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CSS Selectors Tutorial

Selectors are really one of the most important

concepts you can learn in web development. You
can’t style anything on a web page without first
using a selector to target the various items. In
addition, you can also use CSS selectors in many
other interesting ways in various programming
languages. So for this tutorial we are going to learn
all about CSS Selectors. We’ll look at the Simple
selectors such as Type, Class, ID, Universal, and
Attribute based. Then we’ll look at Combinators like
the Descendant combinator, Child combinator,
Adjacent Sibling combinator, and the General

Sibling combinator. Finally we’ll take a look at how
to use Pseudo Classes and Pseudo Elements.

Simple Selectors
Simple CSS Selectors are selectors that are most
commonly used and cover a good amount of use
cases. The simple CSS selectors include selecting
by the HTML tag name, selecting by a specific ID,
selecting with a class name, and selecting using
various combinations of attributes. You can go
pretty far with just these simple CSS selectors.

Type Selector
Also known as the Element Selector, the Type
Selector targets all elements that match the given
node name. This allows you to select all <p>
elements or all <div> elements at one time.

element { css style properties }

Type Selector Example

p {
background-color: lightblue;

<p>This is a paragraph with some text in
<div>I'm just one div in between two paragraph
<p>This is a different paragraph with

ID Selector
The ID Selector selects the HTML element based
on the value contained in its id attribute. An ID
Selector is used when you want to target one
specific element on the web page.
#id_value { css style properties }

ID Selector Example

#coffee {
background-color: lightblue;

<p>This paragraph doesn't have any id
<p id="coffee">This paragraph has an id of

Class Selector
Some say the Class Selector is the most useful of
the available CSS Selectors. In fact, almost all
modern CSS Frameworks allow you to style
elements by simply applying a class name. It is
helpful to have many elements on the same page
that share a given class. This helps to allow the

reuse of styles leading to less repetition in the CSS

.class_name { css style properties }

Class Selector Example

.awesome {
background-color: lightblue;

<p>This paragraph doesn't have any class.</p>
<p class="awesome">This paragraph has awesome
<div class="foo bar awesome">This div has 3
classes. One of them is awesome.</<span
class="hiddenGrammarError" pre=""><span
class="hiddenGrammarError" pre=""><span
class="hiddenGrammarError" pre=""><span
class="hiddenGrammarError" pre=""><span
class="hiddenGrammarError" pre="Then "><span
class="hiddenGrammarError" pre="use ">div>

Attribute Selectors
Square brackets are used to create an Attribute
Selector in CSS. This selector selects tags based
on the existence or value of an HTML attribute.
There are several types of attribute selectors in

The [attribute] selector is used to target elements
on the web page with the given attribute.

[attribute] { css style properties }

[attribute] Selector Example

[title] {
background-color: lightblue;

<a href="#" title="Happy Link">This link has a
title attribute.</a>
<a href="#">This link has no title attribute.</a>

The [attribute=value] selector is used to target
elements on the web page with the given attribute
and specified value.

[attribute=value] { css style properties }

[attribute=value] Selector Example

[href=""] {
background-color: lightblue;

<a href="">Google</a>
<a href="">Bing</a>
<a href="">Duck Duck Go</a>

CSS [attribute=value] Selector Example

The [attribute~=value] selector is used to target
elements that have an attribute value containing a
specified word.

[attribute~=value] { css style properties }

[attribute~=value] Selector Example

[data~="hooray"] {
background-color: lightblue;

<div data="hip">This is hip.</div>
<div data="hip hop">This is hip hop.</div>
<div data="hip hop hooray">Hip hop hooray.</div>

The [attribute|=value] selector targets elements
with an attribute value that can be exactly as given
or can begin with the value immediately followed by
a hyphen.

[attribute|=value] { css style properties }

[attribute|=value] Selector Example

[class|="lg"] {
background-color: lightblue;

<div class="btn">Button</div>
<div class="lg-btn">Large Button</div>
<div class="sm-btn">Small Button</div>

The [attribute^=value] has a caret (^) operator,
which means “to start with”. This will target
elements on the page where the given attribute
starts with a specific value. For example you may
be able to select all links on the page that are
external vs internal, and make the background color
light blue.

