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In the 1960, Brit Tony Sale surprised the world with his brilliant invention.

It was

made out of metal and could be remotely controlled. Brit’s invention was well-

known as the first robot which had ever been created in this world. Since then, his

invention has changed many aspects of our world. In today’s society, the concept

of robot is still relatively new and confusing to many of us. So, what is robot? The

term “robot” refers to a machine that is designed to execute one or more tasks with

speed and accuracy. Robot is classified as many different typed based on the tasks

that they perform. Nowadays, robot is mainly used by most heavy industries such

as car production. They help human perform tasks that need to be extremely

precise and fast. More than that, robot makes production line move faster which

means companies are capable of producing more product in a shorter amount of

time. Robot has a very sophisticated system called the main computer. The main

computer is designed to receive commands, analyze commands and controlled the

moving parts. Because of that complicated computer robot is able to keep track of

the tasks that they are performing and also help human avoid mistakes. Many

companied have been switching from human employees to robotic employees. By

doing so, companies have saved a lot of money on employment. Robot is

becoming more and more popular this day and age. In the past, robot was mostly

seen in factory. However, these days, robots are designed not only to do jobs in

factories but also to accomplish tasks outside of the plants. Many robots have been
invented to do housework and even to be a servant. For instance, in some

restaurants in Japan, people are interested to see robotic servants bringing foods to

their table. Not only in Japan, many restaurants all around the world have already

started to use robotic servants. Robot is not only being used for those purposed.

Humans also develop robots that they send them to the space or the deep sea where

humans cannot go to. Then, robot will explore and send data back to us. As we can

see that robot is dominating many important aspects of our world. Many people

think that robot will completely replace human to accomplish jobs in the near

future. That means we will not see human workers in plants and that robot does not

need to be supervised by human. Nevertheless, that is not going to happen because

nothing is perfect. Human is making mistakes. So do robots. They still need to be

watched by human to ensure a perfect job. In conclusion, robot has become

essential tools. It should be further developed to help human accomplish more

difficult tasks.



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