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Luigi Magliulo (Order #20510160)

Enchiridion of the Path is a product that everyone’s been asking
for without even realizing it. While the response to Invisible
Sun has been overwhelmingly positive, a number of game
masters have said “My players are struggling to wrap their
minds around the setting.” And that’s not so surprising. The
Actuality is the weirdest place you can imagine. (Literally. If
you are running Invisible Sun and you’re not making it as
bizarre as you can, why not?)
So we realized that if we were going to make a new product
for the game, we should make it something that not just
enhances and expands the setting information already found
elsewhere, but also helps give players more knowledge at the
same time. The obvious way to help both players and GMs is
to provide answers for the times when the player characters
conduct research and ask “What do we learn?”
That’s precisely what this weird, spiral-bound, perforated
book is all about. Organized by sun, the pages of this book
are meant to be handouts. The GM can literally pull a page or
two from the book and give them to the players when they try
to learn more about the Actuality.
But well-read GMs will notice that while plenty of the
references here harken back to material found in The Path
or even Teratology, there’s a lot of new material too. Within
each handout is hopefully the start of at least one whole new
story that you can add to your ongoing narrative. So while
each handout answers questions, it asks new ones. Because
Invisible Sun is about mysteries within secrets, and a
never-ending quest for knowledge and truth. That’s a race
with an impossible finish line, but the closer a vislae can get,
the wiser and more powerful they will be.

Luigi Magliulo (Order #20510160)

Every page of this book is meant to be torn out and used at the table. That’s right. I want you to tear this book
apart. “Sacrilege!” every book lover just cried out, and I hear you. But the idea here is that you—the GM—are
giving a player a direct handout based on research they’ve done or knowledge they might possess. That’s why
the book has no page numbers. Instead, we colored each page to help you keep them organized, although if
I were you, I’d probably keep them bound into the book until you use them, just for organization. There are
many different handouts for each sun, and just as you’d expect with research from different sources, there
are occasional contradictions. Some of the material might also be in error, or just out of date. That’s up to you.
Each main chapter of the book focuses on one of the suns, and the last chapter is information for the
GM. Since the sun pages aren’t numbered and they’re meant to go to the players, you’ll want to match each
handout name with the corresponding section in the GM chapter. Of course, you’ll also need to read what’s
in the handouts yourself.
The idea is that, after the player characters do some amount of research, a handout represents the most
important information they find. Many of these handouts are designed to be a section of a book that a PC
reads or a fragment of some other source. That doesn’t mean the PC can’t find the rest of the book—just that
the handout is the most relevant portion. Other handouts are meant to represent the entire document found.
You’ll make that call based on context.
The perfect situation for using this book is when players are preparing to go to the realm of another sun
for the first time and they say “We all do research.” Then you give each player a different handout and,
right there at the table, they can share, in character, what they discovered. You might supplement this with
general information if that’s required, or you might let the handouts represent the sum of what they discover.
Alternatively, you can give a single handout to the group and save the others for further research, perhaps
in other places. Most of this, of course, assumes that the PCs are based out of, and doing their research in,
Satyrine, but it could work for other situations too.
The handouts could also be used to represent important bits of information found when the PCs aren’t
actually looking for it—an old book found in a rival’s house, or a random document found in a stash in the
Ruined Expanses, for example.
Finally, some sections include a page of facts and rumors that a vislae might get by canvassing learned
people they know or have connections with. These facts and rumors don’t represent a portion of a written
work, but the relevant results of a significant amount of time spent talking to knowledgeable figures.
But to get back to using Enchiridion of the Path properly—if I see you at a convention and you’ve got this
book and it’s still intact, I’m going to make fun of you. Just be forewarned.

CREDITS Monte Cook
COVER ARTIST Roberto Pitturru

Aldo Katayanagi, Roberto Pitturru, Martin de Diego Sádaba, Lee Smith, Matt Stawicki, Bear Weiter, Zoa Smalley

Enchiridion of the Path is a supplement for Invisible Sun. You need the Invisible Sun Black Cube to play.

Many of the beautiful paper backgrounds featured within come from the software Rebelle, from Escape Motions.

© 2019 Monte Cook Games, LLC. INVISIBLE SUN and its logo are trademarks of Monte Cook Games, LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries.
All Monte Cook Games characters and character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof, are trademarks of Monte Cook Games, LLC.

