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° ? ‘Walker Mill Middle School —— “Excellence without Excuses" — Home of the Panthers PGCPS 800 Karen Boulevard « Capitol Heights, MD 20743 ae OFFICE: (301) 808-4055 + FAX: (301) 808 — 4039 GUIDANCE: (240) 767-4930 FAX: (301) 808 - 4049 Mrs. Erin Cribbs Mr: Dwayne Mart ‘Mas. Tilfany Johinson Ms Byanka Gregory Principal Assit Principal Assistant Principal Assistant Principal October 22, 2019 Dear Parents: It has been brought to our attention that bedbugs were found in your child’s classroom at Walker Mill Middle School, Bed bug infestations usually occur around or near the areas where people sleep. These areas include apartments, shelters, rooming houses, hotels, cruise ships, buses, trains, and dorm rooms. They hide during the day in places such as seams of mattresses, box springs, bed frames, headboards, dresser tables, inside cracks or crevices, behind wallpaper, or any other clutter or objects around a bed. Bed bugs are a nuisance, but their bites are not known to spread disease nor are they considered life threatening. Bed bugs are usually active at night and feed on human blood. The bite does not hurt at first, but it may become swollen and itch, much like a mosquito bite. Wateh for clusters of bites, usually in a line, or exposed areas of the body. If you have medical concerns for you or your child, please contact your doctor Bed bugs can be found in hotels, airplanes, buses, hospitals, department stores and movie theaters, Finding a bed bug does not mean that our entire school building is infested. Bed bugs are often unknowingly brought into the school by building occupants and as a result we may have future sightings. Even though it is unlikely for bed bugs to reproduce and spread in schools, the Office of School Health Policy, Services and Innovation will be working with a licensed Pest Control Specialist from PGCPS Plant Operations from Support Services to clean the affected rooms and monitor them for future sightings for a month, Please see attached fact sheet for additional information, If you have additional questions regarding bed bugs, please contact your school murse or the Office of School Health Policy, Services and Innovation at 301-749-4556 or 301-749-4722, | if Erin V. Cribbs Principal Prince G County Public School: Liga 7 ails Sears Coury ule SeNGO HEALTH = h iti PGCPS _ sevaue ract sett FOR SCHOOL STAFF Schoo Groat By Choice? What is a Bed Bug? Bed bugs are small insects that feed mainly on human blood. A newly hatched bed bug is semi- transparent, light tan in color and the size of a poppy seed. Adult bed bugs are flat, have rusty red colored oval bodies and are the size of a apple seed. Where they are found: Bed bugs can be found anywhere across the globe, Recently they have been spreading rapidly in the United States and Europe. They can be found around or near the areas where people sleep. They hide during the day in places such as seams of mattresses, box springs, bed frames, headboards, dresser tables, inside cracks and crevices, behind wallpaper or any other clutter or objects around a bed. Bed bugs are not attracted to dirt, so it is a myth that only dirty homes, have bed bugs. Bed bugs can’t fly but they can crawl very quickly. ‘The increase in international travel and resistance to pesticides may be the cause of the increase infestation of bed bugs. When a bed bug infestation is suspected look for blood stains, droppings, and eggs around mattress seams and tufts, on sheets, pillow cases and upholstered furniture. You might also see them in erevices or cracks in furniture and along baseboards, Symptoms: When bed bugs bite they inject an anesthetic and an anticoagulant that prevents the person form waking up and realizing they are bitten. Bite marks appear one to several days after the initial bite and resemble flea and mosquito bites. The bites are red and they often have a red mark in the center and may be in a straight line or cluster. They generally are on skin that is exposed during sleeping. Some people have no reaction to the bites, while others experience an allergic reaction that can include severe itching, blisters, hives and skin infections from scratching, Can bed bugs spread disease? NO. Bed bugs should not be considered a medical or public health hazard. They are not known to spread any disease. They are an annoyance and cause of discomfort due to itching. The best treatment is to apply antiseptic creams or hydrocortisone cream, and take antihistamines to decrease itching and prevent scratching, Ss Prince Georges County Public Schools Office of School Health Policy, Services and H E ‘A LTH Innovation — PGCPS _ sevsue ract sHEET FOR SCHOOL STAFF Great By Chote Schoo Preven 1g and getting rid of bed bugs. Bed bugs can enter homes and schools by latching on to used furniture, luggage, book bags, and clothing, They can also travel along connecting pipes and wiring in a building, Nonchemical treatments: © Vacuuming: Thoroughly vacuum cracks, crevices and carpets. Put used vacuum bag into a plastic bag and seal tightly before disposing of it. © Hot water and heat: Wash clothing and other items in water that is at least 120 degrees Fahrenheit. Then place in a clothes dryer and set the heat on high for 1 hour, Some professional exterminators use portable devices to raise the temperature ofa room to a lethal temperature. All stages of bedbugs can be killed at 122 degrees F © Cold treatments: Small items can be placed in a sealed plastic bag and place in a freezer at or below 0 degrees Fahrenheit for at least 4 days. Many household freezers cannot be ‘tumed down to below 0 degrees, so check the temperature of the freezer before using this method of extermination. ‘* Enclose infested mattresses and box springs in a plastic cover that is labeled “allergen rated”, “for dust mites” or for “bed bugs” for at least a full year. Periodically check for rips or openings and tape these up. Heavily infested items such as mattresses and couches may need to be thrown out Chemical treatments: Bed bug infestations usually require the use of pesticides. Pesticides should only be used by a licensed pest management exterminator. The Environment Protection Agency's (EPA) Citizens’ Guide to Pest Control and Pesticide Safety offers tips on how to choose a pest control company. School Considerations: ‘© Students with suspected bed bugs ate not to be excluded from school. ‘© Bug bites are to be kept clean and students should be discouraged from scratching to avoid secondary infections. If the bites appear infected (erythematous, swollen with purulent discharge) refer to primary care provider for treatment. ‘© Iftbugs are suspected to be on clothing, place the student’s personal belongings (backpack, coat, etc.) in a plastic bag that can be sealed. © Ifbed bugs are seen in the student’s classroom, notify the principal, school maintenance and Environmental Services at 301 952-6539. 5

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