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“M egaProfit Explosion

“M oney M aking Secrets,
Strategies, & TechniquesFor
Dan Kennedy”
Brought To You By
Dave Dee, President

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Dan Kennedy’s Mega Profit Explosion Strategies

About Dan Kennedy

Dan Kennedy is one of the highest paid, most in-demand direct marketing
consultants in America today. In the last few years, he has worked
hands-on with clients in 68 different businesses, industries and sales
fields, at fees starting at $800.00 an hour.

His methods transfer easily from one to the other. Entrepreneur

M agazine sayshe has"at least 101 moneymaking ideasfor any
businessowner" -- but 'idea' is really a misnomer; Dan is relentless
about providing only proven, practical, useable action strategies.

He is the author and publisher of many best-selling marketing and sales

courses including “ Magnetic Marketing” , “ The Copywriting Seminar In
A Box” , “ Power Points” , and “ The Ultimate Information Entrepreneur” .

Many of Dan's clients -- and "students" -- achieve really miraculoussales

breakthroughsalmost overnight. Just as an example, consider the young married
couple with a failing home-based business and $100,000.00 in accumulated credit
card debt; 90 days after attending one of Dan's seminars on marketing, they had
their income up to $50,000.00 a month. Today, just two years later, they have zero
debt, a monthly income exceeding $100,000.00..& an amazing, "unbelievable"

Yet, these kind of "unbelievable results" seems to be the norm with those applying
Dan Kennedy's advice!

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Dan Kennedy’s Mega Profit Explosion Strategies

Table of Contents

14 steps for incredibly high referral rates

A new marketing strategy for the 21st Century

A key marketing strategy

Get out of the alligator pit

4 easy steps to diffuse arguments with clients

How to make a great deal of money

No BS time management

Turning mailing lists into money

Mastering your inner game

The power of mastery

How to increase retention, referrals, repeat sales

The secret of getting referrals

Test and grow rich

How to keep yourself from being successful


Unadvertised Bonus Section

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Fourteen Top Secrets For Incredibly

High Referral Rates
I come from the advertising business, love advertising, believe in advertising and
certainly know how to get you all lathered up about advertising, get you down to
the newspaper, the radio station or the crooked pen company tomorrow morning,
checkbook in hand, frothing to advertise.

But the truth of the matter is that most business owners could afford to do less
rather than more advertising, because they are not yet doing the superb job possible
in developing new clients through referrals.

I think you know why it makes sense to emphasize growth through referrals. There
are two good reasons:

1) You simply get your best overall clients this way.

2) Most importantly, you get a client who is predisposed to refer.

3) Now that’ s worth thinking about. The client who comes to you from
advertising has to reorient themselves to refer, but the client who comes to you
as a referral naturally assumes everybody gets there that way; and then the
next natural assumption is that everybody refers.

Endless Chain of Referrals

In the early days of my sales career, I heard Paul J. M eyer, on a tape called
“ Prospect Your Way To Millions” , using the term “ endless chain of referrals” and
I’ ll tell you I got excited about that concept. If each client produces another one in
an endless chain of referrals, you need to start just a few chains and you never run
out of new clients.

But even though we know all of these good reasons to stimulate referrals, we really
don’ t do a very good job at it.

There is considerable research to support the idea that the typical adult consumer
has significant influence over the purchasing behavior of as many as 52 other
I’ d like to suggest reading Joe Gerald’ s book How To Sell Anything To Anybody

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for a better understanding of the principle of 52 (It put Joe in the Guinness Book of
World records).

We might define the referral potential of each client at 52, meaning that each client
can bring you 52 more, but I bet you are not batting 52. You may not even know
what your batting average is.

How many new clients per active clients per calendar year do you get? And, if you
don’ t track that statistic, why not?

I can tell you that most profession’ s overall batting average is low.

Surely we ought to get one for one. Now I prefer to view this as a hugely positive,
as a wonderful window of opportunity you could drive a truck through.

Check the Winners

So I set aside a day and I went through all of my own written and recorded
materials, all of my reference materials and made some phone calls to several
professionals I know with outstanding referral rates. I compiled every best method
I knew of for stimulating referrals, and the result is the following 14-step checklist.

Fourteen big steps to take to dramatically and substantially increase the rate of
referrals in your business. It so happens that this is important whether you
advertise much or not. If you don’ t do much advertising, then your only good
source of new clients is referrals and you have to do everything you can to achieve
maximum effectiveness in this area.

On the other hand, even if you do a lot of advertising, the big payoff will come
from referrals you get from the advertising generated clients.

So you need a super effective stimulation system to make your ad dollars pay off.

It’ s also my opinion that you can use your success in stimulating referrals as a very
true, accurate and unbiased reading of how good a job you are doing in helping and
satisfying your clients.

People may smile, may even lie to be polite, but they won’ t refer just to be polite.
The equivalent of this, in what I do as the speaker, is a standing ovation versus a
cassette purchase. It’ s actually pretty easy to get a standing ovation. Most

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audiences can easily be manipulated into that. But whether or not they see enough
value in what I’ ve said to reach into their pockets and spend their money to take
my cassettes home with them, that’ s the acid test. For you, your referral rate
represents the acid test.

