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Artificial cultivation of true morels: current state, issues and perspectives

Article  in  Critical Reviews in Biotechnology · June 2017

DOI: 10.1080/07388551.2017.1333082


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4 authors, including:

Liu Qizheng C.-H. Dong

Chinese Academy of Sciences Chinese Academy of Sciences


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Critical Reviews in Biotechnology

ISSN: 0738-8551 (Print) 1549-7801 (Online) Journal homepage:

Artificial cultivation of true morels: current state,

issues and perspectives

Qizheng Liu, Husheng Ma, Ya Zhang & Caihong Dong

To cite this article: Qizheng Liu, Husheng Ma, Ya Zhang & Caihong Dong (2017): Artificial
cultivation of true morels: current state, issues and perspectives, Critical Reviews in Biotechnology,
DOI: 10.1080/07388551.2017.1333082

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Artificial cultivation of true morels: current state, issues and perspectives

Qizheng Liua, Husheng Mab, Ya Zhangc and Caihong Donga
State Key Laboratory of Mycology, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China; bGuangxi Institute of
Botany, Guangxi Zhuangzu Autonomous Region and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guiling, China; cSichuan Province Delilong
Agricultural Technology Co. Ltd., Chengdu, China


Morels (Morchella, Ascomycota), which are some of the most highly prized edible and medicinal Received 3 February 2017
mushrooms, are of great economic and scientific value. Morel cultivation has been a research Revised 24 April 2017
focus worldwide for more than 100 years, and the outdoor cultivation of morels has succeeded Accepted 25 April 2017
and expanded to a large scale in China in recent years. In this study, we review the progress in
recent research regarding the life cycle and reproductive systems in the genus Morchella and KEYWORDS
the current state of outdoor cultivation. Sclerotia formation and conidia production are two Artificial cultivation; morel;
important phases during the life cycle. The morel species cultivated commercially in America is outdoor; exogenous
M. rufobrunnea based on molecular phylogenetic analysis. The species currently cultivated in nutrition; Morchella
China are black morels, including M. importuna, M. sextalata and M. eximia. The field cultivation importuna; life cycle
of morels expanded in the majority of the provinces in China with a yield of fresh morels of
0–7620 kg per ha. The key techniques include spawn production, land preparation and spawning,
the addition of exogenous nutrition, fruiting management and harvesting. The application of
exogenous nutrition is the most important breakthrough in the field of morel cultivation, but
the mechanism remains unclear. It was estimated that the total amount of field cultivated fresh
morels was 500 t in 2015–2016. We also discuss the potential issues remaining in the current
literature and suggest directions for future studies.

Introduction on their antitumor and immunomodulatory activities

[6,7], anti-inflammatory effects [8], neuroprotective
True morels (Morchella spp.) are commercially important
effects [9], antioxidant activity [10], and hepatoprotec-
edible mushrooms with a delicate taste and a unique
tive activity [11].
appearance, belonging to Ascomycota, Pezizomycetes,
The economic value of morel mushrooms have been
Pezizales, Morchellaceae, and Morchella Dill. ex Pers [1].
All species in this genus are edible [2]. Morels are notably realized worldwide. Large crops of wild morels
among the most sought after edible fungi in world mar- are harvested in China, India, Pakistan, Turkey, and
kets with a premium demanded by suppliers, and paid North America [12]. Morels are some of the more valu-
by consumers [3]. Morels are the most prized and popu- able special forest products in Western North America,
lar mushrooms in most of Europe and North America. and the annual commerce related to morels likely
Morel products were very early approved by the US ranges from $5 million to $10 million in this region [12].
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) [4]. In China, mor- In China, the annual export of dried morels increased
els have been recorded in the prestigious pharmaceut- five-fold from 181,000 kg to 900,000 kg during the past
ical text “Compendium of Materia Medica,” which was 5 years, averaging $160 US dollars per kg [13]. In India,
written by Li Shizhen during the Ming Dynasty of China, morels from the Himalayas are approximately Rs
and used to treat a variety of stomach problems. Morels 14,000–15,000 per kg [14].
are commonly referred to as “Guchhi” in the Indian mar- Some morel species fruit in post-fire habitats. These
ket and are some of the most important fungi from eco- fire-adapted species, which are termed as “burn morels”
nomic, social and ethno-mycological perspectives in the [15], proliferate mainly in coniferous forests following a
Northwest Himalayan range [5]. wildfire during spring or summer, typically for 1 or
Recent studies have demonstrated that morels 2 years [13]. To date, there are four obligate fire-
can be used to treat a wide range of conditions based adapted species, M. tomentosa, M. sextelata, M. eximia

