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Environmental Impacts of the Emerging Digital

Economy: The E-for-Environment E-Commerce?
DANIEL Z. SUI* Although great potential exists to harness information technology
Department of Geography, in general and the Internet in particular and improve the environ-
Texas A&M University, ment, possible negative impacts of e-commerce on the environ-
College Station, TX 77843-3147 ment should also be considered and dealt with. In this forum, we
discuss both the potential positive and negative impacts of e-
DAVID W. REJESKI commerce. Drawing from insights gained from the complexity
Woodrow Wilson Center, theory, we also delineate some broad contours for environmental
Washington, D.C. 20004-3027 policies in the information age. Given the paradoxical nature of
technological innovations, we want to caution the scientific com-
ABSTRACT / The Internet-led digital economy is changing both munity and policymakers not to treat the Internet as the Holy
the production and consumption patterns at the global scale. Grail for environmental salvation.

New technologies affect the earth in its entirety. The more useful a According to the two latest national studies released by
technology is, the more unstablizing its effects can also be. the Department of Commerce, e-commerce is quickly
John von Neumann
becoming the engine for economic growth in the new
millennium. This e-commerce-led growth could accel-
This forum first reviews the recent development of
erate in the coming years not only in the information
the emerging digital economy and then summarizes
technology (IT) sector itself, but across all sectors of the
and critiques the current discussions on the possible
economy as the number of people connected to the
environmental impacts of e-commerce. Thus anchored
Internet multiplies and as its commercial use grows
in the basic principles of the complexity theory and
(Margherio, 1997; Tapscott et al., 1998). The U.S. De-
non-linear dynamics, the paper also discusses possible
partment of Commerce (2000) reports that the per-
environmental policy initiatives during the information
centage of U.S. companies that sell their products over
age. The forum concludes by presenting a cautionary
the Internet has jumped from 24% in 1998 to 56% by
note on the potential positive impacts of technological
2000. About $2.2 billion worth of business-to-consum-
innovations and the deeper cultural roots of environ-
ers goods and services were sold over the Internet in
mental degradation caused by increasing consumption.
1997, and $5.3 billion for the fourth quarter of 1999
alone. By 2002, it is forecasted that online retail sales
The Emerging Digital Economy may reach $ 40 to 80 billion. However, business-to-
consumer (B2C) transactions represent only 20% of
It is generally agreed among scholars and policy
the e-commerce, the remaining 80% is business-to-busi-
makers alike that the dazzling development of the In-
ness (B2B) e-commerce. B2B transactions were $43
ternet and its wide-range of applications during the
billion in 1998, expected to rise over to $1.3 trillion by
past five years are going to change various facets of our
2003. There are currently 304 million Internet users
society in very fundamental ways as we move into the
world wide, up almost 80% from 1999. Also, for the first
21st century (Castells, 1998). Among the many trans-
time the U.S. and Canada account for less than 50% of
formations the Internet brings to society, the most con-
the global online population in fourth quarter of 1999.
spicuous, and perhaps the most important, is the so-
In the U.S., there are currently 30 million online house-
called emerging (indeed, e-merging) digital economy
holds, and by 2003, it is estimated that nearly 75% of
as evidenced by the growth of Internet-based businesses
American families (53 million) will be surfing the Net
for the delivery of goods and services on a global scale.
and buying products and services directly from the
manufacturer or distributor. The amount of informa-
KEY WORDS: Digital economy; E-commerce; Environmental impacts;
Environmental policies
tion available online has increased tenfold over the last
three years, to more than one billion discrete pages.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; email: There is growing evidence that firms are moving their supply networks and sales channels online and

Environmental Management Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 155–163 © 2002 Springer-Verlag New York Inc.
