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EXAMEN DYNAMIQUE DES SYSTEMES 14 Janvier 2011 Durée : 2Houres Pr A Mouchtachi As] ssire Dépurtomant Génio ‘Mécanique Unworsié Mouluy sma | EXERCISE! The ber AB shown in fig 1 which represents a simplified modal for the chassis of a vehicle, has length L, mass M, and moment of inertia | about its mass center C. The bar Is supported by two linear springs which have constants K1 and K2. M.L.I * Equilibrivm position B pve rats Figure | 41) Dolormine the differenilal equations of rnetion assuming thal the mation of the bar In the horlzontal direction Is small and car + giected. 2) Dolorming the natural frequoncios of the sysiem EXERCISE Il The system shown In fig 2 consists of a disk with a mass moment of inertia Ig attached to a circular shaft which has mass density p, length L, cross-sectional polar moment of Inertia tg, and modulus of rigidity G. Obtain the frequency equation and the mode 5 shapes of the torsional vibration. ps K Ip. Figure 2

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