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To get an overview of the course and set the schedule for online speaking lessons 1

Initial Activity: Stage 1 – To get an overview of the course and set the

schedule for the online speaking lessons

Yonatan A. Acero Ruiz

Universidad Nacional Abierta y Distancia


Liliana Isabel Moreno

Education science (ECEDU)

Pedagogical Experience II

Acacías Meta, 2019

To get an overview of the course and set the schedule for online speaking lessons 2

 1. My self-introduction
My name is Yonatan Acero Ruiz, I am 28 years old and I live in Acacías Meta. I
was eager to begin with this course. On the other hand, I like English for this
reason I like to watch movies and videos in English, I like listening to music and to
talk to native speakers. Taking into account above I am interchanging languages
with foreigners.
 2. Brief summary of course rules and conditions.
In this course, I committed to be a respectful teacher with all my students even if
some troubles appear. I have to fulfill with the Netiquette rules and PTU Security
Policy. I will learn to use google hangouts and I will always use my personal Gmail
account for developing each speaking session. I´ll update my profile in the course,
skype, WhatsApp with an academic picture of myself. Besides, I will commit to be
organized and to prepare accurate lessons and didactic material for teaching to my
students. I will also complete 64 hours of fascinating and enriching lessons, taking
in mind the schedule I set at the beginning. On the other hand, in case that I loss
some lesson because of extra-academic reasons, I will make it up to my students. I
will be in contact with my tutor through different ways like; the Course News
Forum, Course Internal Mail, Personal E-mail or skype to update any academic
aspect. And last, but not least, I´ll post all my students´ grades and feedbacks
reposts, delivering all the results of the course on time.
I will develop my online lessons on weekends (Saturday and Sunday) with group A
from 6pm to 8pm and with group B from 8pm to 10pm. I have chosen this program
because these are the only two days I have available to teach.
 3. Read thoroughly the course Syllabus posted in the Knowledge
Environment, and answer these questions with complete sentences,
not just short answers.
a. As a student of Pedagogical Experience II, I am called a training teacher in
online environments.
b. Among all language skills, my teaching will be focused on teaching skills.
c. The synchronic ICT tool I will use to perform my alive lessons is Google
d. The whole pedagogical experience in this course will last 64 hours along 8
e. How many hours will you teach per week? I will teach 6 hours per week.
f. About how many hours will you devote for lesson planning? I will devote 2 hours
for lesson planning.
To get an overview of the course and set the schedule for online speaking lessons 3

g. How many groups will you be in charge of? I will be in charge of 2 groups called
groups A and B.
h. How many sessions will you conduct per week? I will work 4 sessions per week.
i. How many sessions will you conduct weekly per group? I will conduct 2 sessions
per group weekly.
j. How long will each lesson be? Each lesson will last 1.5 hours.
k. How many students can you expect per group? I will expect between 4 and 8
students per group from LILE and LILEI.
l. What are the units’ names in this course? There are three units, Unit 1. Google
Hangout tool to create virtual classrooms, Unit 2. Developing speaking skills
through online communication and Unit 3 – Developing a digital teaching portfolio.
m. How many stages or moments does Pedagogical Experience II have?
Pedagogical Experience ll has four moments distributed as follows: Stage 1.
Course Recognition, Stage 2. Unit 1, Stage 3. Unit 2 and Stage 4. Unit 3, these
units were mentioned above.
 4. Write a description of your teaching experience (whether if you are
already a teacher or only taught in the course Pedagogical Experience
I) taking into account the best and the difficulties of being an English
teacher. Your description must be accurately structured with a title, an
introduction, a body paragraph, and a conclusion.
My first and unforgettable experience as an English teacher
I think the first time we developed the role as an English teacher was a wonderful
experience, and in my case it was not the exception. The course (pedagogical
experience I) gave me for four-month stint the opportunity to face some new
challenges in a classroom. I just have to say that first classes were not a piece of
cake but little by little with tutor's advice; I finished the last classes of my internship
getting over those difficulties.
Besides, as I have said, I had to face several challenges in the classes of my
teaching practice. I could notice that as a teacher you have to be very responsible
and one important thing to take in mind is because you always have to plan your
lesson considering a plan b. I remember that in my first class the electricity was cut
and I have to change my workshop, which was my first challenge.
Other challenge was to find useful words to explain the topics and to answer
students 'questions, taking into account that some students' doubts and you have
to be prepared to find different meaningful ways to clear the concepts and do not
let students stay in a gray area.
To get an overview of the course and set the schedule for online speaking lessons 4

But not all the classes were uncomfortable situations, in fact, after I passed those
bitter situations, I was oriented and I actually understood that the didactic in class
was so important and even in the last classes I felt comfortable explaining the
topics and developing different activities where the students interacted between
them improving their English skills.
Finally, to those challenges as an English teacher in the course (pedagogical
experience I) and to learn amount of strategies and methods, I am aware that in
this second experience with this course and other future lessons, I will keep
learning and improving my skills as an English teacher.

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