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American History II

Unit 4 Syllabus: Prosperity & Depression

Ms. Meyers →
Weebly →
Unit Questions:
- What was 1920s culture like? (What was popular? What were issues of the
time? What were changes that were taking place?)
- What was life like during the Great Depression?
- How did President Hoover respond to the Great Depression?
- How did President Franklin Roosevelt respond to the Great Depression?

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

10/21 10/22 10/23 10/24 10/25
Test Corrections The Roaring ‘20s The Roaring ‘20s and The Crash and the
UNIT 3 TEST! Start Unit 4! - Unit 4 Project Harlem Renaissance Great Depression
- Harding speech - Project presentations - Movie day!
- PPT notes - Harlem Renaissance
Due: 158, 160 Due: 162, 164 Due: 167, 169 Due: 172
10/28 10/29 10/30 10/31 11/1
Life During the FDR and The New The Legacy of the
Great Depression Deal New Deal UNIT 4 TEST! NO SCHOOL! :)
- PPT notes - Reading notes - Reflection activity
- Primary sources - Gov’t agencies chart - Review games!
Due: 174, 176 Due: 178, 182 Due: All vocab!

Key Terms 4
Provide an overview of each term or name:

1. Red Scare 11. Flappers

2. Palmer Raids 12. Marcus Garvey
3. Sacco and Vanzetti 13. Black Tuesday
4. Model T 14. Hoovervilles
5. buying on margin 15. Dust Bowl
6. Teapot Dome Scandal 16. Bonus Army
7. the Ohio Gang 17. Public Works Administration
8. three presidents of the 20s 18. National Industry Recovery Act
9. Emergency Quota Act of 1921 19. The TVA
10. the Volstead Act 20. National Youth Admin

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