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McKenna Sivula

Prof. Brown
H&S 328
My Learning plan: Communication Skills
i) Discuss your level of competency (numeric), summarize the findings and why this domain is
of interest to you. What are your goals for growth each of the 4 competency domains?
● The level of competency I received for Communication Skills Competency was 11.0 or a
1.4 average score. I got a low score because I was unaware of all of the little steps there
were inside of this competency. Although I scored better at things like -Communicate in
writing and orally with linguistic and cultural proficiency (e.g., using age-appropriate
materials, incorporating images), -Communicate information to influence behavior and
improve health (e.g., use social marketing methods, consider behavioral theories such as
the Health Belief Model or Stages of Change Model), and -Facilitate communication
among individuals, groups, and organizations, I had no idea how to -Suggest approaches
for disseminating public health data and information (e.g., social media, newspapers,
newsletters, journals, town hall meetings, libraries, neighborhood gatherings), Solicit
input from individuals and organizations (e.g., chambers of commerce, religious
organizations, schools, social service organizations, hospitals, government, community-
based organizations, various populations served) for improving the health of a
community, -Identify the literacy of populations served (e.g., ability to obtain, interpret,
and use health and other information; social media literacy), and other things like that in
this competency.
● My goals for growth are to analyse how to Suggest approaches for disseminating public
health data and information, Solicit input from individuals and organizations, identify the
literacy of populations served, Convey data and information to professionals and the
public using a variety of approaches, Describe the roles of governmental public health,
health care, and other partners in improving the health of a community, as well as
improving on the areas that I was already familiar with by taking tests and reviewing/
reading relevant information on those specific areas.
ii) Describe what you plan to do over the course of the semester to grow in that area.
● To learn more about this competency, I plan on going to the CDC training videos to try
and learn more about communication skills in public health. I also plan on attaching a
couple of peer reviewed articles about how we can better use communication/
communication skills to better the way that we deliver and receive healthcare, and find
better ways to organize such events. If I can find a video that clearly describes how this
competency works then I will make sure to add that to this domain as well.

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