNF stretching suggest that
PNF stretching is capable of producing greater improvement in flexibility over an extended
training period. The major disadvantage of PNF stretching is that a partner is required to help you
stretch, although stretching with a partner may have some motivational disadvantages. More and
more athletic teams seem to be adopting the PNF technique as the method of choice for
improving flexibility (Prentice, 122)

Guidelines ad precautions for Stretching According to Prentice

In stretching, one should take note for the following guidelines and precautions advanced by

 Warm up using a slow jogging or fast walk before stretching vigorously

 To increase flexibility, overload or stretch the muscle beyond its normal range but not to the point
of pain
 Stretch only to the point where you feel tightness or resistance to stretch or perhaps some
discomfort. Stretching should not be painful.
 Increases in range of motion will be specific to whatever joint is being stretched.
 Exercise caution when stretching muscles that surround painful joints. Pain is an indication that
something is wrong and should not be ignored
 Avoid stretching the ligaments and capsules that surround the joints
 Exercise caution when stretching the low back and neck. Exercise that compresses the vertebrae
and their discs may cause damage.
 Stretching from a seated position rather than a standing position takes stress of the lower back and
decreases the chance of back injury.
 Stretch those muscles that are tight and inflexible
 Strengthen those muscles that are tight and inflexible
 Strengthen those muscles that are weak and loose
 Always stretch slowly and with control
 Be sure to continue normal breathing during a stretch. Do not hold your breath
 Static and PNF techniques are most often recommended for individuals who want to improve
their range of motion
 Ballistic stretching should be done only by those who are already flexible and/or are accustomed
to stretching and done only after static stretching.
 Stretching should be done at least three times per week to see minimal improvement. It is
recommended that you stretch between five and six times per week to see maximum results.

Breathing During Stretching

Proper breathing control is important for a successful stretch. Proper breathing helps to
relax the body, increases blood flow throughout the body, and helps to mechanically remove
lactic acid and other by-products of exercise.

You should be taking slow, relaxed when you stretch, trying to exhale as the muscle is
stretching. Some even recommend increasing the intensity of the stretch only while exhaling,
holding the stretch in its current position at all times.

The proper way to breathe is to inhale slowly through the nose, expanding the abdomen
(not the chest); hold the breath a moment; then exhale slowly through the nose or mouth. Inhaling
through the nose has several purposes including cleaning the air and insuring proper temperature
and humidity for oxygen transfer into the lungs. The breath should be natural and the diaphragm
and abdomen should remain soft. There should be no force of the breath. Some experts seem to
prefer exhaling through the nose (as opposed to through the mouth) saying the exhaling through
the mouth causes depression on the heart and that problems will ensure over the long term.

The rate of breathing should be controlled through the use of the glottis in the back of the
throat. This produces a very soft ‘hm-m-m-mn” sounds inside the throat as opposed to a sniffing
sound in the nasal sinuses. The exhalation should be controlled in a similar manner, but if you are
exhaling though the mouth, it should be with more of an “ah-h-h-h” sound, like a sigh of relief.

As you breath in, the diaphragm presses downward on the organs and their associated
blood vessels, squeezing the blood out of them. As you exhale, the abdomen, its organs and
muscles, and their blood vessels flood with new blood. This rhythmic contraction and expansion
of the abdominal blood vessel is partly responsible for the circulation of blood in the body.

Benefits of Stretching

Stretching offers the following benefits:

 Enhanced physical fitness
 Enhanced ability to learn and perform skill movements
 Increased mental and physical relaxation
 Enhanced development of body awareness
 Reduced risk of injury to joints, muscles, and tendons
 Reduced muscular soreness
 Reduced muscular tension
 Increased suppleness due to stimulation of the production of chemical, which lubricates
connective tissue
 Reduced severity of painful menstruation (dysmenorrhea) in females

Tips on Proper Stretching

To realize the benefits of stretching, one should take note of the following tips on proper

 Stretching should be pain-free

 It should be done slowly, no sudden movements, breathing slowly and deeply as you do it
 There should be no overexertion. One must know his/her limitations when stretching
 Hold stretches for about 15 to 20 seconds
 Repeat the exercises at least once for each side of the body
Preparing for Exercise Program
Objective: at the end of the learning unit, you are able to:
1. Mention the factors to be considered in selecting a physical activity for a fitness program
2. Give reasons for having early morning exercise
3. Expound some principles of an effective fitness program
4. Differentiate between an anaerobic exercise and aerobic exercise
5. Enumerate the components of an exercise session and explain the significance of each
6. Compute their large-training zone or training intensities.
7. Point out questionable exercises as well as their safe alternatives,
8. Manifest a strong inclination towards initiating and pursuing a fitness program.

