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Name : Intan Khoerunnisa

Student ID : B1B018037
Entourage : D1
Group :3
Assistant : Dwi Nofyan Sansa Putra



A. Background

We can meet various living creatures in this world, both plants, animals and
humans. Like plants, in animals, we often find similar similarities. This is because the
number of various animals that live in nature is very diverse and many. So, from that
equation, the types of animals can be grouped according to the characteristics they
have, their shape, type, life cycle, habitat, habitus, and their breeding methods
(Waluyo, 2015).

Taxonomy is a mechanism used to group things according to their relationships with

others. In the field of science, for example, taxonomy is a suggestion used to classify
plants and animals in a systematic and logical order. Taxonomic character is a unique
attribute used to identify taxon that distinguishes it from other taxa. These attributes
serve as the basis for grouping creatures into specific taxa. character can be in the form,
shape, and structure of certain organs of taxa (Bastable, 2016)

Systematics is defined as a scientific study of the types and diversity of living things
and some or all of the relationships that occur between them (Simpson, 2015). there
are developments, the word taxonomy and systematic are often used as equivalent,
with the same understanding. when taxonomy and systemic actually have the
difference that taxonomy only discusses a species into taxa, while systematically
discussing the characteristics of these species such as habitat, morphology, physiology,
etc., but basically taxonomy and systematic learning cannot be separated. classifying
a species requires taxonomic character (Wahid, 2015)

Taxonomic ( taxis) meaning arrangement & method is the science of naming,

defining (circumscribing) and classifying groups of biological organism on the basis
of shared characteristics. Organisms are grouped together into taxa (singular: taxon)
and these groups are given a taxonomic rank groups of a given rank can be aggregated
to form a super-group of higher rank, thus creating a taxonomic hierarchy. The
principal ranks in modern use are domain, kingdom, phylum (division is sometimes
used in botany in place of phylum), class,order, family, genus,and species. The
Swedish botanist carl linnaeus is regarded as the founder of the current system of
taxonomy, as he developed a system known as Linnaean taxonomy for categorizing
organisms and binomial nomenclature for naming organisms (Astuti, 2016).

B. Objectives

The objectives of this laboratory activity are:

1. Students learn the definition and some examples of taxonomic characters in

2. Students learn morphological characters of several invertebrates.

Taxonomic character is a unique attribute to recognize taxon that distinguishes it

from other taxa. this character is used in classifying species. Taxonomic characters
include qualitative characters, such as colors and shapes, and quantitative characters,
for example, the number of feet and fingers (radiopoetro, 2017). while King et al.,
(2014) stated that taxonomic characters include morphological, etiological, ecological,
physiological, and biogeographic characters.

Invertebrates are animals that do not have a backbone, covering 95% of known
animals. there are 23 animal phyla including invertebrates, namely Porifera, cnidaria,
acoela, placozoa, ctenophora, platyhelminthes, rotifers, echinoderms and chordates.
about 90% of the phylum chordates include vertebrates, except arboretum, Tunicata,
and hagfish (Campbell et al., 2008). Unlike Campbell et al., Jasin (1989) states that
there are 6 phyla of invertebrate animals, including cnidaria, ctenophora, echinoderms,
annelids, insects, and crustaceans. while Prawirohartono (2006) states that there are 8
invertebrate animal phyla, namely Porifera, Coelenterata, Platyhelminthes,
nemathelminthes, annelids, molluscs, arthropods, and echinoderms.

The Basic groupings of living things include symmetry of the body, tissues, body
cavities, and clearing. there is radial symmetry which has the upper and lower sides,
for example, the phnidaria phylum, while bilateral symmetry has the upper right and
left sides, for example, lobsters in the arthropod phylum. symmetry is generally
consistent with the way of life of animals, most radial sessile animals, and most
bilateral animals have a central nervous system. based on their body tissues, animals
are grouped into diploblastics which have ectoderm and endoderm layers, for example,
jellyfish in cnidaria and triploblastic phyla that have mesoderm as an additional body
layer, found in Platyhelminthes and arthropods. based on body cavities that are fully
coated with mesoderm tissue, for example in the annelid, pseudoselomata whose body
cavity is coated by mesoderm and endoderm, for example on Platyhelminthes. based
on their preamble, animals are grouped into protostomes whose direction is spiral,
rarely formed from mesoderm and the mouth develops from blastopore, for example
in mollusks and annelids, deuterostoma animals have radial sweep direction with
rarely formed from bone folds. archenterons and mouths that develop from blastopore,
for example in mollusks and annelids, deuterostomas have a radial sweep direction
with rarely formed from archenteron and mouth folds that develop from blastopores,
for example in molluscs and annelids. and Chordata (Campbell et al., 2008).