[attribute^=value] { css style properties }

[attribute^=value] Selector Example

a[href^="http://"] {
background-color: lightblue;

<a href="">Web
Design News (External Link)</a>
<a href="/design/web.html">Design Category
(Internal Link)</a>

css attribute caret equals selector example

This attribute selector makes use of the dollar sign
which is the opposite of the prior example. While
the caret means to start with, the $ symbol means
“ends with”. A use case for this might be to target
links on the page which link to a PDF document.

[attribute$=value] { css style properties }

[attribute$=value] Selector Example

a[href$=".pdf"] {
background-color: lightblue;

<a href="">Web
Design News</a>
<a href="/design/great.pdf">A Great PDF To

css ends with attribute selector example

The final attribute substring selector we’ll look at
makes use of the asterisk (*) operator, which stands
for “contains”.

[attribute*=value] { css style properties }

[attribute*=value] Selector Example

[class*="blockquote"] {
background-color: lightblue;

<div class="blockquote-lead">Leading div
<div class="banana">Div in the middle.</div>
<p class="blockquote-footer">Paragraph in the
footer area.</p>

css contains substring attribute selector example

Universal Selector

* { css style properties }

Universal Selector Example

The asterisk is often used as a wild card character
of sorts, and when used as a CSS selector that is
exactly what it is. The Universal Selector selects
every element on the web page at once. It’s not
something you would use frequently but is good for
resetting the box-sizing in layouts to render better
widths and heights. You will often see a style sheet
use the universal selector to set margin and
padding both to 0. This gives the same starting
point for a page layout no matter what type of
browser, device, or operating system is being used.

* {
background-color: lightblue;


Combinator Selectors
Combinator selectors in CSS are the next level of
granularity when selecting page elements in CSS.
Combinators are used to target children,
grandchildren, great-grandchildren, or later of a
given element in the document tree. They symbols
used for Combinators include the space character
, greater than character >, the plus sign +, and the
tilde ~.

Descendant Combinator
The Descendant Combinator is actually an empty
space ( ). The pattern of this combinator is simply
two tags side by side with a space in between them.

It selects elements that are descendants of the first

tag tag { css style properties }

Descendant Combinator Selector Example

In this example there are four <li> elements on the
page. Only the two that are descendants of the
<div> are targeted however.

div li {
background-color: lightblue;

<li>First in the list.</li>
<li>Second in the list.</li>
<li>First in the list.</li>
<li>Second in the list.</li>

Descendant Combinator Selector Example

Child Combinator
The child combinator uses the greater than (>)
operator and targets elements that are immediate
children of the parent. The difference between
Descendant and Child selectors is that the Child
Combinator is more specific. It only will select direct
children elements of the first tag. The Descendant
Combinator however is more liberal. Not only will it
select children of the first tag, it will also select
grand children, great grand children, and so on.

tag > tag { css style properties }

Child Combinator Selector Example

div > p {
background-color: lightblue;

<p>Paragraph in a div.</p>
<p>Another paragraph in a div.</p>
<p>A paragraph in a span.</p>

Watch the difference now if we use the Descendant

Combinator (div p) instead of the Child Combinator
(div > p). Note now that the third paragraph which
is a grandchild of the <div> is still targeted.

div p {
background-color: lightblue;

descendant combinator vs child combinator

Adjacent Sibling Combinator

The Adjacent Sibling Combinator uses the plus sign
(+) and targets elements that are next to each other
in the document tree which have the same parent.
In other words the second tag directly follows the
first, and they share the same parent element.

tag + tag { css style properties }

Adjacent Sibling Combinator Selector Example

h2 + p {
background-color: lightblue;

<h1>Adjacent Sibling Combinator!</h1>

<h2>Section Title</h2>
<p>Paragraph in the section.</p>
<p>Next Paragraph in the section.</p>
<p>Paragraph after the section.</p>

So in this example h2 + p targets every <p> element

that is placed immediately after an <h2> element.
Adjacent Sibling Combinator Selector Example

General Sibling Combinator

The General Sibling Combinator uses the tilde (~)
operator. It differs from the Adjacent Sibling
Combinator in that the second selector doesn’t

have to immediately follow the first. Both elements
must both share the same parent.

tag ~ tag { css style properties }

General Sibling Combinator Selector Example

Both the <h1> and the <section> share the <div>
as the same parent. Note that there is a <p> <em>in
between</em> the <h1> and the <section>. The
general sibling combinator ignores that <p> and
targets the <section>.

h1 ~ section {
background-color: lightblue;
<h1>General Sibling Combinator!</h1>
<h2>Section Title</h2>
<p>Paragraph in the section.</p>
<p>Next Paragraph in the section.</p>
<p>Paragraph after the section.</p>

General Sibling Combinator Selector

Pseudo Classes
Pseudo-classes are used to target elements on the
web page based on state information that is not part
of the document tree. First we’ll look at the
Structural pseudo-classes.