You learned from the previous chapter the importance of exercise to the body considering the pre-
cautions and the preparation you needed before you start moving. You also had an opportunity to
determine your level of fitness during your senior high activies. Now you are ready to plan an exercise
program to maintain and improve your fitness level.

A physical activity program needs adequate preparation to avoid or reduce the risk of injury and to make
this activity enjoyable. It is hoped that a person armed with good information about sound preparation
will become involved and stay involved in a physical activity for a lifetime.


Before one engages in a physical activity as a part of his fitness program, he has to consider certain
important thing among which are as follows:

 Medical Clearance
Prior to exercise involvement, an individual must determine if medical consultation is
necessary especially those inactive men over 40 and women over 50 and those who suffer
from illness such as diabetes, asthma, heart disease, and extreme obesity. These are conditions
that may call for a modified program, if you have an increased risk of heart disease because of
smoking, high blood pressure, obesity, have a physical check-up, including electrocardiogram
(ECG), before beginning an exercise program. This check-up will help ensure that your
program will be a benefit of your health, rather than a potential hazard.
 Proper attire
The clothing you wear for exercise should be specifically for the exercise and it should be
comfortable and not too tight or binding at the joints. Clothing should not restrict movement in
any way. You should also select your clothes according to ambient temperature and humidity.
Some fabrics allow heat loss and sweat evaporation while providing protection against wind
and rain. Some women especially those who need extra support, should consider using an
exercise bra, while men may benefit from an athletic supporter. Proper footwear is also
 When and where to Exercise
It is best to find a regular time during the day to exercise so that the exercise becomes part of a
your routine. Just any time of the day is fine with the exception of the noon and early
afternoon hours on hot and humid days. Many people enjoy exercising early in the morning
because it gives them a good boost to start the day.
 Finding the Right Exercise
As you consider what exercise to do, it is important to pick something you enjoy. It is unlikely
that you continue an exercise activity if you do not enjoy it or cannot do it very well.
 Setting your goals
When designing an individualized physical activity program, you must first decide what it is
you are trying to accomplish and then select those specific components of fitness, which will
ultimately help you reach your goal. If your goal is to improve your endurance, you will
probably develop a program of aerobic exercise such as walking, jogging, cycling or
swimming. If your goal is to strengthen your muscles, you probably choose weights lifting or
other anaerobics exercise.


By Greg Landry

Greg Landry recommends having an exercise early in the day. He say:

If I had to pick a single factor that I thought was most important in a successful exercise or
weight loss program it would be exercise first thing in the morning … every morning!

Some mornings, you may just be able to fit in a 10 minute walk, but it’s important to try to do
something every morning.

So why morning? … Landry shares the following reasons for stating a day with exercise:

1. Over 90% of people who exercise *consistently*, exercise in the morning. If you want to exercise
consistently, odds are in your favor if you exercise first thing in the morning.
2. When you exercise early in the morning, it “jump starts” your metabolism and keeps it elevated
for hours, sometimes up to 24 hours! That means you’re burning more calories all day long just
because your exercised in the morning!
3. When you exercise in the morning you’ll be *energized* for the day! Personally, I fell
dramatically different on days when I have and haven’t exercised in the morning.
4. Many people find that morning exercise “regulates” their appetite for the day… that they aren’t as
hungry and that they make better food choices. Several people have told me that it puts them in a
“healthy mindset”.
5. If you exercise at about the same time every morning… and ideally wake up at about the same
time on a regular basis, your body’s endocrine system and circadian rhythms adjust to that, and
physiologically, some wonderful things happen: A couple of hours *before* you awaken your
body begins to prepare for waking and exercise because it “knows” it’s about to happen… why?
From that in several ways…
a. It’s MUCH easier to wake up. When you wake up at different timeseveryday, it confuses
your body and thus it’s never really “prepared: to awaken.
b. Your metabolism and all the hormones involved in activity and exercise begin to elevate
while you’re sleeping. Thus, you feel more alert, energized, and ready to exercise when you
do wake up.
c. Hormones prepare your body for exercise by regulating blood pressure, heart rate, blood flow
to muscles, etc.
6. For many people, that appointed time every morning become something they look forward to. It’s
time they’ve set aside to do something good for themselves… to take care of their body and mind.
Many find that it’s a great time to think clearly, pray, plan their day, or just relax mentally.
7. Research has demonstrated that exercise increases mental acuity… on average it lasts four to ten
hours after exercise! No sense in wasting that while you’re sleeping.
8. Exercise first thing in the morning is really the only way to assure that something else won’t
crowd exercise out of your schedule. When your days get hectic, exercise usually takes a backset!
9. If finding time to exercise is difficult, anyone can get up 30 to 60 minutes earlier to exercise (if
it’s a priority in your life). if necessary, you can go to sleep a little earlier. Also, research has
demonstrated that people who exercise on a regular basis have a higher quality of sleep and thus
require less sleep!
10. You’ll feel GREAT! DO IT!