CONTACT Caihong Dong State Key Laboratory of Mycology, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, NO.3 1st
Beichen West Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101, China
ß 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

(treated as M. septimelata in Kuo et al. [16]) and Mel-8, hyphae fuze to form a heterokaryon with paired nuclei
collected on burned sites, and two facultative fire- (Path 2) [22]. This heterokaryotic mycelium may also
adapted species, M. exuberans (discussed as M. capitata form sclerotia for overwintering. In the spring, these
in Kuo et al. [16]) and M. importuna, collected on sclerotia presumably also have the following two
burned and non-burned sites [13]. The majority of the options for germination: myceliogenic or carpogenic.
commercial harvest in western North America com- Two flaws are noted in this life cycle. The first is that
prises burn morels collected in the first year following no evidence of sclerotia germinating to produce prim-
forest fires [12]. In California, members of several Native ordial is available to date. Fungal sclerotia are hard sub-
American tribes historically collected burn morels for terranean structures that are believed to act as a resting
food, and some tribal members continue to collect stage, which is resistant to unfavorable environmental
post-fire morels [17]. or physiological conditions [23]. Morel sclerotia are
In nature, the fresh morel mushroom season is very actually pseudosclerotia, which form from the repeated
short, and they are typically found in the markets for branching and enlargement of either terminal primary
only a few weeks, mainly in the spring. In addition, the (homokaryotic) or secondary (heterokaryotic) hyphae
accumulation of heavy metals in the ascocarps that are (Figure 2) [22]. However, morel sclerotia are also
picked from natural habitats has been reported [18,19]. believed to enhance survival overwinter [21], but the
The unique culinary flavor and rarity, profound bioactiv- conditions that trigger ascocarp formation arising from
ities, short market fruiting season and heavy metal sclerotia are not clearly understood. The other flaw con-
accumulation of wild morels have resulted in the need cerns the conidia. During the outdoor cultivation of
to develop a biotechnological process in order to culti- morels, “powdery mildew,” which appear to be the con-
vate morels under controlled conditions. idia (Figure 3), is a necessary stage. However, the coni-
Because of their complex life cycle and the lack of dia cannot germinate under experimental conditions,
knowledge surrounding ascocarp formation, these deli- and limited conidia production is noted in laboratory
cacies are not artificially cultivated, and the successful cultures [24]. The function of conidia during the life
cultivation of morels remains a rare and difficult task cycle remains puzzling.
despite more than 100 years of effort [20]. However, in Alvarado-Castillo et al. [25] provided another theoret-
recent years, the outdoor artificial cultivation of morel ical life cycle of this genus that included the formation
mushrooms has been rapidly developed in China. This of the conidia, chlamydospores, an imperfect phase and
review will introduce the progress in research regarding sclerotia, which was complemented by genetic plasticity
the life cycle and artificial cultivation of morels and crit- and a possible capacity for haploid meiosis. However,
ically discusses the issues in making these prized edible this life cycle is theoretical and has yet to be verified.
fungi a benefit all humankind. This review provides a The reproduction mode of morels has been debated
summary of current knowledge and is a basis for future by some researchers. Several studies have indicated
research into morel cultivation. that species in the Elata and Esculenta clades of
Morchella might be heterothallic and could outcross in
nature [22,26,27]. However, Yoon et al. [28] reported
Life cycle of morels and reproductive systems
that the species in the M. esculenta complex (Esculenta
The life cycle and reproductive systems of morels are Clade) were haploid because no heterozygosity was
critical for their artificial cultivation. Morels are ascomy- found, which is similar to the results observed in Mel-13
cetes, which have both asexual and sexual reproductive and M. eohespera [29]. It is hypothesized that selfing
phases. Each morel ascocarp consists of numerous asci, might be very common in these morel species or that
and each ascus contains eight spores. Volk and Leonard they were homothallic, and their fruiting bodies were
[21] produced their representation of the Morchella life developed from haploid mycelia. Dalgleish and
cycle based on cytological observations (Figure 1), Jacobson [30] hypothesized the high inbreeding poten-
which has been recognized to date. Sclerotia formation tial of M. esculenta. The recent study concluded that the
and conidia production are two important phases dur- mating systems of morel species remains uncharacter-
ing the life cycle (Figures 2 and 3). The primary myce- ized [29].
lium germinated from the ejected ascospores can form
sclerotia to survive adverse conditions, such as winter
Development of morel artificial cultivation
(Path 1). In the spring, sclerotia may germinate carpo-
genically to form a fruit body or myceliogenically to For centuries, various methods of morel cultivation
develop a new primary mycelium. If a primary mycelium have been attempted. The first report of the outdoor
meets another compatible primary mycelium, the two cultivation of morels occurred in France in 1882 in

