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© Siemens AG 2016

Process Gas Chromatograph Application Note

Refining Industry
Vapor Recovery Unit (VRU)

In the Vapor Recovery Unit the recovery and separation debutanized gasoline stream is directed either back to the
of olefins is accomplished in a series of fractionation primary absorber for recycle or on to blending.
towers. Since the VRU is the prime source of olefins for
Typical GC Measurements
the alkylation unit, it is very important that all the olefins
GC’s are placed around the absorber towers for optimum
be recovered.
separation and production of fuel gas and olefins:
Leaving the main fractionator, the heavier components
1. Primary Absorber Overhead – measures C3= and
of the light gases liquefy, and the stream flows through a
C4= to minimize the loss of olefins.
liquid-vapor separator. The vapor is sent to the bottom of
the primary absorber and will travel up the absorber, and 2. Refinery Fuel Gas – measures C2= and C3= to
the liquid is sent to the top of the primary absorber and minimize the loss of olefins.
will travel down the absorber. This action creates better
3. Secondary Absorber Bottoms – monitors C4 and
separation of olefins and lighter hydrocarbons.
C4= to minimize recycling of light hydrocarbons.
The overhead product of the primary absorber is sent to a
4. Primary Absorber Bottoms – measures light hydro-
secondary absorber. Light hydrocarbon gases rise through
carbons to limit the amount of light hydrocarbons
the secondary absorber and exit as fuel gas. Sponge oil is
entering the feed to the alkylation unit.
passed down the absorber to remove heavier components
from the light hydrocarbon fuel gas. The heavier compo- 5. Lean Oil Still Overhead – measures light hydro-
nents are recycled back to the main fractionator. carbons to limit the amount of light hydrocarbons
entering the feed to the alkylation unit.
The bottoms product of the primary absorber is passed
to a lean oil still, where olefins are separated from de- 6. Lean Oil Still Bottoms – monitors C4 content in the
butanized gasoline to be fed to an alkylation unit. The gasoline due to RVP specifications.
© Siemens AG 2016

Vapor Recovery Unit (VRU)

Analyzer no. Stream Components measured Measurement objective

1 Primary Absorber Overhead C2=, C4= Minimize losses of Olefins
2 Refinery Fuel Gas C2=, C3= Minimize losses of Olefins
3 Secondary Absorber Bottoms C4’s Minimize recycling of light hydrocarbons
Minimize light hydrocarbons in the feed to
4 Primary Absorber Bottoms C 2, C 3, C 4
the Alkylation Unit
Minimize impurities in the feed to the
5 Lean Oil Still Overhead C2, iC4
Alkylation Unit
Monitor C4 content in the blended gasoline
6 Lean Oil Still Bottoms iC4, nC4
due to RVP specifications

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as a result of further development of the products.
An obligation to provide the respective character-
istics shall only exist if expressly agreed in the
terms of contract.
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