Structural Pseudo Classes

Structural Pseudo Classes are a powerful way to
target elements in the DOM which otherwise would
not be able to be targeted without adding extra IDs
or classes. The use of Structural Pseudo Classes is
meant to minimize the addition of extraneous

classes in your HTML markup thereby keeping your
layouts cleaner and easier to deal with.

:first-child Selector
The :first-child selector allows you to target the first
child of a specified element in the document tree.

:first-child { css style properties }

:first-child Selector Example

p:first-child {
background-color: lightblue;

<p>This &lt;p&gt; is the first child of

<h1>:first-child Selector Example</h1>

<p>This &lt;p&gt; is the third child of


<p>This &lt;p&gt; is the first child of
<p>This &lt;p&gt; is not the first child of

:last-child Selector
The :last-child selector targets any element that is
the last child of its parent element.

:last-child { css style properties }

:last-child Selector Example

p:last-child {
background-color: lightblue;

<p>This &lt;p&gt; is the first child of

<h1>:last-child Selector Example</h1>

<p>This &lt;p&gt; is the third child of

<p>This &lt;p&gt; is the first child of
<p>This &lt;p&gt; is the last child of

:nth-child Selector
The :nth-child selector allows you to select one or
more specific children of a given parent element. It
can take the form of a number (integer), keywords
(odd or even), or a calculation (expression).

:nth-child { css style properties }

:nth-child Selector Example 1

:nth-child(4) {
background-color: lightblue;

:nth-child Selector Example 2

li:nth-child(even) {
background-color: lightblue;


:nth-child Selector Example 3

li:nth-child(odd) {
background-color: lightblue;


:nth-child Selector Example 4
 a is an integer value
 n is the literal letter "n"
 + is an operator and may also be a -
 b is an integer and is required if an operator is
included in the formula

li:nth-child(3n+3) {
background-color: lightblue;

:nth-last-child Selector
The :nth-last-child Selector works just like the :nth-
child Selector except in reverse. That is to say that
:nth-last-child starts counting from the last element.

:nth-last-child { css style properties }

:nth-last-child Selector Example 1

li:nth-last-child(2) {
background-color: lightblue;

:nth-last-child Selector Example 2

li:nth-last-child(even) {
background-color: lightblue;


:nth-last-child Selector Example 3

li:nth-last-child(odd) {
background-color: lightblue;


:nth-last-child Selector Example 4

li:nth-last-child(odd) {
background-color: lightblue;



:only-child Selector
The :only-child selector targets an element that
doesn’t have any sibling elements. In other words,
it works by targeting any element that is the only
child of its parent.

:only-child { css style properties }

:only-child Selector Example
div:only-child {
background-color: lightblue;

<div>This div is an only child.</div>

<div>This div is a 1st sibling.</div>
<div>This div is a 2nd sibling.</div>
<div>This div is a 3rd sibling
<div>This div is an only child.</div>

css only-child selector example

:first-of-type Selector
The :first-of-type Selector targets the first element
of this type within any parent. So if you have two

divs, each had within it a paragraph, div, div, and ul.
Then div div:first-of-type would select the first div
inside the first div and the first div inside the second

:first-of-type { css style properties }

:first-of-type Selector Example

div div:first-of-type {
background-color: lightblue;
<li>list item</li>
<li>list item</li>


:last-of-type Selector
The :last-of-type Selector works just like the :first-
of-type Selector except the last of the specified type
of element is targeted.

:last-of-type { css style properties }

:last-of-type Selector Example

div div:last-of-type {
background-color: lightblue;

<li>list item</li>
<li>list item</li>

css last-of-type psudo class selector

:nth-of-type Selector
The :nth-of-type selector works in a similar way to
:nth-child and uses the same syntax. It is
sometimes more useful than :nth-child if there are
elements between those you are targeting. For
example if inside a div you had a number of
paragraphs and a number of divs. If you wanted to
select all the even divs, :nth-child won’t work there
but you could use div div:nth-of-type(even).

