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Business Mathematics Performance Task- Building Your Own Business

I. Business Type: Partnership Lester De Guzman, Arlene Calata, Sophia Fabellon, Lynx Barasi, Harold Catapang

Write your name and the name of your partners

II. Name of Business: ____St. John Staffing and Recruitment Agency___________________

III. What product will be sold: ______________Man Power Agency____________________

IV. How much will that product cost to sell? Figure out all of the bills (expenses) your company will

need to pay including start-up costs and ongoing expenses. (Smoothie Store example- ice, frozen

fruit, yogurt, blender, cups, straws)

START-UP EXPENSES: Equipment/Items needed (non-repetitive or non-consumable)

Item Description and Cost

1. ____Desktop (5)______ Php ___100,000_____

2. _____Printer (1)______ Php ____3,500______

3. _____Bill Counter_____ Php ____20,600_____

4. _____Telephone (2)___ Php _____4,000______

5. Office Chairs & Table (3) Php _____3,000______

6. _Aircon (Door Type) (1) Php _____50,000_____

7. ____Calculator(3)_____ Php _____1,000______

8._____File Shelf (1)_____ Php ______6,000_____

9.____Office Supply_____ Php _____5,000______

10. _____Utilities_______ Php _____13,000_____

11. __Salary Expenses___ Php ____109,500_____

12. _____Uniform______ Php _____2,000______

13. ___Depreciation____ Php _____10,000_____

14. ____Insurance_____ Php ____480,000_____

15. ___License & Tax ___ Php ____150,000_____

Total cost of Start-Up Expenses Php _______957, 600______

ON-GOING MONTHLY EXPENSES: Monthly Expenditures and Items needing to be replenished

Item Description and Cost

1. ______Office Supply_______ Php _______5,000______

2. ______Salary Expense______ Php _____109,500______

3. _________Utilities_________ Php ______13,000______

4. _________Insurance_______ Php _____480,000______

5. _______License & Tax______ Php _____150,000______

6. ______Annual Expenses_____ Php ____2,126,100_____

7. _________________________ Php _________________

Total cost of On-Going Expenses Php _____757,500______ X 12 Php ____9,090,000____

Total Annual Expenses: Start-Up and On-Going Expenses Php ________________

Calculate the monthly expenses for my/our company: Php__________ expense/month

In order to make a profit I/we need to make: Php__________ income/month

(Expenses/month plus Projected Income/ month)

To calculate profit/Annual:

_________________ − _________________ = Php___________ profit annually

Income/month and expense/month

Amount I/we plan to charge for our product? Php__________ cost/item

(Includes the mark up cost and selling price % of all products)

How many customers will I/we need in order to pay

expenses and make a profit of ________/month?

(Include a monthly target customer/ month)

_________________ ÷ _________________ = __________ customers

Write in the Monthly Expenses as calculated above (c). This number should be the same for each month. Then
insert monthly sales numbers. This number should vary each month just as sales do in real life. Make some slightly
more and some slightly less than the monthly expense figures.

Month Monthly Sales Monthly Net Profit


Category Pts Earned

Table of Includes all Does not

Contents parts, include all
numbered parts, and/or ___ of 10
correctly. not numbered

10 pts 3 pts

Mathematical Explanations Explanations Explanations Explanations

Concepts show show show some show
complete substantial understanding little
understanding understanding of the understanding
of the of the mathematical of the
mathematical mathematical concepts underlying
concepts used concepts used needed to concepts
to form a to solve the solve the needed to
business. All problem(s). problem(s). solve the ___ of 20
solutions don’t Almost all Several steps problem(s)
have steps and and solutions OR are not
mathematical solutions have have written.
errors no mathematical Many steps
mathematical errors. and
errors. solutions have

18-20 pts 15- 17 pts 11-14 pts 0-10 pts

Neatness, Follows the Almost all of Most of the Most of the

Effort, and sequence of the pages are pages are in pages are out
Sequence of pages from in the the sequence of sequence
pages Specific sequence shown on from the order
Details Page. shown on Specific on Specific
Specific Details Page. Details Page. ___ of 20
Details Page.

20 pts 15 pts. 10 pts 5 pts

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