Figure 1. Morchella life cycle proposed by Volk and Leonard [21].

Figure 2. Morel sclerotia grown under artificial conditions (in this laboratory). (A) Sclerotia production in a PDA medium in a
plate (bar ¼1 cm). (B) Sclerotia morphology under an anatomical lens (bar ¼500 lm).

association with Jerusalem artichokes and was reported responsible for the morels that grew, i.e. the morels
by Roze [31]. In 1904, Molliard claimed to have culti- may have arisen naturally [3].
vated morels in an apple compost. However, there was In 1982, Ower [32] reported the successful cultivation
no evidence demonstrating that they were actually of Morchella, and its life cycle was replicated in the

Figure 3. Powdery mildew and conidia in the outdoor cultivation of M. importuna (in this laboratory). (A) Powdery mildew in the
soil. (B) Conidia (bar ¼10 lm).

mycology laboratories of San Francisco State University, numerous scientists in China started to focus their
which produced a typical ascocarp in a walk-in growth research studies on morel cultivation. The first patent
chamber. Then, three patents (US Patents 4594809, was applied in 1993 based on the successful fruiting of
4757640, and 4866878) were issued from 1986 to 1989 artificially cultivated M. esculenta [38]. However, this
for morel cultivation to Ower et al. [33–35]. Their work technique is limited given its poor stability and repro-
revealed the optimal temperature, humidity and ventila- ducibility, requiring further work for realizing techni-
tion for morel cultivation. The key process described in ques for practical morel production. The bionic
their patents is an inoculation with the morel’s sclerotia. cultivation of morels based on the Populus bonatii and
Their work was a tremendous breakthrough in the crop straw succeeded in 2002 and was commercialized
“dream” of morel cultivation. After several more trans- in Yunnan Province in 2004 [39,40]. The largest scale is
fers of cultivation rights and associated corporate merg- 33 ha per year with a morel yield of 450–3000 kg per ha
ers, morel cultivation has resurfaced at “Diversified [40]. However, this technique is limited due to wood
Natural Products” (DNP, currently named Gourmet consumption.
Mushrooms Inc.) Mason County, MI, USA [12]. This com- The most important progress in morel cultivation in
pany started selling fresh morels in 2005 [12]. In 2008, China is the invention and application of an exogen-
the indoor cultivation of morels in America was aban- ous nutrition bag, which made an important break-
doned thoroughly due to the reduction of output and through in the field cultivation of morels. In fact, the
the bacterial contamination [36]. idea of exogenous nutrition initially originated from
Later, Stewart C. Miller obtained a patent in 2005 (US Ower’s patent. R. D. Ower was honored as the “Father
Patent 6907691B2) by constructing ectomycorrhizal of Morels” by some Chinese scholars. In 2000, scien-
symbiosis between Morchella mycelium and tree seed- tists from the Sichuan Academy of Forestry obtained
lings [37]. Masaphy [20] reported the successful initi- the fruit body of a morel in a flowerpot grown outside
ation and development of the M. rufobrunnea fruit body their door when exogenous nutrition was supplied
via a soilless-controlled process in laboratory-scale [36]. The followed studies demonstrated that the
experiments. This technique made indoor-cultivation of exogenous nutrition supply is important for the out-
morels possible but has not been transferred to scaled- door cultivation of morels. In 2011, the scale cultiva-
up industrial morel farming. tion of morels in the field began with 200 ha and
These experiences promoted research on techniques expanded quickly to 1600 ha in 2016 according to a
for the artificial cultivation of morels. Since the 1980s, recent Chinese survey [41].

