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Looking into the Mirror

I have spoken about the mirror in my book to some

degree and for the most part it is the most difficult
subject for those who read about it to comprehend.
Not that Law itself is difficult enough, just many of us
we simply have not had the spiritual experience that
bring this knowing into our reality, yet is completely
part of our reality. It would be nice if the Holy Bible
would talk about it, however as we know the Bible was
written from the perspective of the mirror and thus
darkness. So in darkness, many secrets are held back
and we their slaves as they like to think are
orchestrated to perceive things the way the SYSTEM
wants us to.

In terms of the Bible the mirror is the darkness that

covers the deep talked about in Genesis 1:2

“And the earth was without form, and void; and

darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit
of God moved upon the face of the waters.”

In Genesis 1:26-28 we know that man was created in our image and after our likeness, with the word
our being the key word. It simply means that we were created in spirit to be one with all that exists as
this is the spiritual creation of earth and heaven that God created. God is spiritual not physical that is
why we don’t see him. On the 7th day God rested within all that he had created including the darkness
and when he did that, he rested spiritually into all that was created. Darkness I think then awoken as
God rested to take on the manifestation of LORD God. LORD God went about forming the illusion of the
physical structure of the Universe as we see it. Thus we have three realities happening here, one being
that we are indeed spirit and the other two being that we have a soul and body, derived from LORD
God, according to the Bible.

Operating the Mirror

So what has happened is that we are connected to all that exists through our spirit, which is akin to an
ocean of consciousness into infinity and our soul and body are the physical form manifestation of the
droplet of the infinite consciousness. Thus again as I talk about in my book, we are both the droplet and
the ocean. We access God through our spirit in states of love. This is done through meditation and

Looking into the Mirror | Infinite love is the only truth. Everything else is illusion. 1
connecting through love and silence until we begin to feel the infinite songs of all life vibrating their
energy to and from us in one symphony as it were. We enter a dimension which we feel safe and loved
by all that is and we in that state have the power to change our reality to whatever we want it to be.

Love is the overriding factor of the illusion as LORD God or our ego has no way to deal with it as it is the
foundation of all life. The illusion can be reconfigured through love and one simply imagines love
enveloping all that you see as a soft colored cloud bring out the spirit in all that exists in a tranquil loving
way. When we create connections in love, we are using spirit.

Now the soul has a different path and it is of the illusion. Our soul
is the master of creating the illusion and has its own mind as
appose to our subconscious mind, which is attacked constantly, by
symbology and suggestive thoughts and many means to get us to
manifest conscious thought as being our own, mind control.
Government is to Govern = Control and ment is derived from
mental, which has its roots in Latin (a dead language) meaning
mind, thus Mind Control. The mind is very powerful because it is
through our mind that we decode our reality. Hypnotic suggestions
can make people and things disappear. Hypnosis alters your senses
in many ways through your mind. Extreme uses of mind control
most of us have read about involve torture and terror techniques to
split the mind into compartments allowing one part of the mind to
operate as a separate personality and carry out instructions. This is
used extensively by the Illuminati to create sex slaves and assassins.
I won’t go into any further as there is plenty of info on the web about it. But only to say it is a natural
way of the mind protecting itself from trauma to create amnesia of a car accident etc. to avoid reliving
the trauma.

So in order to manifest we must first go to spirit and then go to form. Thus one first creates in the
imaginary with love bringing about that which we want to create within the image of all of creation and
give life to that which we create by realizing that our spirit is present along with God’s in that creation of
a thing or kind of life. We then go to our minds and we tell our minds that it does exist in our time and
space before us. So spirit is more of a feeling and loving something new into existence versus
programming our mind to decode or form it into existence. Once it is in the image of all that exists in
the imaginary and has rested with God, it becomes accessible to us in the illusion through our minds.

Now this is easier said than done, primarily because they fill our lives with so many distractions and
hypnotic suggestions about who we are, that we have a difficult time coming to the realization that we
can manifest our reality the way we want it to be. The other part is that they toxify our bodies with
chemicals and neuron-blocking agents making it hard for us to alter our states of reality to that of spirit
and those that use drugs to try and do it, damage their bodies and brains as a result not understanding
the purpose or healing qualities of such a state. The drugs pushed onto the population are incredibly

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dangerous, including alcohol, which is a depressant taking you to the opposite state of where you need
to be to begin the manifestation processes.