156 D. Z. Sui and D. W. Rejeski

participating in new online marketplaces. Firms are for physical resource flows along energy and transpor-
also expanding their use of networked systems to im- tation networks? Or alternatively, does e-commerce en-
prove internal business processes, such as coordinating courage more movement by generating new demands
product design, managing inventory, improving cus- for material and energy that will further deteriorate the
tomer services, and reducing administrative and man- fragile environment? What kind of environmental pol-
agerial costs. More and more B2B transactions are be- icies should we develop in the Internet-led information
ing conducted online electronically as well. Intel’s Andy age?
Grove even predicted “In five years’ time, all companies These questions pose some daunting challenges for
will be Internet companies or they won’t be companies both scientists and policymakers. The few reports avail-
at all.” For the consumers, this means quick, unparal- able in the literature on this topic are anecdotal, spec-
leled access to goods and services at a global scale with ulative, and inconclusive (Rejeski 1999, Colien 1999,
only the click of a mouse. For example, Buyer’s Index Brynjoolfsson and Smith 1999, Romm 2000, Caudill
alone provides a search engine to over 20,000 compa- and others 2000). As of today, the scientific community
nies with 300 million products ( still does not have any definitive statements on the
Indeed, the Internet is quickly becoming the modern relationship between the Internet and the environ-
Agora freed from the limitations of space and time. ment. Obviously, the emerging digital economy in prin-
Business-to-consumer (B2C) transactions can also ex- ciple has great potentials for positive environmental
pect to grow exponentially in the years ahead. We are impacts, which have been generally summarized as the
possibly witnessing the emergence of a friction-free three D’s for the new economy: dematerialization, de-
capitalism where businesses can be conducted at the carbonization, and demobilization. The argument is
speed of thought as Bill Gates (1995; 1999) predicted. that by moving businesses online and marketing by
pixels instead of packages, e-commerce can reduce the
need for such wasteful products as printed catalogues,
E-Commerce and the Environment
telephone books, newspapers, and magazines. The re-
Historically, major technological innovations have cent shifts, from books to bytes, from compact discs to
not only brought fundamental change to the economic MP3s, from snapshots to JPEGs, from checkbooks to
system but also far-reaching environmental impacts, for clicks, are all seen as examples of this dematerialization
better or worse. Our ecological footprints on the envi- process in which electrons are substituting for atoms,
ronment are, in most cases, a reflection of human consequently leading to a putative reduction of mate-
economic activities as mediated by technology (Mum- rial consumption. E-commerce also encourages mass
ford 1934, Landes 1969, Headrick 1990, Rees 1992, customization via the modes of “just-in-time,” “just-
Bowers 2000). During the past 8000 years, as human enough,” and “just-for-you” manufacturing and market-
society evolved from hunting and gathering to agricul- ing technologies, all of which can potentially reduce
ture, and especially since the beginning of the indus- waste and the need for inventory and warehouse space.
trial age in the late eighteenth century, we have increas- In addition, the growth of teleshopping can supposedly
ingly transformed the earth’s surface and caused our reduce the number of shopping centers and their inef-
fragile environment to deteriorate at an increasingly ficient use of land—what Nevin Cohen (1999) called
rapid rate. In fact, contemporary environmental prob- “the de-malling of America.” E-commerce has also been
lems can be traced to the sudden acceleration in the alleged to prevent waste by vastly increasing the effi-
rate and power of technological innovations. Now the ciency of the market for secondary (reused and recy-
information age is here. Many business leaders and cled) materials through online auctioning on a global
scholars contend that sustainable development hinges scale. Some researchers even argue that the decline of
on the further development of knowledge-based indus- energy intensity in the U.S. economy over the past ten
try and deployment of innovative technologies, espe- years can be attributed in part to the growing e-com-
cially the Internet-led information technologies (Aus- merce and IT sectors. Furthermore, according to
ubel and Sladovich 1989, Ausubel and Langford 1997, Romm et al. (2000), the decreasing energy consump-
Billates and Basaly 1997). Can the information technol- tion would mean the reduction of the greenhouse gas
ogies serve as one of the most important means to (GHG) emissions and thus make the goals of Kyoto
improve the environment? Do demands for the devel- Protocol (the reduction of GHG by 7% of the 1990
opment of a sustainable economy compete or coincide levels between 2008 –2012) easier to accomplish. The
with the new reality of the digital economy? Is e-com- Internet has also turned many homes into offices and
merce a truly clean, environmentally benign economy, virtual shopping malls (Nilles 1998), and the continu-
which will simply lead to the substitution of information ing growth of telecommuting and teleshopping entails
Environmental Impact of E-Commerce 157

the potential reduction, in some cases even elimina- amount they spent in conventional bookstores (Rejeski
tion, of certain to work and to shop trips— demobiliza- 1999). The material savings (dematerialization) caused
tion—which in turn may reduce fuel consumption and by the substitution of atoms with electrons could po-
conserve energy. tentially be offset by conspicuous consumption in de-
However, a closer look at the environmental impacts veloped countries and the population increase in de-
of the Internet quickly reveals that the potential posi- veloping countries as well (Gardner and Sampat 1998).
