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Unscramble — Don’t Worry

The Bible verses below are from Matthew 6:25-34 (PHILLIPS), in which Jesus tells us why we don’t need to worry.
Unscramble the letters in red to complete the verses.

“That is why I say to you, don’t _r w

_o_ _y _r about living—

wondering what you are going to t_ e_ a

_ or k
_ _i _,
r or what

you are going to a

_w e _.
__ r Surely _f _l e_ _i is more important

than food, and the body more o

_p_ _i _r e
_ _t t_ m
_n_ than the clothes

you wear. Look at the _i d

_ _r _s b
_ in the sky. They never o
_w s nor

_ _ _a _r nor store away in barns, and yet your a_ v
_ e_ H
_ _e _l Father feeds them.

Aren’t you much more a

_v_ _l _l e_ b
_ to him than they are? Can any of you,

however much he _r _i w
_o_ e_ _s _,
r make himself an inch taller? And why do you

worry about o
_ _l _t e_ h c Consider how the wild _o _l _s _f _r e
_ _s _? _w_ grow. They neither

work nor weave, but I tell you that even o

_S_ _l n
_o_ in all his glory was never

arrayed like one of these! Now if God so clothes the flowers of the _i _f d
_ _l e

which are alive today and _r u

_b_ _t n_ in the stove _r o
_o_ _r _t _,
o is he not much

more likely to clothe you, you ‘_t e

_ _l _i _t _-
l _a _t s_ _i _
h _’?
f “So don’t worry and don’t

keep saying, ‘What shall we e

_ _t a
_, what shall we _i _r d
_n_ k_ or what shall we

_w_ _r e
_ ?! That is what g
_a p _s n
__ _a_ are always looking for; your Heavenly Father

knows that you need them all. Set your heart on the n
_g_ _i o
__k and his

_e_ _s g
_o_ n_ s_ o
_, and all these things will come to you as a matter of course.“Don’t

_ _r o_ w
_ _r at all then about tomorrow. Tomorrow can take r_ a
_ of itself! One

day’s u
_ _b _r o
_e_ _l _t is enough for one day.”

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