Regardless of the types of fitness activity in which you choose to participate, certain principles
should be incorporated into every program. These principles and guidelines apply to anyone who is
physically active. Paying attention to these seven principles will help create an effective yet safe
environment for activities.

 The program must be fun and enjoyable

Enjoying yourself may be one of the most critical factors for a successful fitness program
over the long run. The activities you select must be one that you enjoy and that provides
motivation to continue for a lifetime.
Suggestion for Making Physical Activity a Fun
Some students find physical activity dull. Here are some ways to make it more inviting.
1. Exercise to modern music
2. Exercise with someone like classmate, friends, buddy
3. Keep your routine simple
4. Instill variety into activity
5. Reward yourself when fitness goals are met
 Overload
To achieved the greatest benefits from an exercise program, you should recognize the
principle of overload. For physical components of fitness to improve, the system must work
harder than it is used to working. The system must experience stress so that over a period of
time will improve to the point where it can easily accommodate additional stress.
 Progression
A little today and a little more tomorrow is a good principle to follow in any fitness program.
You should start gradually and add a little each day. In other words, the work out should
gradually become a little longer or more intense until you reach the desired level of physical
 Consistency
One of the biggest problems with beginning a fitness program is finding time during the day
to fit in an hour or so of activity. This is particularly true for students who have many
demands on their time. Nevertheless , it is important to select a specific period of exercising
each day and stick to it.
 Specificity
The type of physical changes that occur is directly related to the training one undertakes. To
realize the maximum gains desired, activities and programs should be selected and designed
with specificity to achieve this aim.
 Individuality
When you become involved in a fitness program, it is important to remember that no two
persons are exactly the same. People have different ideas about their goals for a fitness
program, motivation, and a state of physical fitness. A fitness program for one personswill
not necessarily satisfy the needs of another person.
 Safety
Another factor to consider when planning a fitness program is safety. The purpose of your
fitness program should be to improve selected components of fitness through physical
exercise. Unfortunately, injuries often occurs as the results of poorly planned activity
programs. The rule of thumb follow is to start out slowly and progress according to your own
capabilities. If you are unsure of how to get started or perhaps of how quickly to progress in a
personal fitness program, seek professional advice from persons with some expertise in

Guidelines for an Effective Exercise Program

To ensure an effective program , an individual should be guided by the following:

 Train the way you want your body to change
 Train regularly
 Get in shape gradually
 Warm up before exercise and cool down afterward
 Listen to your body
 Try training with a partner
 Train your mind
 Keep your exercise program in perspective


Exercise is generally of two types- anaerobics and aerobics.

Anaerobic Exercise

Anaerobic exercise is intense physical activity in which the body’s supply oxygen to produce
energy does not meet the demand. Running a 100- meter dash is an anaerobic activity. Aerobic
exercise is a vigorous activity that uses continuous oxygen. This activity usually needs to last at
least 20 minutes. During this time , heart rate increases and oxygen is transported to the muscles
to be used a s energy to do more work. Running for a couple of miles is an example of aerobic

Anaerobic exercise improve muscular strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility. Anaerobic
exercise may not raise your general level of fitness because they do not require the body to
increases its use of oxygen. Weight training is considered an anaerobic exercise.

