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Test Paper Name,surname_____________

The XI-th Form

I. Read the text and accomplish the post-reading tasks.

The Yin Yang significance

The ancient Chinese people subscribe to a concept called Yin Yang which is a belief that
there exist two complementary forces in the universe. One is Yang which represents everything
positive and the other is Yin which is characterized as negative. One is not better than the other.
Instead they are both necessary and a balance of both is highly desirable. This thinking is different
from the duality of most religion where one state overcomes the other e.g. good over evil. In the
concept of Yin Yang, too much of either one is bad. The ideal is a balance of both. The hot Saharan
desert for example is an example of extreme Yang while the bitter cold Antarctica is extreme Yin.
Neither is desirable. There is a perception (especially in the West) that yin and yang correspond to
good and evil. However, Taoist philosophy generally discounts good/bad distinctions as superficial
labels, preferring to focus on the idea of balance.
This is a philosophy that reflects human’s personality as well. Yang contracts to produce
density, gravity, heat, and activity while yin expands to produce diffusion, lightness, cold, and
quiescence. The yang personality is active, commanding, concentrated, and fiery while the yin
personality is more inclusive, diffuse, gentle, tranquil, and magnetic. If you are constitutionally yin
then you will naturally express yourself more through your thoughts. As such, good occupations for
yin persons include research, scholarship, teaching, writing, and all other activities that require
mental exertion. On the other hand, if you are constitutionally yang then you will naturally express
yourself more through your actions. Yang occupations include business, sales, travel, sports,
performing arts, engineering, mechanics, the armed services, police, and all other indoor and outdoor
activities that require physical exertion.
In a nutshell, Chinese Yin Yang symbols represent perfect balance. Seemingly, the whole of
Chinese philosophy stems from the concept of Yin and Yang – opposites interacting and supposedly
the seed of all things. For example, evil results from an imbalance in Yin and Yang, and good comes
from the two being in harmonic balance.

Nr Items Res
1. Answer the question. A
What is the idea of Taoist philosophy about Yin and Yang? 0

2. Answer the question. A

What does evil and good come from?
_______________________________________________________________________________ 4
3. Identify the correct variant (True/False). Justify your choice. A
1. Yang represents everything negative and Yin is characterized as positive. T F
_____________________________________________________________________ 6
2. They are both necessary and a balance of both is highly desirable. T F

4. Match the two parts to make up entire sentences. A

1. If you are constitutionally yin then you a. will naturally express yourself more through
your actions. 2
2. If you are constitutionally yang then you b. stems from the concept of Yin and Yang.
3. In the concept of Yin Yang, c. will naturally express yourself more 8
through your thoughts.
4. The whole of Chinese philosophy d. too much of either one is bad.
5. Comment on: Chinese Yin Yang symbols represent perfect balance. A
_______________________________________________________________________________ 7
_______________________________________________________________________________ 9

II. II. Grammar. Fill in the blanks with the correct modal verb and article. Underline
the correct variant using the words in bold, put the verbs in brackets into the correct
tense form.
1. You ________________ worry about me. Anyway, you _____________ walk A
miles to find a telephone that works. (not/must/have to/need) 0
2. A large reception (organize) _______________ for the professor before he arrived. 2
3. We (go)___________to the beach tomorrow unless it (rain)__________. 6
4. What an/how /a amazing sight the Pyramids are! 8
5. Sarah replied that she (not like) __________________ it at first, but she (really 10
enjoy)________________ it then. 12
6. We hadn’t booked _______ accommodation before we went, and we had _______ 14
awful time finding _______ room to stay in. 16
Written production:If one has knowledge and works hard he will always be
III. successful A
15-20( lines) 0
____________________________________________________________________ 4
____________________________________________________________________ 8
____________________________________________________________________ 12
____________________________________________________________________ 16
____________________________________________________________________ 20

Total:80 points Mark______

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