The 14 Steps…

Step 1: Decision

Decision is a powerful force. There may be nothing quite as strong as the power of
a truly made up mind. Napoleon Hill found this to be true in the hundreds of super
achievers he interviewed for Think and Grow Rich. And he illustrates it in that
book with a remarkable story about the sharecropper’ s daughter. Rereading this
story is a great source of appreciation for what we can get done when we make up
our minds. In this case, it’ s up to you to make up your mind that you are going to
improve for that purpose. It’ s not enough to say in a vague, general way that
you’ re going to do better. You need to set up some definite objectives. Clarity is
important. We live in a noncommittal time - so, commit.

Step 2: M easurement

You’ ve got to determine exactly how well or how poorly you are doing now, so
you can set up and pursue new objectives intelligently.

Then you need to measure constantly, your progress as you watch for and focus on
those objectives. And if you do, you will begin to note many ratios by batting
averages developing. For example, there’ s a ratio of x-referrals to y-new clients in
a month, quarter or year. There is a ratio of x-referrals to y-conversations with
clients about referrals and so on.

You’ ll be able, first, to establish these ratios as they are, then second, work to
improve them. Measurement and accountability, incidentally, automatically
improve performance.

Pro athletes keep records of all sorts of individual statistics that the public isn’ t
even aware of. A defensive line guy in football measures the number of yards he
gives up, the number of times he blocks his opponent successfully, sacks, hurries,
and a dozen other private individual stats. Without these challenges, his
performance would level off.

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In sales organizations, the more accountability the better with their clients, solely
because of having to complete a weekly report, and I’ ve used that in my own
private and small Inner Circle group consulting.

You shouldn’ t need someone else to impose measurement and accountability on

you, if you are a mature, serious individual. You can do it for yourself.
Ultimately, your accountability should come down to daily activity measurements.

Step 3: The Office Environment

You are not going to create a high level of referrals in a low-energy office or
company. The decor, the lighting, the cleanliness, the staff - everything going on
in the office combines to give a sense of energy on a subconscious level. We
aren’ t exactly sure how to explain all of this in purely logical terms, but there’ s no
doubt it goes on.

Step 4: Excellence

You can keep clients if you are good, but it takes a level that’ s better than good to
motivate and deserve referrals.

There’ s a Disney definition of excellence: Doing what you do so well that people
can’ t resist telling others about you. Give this some serious thought.

Step 5: The WOW Experience

You know, I travel a great deal. Most hotels and motels are, frankly, lousy and
price doesn’ t seem to matter. When I was traveling, doing seminars every night,
we worked from 7-10 p.m. Many hotels close their restaurants at 10 p.m., as did
this one Marriott Courtyard that I was in - but let me tell you about this particular
Marriott Courtyard. First of all, check-in went smoothly and perfectly.

Second, a staff person was waiting for me at 6 p.m. at the meeting room to be sure
everything was the way I wanted it. Third, at 10:30 p.m., after the seminar, I drug
my tired rear end up front and said, “ I know you’ re restaurant’ s closed, where’ s the
closest place I could get a sandwich and a drink? Here’ s what the guy said. “ Well
there are several good places, but because we saw you weren’ t finishing until 10 p.
m., we did go ahead and make you a couple of ham, turkey, and cheese sandwiches
and we saved you a good salad and we’ d be happy to serve you in the bar if you’ d
like.” What a shock! That was a WOW experience.
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How you replicate that kind of experience, I can’ t dictate to you, but I can tell you
that any client who has that type of experience will automatically refer at a higher
level than she or he otherwise would have. Sometimes a courtesy call can have
this effect. I had a dentist call me the night after I’ d been worked on just to see
how I was feeling, and I’ ve never forgotten that.

Step 6: Team Commitment

The stimulation of referrals, the WOW experience, has to be every staff member’ s
Job #1. They have to be on the alert for any opportunity to make the customers
experience better.

In my seminars, I tell a story of the staff person, arms full of files, swept past some
new clients and another staff person without stopping to smile or say hello. What
the guy told me was, “ Barbara’ s not supposed to talk to clients, she just does the
paperwork.” Hopefully, you can immediately identify what’ s wrong with that.
You see high referrals develop in an office that is referral-oriented.

Step 7: Training the Customer

There’ s a strategy in direct marketing called training of the customer. This refers
to the fact that the way a customer is obtained greatly influences all the future
opportunities and relationships with that customer.

For example, is a customer attracted initially by a free trial offer? If so, that may
very well prove to be the only way that customer will again buy from the company.
Does this apply to you business? I think so.

I think the very first processes you go through, the source of new clients, the first
consultation, all set the stage for everything to come. The clients’ likelihood of
referring and enthusiasm for referring is, I think, made or broken very early in the

Some people think the client has to experience results before referring, but this is
contrary to known sales psychology and to the experiences of businesses with high
referral levels. Instead, the new client is most enthused when everything is new to
him, exciting to him, when the decision to choose you is still fresh.

This gives us an idea of how the new client is first sold and how well the new
client is first sold controls subsequent referrals.
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Step 8: Education

The next huge step, a huge issue, is education. I’ m here to tell you that you cannot
overeducate. Now you can be dull, and that’ s not good, but as long as you make it
interesting, you cannot overeducate. Referrals are directly related to the number of
quality clients coming in to your office.

