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Types of Arts Examples How Does This How Does This Unmask The

Expression Express Artist’s Creativity

Visual Arts Ceramics, By expressing what you

drawing, painting, think and what you feel
video, filmmaking
and architecture.

Film Titanic, To All the it aims to deliver the simulates experiences or

Boys I've Loved artist ideas ,feelings create that is one beyond the
Before, or beauty to its scope of our imagination

Performance Art 50 Shades! The forms of art in it forms a relationship

Musical Parody, 3 which artists use between audience and
Stars and a Sun. their voices, bodies performers
or inanimate objects
to convey artistic

Poetry Performance Spoken Poetry uses words the artist words

emotional musical tone,movements,tone,volume
and spatial values and intensity of the delivery
that go beyond its will be added to artistic value
literal meaning to of the poem
emphasize argue or
Architecture Building structure it is the pursuit and through the artist
of house , or other creation of beautiful planning,design and
buildings like Eiffel buildings through construction of the buildings.
Tower structure,lines,forms
and colors imagined
by the artist

Types of Arts Examples How Does This How Does This Unmask The
Expression Express Artist’s Creativity
Dance Contemporary, allows people to the dancers are free to create
Ballet, Jazz, Tap, freely express and invent their own
Hip-hop, Ballroom themselves it has no movements as long as they
rules deem the graceful and

Literary Art Poetry, Drama, uses words to it focuses on writing using a

Prose, Nonfiction, express themselves unique style
and Media and communicate
emotions to the

Theater 50 Shades! The it uses live it represents the imagination

Musical Parody, performers to of the writer,actors on a
present accounts or certain event
imaginary events
before a live
Applied Arts furniture, carpets, apply design and Through design and its
tapestry, decoration to function
embroidery, batik, everyday and
jewelry, precious essentially practical
metalwork, pottery, objects in order to
goldsmithing , make them
basketry, mosaic aesthetically
art, and glassware pleasing

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