Figure 4. Morel species cultivated in China: M. importuna (A), M. sextalata (B) and M. eximia (C).

Current states of morel cultivation Diversified Natural Products also match M. rufobrun-
nea after examination.
Morel species currently under cultivation
The species currently cultivated in China include M.
According to the latest information contained in the importuna [29,45–48], M. sextelata [46–48], and M. exi-
Index Fungorum [42], 323 terms related to Morchella mia [46,47] (Figure 4). Identification of the cultivated
have been reported (including species, subspecies, morels was based on morphological characters and
and varieties). Phylogenetic analyzes identified 65 molecular evidence [46,47]. These species all belong to
species within Morchella, including the following black morels. M. importuna accounted for 80–90% of
three lineages: a basal monotypic lineage represented the cultivated area [47]. “Sichuan Morel No.1” (M. impor-
by M. rufobrunnea (Rufobrunnea Clade, two species) tuna, strain SCYDJ1-A1) was the first variety approved in
and two sister clades comprising black (Elata Clade, China. Morchella conica can also be cultivated [39].
36 species) and yellow morels (Esculenta Clade, 27 Whether other species of Morchella can be cultivated is
species) [43]. currently unknown and deserves further research.
Although the cultivation reported in 1982 was
based on one species (M. esculenta Fr. sensu Groves
n & F. Tapia
Morchella rufobrunnea Guzma
& Hoare [32]), the patents claim that the methods
apply to all Morchella species [33–35]. Kuo [44] sug- Morchella rufobrunnea and M. anatolica comprise a sep-
gested that the species cultivated by Ower (and sub- arate evolutionary lineage, Rufobrunnea Clade, from the
sequently by others) was M. rufobrunnea according to Esculenta and Elata clades [49]. Morchella rufobrunnea is
the photographs, and the morels cultivated by easily distinguished on the basis of “its abruptly conical