tive impacts are only one side of the story. Although the In terms of energy consumption, just-in-time (JIT)
potentials of the Internet to save material and energy delivery tends to create a situation in which trucks are
cannot be denied, it is nonetheless too early to paint a moving half empty. E-commerce also tends to favor
rosy picture for the environmental impacts of the faster transportation modes, which can increase fuel
emerging digital economy. We do not believe that our consumption exponentially. When we opt for trucks
society has quite reached the stage where our science instead of boats or rail, energy use goes up by a factor
and technology are ready to reconcile our economy of four to five (from 400⬇500 BTUS per ton-mile to
and environment to effect the Copernican turn char- over 2000). Moving the same package by airfreight
acterized by a hydrogen fuel economy, landless agricul- again increases the energy use dramatically (to over
ture, and an industrial ecosystem in which waste virtu- 14,000 BTUs per ton-mile). One company, Patagonia,
ally disappears. To the contrary, each potential positive calculated that the energy cost rose from 6% to 28%
impact is coupled with a potentially overwhelming neg- when shifting the modes of shipments from ground to
ative impact as well. For example, moving business air. The growth of e-commerce has further stimulated
online can reduce waste such as printed catalogues, the expansion of the overnight delivery business. Fed-
retail space, and transportation requirements, but we eral Express handles one million packages on an aver-
have to manufacture more energy intensive computers age day at its Memphis hub alone. The amount of
instead! There are already 50 million personal comput- energy used to transport freight in the U.S. has in-
ers in U.S. households, another 150 million in busi- creased steadily since 1984. It now exceeds five quadril-
nesses, and 36 million more are being sold every year lion BTUS (Rejeski 1999), enough energy to run the
(Mills 1999). The $50 billion per year semiconductor entire British economy for six months. Some of this
industry is the nation’s largest manufacturing sector, increase in transport energy consumption can be attrib-
having surpassed the auto parts sector in 1995. In the uted to the growth in e-commerce as it tends to encour-
not-so-distant future, there will be one billion PCs glo- age the consumer preferences to more energy-con-
bally on the Internet, which means not only a massive sumptive, faster deliveries. It is very likely that the
amount of material will be consumed to produce these increase in transport energy consumption may offset
computers, but also a global demand for kilowatt-hours the energy savings from consumers traveling less to
equal to the entire current output of the U.S. electric local stores unless e-commerce is seamlessly integrated
grid. Preliminary calculations reveal that the appetite with both B2B and B2C operations. Indeed, it is still an
for electricity to drive the Internet has grown from overwhelming challenge to further improve the U.S.’s
essentially nothing ten years ago to 8% of the total U.S. energy efficiency (Casten and Pena 1998).
