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Clinton Richard Dawkins - Elias James Corey - a Professor Thorne Kip - spent
emohasized on the role of the distinguished American 40 years of his life working on
genes in evolution and organic chemist who was gravitational waves and black
developed the new discipline awarded the ‘Nobel Prize in holes.
of genetic ethology. Chemistry’ in 1990 for his
- Proving the existence of
scientific contributions in the
- he is best known for his gravitational waves helped in
development of theory and
genecentred reformulation of explaining the behavior of
methodology of organic
Charles Darwin's theory of objects in space and time, or
synthesis, particularly
natural selection spacetime as it is fondly
retrosynthetic analysis.
- has authored several books
- His book ‘The Logic of
and produced numerous - Thorne was the first
Chemical Synthesis’ consists
television documentaries physicist to prove Einstein
of a proper elucidation of the
right by building a device that
concept of retrosynthetic
can detect the presence of
analysis, which is a systematic
this wave. This device is called
method of chemical synthesis
the LIGO -Laser
involving effective
Interferometer Gravitational
transformation of a target
Wave Observatory.
molecule to simpler precursor

Juliane Koepcke- She Yuan Tseh Lee- Lee had Andre Geim Konstantin - Geim
graduated from the University specifically worked on the use received a Nobel price in 2010
of Kiel, in zoology, in 1980. of advanced chemical kinetics for his work on Graphene. He
techniques to investigate the discovered a method for
- She received a doctorate
behaviour of chemical isolating a single atomic layer
from Ludwig-Maximilian
reactions. of graphite which is referred
University and returned to
Peru to conduct research in - experimented with and to as graphene.
mammalogy, specializing in further developed
- Graphene is an awesome
bats. Herschbach’s technique and
material and could be the
introduced mass spectroscopy
- She published her thesis, solution to an everlasting
to identify the products
Ecological study of a Bat screen for our smartphone as
resulting from the reactions of
Colony in the Tropical it is said to be 200 times
oxygen and fluorine atoms
Rainforest of Peru in 1987. stronger than the normal
with complex organic
Currently, she serves as steel and has the ability to be
librarian at the Bavarian State incredibly flexible and light.
Zoological Collection in

E. O. Wilson - Edward Sir John Ernest Walker - Stephen Hawking - Hawking's

Osborne Wilson or better Walker’s atomic resolution work was based mostly on the
known as E. O. Wilson is one structure supported the field of physics and astronomy
of the world’s leading expert binding change mechanism and made a ground breaking
in the field of biology.w and rotary catalysis for the contribution in the General
ATP synthase, one of the Relativity.
- 1956 was a very productive
catalytic mechanisms
year in Wilson’s career as he - Hawking has also proven
proposed by Paul Boyer.
was successful in making many theorems on the laws
more than one discovery. - The work done by Walker that governs black holes using
was later published in 1994, the cosmological models.
- The first was the discovery
which led to his share of the
of pheromones in ants that
Nobel Prize in Chemistry in
help in their communication
and the second was the
discovery of the taxon cycle - he is credited for the
which chronicled the changing elucidation of the enzymatic
habitats of different species. mechanism underlying the
synthesis of adenosine
triphosphate (ATP).

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