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Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 261 (2000) 282±286

Letter to the Editor

The ring structure of boron trioxide glass

C. Joo, U. Werner-Zwanziger, J.W. Zwanziger *
Department of Chemistry, Chemistry Building, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405-4001, USA
Received 13 July 1999; received in revised form 2 August 1999

A new experiment, sensitive to the dihedral angle distribution of neighboring structural units, was applied to boron
trioxide glass. The experiment consisted of correlating the NMR frequencies of neighboring boron nuclei. The fre-
quencies are identical if the boron oxide polyhedra containing the two borons are co-planar, as found in ring systems,
but di€er for non-co-planar geometries. Through the rate of growth of signal intensity arising from the non-co-planar
case, as compared to that obtained in a boron trioxide crystal of known structure, the fraction of boron contained in
rings in the glass was determined to be 0:70  0:08. Ó 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Boron trioxide glass has composition B2 O3 and dral angles between coupled polyhedra has proven
consists of planar BO3 triangles (Fig. 1(a)) [1]. very dicult.
These polyhedra share oxygen atoms, resulting in The speci®c issue in question here is the extent
a three-dimensional network. The extent of inter- to which six-membered boroxol rings (Fig. 1(b))
mediate range order in this material, and in par- are found in boron trioxide glass. A variety of
ticular the extent of planar boroxol ring experimental probes has been interpreted as
formation, is the subject of this contribution. showing the existence of a signi®cant fraction of
Boron trioxide glass attracts interest because it rings, including Raman spectroscopy [2,3], which
has a simple composition and is an excellent glass- shows an intense sharp feature assignable to the
former. Its structure has been modeled using a ring breathing mode; inelastic neutron scattering
variety of approaches, and it is considered a [4], which detects the same feature seen in Raman
bench-mark among network glasses. That its spectroscopy; neutron di€raction, which shows
structure remains controversial can be attributed inter-atomic correlations consistent with boroxol
to the experimental diculty of probing disor- rings [5]; and 17 O NMR [6,7] and 11 B NMR [8],
dered materials on the 0.3±1.0 nm length scale. which show spectroscopically distinct oxygen and
While indeed pair-wise inter-atomic correlations boron sites. This body of evidence has been in-
on this length scale can be extracted from di€rac- terpreted as showing that the fraction of boron in
tion data, modeling such data to determine dihe- boroxol rings in the glass is in the range 0.65±0.8.
It is in our view equally important that, despite
numerous attempts, models which match the low
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-812 855 3994; fax: +1-812
glass density and which include a large fraction of
855 8300. boroxol rings have not been built [9±13]. The di-
E-mail address: (J.W. Zwanziger). verse methods used consistently yield model
0022-3093/00/$ - see front matter Ó 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 2 2 - 3 0 9 3 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 6 0 9 - 2
C. Joo et al. / Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 261 (2000) 282±286 283