Step 9: Convey Positive ExpectationsThrough Print M edia

Your client newsletter, for example, should include a thank-you list of those who
referred, a welcome list of new clients and a client of the month who has gotten
good results personally, has referred and preferably has an interesting story.

These things, seen month after month in the newsletter, establish referring as the
appreciate norm. (Discover how you can get a turn-key client newsletter and other
marketing tools by going to

Step 10: Train Your Clients

There are two very powerful tools at your disposal to increase referrals and
specifically repeat referrals dramatically - second, third and fourth referrals from
the same client. This is very important for a simple reason: The client who refers
once is more likely to refer than the client who has never referred. In other words,
the path of least resistance for increasing referrals is to get more productivity from
the people who have proven to be productive rather than new productivity from
people who have been stubbornly unproductive.

By referring the first time, the client shows he has learned what to do and how to
do it, and now has the confidence to do it again.

Step11 & 12: Recognition And Reward

If you get each client who refers once to refer twice, what affect would that have
on your business during the course of a year. If you’ ll take a look at these
numbers, I think you’ ll be impressed. You can make this happen in your company
with just two basic tools. The first is recognition; the second is reward.
Praise and Recognition

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Make a big, big deal out of the first referral. Here are some things I might do:

1) Send a thank you letter, promptly.

2) Immediately follow with an unexpected gift.

3) On the next visit, personally thank that person.

4) Put the referring clients name up on the thank-you board in the office.

5) Put the referring clients name in the thank-you list in the newsletter.

6) Enter him or her in the client of the month contest.

Step 13: Develop and provide good referral toolsfor your clients

Go take a look at your own materials. If you were the referring client, would you
be proud to give these to a relative, friend or co-worker? Would you feel
confident? If you are going to send somebody bear hunting, after all, it’ s a good
idea to give ‘ em some bullets. If you want clients to refer, it’ s a good idea to equip
them to do so, such as with a sales letter and other literature.

Step 14: Creation of event opportunities so clientscan bring their family

membersand friendsto your office or to meet you

Many companies do a good job each Thanksgiving and Christmas with food drives
based out of their offices. I know one who throws a huge annual barbecue every
summer open to all of his clients and anybody and everybody they want to bring
along. He meets hundreds of new people each ear this way.

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A New Marketing Strategy

For The 21st Century: Ethics
A cartoon shows a group of suit-and-tie attired businessmen clustered around a
conference table, the proverbial sales chart with the downward aimed red arrows at
one end, and the meeting leader saying: “ Ethics? Smythe, we’ ll talk about ethics
as soon as we can afford to talk about ethics!”

Sadly, this is all too often the actual attitude of business leaders and entrepreneurs,
as a result of a very simple misunderstanding.

In my business seminars, I’ ll often ask participants to quickly make a list, on their

yellow pads, of the most important assets of business. “ Think about getting ready
to go to the bank,” I tell them, “ to discuss loan extensions or other credit matters,
then prepare your asset recap.” When they share their lists, just about everybody
lists such things as buildings, real estate or long-term leases as desirable locations;
equipment and technology, inventory, copyrights and trademarks... and most
completely forget to include what I insist is the single most important asset of all -
the customers!

Incidentally, insurance will replace most other assets, but the only insurance
against loss of customers is exceptional service, which is a practical application of
a high ethical standard.

Most of the business owners and managers I interact with are most eager for advice
to stimulate and increase sales, and most see the ‘ solution’ to that ‘ question’ as:
new customers. They want to know how to get more new customers.

New customer acquisition is very expensive. For most businesses, it requires

capital investment and risk. After all, advertising and marketing is only partly
scientific; there is always risk of loss.

Most businesses can, instead, at least double their sales without adding a single
new customer. The increases are readily available within their own present and
past customer base.

I recently attended a marketing conference where it was revealed that the majority
of American corporations place their “ customer service functions” under
“ operations” not under “ marketing,” thus viewing it as a cost of operations, pure

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expense item, rather than an investment in marketing - and this is dumb! Customer
retention via customer service has to be seen as a profit center in a business. The
savvy marketer, who will survive whatever impact the current recessions has on his
industry and/or locale and who will prosper in the future, places great importance
on the asset ‘ the customer’ and seeks to maximize their “ Total Customer Value.”

Consider that there can be three basic ‘ categories’ of ethical standards in

relationships between a business and its customers.

1) M inimum Ethics: We will do just enough to comply with all laws,

stay out of jail, and deter lawsuits or returns for refunds.

Several years ago, at a seminar, on a dare, I made a list of ten known companies, in
diverse industries, all viewed as “ healthy” at the time that I predicted would be
bankrupt within two years. My list was made up of businesses I believed were
operating via this minimum standard. Two years later, seven of the ten were
bankrupt and an eighth had been acquired while on the verge of bankruptcy. Just
recently, one of the two remaining companies who beat my prediction announced
first-quarter losses of 130-million dollars, massive employee layoffs, and
obviously is in danger.

