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Module Code HSE1502

Name Rauha M Nengushe

Student Number 57523231

Assignment Number 02

Unique Number 548971

Due Date 17 April 2015

I, the undersigned, hereby declare that this is my own and personal work, except were the work(s)
or publications of others have been acknowledged by means of reference technique.

I have read and understood Tutorial Letter CMNALLE/301 regarding technical presentation
requirements, referencing techniques and plagiarism.

Student Name: RM Nengushe

Student Number: 57523231

Date: 12 April 2015

Witness Name: J Fikeipo


The assignment will discuss about type of assessment to be used by nursing educators and the
reasons why assessment is crucial is an important to as part of training and education. In addition
the assignment will discourse the educational framework being used by nurse educators and the
discussion on the assumption of that educational framework.

Scenario 1

1.1 Nursing Education, training nursing educators.

1.2 formative relates to form or to mould. This type of assessment is essentially more continuous,
like being continuous throughout a course or semester.

1.3 Summative refers to summarise, which has a more final ring to it like being at the end of a
course or semester.

1.4 Assessment increases the motivation of students, predicts students potential, facilitates
learning, determines if learning has taken place and outcomes has been attained, identifies
learning difficulties and future learning needs, identifies deficits and ineffective practices, as well
as good practices in teaching and facilitation, it collects evidence to improve learning material,
collects evidence of competencies attained, it allows for student certification and classification.

Scenario 2

2.1 Andragogy learning framework.

2.2 Andragogy is defined as the “the art and science of helping adults learn.” Adult education
includes all forms of education that treats learners as adults, that they are capable, experienced,
responsible, mature and balanced individuals. It takes place in formal and informal settings in
which academic courses, continuing education, self-development and personal enrichment
courses are offered. Adult education is essentially learner centred.

2.3 The assumptions underlying adult learning are as follows; the learners self-concept, this
means adults have an independent and responsible self-concept that allows them to be self-
directed. This refers to the adult’s ability to independently plan, conduct and evaluate learning
abilities such as identifying his or her learning style and using or her intuition. Self-directed
learners acquire knowledge through inquiry experimentation, problem solving, casual encounters
and informal conversations that develop their expertise in their areas of interest. Self-directed
learning is criterion referenced and allows and encourages learners to work together
cooperatively. It thus facilitates interaction and the exchange of viewpoints that challenge higher
cognitive processes.
The role of the learner’s experience, this means that adult’s enter the educational milieu with
wealth of experience that can serve as a rich source of learning for fellow learners. They feel
rejected when their experience is ignored because they derive their self-identity from it.

Readiness to learn, assume that adults become ready to learn when they experience a need to
know or when they realise that their existing knowledge is deficient for coping effectively in
situations. Coping involves dealing with change. Factors such as curiosity, mastery and
challenge influence readiness to learn. Orientation to learning, means that adult’s orientation to
learning is life and problem centred. They learn because they want to perform a specific task,
solve a problem or live a more satisfying life. motivation to learn, which means even though
adults respond to external motivators, more potent motivators are internal and include quality of
life, job satisfaction, recognition, self-esteem and self-actualization. It is assumed that adult
students prefer to be actively involved in the learning process, they want to be connected, they
support each other in the learning process their leaning is affected by their individual
responsibilities and life situations.


In conclusion there are many reasons to why assessment should be done to students. Example
students with special needs will be identified on time and managed according. The andragogy
framework was discussed and its assumptions. A nurse educator need to appreciate adult students
with the various experience and they like to feel involved in their education than their mer.

Sources Consulted

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