electricity consumption (Mills 1998). Mills (1998) even As for demobilization, the current findings about
projected that the Internet is responsible for one-half telecommuting are perplexing. At the level of individ-
to two-thirds of all growth in the U.S. electricity de- ual home-based telecommuters, numerous emperical
mand in the last decade. For every 2000 kilobytes of studies have found statistically significant reductions in
data moving on the Internet, the amount of energy the number of vehicle trips, basically due to the elimi-
obtained from burning a pound of coal is needed to nation of the commute (though not for everyone nor
create the necessary kilowatt-hours (Mills 1998). Al- on every telecommuting day). Hypothesized increases
though Mills’ prediction has been contested by some in non-commute trips have not been found to a statis-
researchers (Koomey and others 2000), we cannot af- tically significant degree, or to a degree that completely
ford to ignore the basic fact that energy consumption counteracts the savings (Mokhtarian and others 1995).
will continue to increase. In addition, web-based mar- For center-based telecommuters, frequencies of trips
keting may encourage profligate rather than savvy con- are not reduced at all. Center-based telecommuters still
sumption. Indeed, the Internet has already dramati- make the commute (albeit a shorter one), and some-
cally increased mass production on a global scale. The times two (home for lunch and back in the afternoon),
ease of pointing and clicking itself causes people to buy on the days that they telecommute. New advances in
more. A German study found that customers at online telecommunications seem to complement traditional
bookstores are spending about twice the average modes of transportation rather than substituting for
158 D. Z. Sui and D. W. Rejeski

them. Studies in both North America and Europe have venge theory (Tenner 1996)—to especially macro ef-
found that heavy users of information technology travel fects from micro advances. In general, increased eco-
about the same amount overall as an otherwise similar, nomic productivity (less resources being used per unit
but non-heavy information technology-using group, al- quality of life) at the micro-level has translated in the
though IT professionals did considerably more work- past into increases in economic activity, rather than
related traveling. Thus, appears unlikely that telecom- increased environmental efficiency at the macroeco-
munications will noticeably reduce travel at the system nomic level (Allenby 1999). Because of rebound ef-
level (Mokhtarian 1998). Ample evidence shows that fects, the overall benefit in material and energy con-
“The aggregate impact will remain relatively flat into sumption caused by technological innovations will
the future, even if the amount of telecommuting in- probably be much less than bottom-up microeconomic
creases considerably” (Mokhtarian and Meenakshis- analysis indicates. For example, while the paperless
undaram 1999, see page 33). Contrary to the demobi- office was predicted at the dawn of the computer age in
lization hypothesis, no strong support exists for drastic, the 1970s, paper consumption in the U.S. increased by
or even smaller, reduction of travel attributed to tele- 33% between 1986 and 1999, and even with the increas-
commuting because of the small number of telecom- ing computerization in various facets of society, paper
muters and their low telecommute frequency. In fact, consumption continues to rise both on a per capita
the automobile is still a major source of a variety of basis and in the absolute amount at the global level
mobile pollutants such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen ox- (Abramovitz and Mattoon 1999). Perhaps the biggest
ide, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide, especially irony is in the Bay area around San Francisco, the most
from those fuel-hungry sports utility vehicles and wired region in the world. Traffic jams and environ-
pickup trucks. E-commerce also allows physical spaces mental burdens there are no less than in other areas
and flows to be reconfigured and reconstituted, thus (SVTC 2000). Silicon Valley also has more superfund
generating new forms of environmental problems sites than any other county in the U.S., 80% of which
through dispersal of land uses, along with concomitant are due to electronics and chip manufacturing (SVTC
generation and enhancement of new travels. Newly 2000). Energy consumption in Silicon Valley is by no
released data on the office space vacancy rate in major means less or more efficient than in other regions in
U.S. cities has indicated that there has been growing the U.S.