2) Average Ethics: We will give the customer “ fair exchange” -

reasonable value for their dollars, no less, but no more. Truthfully, most
businesses are here. And, as a result, in good times, they’ ll get average
results, and will generally turn a profit and stay in business.

3) M aximum Ethics: To paraphrase another Kennedy, we ask not how

we can get more sales, but how we can give more and better service! This
is the right question. The business owner who is constantly striving to
better reward his customers for their patronage is taking the ethical high
ground, and will be amply rewarded.

This means many things. Truth in advertising and selling is one of those things.
To many marketers’ surprise, it’ s easier to sell and satisfy when you present an
honest picture of the benefits and the drawbacks of a product or service than when
you paint an overwhelmingly rosy picture! Why? Well, people are more skeptical
than ever before and are rightfully suspicious of anything that seems too good to be

Most customers appreciate honesty. Sellers do a better job when they know they
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are behaving ethically. In fact, a major cause of retail sales clerk apathy and
ineffectiveness as well as of field sales representatives’ failure is their unhappiness
at being involved in what they feel is an unethical selling situation. Staff
performance is always improved by a business’ leadership’ s passionate
commitment to maximum ethics.

There’ s no mystery here. You and your staff need to brainstorm on how you
would like to be treated, if you were a customer. Compile the longest, most
detailed list of ideas about how you would most appreciate being treated and keep
to the list.

And if you run out of ideas, start looking around at the ‘ opposite’ delivered by
most other clerks who know nothing about the store’ s merchandise. I’ d suggest to
you that staffing a store with uninformed, poorly trained people is an unethical act.

It’ s worth nothing, too, that the ethics employed in relationships between a
business’ leaders and its employees finds its way to the customer, too. Grossly
underpaid or otherwise abused employees, who cannot strike back at management,
vent their resentments on the customers. It’ s instructive that the quality of
American made automobiles only stopped declining and started improving when
the manufacturers began emphasizing improving employee relations and employee
involvement in decision-making.

There are many good reasons for ethical standards and behavior in business. Peace
of mind is one of them. Depending on spiritual beliefs, your seating assignment in
the afterlife might be another. If no other reason motivates you, you might
consider its value as plain, simple, good business.

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Common Courtesy Is A
Key Marketing Strategy
The printing company’ s truck backed up to our warehouse door, loaded with about
a hundred cartons of brochures for one of our companies. The driver got a
pushcart out of the back and asked where we wanted him to take the boxes.
Following our directions, he wheeled the cart full of boxes through our warehouse
area and into a back office.

“ Just pile them over there,” I said. “ We have to separate them by the title of the
brochures packed inside before putting them on the shelves.”

“ I’ ve already done that for you,” the driver said. “ And these boxes are labeled
with the different titles right here on the side, to make it easier for you to access the
right boxes.” He then proceeded to put the boxes in the right places on the shelves.

Then, as he left the building, he closed the warehouse door behind him.

And, incidentally, he thanked us for our business.

I don’ t know if this surprises you or not, but that’ s MARKETING! I’ ll tell you
this: this experience was a lot different than our experience with most vendors’
delivery people. This driver was courteous. This deliveryman did more than was
required of him. This deliveryman let us know that our business was appreciated.

Common courtesies, you say. Unfortunately, these courtesies are not very
common at all. In fact, they’ re extremely rare. And it’ s worth noting that our
society, our marketplace, prizes that which is rare most.

This particular experience with this particular deliveryman may have been
accidental. He may just be a naturally pleasant, considerate, helpful fellow. Or he
may have taken it upon himself, for some unknown reason, to develop a pleasing
personality, and to practice good customer relations.

But, if this is an accident, it is a great example of an accident that should be

repeated on purpose, as a marketing strategy.

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What is Marketing?

Most people expect an article about “ marketing” to address such subjects as

advertising, direct-mail, increasing customer’ s purchasing, stimulating referrals,
finding a market niche, and so on. And they should, but in this article, I want to let
you know everything you think of as something other than marketing is
actually marketing.

For example, most businesses think of maintenance as maintenance. The Disney

parks think of maintenance as marketing, because the remarkable cleanliness of
the parks is a major stimulant of positive word-of-mouth advertising. What aspects
of your business aren’ t thought of as marketing but should be thought of as
marketing, and re-worked as marketing strategies?

QUALITY is certainly one of them. Product quality. Service quality. “ In Search

Of Excellence” author Tom Peters jokes about the retail executive who became
aggravated at Peter’ s criticism of his industry in a seminar, and cried out, “ We are
no worse than anybody else.” Peters had a graphic artist design a company logo
with the slogan in it: we are no worse than anybody else.

Quality must be developed as marketing strategy, because no other marketing

strategies can build and sustain a business without it.

Another aspect of business often overlooked as a marketing strategy is courtesy.

Courtesy can be expressed many different ways. Like the deliveryman taking time
to sort the boxes. Or the Horschow mail-order company sending each item ordered
during the holiday season in a beautiful Christmas-green gift box, with a gold
elastic ribbon, and a gift card, all at no extra cost. Or the Figi’ s company, a mail-
order marketer of gourmet foods and gifts, sending a personalized letter
acknowledging receipt of an order and reassuring the customer that it will be
shipped on time. Or the doctor who calls his patient at home, the evening after
treatment, just to “ check on him” . Or, even with a simple “ thank you” .