Weight Training

Weight training programs are designed to build muscular strength and endurance. Weight training
is a good way to tone muscles. However, you may not lose weight. Muscles tissues weighs more
than fat tissue.
Here are three types of weight-training programs

 Isometric. This types of exercise involves muscular strength with little or no movement of the
body parts. With this types of exercise, you use muscles tension to build strength. Putting the
palms of your hands together in front of you and pushing is an example of isometric exercise.
Pushing against a wall is another example.
 Isotonic. With this type of exercise, you develop muscular strength and flexibility with repeated
movements using weights. Push-ups, pull-ups and modified sit-ups are isotonic exercise. Lifting
weights is also isotonic.
 Isokinetic. This type of exercise involves muscular strength and endurance, and flexibility. With
this type of exercise, resistance is moved through an entire range of motion, such as pushing or
pulling against a hydraulic lever of certain exercise equipment.

During exercise, muscle fibers become thicker and are able to do more work. Eventually,
repeating the same amount of exercise causes muscles to reach a limit. For muscles to keep
getting stronger, it is necessary that you gradually increase how often, how hard, or how long you
use a particular muscle group.

Conditioning programs are reversible. A person in good physical condition can lose much strength
and endurance in just two or three weeks of inactivity.

Aerobic Exercise

Brisk walking, jogging, swimming, dancing, cycling and any other nonstop vigorous
exercises are aerobic activities. During aerobic exercise, the body has a greater demand for
oxygen to provide the muscles with the energy they need to carry out activity. This kind of
exercise increases the lungs’ capacity to hold air.

Aerobic exercises are rhythmic and sustained and use the large muscle groups,
particularly those in the hips and legs.

Aerobic exercise causes the arteries to enlarge and increases the dilation of capillaries
that take blood to the blood to the muscles. Blood flow to the skeletal muscles increases.

As these large muscles contract, they press against the blood vessels, sending increase
amounts of blood to the heart. The heart become a stronger and more efficient pump, so it beats
slower during exercising and at rest. The slower the heart rate the longer the heart can rest
between beats.

Exercises that improve the condition of the heart and lungs have three essential characteristics:

 They must be brisk. They should raise the heart rate and breathing rate
 They must be continuous. They should be done for 20 to 30 minutes without stopping
 They must be regular. They should be repeated at least three times a week to maintain one’s
fitness level.

There are three components of an exercise session. They include.

 The warm-up
 The workout
 The cool down

The Warm-up

Warming up is engaging in an activity that prepares the muscles for the work that is the
come. It is important for you to warm up before you begin any type of workout for several
reasons. The warm-up routine increases body temperature, stretches ligaments and muscles, and
increase flexibility. Warp-up routines have been found to be important in preventing injury and
muscle soreness. It appears that muscle injury can result when vigorous exercises are not
preceded by a related warp-up routine. A good warm-up routine can also be effective motivator.
If you get satisfaction from warming up, you probably will have a strong desire to participate in
an activity. By contrast, a poor warm-up routine can lead to fatigue and boredom, limiting your
attention and ultimately resulting in a poor program. Also, there is some evidence that a good
warm-up routine may improve certain aspects of performance.

The function of the warm-up is to prepare your body physically for a workout. Most
professionals view the warm-up period as a precaution against unnecessary muscle injury and
possible muscle soreness. The purpose is gradually stimulating the cardio respiratory system to a
moderate degree. This procedures an increased blood flow to exercising muscles and results in an
increase in muscle temperature.

Moderate activity speeds up your metabolism, producing an increase in your body

temperature. Furthermore, an increase in your body temperature allow the muscle to stretch to a
greater degree without fear or joy.

A good warm-up routine should begin with 2 to 3 minutes of slow walking, light jogging
or cycling to increase your metabolism and warm up the muscles. Breaking into a light sweat is a
good indication that the muscle temperature has increased. At that point you should begin
stretching, concentrating on the muscles you will use during the activity. The warm-up routine
should last no longer that 10 to 15 minutes, and you should begin your activity immediately
following the warm-up routine.

The Workout

This the component of your exercise program in which you are actually performing the
exercise at its highest intensity. The intensity depends on your current fitness level. Choose an
activity that continually uses the large muscles groups. Dance aerobics, swimming, running,
biking are good examples. You should work hard, but not overdo it. Studies have shown that
doubling the amount of exercise does not double the effectiveness. Overdoing exercise can cause
sleeplessness or chronically sore muscles.

