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1. Make questions for the following answers:

................................................................... ? His name is Carlos.

................................................................... ? B-U-T-T-E-R-F-L-Y.

................................................................... ? We have got three brothers.

................................................................... ? They live in Tomelloso.

................................................................... ? She is 15 years old.

They are 17.

She has got two brothers and one sister.
He is very well, thank you.
In Madrid.
He lives at Dña. Crisanta Street, 2.

a) ...............................................? He is 17

b) ...............................................? These pens are two pounds

c) ...............................................? Their telephone number is 234576

d) ...............................................? Her favourite subject is maths

e) ...............................................? They come from Ciudad Real

f) ...............................................? I am very well

g) ...............................................? He lives in C/ Toledo

h) ...............................................? We have got two brothers and a sister

i) ................................................? She is tall and very nice

j) ...............................................? E-L-E-P-H-A-N-T

8. Put these words in the correct order:

on doesn't to she school go Sunday

he do homework the in does his afternoon ?
Marta in house a Luisa big and live the river near
hobbies football my and favourite are basketball.
to she cinema does go this the afternoon ?
travel Peter to I America and summer every.
at he studying with Marta is maths library the

Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition:

- Peter lives ............................................................................. Mary. (enfrente de)
- The car is .............................................................................. the house. (detrás de)
- The house is ........................... ............................................ the trees. (rodeada de )
- The shoes are ...................................................................... the bed. (debajo de)
- The teacher is ...................................................................... the blackboard. (delante de)


e) Es la una menos cuarto

a) Nuetros amigos viven en esa ciudad con sus padres

b) Los martes jugamos al fútbol en el parque

c) En verano vamos al cine por las tardes

d) Mi mascota preferida es el caballo

e) Es la hermana de tu novio

f) Queremos ir a la piscina con vosotros

g) Nos gusta escuchar música por las tardes

h) Él lee un libro cada semana

i) Tienen una serpiente en su casa

j) Ella sólo estudia cuando tiene exámenes

3. Put these words in the correct order to make sentences:

a) intelligent/ he/ a/ is/ boy/ very.

b) are/ these/ pens/ much/ how/?

c) television/ not/ we/ watch/ do/ the/ in/ afternoon.

d) Madonna/ is/ favourite/ your/ singer/ ?

e) go/ he/ to/ school/ does/ his/ with/ brother/ ?

4. Louis wants to join a club. He is answering some questions. Here are his answers.
Write the questions.

a).............................................................? Peter Liason.

b).............................................................? L-I-A-S-O-N.

c).............................................................? 17

d).............................................................? Two brothers and two sisters.

e).............................................................? My father is a doctor.

f).............................................................? 23, Oxford Street.

g)............................................................? My hobbies are music and sports.

h)............................................................? My favourite singer is Madonna

i).............................................................? Yes, I have got two dogs and one cat.

j).............................................................? I want to be a doctor in the future

. Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous tense:

a) Peter..........................his homework at the moment. (do)

b) My best friend is a teacher. She.............................. in a school. (work)

c) Mary ............................... a letter now. (write)

d) Everyday we ................................. football after school. (play)

e) They ............................... jeans today. (wear)

1. My father three languages. (to speak)

2. What you ? (to do) I a letter to my cousin.(towrite)
3. I usually the news on Thursday (to watch)
4. My mother is in the garden. She the flowers at present (to cut)
5. He to school at 9:00 every Monday. (to go)
6. My dad is a cook. He in a restaurant (to work)
7. Look! There is a girl in that tree. She a comic (to read)
8. He to the cinema in the afternoon (to go)

1. I often .............................. television in the afternoon (to watch)

2. Luis ................................ karate at this moment (to learn)
3. We ................................ basketball together once a week (to play)
4. Teresa ...................................... her grandmother on Sundays (to visit)
5. I .................................. school at 14:20 every day (to finish)
6.John ................................. his father at the office now (to help)
7. Susana always ........................................ in the library in the afternoon (to work)
8.Look! That boy ..................................... in the river (to swim)

Read the text about Eric Smith. He is staying with a Spanish family in Valencia. Read his letter to a friend in England and
answer the question below.

Dear Jack,
Spain is wonderful and I'm learning a lot of Spanish very quicky because Mr. and Mrs. Gonzalez don't
speak any English. Pablo is my age. He speaks English quite well but he also makes mistakes and I prefer to speak to
him in English. Mercedes is only six and she doesn't speak any English so I learn a lot from her.
Life is very different from England. They eat at all the wrong times! Lunch time is a problem. They have
lunch at 3 o'clock and I am very hungry before because in England we always eat at 12:30. In the afternoon it's
really hot and we have a siesta, but I can't sleep. I prefer to read or play with the computer. In the evening I am tired
and I want to go to bed at 10:00, but that´s when the family eats dinner.
Before dinner, Pablo and I usually take Mercedes for a lemonade in a cafe. Pablo's parents meet their
friends and play cards. I am enjoying everything a lot.
Now Pablo is looking for me. We are going to the cinema- at 11:30 at night. Everyone in England is sleeping
by that time.
Love to you all

Now say if the following sentences ares True, False or We don't know:

a. Eric sleeps every afternoon. b. Eric doesn't like lunch at 3 o'clock.

c.Eric goes with Pablo's parents to a cafe after dinner. d. Pablo and Eric are 14.
e. Eric can't learn any English from Mercedes. f. Eric is hungry before lunch time.
g. Eric doesn't like playing with the computer. h. Eric goes to bed at ten o´clock.
i. It's very hot in the afternoon. j. They go to the cinema at 11:30 with some
k. Pablo speaks English very well. l. In England everybody goes to bed at 11:30.
m. Eric doesn't like Spain. n. Mr. Gonzalez can speak English.
o. Eric writes this letter to his brother.


You are going to listen to a cassette three times. After the third time say if the following sentences are True, False or We
don't know.

a. Ruth goes to bed at 11 o'clock and gets up at seven in the morning.

b. Ruth sleeps for eight and a half hours.
c. Ann and Ruth sleep the same number of hours.
d. Ruth doesn't remember her dreams.
e. Most people don't remember their dreams.
f. Ruth dreams in colour.
g. Ruth never dreams about the same thing.
h. She dreams that she can fly.
i. Ruth walks in her sleep.
m. Ruth doesn't talk in her sleep.

Put the following sentences in the order they appear in the listening (cassette)

a. Do you dream in colour?

b. And do you dream a lot?
c. How many hours do you sleep every night'
d. It's a bit strange, but very nice.
e. I'm going to ask you the questions.

9. Write ten short sentences telling what your best friend does at the weekend.


You go to a bilingual school in Madrid, and your English teacher has decided that you

must write a letter to your new English penfriend. Write a letter and tell him about you,

your family, your school, your hobbies...or anything you like. (10-15 lines).

WRITING. 3ª EVALUACIÓN. 3º B (Faltas de asistencia)

Imagine that you have a penfriend in London and he wants to know

something about you and your family. Tell him about you age, your town, your
parents, your brothers and sisters, your hobbies, your favourite singer, your house,
the music you like, your pets, your school and subjects... (ten lines).

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