The Soul’s Path

LORD God gave us a Living Soul through his breath, meaning that in part we are all connected and exist
in body and soul because of LORD God. This is the illusion aspect of creation and is why the Soul travels
an eternal journey on a path of learning about the illusion and ultimately about love. This path of
learning is reflected in why Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge rather than from the Tree of
Life, which they may not understood because they never experienced death as all they knew was life at
that point. Spirit is all knowing as appose to our soul and mind being an empty yearning to learn about
things so we can bring about creation through our spirit. Doesn’t it feel great to create something new
or do something different? Yet for many of us the SYSTEM is set up to make life monotonous routine to
the point that we are so hypnotized by it we forget that we are even doing it. This is primarily why they
want us working all the time doing the same thing over and over again. It kills our creativity and our
accessing our spirit for the inspiration to manifest what we want in our world.

The darkness makes use of

demons and gods to help it
control the illusions of the
mind. So much so that gods are
worshiped and human
sacrifices are made to their
gods, mainly Satan and Molech
to gain favor and power from
their gods. There is light as well
and the light makes use of the
meditation in spirit, the true
origin of manifestation of
reality to create that which
they want within the world.
Nicola Tesla is a good example
of that. The electricity that
powers your computer came
from him along with many,
many other inventions.
Darkness relies on usurping power and inventive minds because they do not access spirit and thus do
not have any inspirational thoughts of creativity, so they simply steal inventions. This is done through
the patent processes. Where the Government holds their thumb on what is allowed to be developed
within the world and what is not. Free energy technology is but one of a long list of patents of things
that could set our world free that have been with-held from us.

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So man takes on two configurations, one of light and one of darkness. We are both equally created in
spirit, but derive our manifestations through different means. However we are still all in spirit
connected with God and thus are one. So what we do to others gets reflected usually much greater
back onto ourselves. Darkness has made use of Magick to alter the consequences of their actions in
forms of curses. Money is a curse and it is through the language of Legalese, which is a spell making
language of the dark arts, to create curses upon us and directing the Karma into the money. To stop this
from happening we simply have to mature the curse and stop using mammon as a form of exchange and
switch over to a world based on service to others rather than a world based on service to self. It is the
selfishness of the self that brings about the disconnection of spirit of the infinite love we are that truly
allows us to manifest what we want in this world.

Indeed the self must have a name because

the self has no connection to spirit. In fact
the system goes overboard trying to tell you
that you are merely as soul, wholly owned by
LORD God. The Pope is the Vicar of Christ or
Vicar of God as it is and is named as the Anti-
Christ in the Westminster Confession of Faith
of 1646, which directs the Monarch in her
actions and her agents. The Pope is the head
of the Roman Cult that has brought us to the
brink of the New World Order of the Holy
Roman Empire. Much of this has been
accomplished through secret societies or
societies with many secrets, utilizing people
as hosts for demonic possession and thus a
total slave to Lucifer in their never ending
quest to appease him through evil and
sacrifice. The Courts are Free Masonic
courts and the Judge is an extension of
Lucifer. This is why it is so important in court
for them to get your compliance of authority. It is thus that you are speaking through your soul and not
your spirit, which is infinitely connected with God and all that exists. They cannot cast a curse upon
God, but they can upon your soul and that is exactly the one and only reason they want you in the court,
the Temple of Ba’al, to cast a curse on you.

The curse would be sending you to jail so they can extract your life force to appease Lucifer or the
various demonic possessed guards that work there. You will notice the Star of David mixed in with
emblem on their shoulder badges and other idol symbology they wear. It is not to say everyone in the
Justice and Correction system is demonically possessed, but I am saying that it is the root force behind
what is going on. God works off the natural force of Karma to rebalance things in terms of giving life.
The life force is the most dominant force in the universe or creation and darkness although powerful,

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was subject to life in Genesis 1:2, where God’s spirit moved upon the face of the waters, the darkness
was trying to hide. Further God divided the light from the darkness in Genesis 1:4, meaning that God
has power over the darkness and it is normal for darkness to try and hide within the light, which we see
so much in good organizations fronting for evil agendas. God is life and life and death is only an illusion
as we are in spirit and soul upon death, which is still life. Although darkness wants to destroy the earth
and all life upon it ultimately to appease Lucifer, in the end the life force of the Universe will either
create a new home for life or create or introduce the technologies we need to clean up our world and
restore life. Darkness operates parasitically in nature and by destroying life, they destroy themselves.