demand for office spaces during the past five years So, with both the negative and positive environmen-
(BOMA 2000). So far, telecommuting has not reduced tal impacts of the Internet considered, what are the
demands for office spaces either. combined net effects of the digital economy on the
Obviously, the Internet economy is a double-edged environment? The honest answer is that we don’t know,
sword. Despite the growing literature on the three D’s, and worse, that such impacts may not be knowable in
our knowledge of the extent of, and mechanisms be- the conventional sense because many aspects of the
hind, the patterns of material use and energy consump- environmental impacts of digital economy defy quanti-
tion are very limited. The weight-based material inten- fication. Furthermore, according to Nicholas Geor-
sity of the economy may be falling, but it is unclear at gescu-Roegen’s groundbreaking work on the law of
this point what, if any, economic and environmental entropy and economic processes (Georgescu-Roegen
significance that trend may have. Despite growing 1971, 1976, Mayumi and Gowdy 1999), economic activ-
claims to the contrary, there is no compelling macro- ity, as an extension of human biological evolution, is
economic evidence that the U.S. economy is decou- essentially an entropic process that unidirectionally dis-
pling from material and energy input (Cleveland and sipates material and energy as long as economic activity
Ruth 1999). We know even less about the environmen- exists. In the information age, the information flows in
tal impacts of many changes in material use than the the e-commerce should be viewed as an integral part of
possible changes in energy uses. The aggregate signifi- the global economy. We cannot obtain, transmit, or
cance of the dematerialization, decarbonization, and even keep in store information of any kind without an
demobilization trend is unknown. We concur with increase in the total entropy of the isolated system in
Cleveland and Ruth (1999) that any generalizations which we act. In other words, the law of entropy points
about material use and energy conservation attributed to the inevitability of environmental degradation, no
to technological innovation should be viewed with sus- matter how sophisticated our technologies are. Thus,
picion. we want to caution the scientific community and policy
What we believe has been under-appreciated so far makers that the current pervasive optimism about the
are the so-called rebound effects (Ashton and Laura positive impacts of the digital economy is unwarranted
1997)— or unintended consequences, according to re- at best and, worse, utopian by its nature. As of today,
Environmental Impact of E-Commerce 159

evidence exists to show both potential positive and Complexity theory portrays the economy not as de-
negative environmental impacts of the digital economy. terministic, predictable, and mechanistic, but as pro-
The net environmental impacts of the emerging digital cess dependent, organic, and always evolving (Arthur
economy are too uncertain to paint a clear picture at and others 1997, Kelly 1998). The new Internet-led
this point. economy affects, and is affected by multiple social,
economic, and cultural factors. The digital economy is
obviously out of equilibrium; in most cases it is a far-
Environmental Policies in the Digital Age
from-equilibrium system— ever-changing, showing per-
Obviously, the Internet is a game-changing technol- petually novel behavior and emergent phenomena. So
ogy for environmental policies. Environmental policy- far the development of the emerging digital economy
makers so far have entered this fast-paced world of seems to resonate with the insights obtained from com-
disciplinary collisions and shifting technological land- plexity theory, which entails uncertainty, unpredictabil-
scapes with some heavy handicaps. Among the growing ity, path dependence, and non-linear dynamics. Fur-
literature on Internet policies (NCGEC 1997, Litan and thermore, complex systems can be quite sensitive to
Niskanen 1998, Simon 2000), few have discussed the even very small changes so that a minor mistake or
environmental aspects of the Internet. In addition to malfunction can snowball into a major accident
the aforementioned daunting complexities and uncer- (Arthur 1994), as demonstrated by a college student in
tainties, we must realize that optimizing the environ- Philippines who sent the “ILoveYou” virus that shocked
mental performance of an economy driven by informa- the system at the global scale.
