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Themes : Creating a healthier and drug free school environment

Title :The ways to build clean school from drug problems

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

As we know at the present time or nation is getting very serious problem. Regarding
with the young generation problem this problem makes the parents be sad the teacher be
afraid and the government be confused. This problem was been spreading through all over
the country. And the problem is the misuse of drugs by our young generation that day by day
is getting worse.

Let me give the actually meaning of drugs. Drugs is a medicine that actually been made
by herbs and also some type of chemical, the purpose for relief many kinds of diseases and
some of them managed to cure many diseases such as fever, flu, aches and many more.
But,what will happen if the drug user abuse the using of drugs by consuming it too many
overdoses. And that what we call the misuse of drugs.

From Surah Al-Baqarah chapter 2 ayat 219

ٓ ‫ير َو َم َٰنَف ُع للنَّاس َوإثْ ُم ُه َما‬ ٌ ‫۞ يَ ْسـَٔلُون ََك َعن ْٱلخ َْمر َو ْٱل َميْسر ۖ قُ ْل فيه َما ٓ إثْ ٌم َكب‬
‫ٱل َءا َٰ َيت َل َعلَّ ُك ْم‬ َّ ‫أ َ ْك َب ُر من نَّ ْفعه َما ۗ َويَ ْسـَٔلُون ََك َماذَا يُنفقُونَ قُل ْٱل َع ْف َو ۗ َك َٰذَل َك يُ َبي ُن‬
ْ ‫ٱَّللُ لَ ُك ُم‬
َ‫تَتَفَ َّك ُرون‬
“They ask thee concerning wine and gambling. Say: "In them is great sin, and some
profit, for men; but the sin is greater than the profit." They ask thee how much they are to
spend; Say: "What is beyond your needs." Thus doth Allah Make clear to you His Signs: In
order that ye may consider-“

Allah SWT told us in holy Quran, that anything that will bring bad effect to our body
and bring to death is forbidden to consume it. So the drugs was one of them.

International Laboratory Organisation (ILO) in Indonesia that inform 4% of the drugs

users are children under seventeen years old.How can this possibly happen to them? This is a
serious problem that all of us need to be concern about it. A child that below than 17 years
old become a disgrace of society? How can we as a teacher create or build a clean school
environment from this silent killer problematic?
Firstly, as a teacher we need to show caring and and concern to them. A study
conducted at Seattle Children’s Research Institute showed that students who received support
teachers were less inclined towards early drug abuse. A student if been monitored by their
teachers and always been given advices to them,they will be afraid that any trouble that they
gonna make will be known by their teacher and their parent. Furthermore, they will feel that
they have someone to share and confide about their wholeday problem. Sometimes, a student
been involved in this problematic because they need to share their problem to someone,and
because of no one that they can rely on so they will take advantage by consume the drugs to
eliminating the problems.

Secondly, the teacher need to build school as community. By help develop and nurture
the idea of school as a community. This creates a sense of belonging,attachment and
protection for students,which counteracts tendencies towards abuse of drugs and other
substances. This article by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health suggests the following
actions teachers can take to turn a school into a community.Firstly,the teachers need to set
clear classroom boundaries with clear rules and consequences. Secondly, encourage a
constructive use of time.Thirdly, foster an environment that encourages a commitment to
learning.Fourthly, praise student’s achievement and accomplishments.Lastly,be agood
listener and open minded. By develop this the students will accept the schools not just a place
for knowledge but also a community to help build their life better.

Finally, as a final example,teachers can take actions shown to be effective in preventing

substance abuse. In this paper by the Canadian Centre on Substances Abuse, there are a
number of ‘’calls to action’’, including pairing the appropriate services with each
group,putting effective services into place,and continually becoming more knowledgeable.

This three ways are the steps to build a healthy and clean schools from drug problem.
By doing this InsyaAllah our school will be the healthiest and happy school ever where
there’s no drugs and other substances abuse problem happen.

Lastly if theres anything wrong throughout my speech please forgiven me and thank

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