It’ s an important marketing principle: people want most what they have the least
of. Today, somewhat sadly, the things most people get the least of are recognition
and appreciation.

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Gratitude As A Marketing Strategy

Many years ago, I took over a business with mammoth collection problems:
almost all of its customers had open accounts and paid their bills ten to sixty days
late (except those who didn’ t pay at all). We quickly instituted a number of
corrective measures, including tighter credit controls and policies, interests
charges, a sequence of past-due notices, and collection calls. However, we also
instituted a positive strategy. We started sending hand-signed thank you notes for
prompt payment to anybody who did pay on time...those who were almost on
time...and even late payers who responded to a past-due notice. Guess what
happened? Those customers who received thank you notes became better paying

I know a Doctor who started a procedure of giving fresh, long-stemmed red roses
to his women patients who showed up for their appointment on time, or paid their
bills on time, or referred another patient. “ Funny thing,” he told me. “ We no
longer have patients missing appointments. Our collections have improved.
Referrals are up. And, some guys are asking how they can get roses, too!

Here are a few specific ideas you might adopt, as ways of saying thank you:

· Keep customers’ birthdays on file and send cards and/or mail gifts.

· Send Thanksgiving cards or letters.

· Make it a habit to drop a personal thank-you note in the mail each day, to at
least one customer.

· Send a gift certificate or discount certificate to a customer who makes an

unusually large purchase.

· Host a “ Customer Appreciation Event” - a Christmas party, a backyard bar-b

que. (If you missed my customer appreciation seminar event, go to

· Have an occasional closed-to-the-public, preferred customer sale.

· Drop in personally on your best customers, with a surprise gift.

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I figured it up just the other day; last year, personally and for my various
businesses combined, I signed checks for well over one million dollars, in payment
for goods and services to all sorts of people and companies. And I don’ t care what
anybody says - a million bucks is a lot of money. Yet, I can count on the fingers of
one hand the number of the recipients of all that money who have expressed any
gratitude in any formal kind of way. Only one of them found out and recognized
my birthday.

Just saying “ thanks” is a big step ahead of the competition today.

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Get Out Of the Alligator Pit At Least

An Hour Every Day
Recently, two business partners came to visit me, looking for magical help with
their host of terrible problems. Without dragging you through all the details, the
bottom line: they have no terrible problems. They have a few minor problems.
But, overall, they’ re in pretty good shape. Theirs is a business that peaked at about
2.5 million, dipped to 1.6, but is now back up to 1.8, may break 2 this year “ as is” ,
has lost some markets but gained different opportunities, and is satisfactorily if not
excitingly profitable as compared to industry norms. But to hear these two, you’ d
think the sky was falling.

The blunt truth: they need a therapist, not a marketing consultant. Actually,
they need to start with a very simple but important strategy....

One of the Eternal Truths that I quote in one of my books is: when you are up
to your ass in alligators, it’ s difficult to remember that your original objective was
to drain the swamp. It’ s easy to get so caught up in managing all the problem parts
of a business that you never do anything else. And that’ s a sure path to where
these two partners are now: burn out. I could give ‘ em the all-time killer sales
letter, the best marketing campaign ever devised, and it wouldn’ t do them much
good...when they go to the office each day wishing they weren’ t there, fatigued
from first thing on, going through the motions, viewing their activities as
drudgery...and end the day without any sense of measurable progress toward
meaningful goals...their ‘ walking dead’ aura pervades ever nook and cranny, every
employee, every customer, every aspect of their business. It’ s the psychic equal of
trying to attract a lot of customers to a restaurant that smells like rotting, burning

Prescription: each and every day, keep a pre-set, inviolate appointment with
yourself or with one or two key people, out of sight and hearing of the alligator pit,
no matter how many alligators there are or how hungry they are, to do nothing but
focus and work on positive, productive plans and strategies that look to the future,
that are linked to goals and progress, that you can be excited and optimistic about.
Simplistically, this is a means of maintaining perspective. Even better, add taking
one action, getting one thing done every day, no matter what, that you know moves
you forward, toward positive goals. Go home if you must knowing you spent 7
hours and 58 minutes in the alligator pit, but at least you found 2 minutes to put
something in motion that will improve things.

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Four Easy Steps To Defuse Arguments

With Clients
A client can take offense to a number of things when it comes to doing business
with you. Whether it is the actual product, your prices, or your customer service,
some clients just find things to gripe about. And you can’ t ignore their complaints.
Instead, acknowledge their problem and defuse the situation by:

1. Thanking them. Thank him/her for their comment, even if it was

expressed in an impolite manner. Try to remember that their attack is not
personal, and it’ s best that you don’ t treat it that way. Keep your
composure and remain cool.

2. Starting your phrase with, “ Let me see if I understand you

completely.” Then restate the person’ s complaint. This will do two
things. First of all, it gives the person a chance to calm down. And
secondly, it shows the client that you are truly listening and taking their
concerns seriously.