young cap with pale ridges and nearly black pits, and members of the Elata Clade (M. eximia, M. brunnea,
its rufescence” [44]. Morchella. rufobrunnea appears in M. angusticeps, and M. septentrionalis). However,
woodchips and landscaping settings on the West Coast because it is apparently limited to conifer burn sites,
from California to Seattle in USA [16]. it can be easily separated from all species but M.
Molecular phylogenetic analysis confirms that eximia [16].
M. rufobrunnea is the morel cultivated commercially in Morchella sextelata has also been domesticated,
USA [16,44]. This finding suggests a saprotrophic role bred and commercially developed in China. The original
for this species. In 2010, Masaphy in Israel reported a strain was isolated from the Aba area in northern
successful M. rufobrunnea fruiting body initiation and Sichuan, China [47], and the cultivation area for this
development in laboratory-scale experiments [20]. This morel variety reached 67 ha in 2015 [48].
laboratory-scale technique makes indoor cultivation of
morel possible but has not been transferred to scale-up
industrial morel farming. Morchella eximia boud.
Morchella septimelata is a species of fungus in the
Morchella importuna M. Kuo, O’Donnell & T.J. Morchellaceae family described as new to science in
Volk 2012 by Kuo et al. [16]. In 2015, Richard et al. [50] clari-
fied the taxonomic status of this species, retaining the
Morchella importuna, M. sextelata and M. septimelata
name M. eximia rather than M. septimelata. M. eximia
(termed as M. eximia in 2015 [50]) are three black mor-
corresponds to phylogenetic species Mel-7 in O’Donnell
els from North America described in 2012 [16].
et al. [51]. Based on present data, the species can
Morchella importuna corresponds to the phylogenetic
only be reliably distinguished from M. sextelata via DNA
species Mel-10 in O’Donnell et al. [51]. The species is
analysis [16]. Morchella eximia has been found in North
distinguished from other morels on the basis of its
America [50], Europe, Turkey [52], China [53], and
regular laddered, vertically oriented pits and ridges [16].
Australia [50], appearing at 1000–2000 m in lightly to
This species occurs in gardens, woodchip beds, and
moderately burned conifer forests often near creek
other urban settings of northern California and the
beds, springs and seeps [16]. This widespread post-fire
Pacific Northwest region of USA and Canada [16]. The
morel occasionally fruits extensively in burnt forests and
fungus has also been reported in Turkey, Spain, France,
on rubble [50].
Switzerland, and China [50–53].
Similar to M. sextelata, M. eximia has also been
The first morel variety approved in China, M.
domesticated and bred in China. However, the cultiva-
importuna strain SCYDJ1-A1, was derived from a wild-
tion of this species is under development, and its
collected mushroom in eastern Tibetan Plateau and was
market share is currently much lower than the other
domesticated by a research group in the Soil and
two black morels [47]. The original strains were isolated
Fertilizer Institute, Sichuan Academy of Agricultural
in Yunnan and Sichuan provinces [53].
Sciences, China [54]. Morchella importuna appears to be
a facultative post-fire species given that it has been col-
lected from non-burned sites in Yunnan, China,
Scale of morel cultivation in china
Germany, and Turkey [50–54]. Its saprophytic life style
contrasts the ectomycorrhizal life style of numerous The area in China under morel cultivation has expanded
other species of Morchella, for which associations and rapidly from 200 ha in 2011 to more than 1200 ha in
interactions with plants are often essential at certain 2015 [55]. The area is estimated to reach 1600 ha in
stages. 2016 [41]. Morel cultivation has expanded in the major-
ity of provinces in China, particularly in Sichuan,
Chongqing, Yunnan, Hubei, Shanxi, Henan, and
Morchella sextelata M. Kuo
Guizhou. The field cultivation yield of fresh morels is
Morchella sextelata corresponds to the phylogenetic 0–7620 kg per ha [40], with common yields of
species Mel-6 in O’Donnell et al. [51]. This species has 0–3000 kg per ha and significant differences are noted
been collected in Western North America, Mexico and [56]. The total amount of field cultivated fresh morels
Yunnan, China [16,53] and is found at 1000–1500 m in was estimated to be 500 t in 2015–2016.
lightly to moderately burned conifer forests. Morchella After the successful outdoor cultivation of morels,
sextelata is often found primarily in years immediately many growers began to attempt indoor cultivation and
following forest fires [16]. From a strictly morphological industrialized production. However, to date, indoor cul-
perspective, the species is virtually identical to several tivation has not been successful.

Figure 5. Morels cultivated in farmland (A) and forest farming (B).