Some invertebrates of protozoa, Porifera, Cnidaria, Protostomata and

Deuterostomata, mostly lives in water, although some lives in land. Some protozoans
are common in fertilized water media, such as Trichodina, Tetrahymena,
Paramaecium, Spirostomata, Stentor, Stylonychia, Euglena, Volvox, Phacus and
Vorticella. Classis Rotifera of Pseudocoelomata is quite found in freshwater, such as
Branchionus, Rotaria, Keratella, Polyarthra and Fitinia. Mollusc, especially
Gastropods, has some members that live in freshwater. For example : Bellamya, Pila,
Brotia, Melanoides dan Lymnaea. Some freshwater Pelecypods are Contradens,
Corbicula dan Anodonta. Tubifex is the only member of Annelid that lives in
freshwater. Micro-shrimp, such as Moina, Daphnia and Cyclops or macro-shrip,
Macrobrachium, are common in freshwater. High level of invertebrate metazoa, phyla
Mollusca, Annellida, and Arthropoda, have high activities on land. Achatina fulica and
Felicaulis sp. are some example of mollusc that live on land. Various earthworms from
the genus of Lumbricus and Pheretima are widely distributed on land. Arthropoda,
that has the most member, give the main contribution of invertebrate that lives in land.
Scolopendra, Lulus, Heterometrus and Valanga are some genus that widely known in
the rural area. Some Orthoptera (cricket, cockroach, and grasshopper), Coleoptera
(beetle), Odonata (dragonfly), Isoptera (termites), Lepidoptera (butterfly), and Diptera
(mosquito, flies) are commonly meet in daily life. (Wilkins, 2017).

A. Materials

The material used in this laboratory activity are : Invertebte specimen, 70%
ethanol, specimen tray, forceps, magnifying glass, microscope, stereo microscope,
camera, gloves, surgical mask, and stationary.

B. Methods

The method used in this laboratory activity are :

1. Each group observe the characters on several invertebrate specimens.

2. To identify some invertebrate specimens based on the morphological characters.

Each students make description based on the identification observation by students.

3. To complete the table of characters observation and identification by students.

4. To complete the interim reports by students.


Astuti, D.W., 2016. Perhitungan Tingkat Kekerabatan Ordo Lepidoptera (Kupu-

kupu) di Tahun Bromo Karanganyar Menggunakan Indeks kesamaan Sorensen
dan Dendogram. Proceeding Biology Education Conference. Biology Science,
Enviromental, and Learning. 13(1), pp. 592-602.

Bastable, B.S., 2002. Perawat Sebagai Pendidik. Jakarta. EGC.

Campbell, N.A., Reece, J.B., Urry, L.A., Cain, M.L., Wasserman, S.A., Minorsky,
P.V & Jackson, R.B., 2008. Biologi Edisi Kedelapan Jilid Dua. Jakarta:

Jasin, M., 1989. Sistematika Hewan Invertabrata dan Vertabrata. Surabaya: Sinar

King. B., Woodcock, M. & Dickinson, E. C., 2014. A Field Guide to The Birds of
South. East Asia. London: Collins.

Prawirohartono, S., 2006. Sains Biologi. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.

Radiopoetra., 2017. Zoologi. Jakarta: Erlangga.

Kur, J., Mioduchowka, M. &Petkovic, M., 2016. Traying to solve current issues with
Invertabrate Taxonomy. The Conceptual Web. Based Application. World
Scientific News, 57, pp. 664-673.

Polasek. M., Godunko. J. R., Rutschmann. S., Svitok. M., Novikmec. M. &
Zahradkova., 2018. Integrative taxonomy of genus Electrogena
(Ephemeroptera: Heptagennidae): the role of innovative morphological
analyses for species delimitation. 76(3), pp. 449-462

Simpson, G. G. 2015. Principles of Animal Taxonomy. New York. Columbia

University Press.

Wahid. A., 2015. Analisis Karakteristik Sedimentasi di Waduk PLTA Bakaru. Jurnal
Hutan dan Masyarakat, 2(2), pp.229-236.
Waluyo, J., 2015. Biologi Umum. Jember: Universitas Jember.

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