A Simpler Court Procedure

One-Heaven came up with a court procedure that was based upon the soul and not the spirit. In fact
their entire website and canon laws etc. only deal with the illusion and LORD God; they don’t deal with
our Spirit, which I think that this is what all the nonsense is about, denying us access to our spirit and
thus knowing. So this is what I threw
together. It is not yet been tested, but
based upon what I know from my
research and others, they are following
canon law as their ultimate source of law
within the BAR Association. Remember
also that all authority exists from within
us and Law is an extension of authority.
So do we allow authority to be extended
to us from outside of us or from within?
Because the mirror exists both are viable,
just darkness doesn’t want to go into
spirit because it cannot curse the soul
from that perspective, because we have
come to the court in spirit rather than in
soul and the Spirit has the highest
standing as through spirit as man created
as male and female through God, we hold
dominion over all the earth and over
every living thing upon the earth as per
Genesis 1:26-28.

So here is how I would approach things after being dragged into court. First and for most I would stand
and remain standing through the all rise and site ritual. Why; because in spirit I hold dominion over all
the earth and I am standing on the earth in my dominion. I am one with the Judge and all that are there
through spirit. Of course they are going to ask me for my name and who I am and why I am doing what I

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am doing. You never give them a name because you are one with them and if you are one with them in
spirit a name would separate you from them and make you into a thing which they can then control.

This is what I would say and do next:

Simply look at the Judge and say, “We are one in Spirit with God our Creator and Love in accordance to
God’s creation.”

“It was God’s words that he spoke that man have dominion over all the earth and over every living thing
upon the earth, regardless if it was formed by LORD God or anyone else. We are both one with God.”

“I came here to resolve a matter concerning JOHN FRANK DOE all capital letters that I at times make use
of in the world in order gain access to the necessities of life. By the consequences inferred by the
charges put upon this dead fiction entity it would impair me and interfere with my dominion over all the
earth. So what you do to me you do to yourself even more so than me. I do not want to be harmed and
I do not believe you want to be harmed either through this, so through my dominion I order the charges
withdrawn and to compensate me for my time and energy expended we both should receive
$100,000.00 in (Canadian) currency.“

Judge would hopefully agree and say case dismissed.

Now the judge may leave the court so you might try ordering the Clerk of the court to withdraw the
charges and compensate you only, instead of you and the Judge. Likely they will want desperately to
clear the court room and somehow gain authority over you. If they try to take you into custody, simply
back away saying I do not give you permission to touch me, I have broken no laws and I hold dominion
here. Don’t fight or harm anyone but be assertive.

If the Judge left and came back you will have to

not do the all rise and sit thing again and
reassert your position again as above. The Judge
may leave and come back a third time just
repeat all again. The third time he comes back as
a priest, which is yet another fiction. I am not
certain, but Priests deal with the soul not the
spirit, so be wise to that.

This is not something you can print off and take

into court and read. You have to know this.
Another way that seems to work to avert court is if you write without prejudice at the top of any
document you are asked to sign and above one’s signature also I would do. Signing “Without Prejudice”,
allows you to sign documents that cannot be considered as evidence in court. But that does not mean
that they won’t and can’t break their own rules. It is really a submission to authority by signing and
saying that you are only a soul owned and enslaved by LORD God, whom they worship as Lucifer.
Remember you are dealing with Roman Civil Law and Caesar’s will has force and effect, because God to

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them is a man of who is the manifested host of the demonic entity of Lucifer. This is why the Bailiffs and
Sheriffs knowingly or unknowingly bow to the Judge upon entering the court along with the rest of the
gaggle. If you are released on a Promise to Appear after signing it without Prejudice, do not speak with
the police, court officials or anyone. Do not go to court as they will try to reassert their contract. But if
they think that you are a big enough threat they may just come take you away regardless and perhaps
drag you into court. In the USA home of the free and land of the brave, 10,000,000 people disappear
each year. Out of that 500,000 are never found again. So be careful of what you do and don’t do

You can also put a sign up on your door saying that this house in upon the earth and thus in God’s
Jurisdiction. If you are an officer of the Government and thus representing a dead fiction, you are to
leave and not return this property again.