:nth-of-type { css style properties }

:nth-of-type Selector Example

div div:nth-of-type(even) {
background-color: lightblue;
<p>A p tag</p>
<div>A div tag</div>
<div>A div tag</div>
<p>A p tag</p>
<p>A p tag</p>
<p>A p tag</p>

<div>A div tag</div>
<div>A div tag</div>
<p>A p tag</p>

:nth-last-of-type Selector
The :nth-last-of-type Selector works just like the
:nth-of-type Selector but starts at the end instead of
the beginning.

:nth-last-of-type { css style properties }

:nth-last-of-type Selector Example

div div:nth-last-of-type(even) {
background-color: lightblue;

<p>A p tag</p>
<div>A div tag</div>
<div>A div tag</div>
<p>A p tag</p>
<p>A p tag</p>
<p>A p tag</p>
<div>A div tag</div>
<div>A div tag</div>
<p>A p tag</p>

css nth-last-of-type selector

:only-of-type Selector

The :only-of-type selector targets elements where
the parent elements do not have any other children
of the same type.

:only-of-type { css style properties }

:only-of-type Selector Example

p:only-of-type {
background-color: lightblue;

Div 1
<p>1 p tag</p>
<p>2 p tags</p>
Div 2
<p>1 p tag</p>

only of type css example

:empty Selector
The :empty selector can be a useful pseudo-class.
It represents an element in the web page that has
no content. Imagine there is a dynamically
generated widget on your page that sometimes has
no contents, depending on various factors. If it is
empty, we can hide it using :empty.

widget:empty {

For completeness, there is also a :root structural

pseudo-class which targets the root of the

document. There probably aren’t a lot of use cases
for the :root selector, but it’s good to know it exists.

Pseudo Elements
Pseudo elements are elements that can be seen on
a web page but aren’t technically “in the DOM” so
to speak. They are instead inserted directly from
CSS. It’s kind of like having a low powered version
of jQuery built right into CSS. Pseudo elements
allow you to do lots little design tricks without
cluttering the markup. At first it might be easy to
confuse the Pseudo Classes we discussed above
and Pseudo Elements. Notice above that all the
selectors started with a single colon (:). That is the
signature of a Pseudo Class. Pseudo Elements on
the other hand always use a double colon (::).

::before Pseudo Element

::before { css style properties }

::before creates content right before the selected
element. ::before is often used to add simple
cosmetic content to an element using the content

::before Pseudo Element Example

p::before {
content: 'Check this out: ';
color: gray;

<p>This is a message you don't want to

css before pseudo element example

::after Pseudo Element

The ::after pseudo element works just like ::before
except content is added after the targeted element.

::after { css style properties }

::after Pseudo Element Example

p::after {
content: ' Thanks for reading!';
color: gray;

<p>This is a message you don't want to

::first-line Pseudo Element

The ::first-line selector targets the first line of a
block-level element. The effect may be dynamic as
the length of the first line depends on many factors
such as the width of the element, the width of the
page, and the font size in use.

::first-line { css style properties }

::first-line Pseudo Element Example
p::first-line {
background-color: lightblue;

<p>This paragraph is full of nonsense for the
bored reader
to find interest in. We're not sure how
long it will go,
but it would be nice if it goes a few
lines so we can
demonstrate the ::first-line pseudo-
element. Thanks.

::first-letter Pseudo Element

The ::first-letter Pseudo Element simply targets the
very first letter of the specified element.

::first-letter { css style properties }

::first-letter Pseudo Element Example
p::first-letter {
background-color: lightblue;
font-size: 25px;

<p>Hi. How's it going?</p>

CSS Selectors Tutorial Summary

In this tutorial we learned all about how selectors
work in CSS. With practice, you’ll learn how to best
use selectors to reduce the need to add
unnecessary classes and IDs to your markup,
which ensures that we can separate the content
and presentation from each other. We learned all
about Simple selectors such as Type, Class, ID,
Universal, and Attribute along with the Descendant

combinator, Child combinator, Adjacent Sibling
combinator, and the General Sibling combinator. In
addition, we had a good overview of what Pseudo
Classes and Pseudo Elements are and how to use


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