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Ielts writing task 2 Topic (14.

07): Every day, millions of tons of food are wasted all over the
world. Why do you think this is happening? And how can we solve this problem?

Writing task 2 Essay:

In daily day [day and daily have the same root, so you cannot use them together => daily
life], a numerous [food is uncountable => a large amount of] food is thrown away
by global people. It is believe [believed] that there are various causes for this phenomenon
and several workable solution [solutions] which need considering.

First of all, it is a disputable fact [this fact is agreed on => an indisputable

fact] that these people who waste food lack of [lack is used as a verb, so no
preposition] awareness about the integral role of sustenance in daily life. In fact, the rich is
in spare condition, so they are unable to know that without food, what will occur [A better
way to express this idea: so they are unable to understand how life is without
food.] Moreover, they may ignore the unlimited food situation of the poor or the
difficult. [the meaning of this sentence is quite confusing => they tend to use food with a
careless attitude.] Particularly, at buffet parties, the visitors usually take a huge amount of
food that outweighs [exceeds] their eating ability. This results in leaving food scraps when
ending party [V-ing can only be used when the two subjects of the clauses are the
same => at the end of the party]. Especially, it is unexpected consequence that a bad habit
was built even a unfriendly eye of foreigners when they go abroad. [this sentence is not
quite relevant to the topic of this paragraph, so it is better to replace it with a concluding
sentence => Hence, it is obvious that several factors can lead to a waste of food.]

Further and even more importantly, it is vitally necessary to suggest several ways to
revolutionize this phenomenon. One of the workable solutions [repetition => possible
measures] is that enhancing the awareness about the value of food. By using
media, warning [fragment => the government can warn the public] about the shortage of
food resource [supply] in the recent/near future. Another effective solution
is that appealing to enthusiastic spirit in [encouraging] food sharing with the homeless and
the disadvantageous. It is interesting to note that introducing the stipulation at restaurant
and parties to prevent from [prevent sb from doing sth or prevent sth] wasting food. This
way has carried a positive impact in improving this problem. In Japan, for example, the
host should [the example should be a fact and a fact cannot contains modal
verb => usually] introduces several slogans about extra food [policies about how to deal
with leftover] at parties and restaurant.

By way of conclusion, not saving food is being altered in worldwide community. There are
many reasons to explain this issue and some effective ways to solve it.

Teacher’s Comment:

 Task fulfillment: the essay answers both parts of the question with sufficient
explanation and examples, though the examples are not specific enough.
 Cohesion and coherence: good paragraphing and have proper words to signal the
change of ideas.
 Grammar: several errors in grammar, for example, fragment, wrong structure or the
incorrect use of nodal verbs.
 Vocabulary: some words are quite confusing, which makes the meaning is hard to

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