You can play around with the idea and come up with something better if you like. It is just to give you
an idea. Another thing you might try is removing the numbers off your house or putting up a flag of a
country that does not have extradition agreements with the one you are in. Lots of games you can play.
Also change your phone numbers and remove your answering machine and use call display to screen
your calls for you.

Our Future

The mirror works both ways, but through

spirit we do have the upper hand and the
mirror is pro life as we are and all that
exists are forms of life. We are one in
mind and spirit with God and this Alice in
Wonderland reality is headed for a major
correction soon. Perhaps the end of the
Mayan Calendar on December 10, 2012
will bring about the beginning of change? I
hope so and so do many others. In the
interim we can see those that worship
Lucifer doing all they can to kill us and
possibly themselves in the process. The so
called oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico was reportedly created by a torpedo shot at the well and possibly
the drilling rig itself. What ensued is complete madness in spraying toxic dispersants over the ocean and
the oil now turning into a volcano rather than simply a gusher from a pipe. The ocean bed collapsed a
day or two ago and began spewing massive amounts of oil into our pristine ocean of life. The Oxygen
levels have plummeted creating dead zones all over the place as the Photo Plankton dies and prevents
the water from mixing with the air in the atmosphere, it is likely that we will have much less oxygen
ourselves to breath in a space of a few short years.

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I really believe that in some way these Ruling Blood Line families will have to be stopped and their so
called empires dismantled if we are to move on. Doing so may simply be done by ignoring their control
system laws and start doing what we need to do in order to restore balance and life on our planet. I
don’t see much in alternatives. Don’t expect the chosen ones to do anything. It is either we begin to
work towards the service of others and holding people accountable for their actions that we are going to
get free. It is much easier said than done, I know. But do what you can and educate others; we are
making progress on a lot of fronts now. In hind sight we always tend to get not what we want, but the
essence of what we want. Our intentions are very powerful, it is through clear intent that we make
things happen.

Manipulation of the Body Computer

David Ike has been saying for some time now that our bodies are really akin to a sophisticated
computer. The Anunaki created our Genetic form but in doing so they manipulated our brains so that
we only use a portion of our brains. Ancient stone tablets tell us that Anu meant LORD God, Lucifer, and
we are the slave race they created to mine the gold for them. The brain extends into the nervous
system and we apparently have much DNA that is not active at all, called “Junk DNA”. David thinks that
they lack of use of our brains and the Junk DNA that does nothing was purposely set up so that it would
limit our ability to program our own DNA and essentially take on any form we want to. This is lines up
with what I was talking about in terms of spirit; which is to say that through spirit that we do our
programming and the soul is really a template of energy bodies that we create to take on forms. You
augment the soul from the spirit perspective and let the mirror do the work in creating the form for that
soul. The breath of life LORD God put into Adam, could be seen as giving a first charge to the form in
soul that creates the body in this dimension. I am only speculating, but I have worked with numerous
energy bodies in people throughout my years and I do know that the aura around us is far more
complicated than just seeing light coming from us.

From the 5 sense dimension we see DNA as duplicating

itself and creating cells to keep our body replenished. What
we do not see is the frequency interactions and
communication that are involved with DNA. When God’s
Spirit moved upon the waters, God created an infinite set of
vibratory frequencies within the waters. Water is again a
crystal not a liquid and thus operates as a medium for
creation. It is through water that we generate forms. I
suspect Hydrogen and Oxygen are the primary building
blocks in terms of gas and solid formations. There is also
the factor of reverse time, which is becoming more
apparent in the creation of new types of materials that

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reside outside of the Alchemy of the Tree of Life or Kabala. In simple terms the DNA are responding to
sound waves that have electromagnetic components to them and the DNA extends into the Soul make
up as well but holds different attributes on different levels.

The Body Computer is a mechanism of the illusion. It was designed to entrap us into this limited reality
and thus enslave us through our limited access to our spiritual nature. I think what may be happening is
that this reality we find ourselves in is going to go up in frequency as it is far too low in terms of spirit
and spirit is our natural state in truth. It is hard for me to believe that as spirit we did not know what
we were getting ourselves into with this prison situation, however because the balance is tipped
towards life, this illusion cannot survive within the infinite, indefinitely. We are likely coming to the
flash point where the energy required to keep this illusion going will accelerate by a natural log
exponentially as time accelerates, returning us back to spirit. Just speculation, but that’s what I think is
going to happen.
May 2, 2010

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