Key techniques in the field cultivation of morels Approximately 4500 bags (14  28 cm) of the final
spawn (3000–3375 kg) are used per ha. Numerous
The artificial cultivation of morels has attracted an
spawn producers have recently emerged in China,
increasing number of farmers and is receiving the
and the majority of morel growers directly purchased
enthusiastic support of governmental organizations and
the final spawns. The cost of the spawn is
policies in China. To date, the cultivation in farmlands
52,500–75,000 RMB per ha (US$7620-10880).
and forest farming are the main morel cultivation pat-
terns in China (Figure 5). Cultivation can be performed
in various terrains, including plain-hills zones, plateau Spawning
zones, and mountain zones. Given that dim light is Morels are aerobic, and loose soil is good for their
needed and direct sunlight is harmful to the growth of growth. Soil plowing and removing sundries, such as
morels, a canopy is necessary. The cultivation process rocks, are necessary before spawning (Figure 7(A)).
includes spawn production, land preparation and Occasionally, quicklime can be used in soil to kill some
spawning, an exogenous nutrition supply, fruiting man- pests and adjust the pH [58]. The mushroom bed
agement and harvesting. should be 80–150 cm wide and 15 cm deep. The dis-
tance between the neighboring beds is 30 cm.
Spawn production The spawning for morel cultivation is different from
that for most mushrooms given that the morel spawn is
The quality of the spawn is the most important factor sown directly into the cropland or forest, which is simi-
for the cultivation of any mushroom. Similar to the culti- lar to the seeding of wheat crops (Figure 7(B)). The sea-
vation of numerous other mushrooms [57], the starter son for morel spawning changes based on the different
culture (or mother culture), mother spawn and final elevations and is mainly from October to the middle of
spawn are used for morel cultivation (Figure 6). The December. Spawning typically begins when the highest
starter culture can be made from fresh and healthy fruit local temperature is <20  C. The soil humidity is main-
bodies of morels or obtained from a spawn producer or tained at 50–70%. Both sowing in trenches and strew-
a laboratory. More agar cultures are then made from ing are used.
this starter culture. These cultures serve to inoculate Nonnutritive casing soil is spread over the spawn
larger containers (bottles or bags), which can be used evenly after spawning at a depth of 3–5 cm. Film
to inoculate the final spawn substrate. mulching and a canopy can help maintain the tempera-
The medium used for the morel starter culture is typ- ture, humidity, and dim sunlight.
ically potato dextrose agar (PDA) or PDA with humus.
The same or a similar substrate can be used for the
mother spawn and the final spawn. The most-widely Exogenous nutrition aiding
used raw substrate materials include: sawdust, wheat, The morel mycelia are colonized in the soil after the
wheat bran, quicklime and humus. The following recipe spawning under suitable temperature and humidity, i.e.
can be used: wheat 46%, husk 20%, wheat bran 18%, <20  C and 50–70% soil humidity. After 10–15 d, a vast
sawdust 10%, gypsum 1%, precipitated calcium carbon- expanse of whiteness appears on the surface of the
ate (PCC) 1%, and humus 4% [55]. mushroom bed, which is called a “powdery mildew”
Glass or heat-resistant plastic bottles are often used (Figure 3(A)). In actuality, this white area is the morel
for the mother spawn, and heat-resistant bags are used mycelia and conidia that are produced on the soil
for the final spawn for convenient transportation. (Figure 3(B)).

Figure 6. Spawn used for morel cultivation (in this laboratory). (A) Starter culture (or mother culture). (B) Mother spawn. (C) Final