3. Finding at least one thing in their complaint that you can agree with.
Regardless of how unfounded their complaint is in your mind, you
should pick out one major point that you can agree with. Then, build
your rebuttal on that point. For instance: “ Well, Mr. Harris, I can
certainly understand you being upset about delivery being late. I will
personally make sure that it doesn’ t happen again. Now, about your
other concerns...” This lets them know that you are not defensive about
the situation, and you would rather help solve their problem than make

4. Solving the problem. The only reason a client picks a fight in the first
place is to let you know that they have a problem. It’ s your job to play
along and solve that problem. Remember, this is your chance to turn a
negative situation into a positive one and actually gain your client’ s

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How To Make A Great Deal Of Money With

As Little Pain As Possible
Now I will wax philosophic about absolutely essential business knowledge:

The biggest, single misunderstanding people have about business success is

that the “wrong path” is so remarkably easy to wander down.

As you know, I talk to a huge number of entrepreneurs through Guthy-Renker,

referrals, seminars, consulting, my subscribers, fax, mail, phone, UPS and daily,
they’ re most eager to regale me with every nitty-bitty detail of their incredible
product or product idea. Sometimes I listen patiently.

And I groan inwardly as I listen to these people so into their particular product,
so enthused with their product, so convinced that it’ s one of a kind, so profoundly
committed to its unique ability to stand out in the marketplace...

Because all of that is incidental to the issues we should be talking about. Like:
Who was it built for? What evidence is there that they will spend money for it?
What media and marketing method lends itself to the situation? Because:

An associate called me at 9 p.m. the other night, understandably excited by the

succinct way to explain this to people, which he had just found in an old
advertising book he had bought in an antique store. The quote said:



There is the wisdom of the ages. There is a million dollar quote.

It’ s so hard to accept. The lady psychologist sends me the cassette program
she’ s lovingly, painstakingly put together about successful parenting, and she does
not want to think of that as “ soap” . She believes, maybe rightly so, that it is
different and better than any book, tape, and anything else that has ever been put
together about parenting. But there are two things she doesn’ t want to get: one,
I’ ve got 11 other products just like hers piled up in a corner in my office, from 11
other people who believe just as passionately that their’ s is the only/best doohickey
on parenting ever invented. And over in Palm Desert, Cindi Anderson at Guthy-
Renker has nine more. And down in Key West, in Gary Halbert’ s office, there are

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14 others. And on and on and on. Darn it, it is “ soap” .

Second and more importantly, even if it is the best, most innovative, most
technologically advanced, best researched, most incredible, etc., none of that
matters if no one will buy the damned thing. They will only appreciate all that if
and after they buy it. And the truth is any psychologist, many other authors,
coaches, teachers, ministers and parents can “ make” this particular “ soap” . It takes
a clever person to sell it.

Now, the next tough idea to accept: the time to think about who it will be sold
to and how it will be sold to them is BEFORE you build it, not afterward.

You cannot imagine how many people arrive with their “ soap” and no money
left to promote it. “ But I spent all my money making it,” they cry, “ I thought
somebody else’ d jump at the chance to put up all the money to sell it.” Please let
me dis-abuse that idea. If I wanted to sell “ soap” , I wouldn’ t invest my money in
selling your “ soap” and make you rich; I’ d hire some “ soap-maker” for a pittance
to make “ soap” for me. If I wanted to sell a course on parenting, I’ d run a little ad
in Writer’ s Digest, Psychology Today, the National Writers Club newsletter, etc.,
have my choice of a blue-zillion experts and writers, and pay one a few thousand
bucks, at the most, and maybe a teeny royalty to create that course just for me.
And that applies to anything and everything.

“ Hey, that means he’ ll steal my idea.” Nuts to you. That’ s not the point. The
point is that I don’ t need to steal your idea for “ soap” ; I’ ve already heard it 100
times before you got here.

The person who DOES get his “ soap” promoted in a big way brings marketing
assets to the table with the soap. The skin care product maker shows up with
Victoria Principal in her pocket. The author with the course on parenting comes in
with a nationally syndicated radio show, a contact at Sally Jesse Raphael. The guy
with the golfing thingamajig has access to a list of 135,000 golf newsletter
subscribers, etc.

At the very least, the smart entrepreneur does research and builds a case for the
successful marketing of “ soap” BEFORE making “ soap” .

Before investing a year of your life putting together a whiz-bang course on

parenting, how about finding out whether anybody has ever sold an audio-course, a
video, a newsletter or a seminar on parenting to parents - other than in bookstores,
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and if so, who, how many, at what price, and how. Now, what do these buyers
“ look like” ? What are they willing to spend? How can they be reached? Let me
tell you something about blazing an entire new trail; you get eaten up by the lions,
fall off a cliff, or killed by Inguns.

Here’ s yet another powerful marketing lesson:


If you want to sell your “ soap” , find an economically sensible way to reach
other people who have bought different kinds repetitively.


You’ ve just got to find buyers. When you find one, you’ ve got to learn as much
as possible about that creature, so you can try and find more like them.
The buyer of a Mercedes is every different than the buyer of a Pontiac Sunbird.
This industry idiotically talks to everybody about his or her products. But if you’ re
starting from scratch, with little resources, you’ d better not do THAT. If you’ ve
got a “ Mercedes” , you’ d better find out exactly who will buy it.