an e€ective mixing time seff ˆ P2 …cos H†sm , and

then the rotor axis was ¯ipped back to the magic
angle. A third pulse converted the stored magne-
tization back to the transverse plane, where it was
detected during a time t2 . The signal was collected
in the time-domain as S…t1 ; t2 †, and a double-
Fig. 1. (a) Planar BO3 triangle as found in boron trioxide glass Fourier transform yielded the spectrum I…m1 ; m2 †.
and crystal. (b) Planar boroxol ring. The sequence of pulses was phase-cycled to retain
only the signal that had evolved in the transverse
structures consistent with di€raction data and with plane during both t1 and t2 , and was accumulated
the correct density, but which have few if any rings in hyper-complex mode to obtain pure absorption
(at most, the fraction of rings expected purely by phase two-dimensional spectra.
chance are found, which typically contain about The above experiment was applied for various
0.15 of the boron). mixing times to both glassy and crystalline B2 O3 .
Because of the above sharp divergence of in- The glass was made by melting boric acid in a
terpretations, and the fundamental importance of platinum crucible, and holding it for 1 h at
this glass to understanding intermediate range 1000°C. The melt was quenched on a brass plate,
order in inorganic glass-formers generally, we un- and stored under dry conditions until use. The
dertook a measurement sensitive to the dihedral glass was crushed to a ®ne powder to facilitate
angle distribution and hence the ring fraction sample spinning. Crystalline B2 O3 was prepared
using a two-dimensional NMR experiment. In our following a literature procedure, by seeding a melt
approach, the powder-patterns of neighboring with borophosphate followed by a very slow
boron atoms were correlated through a spectral cooling and annealing cycle [16]. Phase purity was
spin-di€usion process. Anisotropy correlations veri®ed by powder X-ray di€raction and compar-
have been used in numerous ways to determine ison to the known crystal structure [17].
local geometry around spin-1/2 nuclei such as Representative two-dimensional spectra at var-
carbon [14], but for quadrupolar nuclei this ap- ious mixing times are shown in Fig. 2. As ex-
proach has been developed only very recently [15]. plained below, at short mixing times only a signal
In the experiment [15], a powdered sample ro- on the diagonal is seen, because magnetization
tates in the NMR probe at about 5 kHz; the re- that begins on a given nucleus during t1 is observed
sidual anisotropic interactions yield an on the same nucleus during t2 . However, if during
inhomogeneously broadened line shape. The ex- the mixing time the magnetization transfers via the
periment was executed by applying a resonant magnetic dipole coupling from one nucleus to a
radio-frequency pulse to the boron nuclei under neighbor, and the neighboring nucleus has a dif-
MAS conditions, and allowing the magnetization ferent resonance frequency due to a di€ering an-
to evolve for a time t1 . This served to label each isotropic shift, the signal will appear o€-diagonal
spin by its anisotropic frequency shift. A second in the two-dimensional spectrum. Fig. 2 shows
pulse was then applied, to store the evolved mag- examples of both e€ects, namely a signi®cant di-
netization parallel to the external magnetic ®eld, agonal component due to non-transferred mag-
and the rotation axis of the sample was ¯ipped o€ netization and transferred magnetization that
the magic angle (OMAS). For a sample rotating happens to have the same shift, and o€-diagonal
about an axis at an angle H with respect to the signal due to spin di€usion to neighbors with dif-
external ®eld, the inter-nuclear magnetic dipole ferent frequency shifts.
couplings are scaled by P2 …cos H†. Thus under To interpret this experiment, note ®rst that the
OMAS conditions dipole coupling can be rein- dominant local interaction to which the boron
troduced, allowing magnetization to transfer be- nucleus is subject is the coupling between the
tween nearby sites. The sample rotated under quadrupole moment and local electric ®eld gradi-
OMAS conditions for a mixing time sm , and thus ents. Due to the local three-fold symmetry of the
284 C. Joo et al. / Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 261 (2000) 282±286

Fig. 2. Two-dimensional spectra of boron-11 in boron trioxide glass, obtained by correlating the anisotropic frequencies of the boron
nuclei with those of neighboring sites, for increasing e€ective magnetization transfer times. The diagonal intensity re¯ects both non-
exchanged magnetization and magnetization that transferred during the mixing time to sites with equivalent frequencies; the o€-di-
agonal intensity re¯ects magnetization transfer to sites with di€ering anisotropic frequencies.

boron sites (Fig. 1(a)), the asymmetry of the quency shift, and the anisotropic component maniso
quadrupole interaction is essentially zero and the depends on the Euler angle bPR that ®xes the in-
principal axis is located along the three-fold sym- teraction in a rotor-®xed frame of reference. Only
metry axis. The interaction can thus be represented one such Euler angle is needed within the ap-
as an ellipsoid centered on the boron atom with its proximation of a symmetric quadrupole interac-
long axis orthogonal to the BO3 plane (Fig. 3). The tion.
NMR frequency of a particular boron depends on For two coupled boron atoms we must consider
the orientation of the quadrupole interaction with the relation between their respective principal axis
respect to the rotor-®xed frame; even after partial frames, which for the present case of symmetric
averaging due to MAS, some anisotropy remains interactions can be described with one additional
and the transition frequency is given by Euler angle b, relating the two quadrupole tensors
m ˆ miso ‡ maniso …bPR †. Here miso is the isotropic fre- (Fig. 3). If the neighboring boron atoms are in
mutually co-planar polyhedra, then b ˆ 0° and
they will exhibit identical frequency shifts. Then,
even after magnetization transfer, only a signal on
the diagonal in the two-dimensional spectrum will
result. However, for non-zero dihedral angles the
coupled boron atoms will have di€erent frequency
shifts, and hence yield o€-diagonal intensity. At
short transfer times seff , all signal appears on the
diagonal, because there has not been sucient time
for transfer. At long seff signi®cant o€-diagonal
intensity is observed in samples with non-zero b
between adjacent sites. We con®rmed this predic-
tion by performing the experiment in crystalline
Fig. 3. The electric quadrupole interaction tensor at each boron K3 B3 O6 , which consists entirely of well-separated,
can be represented by an ellipse, orienting it with respect to the planar oxide-capped boroxol rings; the signal re-
molecular frame. The Euler angle b gives the relative orienta-
tion between neighboring tensors; only one such angle is nec-
mained diagonal even at long mixing times.
essary because the interaction is approximately cylindrically The rate of growth of the o€-diagonal signal in
symmetric. this experiment is shown in Fig. 4, for both glass
C. Joo et al. / Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 261 (2000) 282±286 285

