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Using Pampers Premium Care with a DryMax ™ core you can help protect your baby′s skin so

gets in the way.


‫يمكنك المساعدة في حماية بشششرة طفلتششك باسششتخدام بششامبرز عنايششة مميششزة مششع حشششوة م م دراي مششاآس آي ل يقششف شششيء فششي‬


‫إن استخدامك لحفاظات بامبرزالتي تتحلى بأقصى درجات الجفشاف ورقشة حششو البطانشة بفضشل حششوة دراي مشاآس العلمشة‬
‫التجاري‬ѧ ‫ة‬

‫توفر حماية لبشرة طفلك مما يجعله بعيداا عن ما يكدر خاطره‬

for the logos they are transliterated in 5 of the 35 e-brochures comprising 6% of the total of
the transliterated items. For example, the logo that is designed by Pampers is transliterated
the brand name and literally translated in the slogan. To adopt the transliteration strategy in
translating brand name here seems productive and successful. This is due to the fact that
Pampers is pioneer in an international customer base. Upon reading the transliterated word
the web surfer will not this sense that it is foreign because he is self-conscious that it is
completely integrated into the TL. the transliteration of this logo the standard of intratextual
coherence has been obtained and this makes TT readable and acceptable for the target web
surfers in actual communicative context. Moreover, the seems to be in consistency with the
fidelity rule and loyalty principle that support the skopos of skopos theory since the TT has
the same commercial skopos as the ST and has played the same in the target culture as the
source culture.

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