Then find out where people just like him are. Do they all live in one place? Do
they all read one magazine? Do they all go to a particular restaurant? Do they all
shop at the same mall? You see, you can ONLY afford to communicate with these
people who are precisely matched to and already proven likely to buy a Mercedes.

Going back to the person who invests life and limb in creating her course on
parenting. If she’ s given any thought to parenting at all, she has statistics. She’ ll
say, “ There are x-# parents of kids between a and b.”

Great. Unfortunately, an overwhelmingly majority of those parents don’ t give a

rat’ s behind about being better parents. Some think they know it all. Some think
their kids are screwed up, but they’ re okay. Most don’ t think at all. Some are dead
broke. Some are functionally illiterate. And I could go on. Somewhere in all that,
there is a miniscule percentage who are literate, open-minded, concerned, self-
improvement oriented, and have already demonstrated their willingness to invest
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time and money in being better parents. But if you have to wade through all the
muck to find them, you will run out of gas long before you get there.

“ But there are millions who NEED my product.” Terrific. Want to get me
excited? Show me how many have previously, preferably repetitively,
demonstrated their ability and willingness to invest in their desire for products or
services like yours. Then, show me that we can find them and reach them. Now,
we got something. Now I can help you.

How would you like to have Dan Kennedy sitting in your office,
waiting, on call, to leap to attention and give you his very best advice,
answer, or strategy any minute you need it, day or night?

Now you can with a moneymaking "tool" extraordinaire, that Dan invested
19 years in making.

It is called "POWER POINTS", and it is, by far and away, the most valuable
and important "tool" or product of any kind he has ever brought forward,
and I can't wait to describe it to you in all of its glorious detail.

To read all about it go to:

Please do so immediately because I got Dan to agree to offer some "killer"

free bonuses but only for a very limited time.

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No BS Time Management
Good Quote – Eliminate the time between the idea and the
act and your dreams will become realities. Dr. Edward L. Kramer

Entrepreneurship is the conversion of your knowledge, talents, guts, and time

into money.

Time is valuable, although the value differs from person to person. When most
people place value on their time, they do so based on an eight-hour workday,
which is not all that correct. It’ s hard to get eight productive hours out of each day.

One study involving Fortune 500 CEO’ s revealed that they achieved 28
productive minutes a day.

If you are your own boss, you decide how much you are going to get paid
because you write your own paycheck. Most of the time that salary is determined
by whatever is left over at the end of the month. This is a mistake because:

1) It indicates zero planning

2) You pay yourself last; a common reason why most entrepreneurs end up going


To plan against business failure and going broke, you need to decide how much
money you’ re going to take out each year to cover you r salary, perks,
contributions, retirement plans, etc. Eighty percent of entrepreneurs can’ t come up
with this number.

To do this, you need to have a base earnings target, otherwise you can’ t
calculate what your time is worth and will not be able to make good decisions
about how you invest that time. As a result, you have no control over your
business or life.

Calculate Your Base EarningsTarget

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Coming up with a number will dramatically affect the decisions you make,
habits you cultivate, and people you associate with. Here’ s how?

· Divide the number of workday hours

· Multiply it to allow for unproductive versus productive hours

· A closer look:

Base Earnings Target _______________

Divide work hours in a year

(244 days x 8 = 1,952 in a year) _______________
= Base hourly number $_______________

x Productivity-versus
Non-Productivity Multiple x_______________

= What Your Time

Must Be Worth Per Hour $_______________

It’ s important that you surround yourself with people who understand and
respect the value of your time. If you don’ t eliminate the people who don’ t
respect the value of your time from your business life, then you ad your
business will pay the price. You also need to delegate tasks to other people that
tend to take away from your valuable time.

Note: Dan’snewly revised “No B.S. Time M anagement Book” isnow

available at

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Turning Mailing Lists Into Money

A recent study (by Pitney-Bowes) revealed that 60 percent of small business
owners do not use direct mail; but, of the 40 percent who do, 90 percent say it is
the most productive means of marketing they employ. This shows you how using
direct mail effectively gives you an instant, significant advantage over all your

The much-maligned USPS, deserving of much of its criticism, is still a bargain

as a marketing force.

LISTS are an integral part of direct mail use. In fact, even pro copywriters like
myself will admit the list accounts for more than half the success (or failure) of
each campaign or project. This means that list selection is one of the most
important things you can do. It deserves whatever time and attention is needed to
get the job done right.

Most people fail at list selection and acquisition simply because they do not
understand the basics and do not do their homework. This article provides a crash-
course in the vocabulary of the list business and process of renting and using lists.

M ailing ListsBasics

The mailing list is the most important part of a direct-mail program. Basically,
there are three ways to get a list:

1. Your own client and prospect lists. Yes, you SHOULD compile a mailing list
of your own clients. The business owner with a list of all his past and active
clients has a very important, valuable asset.

2. Build a list through lead-generation advertising. For example, let’ s say you
own a pet store. You might run a classified ad, continually, in certain sections
of your newspaper that reads something like this:



Everyone who responds goes on a mailing list of key, qualified prospects for your

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pet store.