Printed in Canada

Luigi Magliulo (Order #20510160)

On the Path of Suns and Other Ways of Understanding the World
in Which You Move but Do Not Truly See
An essay by Narrianista Phenemore

ook, ye vislae. See the world as it truly is. A PATH. It

L leads to the future, to the past, and to destiny. It

leads inward, to your very being.
As within, so without.
One day, each vislae worthy of the name must
walk this PATH. There is but one sun, yet
the suns number eight. Each of the eight
governs one aspect of reality and of
your own soul. Eight suns in one. Eight
variations. Eight frequencies. Eight
perspectives. And each shines down
upon a realm different from the others.
One sun leads to the next, and to the next.
Silver, Green, Blue, Indigo, Grey, Pale, Red, and
Gold. Gold is rebirth, and thus from there, the
vislae moves back to Silver.
But wait!
There are not eight suns, but nine.
The ninth waits outside the PATH. It is
not for you to visit. No mortal feet shall
trod upon it. The ninth is the Invisible
Sun. The Invisible Sun is magic.
To walk the PATH is to move through the
never-ending cycle: Silver, Green, Blue, Indigo, Grey,
Pale, Red, Gold, Silver, Green, and so on. Past, Present,
Truth, Deception, and Future. Birth, Life, Death, and
Rebirth. Beginning, Middle, and End.
Each sun has a warden. These beings are beyond mortal ken, and
they represent their sun and guard entry to its realm. But each holds
other secrets as well. All vislae encounter each guardian once as
they walk the PATH and first seek entry to a sun’s realm.
Wise vislae, however, will later return and learn from the
Hear this, vislae: there is lore that only the wardens
possess in all the world and all the worlds.

Luigi Magliulo (Order #20510160)

Trip planneR
Silent City
Planning Notes
No sounds allowed in the Silent City-forbidden by both law and spell. Is there a way
to cast spells without making noise? How do they do magic there? Ask Kwamil? Who
else do I know that’s actually been there? Spell ideas-Negative Sound?
Sounds like no. But maybe Subtle Vislae? With some tweaks?
Spell that lets me make words without sound? In the air? On fabric?
Can I summon there? Ask Qent at Goetic Hall of Records-he’ll know.
Gysmis, of all people, has been there, once,
How to get there? Need guide? Boat? when he was a boy. Can’t remember much
but some pretty flowers and how much
Answer, in short: no. Summoning requires he tried to yell while in the city and no
sound, it seems. Fuck. Someone should create sound came out. Not really helpful but funny
a way to summon beings silently. It doesn’t stories about screaming at his parents.
seem like it would be that hard. Something **REMEMBER TO SEND HIM SOMETHING
to look into after all of this is done. AS A THANK YOU.**

Note: boat costs 500 crystal orbs. Not as much as expected, but not cheap either.
Other options? Who still owes me a favor or two?
Learned about incantation: THE BOOK’S OFFER IS A WELCOME ESCAPE. Could work.
One use only, though. Also HEARTFORM (secret).
Could I fly there? Maybe boat one way, fly back?

Luigi Magliulo (Order #20510160)

Places to Go
Temple of the Xevdis. (ask for Ikzharia-pronunciation?)
Xevdis: goddess of what? Conflicting sources.
The Aeviternal Atheneum-look for book titled BEYOND PRYING EYES AND EARS:

Amaranthine’s Garden <-just for fun. Gysmis says it’s beautiful. <-is beautiful.

Reservation at Quietation Inn, two nights, make sure it’s okay to extend if needed
One says Goddess of Unfallen Rain (isn’t that just clouds? Do I not understand
how rain works?). Other says not a goddess at all, but a forgotten (spirit?
patron? ghost? translation unclear) of perfectly timed shelter.
Flowers seem to be made of unheard sound, so you look at them and you see
how they would sound if they could make a sound. Which sounds dumb now that
I write it, but they’re so beautiful. I’m not doing them justice.

Things to Obtain
Writhing Soul

Packing List
* Something to communicate with-If not magic, something else? Pen and paper?

* Cupcakes from Sugar & Regret Phantasmagorical Cupcakes (in Fartown, near library).
Cupcakes that taste like when you’re having a great conversation? Is that a thing?
Note: ask for baker/owner: Schaelee Mizzencort (Weaver).
* Stock up on ephemera objects that can be used without sound. Something for
searching, maybe also for protection? Shouldn’t need it, but just in case.
Woodflesh? Try the Celestial Bazaar?
* Eye gloves Maybe grab a jacket too. Will it be cold on the water?

* Don’t forget to get mage coins out of safe box!

