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Anatomy & Physiology Learning Centre

Sympathetic vs. Parasympathetic


Peripheral Sympathetic
Nervous Division
Nervous Autonomic
System Nervous
Central Nervous Parasympathetic
System Division

Differences in the autonomic nervous system:

Sympathetic Nervous Parasympathetic Nervous

System System
CNS Region Thoracolumbar Craniosacral
Location of Close to spinal cord Close to target organ
Preganglionic Short Long
Postganglionic Long Short
Ganglionic ACh on nicotinic receptor ACh on nicotinic receptor
synapse response
Neuron-target NE on α- or β-adrenergic ACh on muscarinic receptor
synapse response receptor
Neural divergence Extensive Minimal
Inactivation of Uptake into varicosity, Enzymatic, diffusion
neurotransmitter diffusion
at synapse
Systemic effect Alarm: “fight or flight” Homeostasis: “rest and digest”

© 2013 Vancouver Community College Learning Centre.

Student review only. May not be reproduced for classes. 1
Authored by Jacqueline Shehadeh
& Hawmid Azizi
Responses of major organs to autonomic nerve impulses:

Organ Sympathetic Stimulation Parasympathetic Stimulation

(Alarm; Fight or Flight) (Homeostasis; Rest & Digest)
Heart - Dilation of coronary arteries - Constriction of coronary arteries
- Increased heart rate - Slows heart rate
- Increased force of contraction - reduces contraction and conduction
- Increased rate of pacemaker
Arteries Constrict Dilate
Lungs Dilate tracheal and bronchial - Constrict tracheal and bronchial
passageways passageways
- Increased bronchial gland
Liver - Increased glycogen breakdown - Increased glycogen storage
- Glucose synthesis and release - Glycogen synthesis
Gall Bladder Relaxation Contraction
G.I. Tract - Vasoconstriction - Peristalsis
- Inhibition of peristalsis and - Secretion
secretion - Dilate sphincters
- Constrict sphincters
Kidney Constriction, leading to Dilate
decreased urine production
Bladder Decreased need to urinate Increased need to urinate
Eye - Dilation of the pupils - Constriction of the pupils
- Allows far vision - Stimulates tear secretion
- Allows for near vision
Salivary Viscous salivary secretions Lots of watery salivary secretions
Glands containing enzymes
Sweat Glands Increased sweat excretion None
Pancreas Decreased insulin secretion Increased insulin secretion
Adipose - Lipolysis
Tissue - Fatty acid release
Skeletal - Increased force of contraction None
Muscles - Glycogen breakdown
- Facilitation of ACh release at
the neuromuscular junction

© 2013 Vancouver Community College Learning Centre.

Student review only. May not be reproduced for classes. 2
Authored by Jacqueline Shehadeh
& Hawmid Azizi

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