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Jan Angel DG.

BSE English 1-1

1. What is the difference between representational and nonrepresentational arts?

Representational art or figurative art represents objects or events in the real world,
usually looking easily recognizable. For example, a painting of a cat looks very much like a cat–
it’s quite obvious what the artist is depicting. On the other hand, nonrepresentational art are art
forms that do not make a reference to the real world, whether it is a person, place, thing, or
even a particular event. It is stripped down to visual elements, such as shapes, lines, and colors
that are employed to translate a particular feeling, emotion, and even concept.
In non-representational art, a higher level of perceptiveness and insight might be
required to fully grasped the feeling, emotion, or concept behind the work while in
representational art, it is easier to infer the subject matter because from the figures depicted in
the artwork, there is already a suggestion as to its implication.

2. Does subject of art matter? Explain your answer.

Yes, subject of art matter because it refers to the main idea that is represented in the
artwork. The subject in art is basically the essence of the piece. As they say, “There is no form
without content, there is no content without form.”

3. Why do visual artists differ from style or methods in presenting the subject?

Visual artists differ from style or methods in presenting the subject because they
manifest their artworks through media, ideas, themes and sheer creative imagination. Usually,
the artists create art forms that are primarily perceived by the eye.

4. Among the methods of presenting the subject, which one would you consider as the most
appealing to you? Why?

The most appealing method of presenting the subject for me is Realism because it
portrays the subject as it is and it is objective as possible. Realism is a universal language that
enables communication with all people and to people of all times: past, present, and future. The
main function of this method is to describe as accurately and honestly as possible what is
observed through the senses. Realism tended to stress the daily life of a common man.

5. What role does symbolism played in our history? (i.e. “Spoliarium”)

Symbolism played both an artistic and literary movement of ideas through symbols and
emphasized the meaning behind the forms, lines, shapes, and colors. The artist’s works are
personal and express their own ideologies, particularly the belief in the artist's power to reveal
truth. Symbolism reflects a Filipino society with diverse cultural influences and traditions. It
helped in shaping a sense of national identity.

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