Luigi Magliulo (Order #20510160)

Luigi Magliulo (Order #20510160)
From the book So, You’re Dead. You’re So Dead by Sofia García

I’m not going to mince words, my friend. I’m going to give it to you straight.
Here’s what happens when you die.
First, your spirit lingers for a time. You might remain around the site of your death, or
you might linger around your home. This is the Empty. During the Empty, you’re not really
anything. You’re not a ghost and you’re not a living person, but you’re not a dead person in
the Pale. You’re in transition. This usually lasts a few days, but it might be as little as a day
or as many as ten. During this time, you’re not really aware of anything, but people can use
magic to sense you or even contact you if they have the ability.
After that, you move on to the Pale. In the Pale, you’ll be faced with the bureaucracy there.
Yeah, like I said, I’m not mincing words. You’ll have to stand in line at a big place called the
Registry, where officials—Pale Natives—will interview you and get various details about
your life and nature. Then you’ll be assigned a place to dwell and an occupation for your
time in the Pale. Settle in, because you’re going to be there for a hundred years or more.
After your first year, you’ll acclimate to your new existence and you’ll be referred to as a
Dead Resident. As a Dead Resident, you’ll be afforded more rights and better conditions.
And then, after a few decades, you’ll attain the status of Pale Native with even greater
benefits. Among other things, a Pale Native can apply to return to the land of the living—
usually Satyrine—as one of the dead. These are dead people inhabiting and animating
corpses that might be, but don’t have to be, their own. With this physical form, you can do
pretty much whatever you want, but you have to make sure the corpse doesn’t decay to the
point of unsuitability. There’s magic for that, but it’s expensive. You’ll also have to abide by
the rules set forth by the Pale Embassy and check in with them, and they will very likely
give you tasks on their behalf. They always have an agenda. Plus, don’t get your hopes up
too high. Very few Pale Natives petitioning to come back in a physical form actually have
that request granted. There’s a long waiting list. Like in any bureaucracy, it’s who you know.
Even Pale Natives don’t remain in the Pale forever. After a couple of centuries or so, you’ll
probably pass along to . . . somewhere else. I don’t know where. No one does. Or no one
who will talk about it, anyway. Some say that there’s information the living can’t know. It
just won’t fit in their brain. But what lies beyond the Pale? Apparently even the dead don’t
know that. I will say this, though. While you’re dwelling in the Pale, you can still “die.” A
bullet in the head is still a bullet in the head. Most of the time, that means they’re just
insubstantial spirits in the Pale for a year and a day who can’t do anything and aren’t even
aware. Sometimes, though, even after a year and a day, they don’t come back. In which case,
they don’t ever come back.
It’s possible that you won’t pass on to the Pale. You might get stuck in the land of the living
for one reason or another. Some people I’ve interviewed say it has something to do with
whether or not any living people still remember you. Others say it has to do with how many
important things you have left undone. Still others say it’s just the ebb and flow of magical
currents, and frankly the last option seems most plausible to me. If you’re stuck, you can be
trapped in the Empty for years before you start to become aware and are officially a ghost,
but it will likely be much quicker than that. As a ghost, you’ll be able to move around and
eventually, maybe, start to affect the world in small ways and even be seen or heard. For
the most part, though, it’s a very passive existence, with years of just watching the physical

Luigi Magliulo (Order #20510160)

I: Answer my question. If you don’t, we’ll presume you have something to hide, and you’ll be arrested.

J: Yeesh. So much for privacy. What about my rights?

I: This isn’t Satyrine.

J: Okay, okay. What was the question?

I: What have you been doing since you arrived in the city?

J: I do odd jobs for people. Fix a thing here, sometimes unfix a thing there.

I: What sorts of people? Give me a name.

J: I give you a name and I’m deader than a roachgoblin in winter.

I: I don’t know what that means.

[Editor’s note: Jyson’s reluctance to divulge the names of his employers continues for some time.]

J: Awright, awright. I did some work for a woman named Viara. You’d know her if you saw her. She’s got
chalk-white skin, chalk-white hair, and guess what? She dresses in all white. She thinks she’s the Duke in the Red
or something.

I: Duke?

J: It’s a joke. She’s a vislae, I think. I dunno.

I: Viara is known to us. And were you working for Viara when you killed Rilicanter?

J: Whoa, whoa! Come on, lady! I didn’t murder no one.

I: We already have evidence that Viara had motive to want Rilicanter dead for the theft of some personal
mementos. You recovered the stolen property before you killed Rilicanter?

J: I didn’t kill nobody!

I: Mister Jyson, allow me to introduce Niucta, the elderbrin in the shape of the chair that you’re sitting in. As you
can see, while we’ve been talking, Niucta has retrieved something from your bag. An all-white woman’s silk scarf.
You’re under arrest, Mister Jyson. You’ll find the Cadallish’s justice system swift and, I’m afraid, rather harsh. Good
day to you, sir.

J: Wait! I can explain!

[End of transcript]

Luigi Magliulo (Order #20510160)


Luigi Magliulo (Order #20510160)

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