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Anul scolar 2015-2016

Limba engleză
Clasa a IX a L1

Numele si prenumele elevului:

Data sustinerii testului:
Pentru rezolvarea corectă a tuturor cerintelor din Partea I si din Partea a II-a se acordă 90 de puncte.
Din oficiu se acordă 10 puncte.
Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 50 de minute.

PARTEA I (50 de puncte)

1. Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space. (20p)

Yesterday Ahmed left his home for the first time in eleven years. But his home is a very unusual one – he has (1) ………. the last
eleven years living in an international airport. Ahmed had no family in his own country, so eleven years ago he set off to a search
(2) ………. his sister who lived in Scotland. He hadn’t heard from her for (3) ………., but he had an old address. He never (4)
………. Scotland, however, because while he was (5) ………. for a connecting flight, all his documents (6) ………. stolen and he
had to ask for new ones. (7) ………. he had nowhere to go, he stayed in the airport. After a (8) ………. Weeks, he was still there.
He became (9) ………. as “Sir George” and all the airport staff liked him. Eleven years (10) ………. his documents arrived and
he was free to go. But he no longer wanted to!

1. A taken B passed C spent D used

2. A to B for C from D at
3. A years B times C long D ever
4. A got B arrived C travelled D reached
5. A waiting B thinking C booking D sitting
6. A had B were C are D have
7. A Although B Even C As D If
8. A several B many C lot D few
9. A called B known C told D said
10. A following B since C later D next

2. Complete with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (30p)

1. ‘How (you, start)1 ………………….… your day?’

‘I usually (have) 2……………………….. breakfast in bed.
‘(you, work) 3……………………….. on a new TV programme at the moment?’
I (like) 4………….…………… to make the occasional appearance, but I (prefer) 5………………………… to spend time with
my horses.’
‘How many horses (you, own) 6………………………… ? […]’

2. It was in the middle of the summer holiday. It (be) 7…………..…………….. a beautiful day: the sun (shine)
8………………………… and it was very hot. I (wear) 9………………………….… shorts that day and I remember we had
nothing to do all day so we (go) 10……….………………… swimming and played basketball. It was paradise.

3. Throughout its history Ibiza has had many invaders, but for 5oo years now Ibiza (be) 11………………….……… a part of
Spain. […] Recently it (get) 12…………………………… noisier and noisier.

4. Last year, thousands of spectators (see) 13………………………….. David make the Statue of Liberty disappear. Before that,
in previous shows he (make) 14………………………….. a train disappear.

5. This is the weather forecast for tomorrow. It (be) 15…………..…………… warm and sunny in all parts of the country.

PARTEA a II-a (40 de puncte)

3. Write a 200-word letter to a friend telling him/her what you did during your summer holiday. (40p)
Anul scolar 2015-2016
Limba engleză
Clasa a IX - a L1


Se punctează oricare alte formulări/ modalităti de rezolvare corectă a cerintelor.

Nu se acordă punctaje intermediare, altele decât cele precizate explicit prin barem.
Se acordă 10 puncte din oficiu
Nota finală se calculează prin împărtirea punctajului total acordat pentru test la 10.

PARTEA I (50 de puncte)

1. 10 x 2 = 20 p

1. - C 6. - B
2. - B 7. - C
3. - A 8. - D
4. - D 9. - B
5. - A 10. - C

2. 15 x 2 = 30 p

1. – do you start 6. – do you own 11. - has been

2. - have 7. – was 12. – has got(ten) / has been getting
3. – Are you working 8. – was shining 13. - saw
4. – like 9. – was wearing 14. – had made
5. – prefer 10. – went 15. – will be

PARTEA a II-a (40 de puncte)

10 points for correct grammar structures

10 points for the use of appropriate vocabulary and correct spelling
10 points for correct structure, layout and linking words
10 points for the overall effect
Anul scolar 2015-2016
Limba engleză
Clasa a VIII - a L1

Matricea de specificatii

Să Să identifice / Să redacteze
OBIECTIVE / desprindă extragă şi să texte funcţionale
sensul înţeleagă simple (scrisori
CONŢINUTURI global al informaţii personale)
unui mesaj specifice dintr-
un mesaj
Universul personal 40
Oameni şi locuri:
obiective turistice şi
Activităţi pentru timpul

Verbul 30 20
prezentul simple
prezentul continuu
present Perfect
past Continuous
past Perfect

TOTAL 30 20 40

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