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Submitted to:

Dr. Saif Malik

Submitted by:

Kashif Ali

Dangers of missile race in south Asia: an India-Pakistan


Suresh Dhanda

S.A Jain College Haryana India


The main concern of this research paper is to highlight the dangers of missile race and its impact on
south Asia, specifically on India and Pakistan. The article is a moderate attempt to investigate the
various security implications of missile developments by India and Pakistan on global level in general
and on south Asia in particular. This research paper contains only qualitative research as there is no
statistical data given in the paper. This research paper is focusing on the security implications of
missile race in south Asia. Both India and Pakistan have various operational missiles in their
inventories. These missiles are not only threatening to push the region towards a debilitating arms
race but also have the potential to bring the nuclear arm adversaries a step closer towards the
deployment of their strategic arsenals.

There are three methodologies used:

Descriptive research i.e.

The article first tells about the development of missiles system and Then elaborates its impact and
threat pose by the missile race.

Comparative research the researcher compares the capabilities of India and Pakistan in

Developing the missiles and its deployment.

Conclusion-oriented research i.e. the writer gives a final conclusion in this article that the missile
race will pose a great security threat to the region.

The advancements of various missile technologies in south Asia have brought more insecurity and
tension to the region instead of positive Claims by the proliferation optimists. Both India and
Pakistan are seriously engaged in revising and refining these delivery systems. One of the main
sources of security threat in the region is the lack of advanced early warning systems. Moreover, the
social and economic development of the region would also be affected by this costly arms race.

As far as the contribution of the author is concerned, he gives a clear description of missile race, its
dangers and its horrible outcomes in south Asia, particularly in India and Pakistan.

This research paper so far described the dangers of missile race in south Asia but it lacks the
description regarding the plans and alternative options to overcome or to normalize this race.

Is the security of south Asia at stake in view of this growing missile

race between India and Pakistan?

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