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What is the specious definition of “progress” that Dreyfus took 13. What does so-called “fringe consciousness” do in the context of
to the mat countless times over his long career? chess playing that is difficult to articulate in machines?
2. Draw a diagram of the moon and tree image to which Dreyfus 14. Why did formal chess programs fail to render expert-level
often returned. Describe what is at issue, here. chess during the 1960s and 70s?
3. What mistake did Rodney Brooks and Daniel Dennett make, in 15. What must provided in order for a computer to – in principle –
terms of insect and human intelligence? be able to solve any given problem?
4. What do some people think is possible , given sufficiently 16. Why?
powerful AI? 17. What is rare in human experience?
5. What is the greatest hurdle to human-like AI, according to 18. Are human beings more or less complex than the natural
Dreyfus? environment in terms of which they find themselves?
6. What does Dreyfus’ research ultimately recommend in regards 19. What does fringe consciousness provide that is otherwise
to AI research in the future (two things)? required by a programmer?
7. Which four distinctly human forms of intelligence allow human 20. What is searching, without a preliminary structuring of the
beings to avoid the difficulties that any rule-based problem?
programming attempt at human-like intelligence must 21. What is the problem in trying to define terms in terms of other
confront explicitly? terms, alone?
8. Why did Dreyfus write that “machines are perfect Cartesians”? 22. What becomes impossible without insight into fringe
9. Which two types of information processing did Dreyfus consciousness and tolerance for ambiguity?
distinguish? 23. Did Dreyfus think that accurate machine translation of natural
10. What limits discrete methods? language was likely?
11. How do human beings avoid these problems? 24. Why not?
12. Where do researchers get into trouble regarding explicit and 25. What is the nature of ‘fringe consciousness’?
implicit modes of information processing? 26. Offer and example of a word that means different things in
different contexts. Why is this a problem for machines?
27. What is required in order for a machine to begin to understand 41. Why did Dreyfus raise the shades in his office?
why ‘pen’ means one thing in one context and another thing in 42. What is the problem with “frames” according to Dreyfus?
another? 43. On what did behavior based robotics focus, rather than
28. What should machines do, according to Dreyfus? discrete representations?
29. Give an example of a complex formal problem of the sort that 44. In whose argument does Dreyfus (2012) isolate an “explicit
machines are better than humans in solving. statement of the first step fallacy”?
30. What is it about facts that gets in the way of methods that may 45. What is Chalmers’ (2010) argument?
have been successful in less complex domains but that fail in 46. What does Chalmers explicitly recognize?
more complex domains? 47. Why does he exempt from it?
31. Give one example of a non-formal problem. 48. Chalmers’ (2010) argument is an overt example of the
32. What is the only way to program a computer to be proficient in unwarranted optimism that is characteristic of Dreyfus’
a natural language? “overall pattern” of AI research in the main. Explain.
33. What must a machine have in order to learn language and use 49. What sort of problem does AlphaGo Zero solve?
it properly? 50. What does Sam Harris have to say about AI?
34. How did Dreyfus view “failures” in AI research, in the long-run? 51. What can be learned if we bring Dreyfus’ insights to bear on
35. What was Shannon’s question, about how to design a true AI? Harris’ and Chalmers’ predictions?
36. Why did Dreyfus anticipate the “discontinuity” in AI research 52. What may happen if we do not pursue “fundamental
going forward? (HINT: has something to do with brains and alternatives” to current research directions?
information processing) 53. What is the hidden obstacle to true AI according to Dreyfus?
37. What did he recommend at that time? 54. Why?
38. What is “good old fashioned artificial intelligence” based on? 55. What does Dreyfus recommend that we do with the ‘cultural
39. Why did so-called “expert” systems fail, according to Dreyfus? paradigm’ in terms of which discoveries are evaluated?
40. What is more important, the number or relevance of any given 56. Where should ‘new meaningful directions’ appear?
dimension to a problem? 57. What would Dreyfus recommend that AI researchers do today?

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