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Sumardi, S.Si., M.Sc., Apt.

Deskripsi Mata Kuliah
Membahas tentang kedudukan imunologi dalam
bidang kefarmasian:
Molekul pengenal antigen, inisiasi respon imun,
maturasi sel limfosit, sistem komplemen,
imunomodulator, sitokin, imunitas selular dan
humoral, respon imun terhadap patogen,
penyakit yang disebabkan respon imun, antibodi
monoklonal, terapi imunoglobulin intravena,
imunoterapi vaksin dan sera.
• Immunology:
– The study of organisms’ body protection from
foreign invading/disease causing microorganisms.
– The study of mechanisms by which an
animals/human body is protected from infectious
agents or foreign substances.
– A science that deals with the immune system and
the cell mediated and humoral aspects of
immunity and immune responses (Merriam
Webster Dictionary)
– Study of the molecules, cells, organs,
and systems responsible for the
recognition and disposal of foreign
(nonself) material
– Study of the MECHANISMS that protect
an individual from injury from:
• Exogenous microorganisms – bacteria,
fungi, viruses
• Exogenous chemicals – pollen, poison ivy,
• Endogenous cells – malignant or senescent
- Bidang ilmu yang mempelajari komponen dan sistem imun serta
• IMMUNE RESPONSE: Broad range of defense mechanisms including inflammation,
phagocytosis, antibody synthesis, etc.
• Immunis (Latin) for "exempt“  membebaskan

• Immunity: the state of being exempted

(excluded/freed/absolved/excused /relieved).
The Immune System
• The immune system is composed of many
interdependent cell types that collectively
protect the body from infectious agents
(bacteria,parasite, fungi, virus) and from the
growth of tumor cells.
The Immune System
• Sistem imun memiliki kemampuan untuk
membedakan materi yang merupakan berasal
dari tubuh sendiri dengan yang darinya.
• In vertebrates a highly specialized receptors
for discriminating between ”self” and
nonself” body components
• The branch of laboratory medicine that
studies blood serum for evidence of infection
and other parameters by evaluating antigen-
antibody reactions in vitro
• Serology is the scientific study of blood serum.
In practice, the term usually refers to the
diagnostic identification of antibodies in the
serum (possible to detect antigens as well)
• the study of the non-cellular components of
the blood (serum).
– Antibody production and reactivity
– Complement
Component of
Natural Immunity
• Innate or Inborn immunity
– Non specific
– External Defenses:
• Skin, acid in sweat, mucus membranes, cilia in
respiratory tract, normal flora
– Internal Defenses:
• Non-specific cellular responses
– Cells and soluble factors
Acquired Immunity
– Allows the body to Recognize, Remember and Respond to
a specific stimulus.
• Example: Your Hepatitis B vaccine(You were give three doses of
attenuated Hep. B virus; your body recognized it as foreign and
produced an anti-hepatitis B antibody.)
– Antibody mediated immunity received from another
• Example: A mothers breast milk has antibody that the baby uses
until he/she can produce their own.
• Example: A gamma (immune) globulin shot provides immunity
when someone travels over seas, but their body did nothing to
develop the immunity.
Cell Mediated vs.Humoral Immunity
Cell Mediated Immunity
• Form of acquired immunity in which T lymphocytes
recognize and react with a stimulus through direct
cell-to-cell interaction of lymphokines.

Humoral Immunity
• Form of acquired immunity in which B Lymphocytes
and plasma cells produce specific antibodies that
recognize and react to a stimulus.

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