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Fat Belly - Follow These Guidelines To Help Lose Yours

One of the most obvious signs of being overweight is having a fat belly. There are
millions of people all over the world that have a fat belly. The two main reasons are
simply due to lack of exercise and a poor dietary habit. The following steps should help
you understand what you need to do in order to lose the fat belly and gain
self-confidence too
Step One- Having A Good Diet Plan
Research has shown that in order to lose any type of belly fat exercise alone will not let
you achieve this. A good diet plan involves cutting down on your fat intake and replacing
them with both high fibre and protein rich foods. The whole purpose of this change in
diet is to get your body to burn off that excess belly fat. Carbohydrates alone will not do
this as they will just provide you with energy.
Step Two- Include Low-Fat Yogurt in your Diet Plan
A recent study has shown that those people who added low-fat yogurt to there diet plan
lost an average of 80% more belly fat than those that choose the high fat types. Low-fat
yogurt contains high levels of calcium which in turn helps the body burn more fat and
also limits the production of new fat.
Step Three - Body Exercises
You may of heard of certain exercises that target the abdominal area so you will burn off
more belly fat. The simple answer to that is, well there is no one single exercise that can
do this. Whatever exercise program you chose to do you should consider doing an all
round body workout that does not target just one particular area of your body, therefore
you will lose not just belly fat but fat all over your entire body. It is much more difficult to
lose belly fat as it can be much more stubborn than other areas of your body as this is
the area that stores a greater proportion of unwanted fats. Therefore, do not be mis-led
into believing cardio exercises alone will get rid of that fat belly.

Exercise alone will not get rid of unwanted fat especially around the stomach area. By
doing too many abdominal exercises will increase the amount of muscle beneath the
belly fat, therefore as the muscles become bigger it will actually look like you have a
bigger belly.
So, the six-pack you have been trying so hard to get will be lost behind a layer of belly
fat because you need to reduce the amount of fat intake overall. By following these
steps you can and will get rid of your fat belly in just a few weeks by eating low-fat foods
and doing regular exercise.

Want That Firm, Flat Stomach? Learn How to Lose Fat Belly Quickly and

​With many of my new clients and in many referral emails, the most
common concern for men and women is dealing with how to lose fat belly or losing
abdominal fat. Even with cute names like "Love Handles", "Spare Tire", "Pot Belly" or
"Molson Muscle" it is still a problem for many as they feel there is nothing they can do to
get rid of it. Well losing abdominal fat is easier than you have been lead to believe and
we will get to that later in this article.

Why do we want a firm, flat stomach?

Well besides the obvious sex appeal of a set of six pack abs, the health benefits of a
trim stomach are well documented. Many will come to realize with the help of their
doctor that carrying excess body fat is unhealthy, yet fat around the abdomen is far
more serious. Having a fat belly puts one at greater risks of many diseases such as
cancer, level-2 diabetes, stroke, heart disease, high blood pressure and high blood
What's the best way on how to lose fat belly?
It is actually easier to lose fat belly then many other forms of body fat yet many will not
like doing it. This is due to the fact that to lose fat belly generally requires a person to
eat far less of those sugary and convenient foods we love so much. The major factor in
the elimination of the fat on your belly and everywhere else on your body as well is to
eat meals consisting of the major food groups so your body adjusts to use the existing
fat instead of storing it. When we re-learn how to eat healthy with a weight loss training
program and add a little exercise, our eyes will be opened to all the quick and healthy
options that we have available to us and we will see quick results.
What's exercises work best to lose fat belly?
Don't worry about doing sit-ups, crunches, squats or any of those belly bending
exercises. They will not help you lose fat belly any faster. All these exercises will really

do for you is strengthen our abdominal muscles but not affect the fat. Fat is nothing
more than your bodies excess stored energy reserves (calories) and the key to burning
fat, belly or anywhere else on your body is to use more energy then you are storing.
Being active is essential to using up your bodies energy reserves and it can be as
simple as going for walks to start. Any activity that you can do beyond what you are
doing now will help you in burning fat. Belly, thighs, arms and legs will all become
slimmer quicker with this added effort and the greater the effort the greater the rewards.
So let's sum up
How to lose fat belly is as simple as eating healthy meals.
As a good friend of mine and registered trainer always says, "Creating a flat belly
happens in the kitchen, not in the gym". If you eat too much or eat the wrong foods, that
fat belly will not go anywhere. Don't fall into a "FAD" diet that promises fast results
without any effort or is the latest big weight loss miracle cure. What is required to have
sustainable weight loss and lose fat belly is eating correctly and exercising. It also has
to become a lifestyle choice for you as you will not succeed if you only do it "when time
If , like my clients, you're looking for a highly effective weight loss training program that
will help you learn how to lose fat belly, I recommend the Strip That Fat program. This
weight loss training program helps you become accustomed to healthy eating so you
don't need to be on a diet forever. It starts you on a personally customized meal
program allowing you to select from over 40,000 healthy and tasty meal combinations.
You print your generated grocery list and go shopping; it could not be any easier.



Losing Fat Belly - Top 3 Tips to Lose Fat Belly and

Get Sculpted Sexy Abs

Most people dream of losing fat belly and getting a hard set of sexy 6-pack abs, yet only
a handful of people ever achieve this dream. Why are there so much of confusion on
this subject? Is it really that complicated of a process?
Well, it really isn't THAT complicated. Basically to get sexy abs, your fat % needs to be
low enough for them to be visible. However losing fat belly and achieving sexy abs does
require a fair amount of discipline in your diet habits and a whole new level of high
intensity workout.
Tip #1 : Feed Your Body With a Balanced Diet
Diet is the MOST important area of fat loss. Losing fat belly requires a good eating
habit. You don't need to go on a diet gimmick with low fat, low carb or whatsoever. Just
remember that balance is the key and you should not restrict your body's needs. So
feed yourself with the right amount of quality protein, high fiber foods and healthy fats.
Tip #2 : High Intensity Multi-Joint Exercises
Dedicate only 10% of your workout time on direct abs exercises. For the rest of the
time, focus on high intensity full body multi-joint exercises such as combination of
squats, lunges, pullups, pushups, dips, chess presses and deadlifts. What you need to
understand here is that spot reduction exercises on abs alone is simply not enough for
losing fat belly. In order to burn fats effectively, you need to workout the large muscle
groups of your body to stimulate high metabolic response and fat burning hormones for
real fat loss.
Tip #3 : High Intensity Cardio Variations
Focus on shorter duration workout but with high intensity and different variations for
losing fat belly. So instead of a long duration, steady-paced boring traditional cardio,

switch your "cardio" to short duration of different variations such as wind sprints, hill
sprints, stair sprints, jump rope and other high intensity cardio.
With all these top 3 tips combined, you'd be losing fat belly and getting sculpted sexy
abs in no time. Like I mentioned above, it does require a decent amount of discipline.
However your journey of losing fat belly can also be fun if you want to make it fun!
I stumbled across this site: ​​ which has specially designed fat belly
exercises and fat belly busting solutions. It's an expert all-round solution that's given me
and my friends awesome looking abs!


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