Frequency. To begin both anaerobic and aerobic programs, you should schedule workouts three
times a week, with no less than one day and more than two days between sessions.
Many people enjoy their aerobic exercise routine so much that they do it more often than
three times a week. There is no real harm in doing aerobics five times a week once one is physical

Six months of a three-time-a-week workout should get you physically fit. You must
maintain your program to maintain your fitness level. That is why it is so important to develop a
program you enjoy doing.

Intensity.It is very important not to overdo exercise. You must start slowly and build endurance.
In weight training, start with a lighter weight and build to the heavier ones. In aerobic programs,
work towards your target heart rate. Your target hear rate is 70 to 85 percent of your maximum
heart rate; the target rate provides a range of exertion.

The following steps are used to determine the intensity of your exercise.

a. Estimate maximal heart rate (MHR). Below is the formula

b. Take the resting hear rate (RHR). Count your pulse for one full time minute by placing 2 to 3
fingers, on the radial artery or the carotid artery.
c. Determine the Heart rate reserve (HRR). Formula.
d. The target-training zone is determined by computing the training intesties (TI) at 70 to 85
percentages and the adding the resting heart rate to both or the figures. Your target-training zone
is found between these two target hear rates.

Ex. MHR: 220-20= 220bmp

RHR= 72bpm
HRR: 220-72= 128 beats
70% TI= (128 x.70) + 72= 162bpm
85% TI= (128 x .85) + 72 = 181bpm
Target Training Zone: 162 to 181bpm

The target-training zone indicates that whenever you exercise to improve the cardiorespiratory
system, you have to maintain the heart rate between the 70 to 85 percent training intenties obtain adequate
You can learn to take heart rate, but a general rule of thumb is that if you cannot talk while you
are existing, you are probably doing to too much.

During. In weight training, do the exercise slowly, taking at least 2 seconds each time you raise or
lower a weight. Rest for 1 or 2 minutes between repetitions, and do a variety of exercises to strengthen
your muscles in the full range of motion.
The time spent doing exercise should be built up gradually. The goal in aerobics is to spend to 20 to 30
minutes in your target heart rate.

The Cool Down

Just as your body needs to be readied for increased activity, it needs to be returned gradually to a
less active state. During exercise, an increased amount of blood is pumped to the heart with the help of
contractions of large leg muscles that push against the vein. If the leg muscles relax suddenly, pooling
may result. The blood will collect in your extremities instead of getting back to the heart. The heart is still
pumping hard, but less blood is returning to it. Pooling can cause lightheadedness, even fainting.

So after a vigorous workout, a cool-down period is essential. The cool-down period prevents
pooling of blood in the arms and legs, thus maintaining blood pressure and enabling the body to cool
down and return to a resting state. The cool-down period should last about to 5 to 10 minutes. During the
period, you should engage in stretching activities as was done during the warm-up routine. Some feel that
stretching during cool-down period is more effective in preventing injury than is stretching during warm-
up routine. Although the value of warm-up routine and workout periods is well accepted, the importance
of a cool down period is often ignored. Again, experience and observation indicated that people that
people who stretch during the cool-down period tend to have fewer problems with muscles soreness after
a strenuous activity,

Common Myths About Exercise

A myth is a belief or option based on false reasoning. There are many myths about fitness and
exercise. Here are a few, with explanations of why they are false.

1. Exercise make you tire.

As you get in better shape, you will find that exercise can actually reduce stress and fatigue
2. Exercise takes too much time
Regular exercise does not have to take more than 25 to 40 minutes, three times a week
3. All exercise gives you the same benefits.
All physical activities can give you enjoyment, but only frequent, continuous activity helps
the heart and lungs, and burns off fat and calories.
4. Exercise is expensive.
Some of the most beneficial exercises are very inexpensive, such as walking or jogging.
Swimming is an excellent activity that is reasonably priced.
5. Exercise means playing a sport.
While team sports are exercise, individual activities such as walking, running, biking or
swimming are excellent forms of exercise too.
6. You have to be athletic to exercise.
Most aerobics activities, such as those mentioned above do not require any special athletic
abilities. In fact, many people who find school sports difficult have discovered that these
other activities are easy to do and are enjoyable.

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