tion and knowledge creation is different from The emerging digital economy is not only exceed-
regulating one based largely on the processing of ma- ingly complex, but also the pieces of it are highly
terial. Many of our environmental policy tools are sim- interdependent, which tends to cause system effects,
ply too blunt and reactive to steer technological and both good and bad, to multiply rapidly in unpredict-
social innovation in an information economy in which able ways. Viewed from the perspective of non-linear
traditional notions of borders, distance, jurisdiction, dynamics, environmental effects could be much larger
and time have been altered in very fundamental ways. than anticipated and unpredictable. The behavior of
Environmental policies have so far worked well by fo- the economic system as mediated by technologies is
cusing on manufacturing rather than services; on tech- non-linear, and is characterized by random interac-
nology and regulation rather than information and tions, complex feedback loops, discontinuities, and
knowledge; on the details of the law rather than the trends that are not fully foreseeable. Indeed, complex-
dynamics of the system. Conventional policy initiatives ity creates uncertainty, and uncertainty calls for human
were criticized for placing members of society at one judgment. Society’s current relationship with the Inter-
end of a linear equilibrium, a cause-and-effect chain, as net is best described as a blind date. Whether this blind
passive receptors of environmental risk. Environmental date will evolve into romance or turn sour remains to
policies so far have focused on industry as the source of be seen. We obviously need to keep a vigilant eye on
pollution with little or, in most cases, no attention to possible consequences.
consumption. Although problems of production may If we accept the premise that the digital economy is
tend to be industrial and local problems of consump- a complex system and that the relationship between the
tion will tend to be problems for everyone at an increas- Internet and the environment is best captured from the
ingly global scale. Whereas residuals tend to disappear theory of complexity, this will have serious policy impli-
from the market domain, where everything has a price, cations (Elliott and Kiel 1999). The common finding in
they do not disappear from the natural world in which the study of non-linear dynamics is that economic struc-
the economic system is embedded. tures can crystallize around small events and that
Admittedly, the environmental impacts of the Inter- lock-in is beginning to change policy in all of these
net cannot be placed into a simple linear law taking the areas toward an awareness that government should
form of a statement with a single cause and a conse- avoid both the extremes of coercing a desired outcome
quent effect. The defining characteristics of this new and keeping a strict hands-off approach. Instead, gov-
digital economy challenge much of the conventional ernment should seek to push the system gently toward
wisdom in economics and policy science. Instead, we favored structures that can grow and emerge naturally.
believe that insights gained from extensive research on In Brian Arthur’s words, government should exercise
non linear dynamics and complexity during the late not a heavy hand, not an invisible hand, but a nudging
twentieth century can help illuminate the convoluted (massaging) hand (Arthur 1999). We believe that this is
relationship between the Internet and environment. the only viable policy guideline for the Internet and the
160 D. Z. Sui and D. W. Rejeski

environment. Insights gained from non-linear dynam- long-distance transport at a slight delay in delivery and
ics also tell us that policies are more successful when then let the customer choose. The Internet can also
they attempt to influence the market-driven process of empower consumers to identify— demand—products
formation of economic structures instead of forcing that are less toxic, more energy efficient, and longer
static outcomes. The new digital reality also demands lasting, by adding information to products about envi-
flexibility, adaptation, and coevolution for any new en- ronment efficiency. The Internet can be used to ex-
vironmental policy initiatives that we may come up change information, such as the International Stan-
with. dards Organization (ISO) 14000, and to track
In lieu of the insights gained from complexity the- environmental impacts throughout the production life-
ory, macro-level patterns of adaptation have possible cycle and beyond. Eco-friendly bots can be developed
deterministic effects at the micro-level, both in society to search the global market place for the best combi-
and the environment, and the best opportunities for nation of price and environmental attributes for any
change in those patterns actually arise during the given product or service, such as clothing with organic
course of micro-level intervention. Thus, the most sen- cotton, eco-tourism packages, recycle-content products,
sible environmental policy in the information age, in verified carbon credits, or the lowest priced mid-sized
our opinion, is to nurture a long sequence of small, sedan with the best gas mileage and lowest emissions.