of the crystal [17], are very similar. Thus the two

samples are directly comparable in terms of dipole
coupling strengths, for short magnetization trans-
fer times.
From the slopes of the intensity data at short
times in Fig. 4, we ®nd that the rate of increase of
o€-diagonal intensity in the glass is greater than in
the crystal by a factor of 1:60  0:16. This number
can be used to estimate the fraction of boron in the
glass contained in boroxol rings. We assume a
maximally disordered ring model, such that, in the
glass, neighboring boron polyhedra will be mutu-
ally co-planar only if constrained to be so by virtue
Fig. 4. O€-diagonal spectral intensity, normalized to the total of being bound within the same boroxol ring, and
intensity, as a function of the e€ective mixing time that the dihedral angles between other neighboring
seff ˆ P2 …cos H†sm , for glassy B2 O3 (squares) and crystalline pairs of boron polyhedra will be in general non-
B2 O3 (circles).
zero. Note that, in this model, all non-aligned
neighbor interactions give rise to observable o€-
and crystalline B2 O3 as a function of diagonal intensity in the spectrum, and the faster
seff ˆ P2 …cos H†sm . We extracted this result from growth rate of signal in the glass relative to the
the spectra (Fig. 2) by projecting along the diag- crystal indicates that the glass contains a larger
onal to obtain a one-dimensional representation, fraction of non-aligned interactions. In a sample
using the short time data to model the diagonal with N boron atoms, there are 3N =2 near-neighbor
portion of the spectrum, removing the diagonal interactions (3 per boron, and the factor of 2
contribution from the projection, and plotting the avoids double-counting). Let f be the fraction of
o€-diagonal integrated intensity normalized by the boron in boroxol rings. Then the number of mu-
total intensity for each value of seff . The data show tually co-planar interactions is 2Nf =2 ˆ Nf (each
several qualitative features: ®rst, the initial growth of the Nf ring boron participates in two, and di-
of o€-diagonal intensity in the glass is somewhat vision by two avoids double-counting). The other
faster than in the crystal, and secondly, both show 3N =2 ÿ Nf contribute to the o€-diagonal signal.
a break in slope at about the same e€ective mixing In the crystal, 1/3 of the interactions are of the
time. non-co-planar type, or N =2. Thus the ratio of non-
We interpret the growth of o€-diagonal inten- co-planar interactions in glass to crystal is
sity in the glass by comparing it to the crystal. In N …3=2 ÿ f †=…N =2† ˆ 3 ÿ 2f . Setting this equal to
the crystal, each boron is at the center of a planar the ratio of the o€-diagonal intensity growth rate,
BO3 group (Fig. 1(a)), and these polyhedra are or 1.60, yields the fraction of boron in rings in the
linked such that each boron has three nearest glass as f ˆ 0:70. By propagating uncertainties in
neighbor polyhedra: two nearly co-planar with it the data, we put this ®gure at f ˆ 0:70  0:08.
(dihedral angles b < 5°) and one neighbor with This ®gure is in accord with the Raman, neu-
b ˆ 78°, although the crystal contains no rings tron, and NMR studies mentioned in the intro-
[17]. While the details of magnetization transfer in ductory section. In those experiments, the ring
systems like this are very complex, it is clear that at fraction was determined somewhat indirectly; the
short times the transfer should be proportional to present results provide a more direct measurement.
the number of available partners [14]. It is im- The modeling studies noted above indicate distri-
portant to note here that, while the bulk density of butions of dihedral angles that are essentially ¯at
the glass is much lower than the crystal, the local [13], or linearly decreasing, from b ˆ 0° to b ˆ 90°
inter-atomic distances, as assessed from neutron [11]. For these two distributions, 12% and 21%
di€raction in the glass [5] and the X-ray structure respectively of the interactions have dihedral
286 C. Joo et al. / Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 261 (2000) 282±286

angles less than 10°, the angle we use as a rough his method for preparing crystalline boron triox-
divider between signal on and o€ the diagonal (our ide. This work was supported by the NSF under
line±shape simulations show that, for greater val- grant DMR-9870246.
ues of b, o€-diagonal intensity is signi®cant). The
ratio of slopes between glassy and crystalline B2 O3
for these distributions would be 2.7 and 2.4, re- References
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can still explain not just the neutron di€raction [12] M. Teter, in: A.C. Wright, S.A. Feller, A.C. Hannon
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Acknowledgements [15] P. Hartmann, C. J ager, J.W. Zwanziger, Solid State NMR
13 (1999) 245.
[16] D. Kline, P.J. Bray, H.M. Kriz, J. Chem. Phys. 48 (1968)
We thank Dr Peter Hartmann and Professor 5277.
Christian Jager for helpful conversations, and [17] G.E. Gurr, P.W. Montgomery, C.D. Knutson, B.T.
thank Professor Philip Bray for providing us with Gorres, Acta Crystallogr. B 26 (1970) 906.

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