Then, an exogenous nutrition bag can be placed in development of morels under the current technique.
the mushroom bed. The substrates used for the However, the mechanism remains unknown.
exogenous nutrition bag include wheat, chaff, saw-
dust, and cottonseed hull. The same recipe can be Fruiting management
used as the final spawn, and some recipes are pro- The most important environmental factor during morel
vided in many Chinese patents [59,60], e.g. wheat cultivation is soil moisture and air humidity. Micro-spray
67%, sawdust 28%, and lime 5% [59]. The compos- irrigation is necessary for morel cultivation. Timely
ition of exogenous nutrition does not appear to be draining of rain water and supplementing water during
very strict. The exogenous nutrition bag is filled with drought should be performed. The humidity of the soil
a heat-resistant plastic bag and is subsequently steri- surface should be maintained at >50%.
lized. Holes or a large cut on one side of the bag Before fruiting, the soil and air humidity should
should be made, and the bag is placed tightly in the be increased. When the temperature increases to
mushroom bed (Figure 7(C)). 6–8  C in the spring, the trench between the beds
An 50-cm interval is maintained between each should be slowly flooded to maintain the air
bag, and 22,500–30,000 bags per ha were placed. humidity at 85–90% and the soil moisture at 65–75%.
Under suitable temperature and humidity, morel These conditions will stimulate the differentiation of
mycelia will grow using the added nutrition and the primordium of the morels. Cotter [61] also found that
become full of the nutrition bag after 15–20 d. flooding is necessary for the outdoor cultivation of mor-
The bags can be removed when the nutrition bag is els, and flooding stimulates the morels to feed on benefi-
depleted, which occurs after 40–45 d. Exogenous cial bacteria that are essential for fruiting. However, the
nutrition aiding is necessary for the ascomata flooding mechanism remains to be studied.

Figure 7. The process of morel cultivation in the field. (A) Soil plowing. (B) Spawning and casing. (C) Exogenous nutrition aiding.
(D) Primordium. (E) Nascent fruit body. (F) Mature fruit body.

Temperature is also important for morel cultivation. Issues and perspectives

The optimal temperature for primordium differentiation
True morels are highly prized for their medicinal and
is 6–10  C. Diurnal temperature variations >10  C stimu-
nutritional values and are intensively collected around
late primordium differentiation. Morel fruit bodies can-
the world by mycophiles. Although outdoor artificial
not grow well at temperatures >20  C. However, the
temperature can only be adjusted by film mulching, a cultivation has been successful in China, knowledge
canopy, and spraying and ventilating in outdoor regarding the factors controlling fruit body initiation
cultivation. and development remains far from sufficient. Along
Another important management technique during with the rapid expansion of morel artificial cultivation in
morel cultivation is pest control. Competitive contami- China, several notable problems, including spawn aging
nants include: Trichoderma, Aspergillus, Rhizopus, Mucor, and mechanisms of exogenous nutrition, are frustrating
Neurospora, Coprinus and bacteria [62]. Common insects to morel farmers. The enhancement of biological
include: Limax, mites, spring tail and maggot. All chem- research will be helpful for solving those problems and
ical pesticides are absolutely prohibited, but physical promoting technology for the development of artificial
and biological control techniques can be used. cultivation.

Harvesting Life cycle and reproductive systems

When the ascocarp grows to 10–15 cm with an obvious Determining the life cycle and reproductive systems of
ridge and sinus, the fruit body can be harvested. Fruit Morchella will contribute to the understanding of scler-
bodies can be dried at a low temperature. otia formation and ascocarp production. As Volk [63]
10 Q. LIU ET AL.