corrective decisions via an intelligent exercise of day- The list goes on and on (NRC 1997, Brower and Leon
to-day judgment. We would like to call for a fundamen- 1999).
tal paradigm shift from a top-down regulatory to a
bottom-up participatory policy, which aims to raise the
The E-for-the-Environment E-commerce?
environmental consciousness of both the individual
and business. New environmental policies in the infor- In their recent book The Social Life of Information,
mation age should shift from regulating materials to Xerox chief scientist-John Seely Brown and historian
regulating demands and supplies, from a predominant Paul Duguid (Brown and Duguid 2000) pointed out
focus on production to more emphasis on consump- that one of the greatest traps in assessing the impact of
tion, and from controlling materials to disseminating information technologies is assuming that they will take
information. We must balance our pursuit of techno- us from one, to two, to a million, in terms of their
logical opportunities for ameliorating environmental benefits. What stands between us and the imagined
conditions with a soul-searching re-evaluation of our benefits are people, and their behavior, phenomena
fundamental cultural value systems. Sustainable devel- much harder to predict than the energy consumption
opment requires at the micro level that individuals of Internet servers or pollutants from airplanes moving
internalize awareness that they play an active role in the packages around the globe. In the end, people matter,
creation of pollution and other environmental and when we leave people out, our technological aspi-
changes. rations often fall prey to the mundane forces that shape
Working with such complex, rapidly evolving tech- our everyday lives.
nologies poses new challenges for industries as well as Environmental problems at their very root are the
consumers. Concerns for profits rather than for a bet- consequences of large-scale cultural patterns, the
ter environment are usually the driving force for the summed effects of millions of people making individual
development of electronic commerce in the private decisions—the tyranny of small decisions that eventu-
sector and all business generally. Most companies have ally leads to the tragedy of the commons (Khan 1966,
little interest in exploring the negative environmental Durning 1992, Lebergott 1993). The new economy may
impacts of e-commerce in spite of fact that both their contain fewer warehouses or manufacturing plants, but
companies and the environment would benefit from it will not contain fewer people, especially in the United
running a more environmentally conscious business States, which has one of the highest population growth
(NAE 1994, Abe and others 1998, Nattrass and others rates of any developed nation. In an event that received
1999, Romm 1999, Hawken and others 1999). Identifi- no significant media coverage, the U.S. Census Bureau
cation of the things e-commerce firms can or should do released new projections for the U.S. population this
to increase their performance and relying on market past January (see for details).
forces to encourage them to do it has proved sensible The conservative projection shows that the U.S. could
(O’Meara 2000). For example, an “environmentally grow from its present 276 million people to over 400
conscious” retailer can put a note on their ordering million by 2050, or put differently, continue the exist-
screen that using surface freight, rather than air freight, ing trend of adding 45,000 to 50,000 new people per
will save about 90% of the energy costs associated with week, or about 25 million every decade into the fore-
Environmental Impact of E-Commerce 161

seeable future. So we can assume that the new economy Acknowledgments

will be more populated than ever by that capricious and
This research was partially supported by the U.S. EPA’s
voracious species Homo consumptus, a species that is
FUTURE program (contract 99-32525) and NSF’s Tech-
rapidly replacing Homo sapiens throughout most of the
nology for Sustainable Environment (TSE) (project 99-
developing world. Let us add to this picture the esti-
10243). The opinions expressed in this article do not
mated $200 billion spent in the U.S. every year on necessarily reflect those of the funding agencies. We
advertising, much of it designed to drive growing num- would like to thank (without implicating) Pat Mokhtarian,
bers of new economy consumers directly into the hands Tom Meyer, Peter Hugill, Jonathan Smith, Igor Vojnovic,
of retailers— both online and at the mall. The Internet Chris Cohen, Matt Reinert, John Waldron, and Marceia
is obviously playing an increasingly integral role in both Lathou for their comments on an earlier draft.
production and consumption. In fact, the Internet is
becoming the largest advertising machine for goods
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