clearly indicated, morels have a complex life cycle that largely saprophytic, whereas Li et al. [71] suggested that
complicates the process of scaling up cultivation meth- morels with black pilei were saprophytic and that those
ods to efficient commercial procedures. Although with yellow pilei were mycorrhizal. Baynes et al. [72]
numerous studies have been performed on the life studied Morchella, an endophyte in the aboveground
cycle, the information to date is limited and stem tissue of cheat grass, and reported that M.
inconclusive. sextelata could infect cheat grass roots. Although M.
Conidia production seems to be necessary during sextelata and M. eximia were reported as obligate fire-
outdoor cultivation (Figure 3). However, in pure culture adapted species [53], they occasionally fruit extensively
under various conditions, no conidia production is in burnt forests and on rubble [16]. Successful cultiva-
observed [24]. The conidia produced during outdoor tion in the field suggested that at least M. importuna, M.
cultivation basically cannot germinate [64]. The mech- sextelata, and M. eximia were saprophytic species, but
anism by which morels produce the conidia and its how ascomata development was triggered remains
function are puzzling. unclear. A recent study also concluded that morels fruit-
Morels appear to require the intermediate stage of ing in post-fire environments were saprotrophic using
sclerotia formation [33–35,63] before they produce fruit. isotopic analysis [73]. To date, the trophic strategies of
Stott and Mohammed [3] and Winder [65] asserted that Morchella have not been consistent, but the available
growth substrates and their nutritional composition data seem to indicate that Morchella likely includes not
affected mycelial characteristics and sclerotia formation. only saprophytic species and mycorrhizal species but
The presence of a sclerotial stage in morels may be a also facultative mycorrhizal species. This relationship
precursor for ascocarp formation but could also simply does not imply that an ectomycorrhizal relationship is
be a nutrient storage organ awaiting favorable condi- essential for either the morel life cycle or ascocarp pro-
tions for ascocarp production. During outdoor cultiva- duction. More research in this area is needed to confirm
tion in China, it is not clear whether sclerotia formation such a relationship.
is necessary for fruit body development.
Sequencing morel genomes will provide unprece-
Spawn quality
dented insights into fruiting-related genes, the mating
system and genes essential for the sexual reproduc- Spawn quality is a key for almost all mushroom culti-
tion of morels. To date, the genome of only two spe- vation. The cultural morphology of Morchella isolation
cies in the Elata Clade (M. importuna and M. conica) in different growing media is random and unstable
has been completed and reported in the 1000 Fungal [74,75], which highlights the difficulty in spawn
Genomes project supported by the DOE Joint quality evaluation. Currently, no quality standard is
Genome Institute [54]. available for morel spawns in China, and growers
empirically judge the quality exclusively based on the
quantity of sclerotia. In fact, the relationship between
Trophic mode of morels
sclerotia and ascocarp production has not been
The trophic mode of morels has been a source of scien- determined. The insufficient knowledge regarding
tific interest and debate for a long time. It is suggested morel biology, including genetics and life cycle, has
that morels form an association with tree roots in stable resulted in many unsolved problems regarding its
ecosystems [66]. A study on the muffs formed by M. spawn.
rotunda strongly indicates that M. rotunda can form a On the other hand, morel strains senesce quickly,
symbiotic relationship with plant roots, but the role of losing their vigor and viability; thus, strains must be
this symbiosis in the morel life cycle is unknown [67]. In repeatedly reselected from spore cultures [76]. The
laboratory isolates, M. elata form ectomycorrhizal struc- application of the senesced spawns characterized by
tures (mantle and Hartig net) with Larix occidentalis slim mycelia, reduced growth rate and untidy growth
(larch), Pinus contorta (lodgepole pine), Pinus ponderosa during the cultivation may result in a remarkable
(ponderosa pine), and Pseudotsuga menziesii (Douglas- reduction in production. Unfortunately, aging in
fir) but not with Arbutus menziesii (madrone) [68]. Stark Morchella mushrooms has not been systematically
et al. [69] hypothesized that morels were associated studied.
with orchids based on evidence obtained through a dir- Producers must take effective measures to store the
ect PCR amplification of root-extracted DNA and the spawn, which can preserve the spawn’s vigor and viabil-
cloning of the PCR products. ity, and an inappropriate storing method may acceler-
By examining the relative abundance of the stable ate the spawn’s senescence or even contaminate it.
isotopes, Hobbie et al. [70] suggested that morels were Research regarding how to effectively preserve morel

spawns in China is lacking, and more attention should Scientific and Technological Project in Shanxi Province
be given to this topic. (FT2014-03-01) and the Key Research and Development
Program from Government of Guangxi Zhuangzu
Autonomous Region (2016AB05317).
Mechanism of exogenous nutrition
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