3. Rent a commercially available list or lists. This article discusses the basics of
renting lists.

First, understand you will be RENTING these lists for one-time use. The list
owners will often want to see and approve the material you will be mailing. And
the lists will be “ seeded” with false names and addresses that deliver your mail to
the list owners, so they can police the use of their lists.

Second, you’ ll probably wind up working with a List Broker, hopefully located
in your own city, but not necessarily. A good List Broker can be of great help to
you and is paid by the list owners, not by you. You’ ll find the List Brokers in your
own area in your Yellow Pages, under MAILING LISTS and LIST BROKERS or
similar categories.

Brokers are, unfortunately, reluctant to work with very small mailers, so you
may have to talk with a number of them before finding one you can work with.

You can also deal with Brokers or Lists Managers/Owners anywhere in the
country, by phone and FAX. You are NOT limited to Brokers who reside in your

Third, you will need to educate yourself about available lists, in order to clarify
your ideas about what you want BEFORE meeting with or talking with List
Brokers. You can start at your nearest major city, main public library, where
you’ ll find a current or one-year-old copy of a huge directory called “ SRDS” , for
‘ Standard Rate And Data Service’ . While at the library, you should also read some
back issues of trade magazines like Direct Marketing, DM News, and Target and
Zip. In a couple of hours, you can become conversant in the terminology, the
language of the list business, so you can ask smart questions and deal with List

If you are a real “ novice” in this area, I suggest getting a copy of the book: A
SMALL BUSINESS GUIDE TO DIRECT MAIL by Lin Grensing, published by
Self-Counsel Press, available in bookstores.

ConsiderationsI n Choosing And Using Lists

Compiled vs. Respondent

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A Compiled List is, for example, New residents, or Auto License Registrants, or
Yellow Pages Advertisers. A plethora of these types of lists, all compiled from
public information, is available. We sometimes use Yellow Pages Advertisers
lists, for example, in marketing our products and seminars.

Usually, Respondent Lists are more valuable. These types of lists include
subscribers, clients, buyers or inquirers. For example, if you have a computer
supply store, you might be able to use lists of subscribers to computer-related
magazines, people who’ ve bought computers by mail from a catalog company, or
people who’ ve responded to Apple’ s advertising, to get a free video tape about

Choose ProspectsThat M atch Your Clients

Generally speaking, if you can define who you want to reach, by their age, sex,
income, magazines they read, credit cards they carry, other products they’ ve
bought, etc., you can get a list of people that match that description. These
characteristics are called “ Demographics” . You may have heard me refer to “ Geo-
Demographic Selection” in other articles. That means a geographic area, by city,
state, zip code, matched with certain demographic criteria.


No list will be 100 percent deliverable. You should ask how often the list is
“ cleaned” and updated. You may want names of certain recency -- magazines
often offer “ hotline names” of very recent subscribers, for example. Sometimes
you can get a deliverability guarantee--ask.


Each list will have different “ options” . You may be able to order only
homeowners and exclude renters or vice versa, only men or women, only those of
a certain age, etc. The information in SRDS will show you what “ selects” are
offered with each list.

There is also “ merge/purge” possible with many lists. For example, the HOME
REMODELING MAGAZINE subscribers from your state could be
“ merged/purged” against a list of credit card holders. An interior decorator might
want only those subscribers with credit cards. A furniture storeowner offering his
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own financing, even for people with credit problems, might want only those
subscribers without credit cards.

M inimums

Most lists have 3,000 to 5,000 minimum orders. You can whine and cry and try
to negotiate a smaller test, but more often than not, you’ ll have to rent 3,000 to
5,000 names from a given list. Of course, that doesn’ t mean you have to mail them
all. In fact, for local, small business purposes, a test of 500 names usually tells a

Do Not Be I ntimidated

DO take a little time “ out of the shop” to learn about mailing lists. DO get into
SRDS and open your eyes to all the possibilities and opportunities--I promise
you’ ll be amazed, fascinated and, undoubtedly, stimulated with new ideas for
promoting your business. Contact both local and out-of-town Brokers, explain
your objectives, discuss the characteristics of the people you want to reach, discuss
lists you’ ve identified that might work, ask for and consider their suggestions. Do
NOT hesitate to ask “ dumb questions” . There really are no dumb questions except
the unasked ones. There’ s no reason to be intimidated by this process.

Why Not Direct All Your

ResourcesAt “Grade A”

If I can motivate you to make this philosophical and practical shift; to

choose to direct your resources at Grade- A prospects, I will have done you a great
service! Big step ahead of the competition today.

One of the keys to creating any marketing campaign, single step or multiple
steps, is the ability to write killer sales messages. Dan Kennedy revealed
his most powerful copywriting strategies, that suck money out of people's
wallets like a Hoover on steroids, to 115 people. If you weren't fortunate to
be one of them, go to
and see what you missed!

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Mastering Your Inner Game

We’ re going to talk about the inner game of building your business. I believe
that the inner game is simply all-important. “ The inner game” is a new term for a
classic idea explained many different times, many different ways by virtually every
success educator, and even philosophers.

In the book Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill reveals the secret using the
words, “ thoughts are things.” Dennis Waitley has worked with U.S. astronauts and
Olympic athletes on their inner games. Author Tim Galloway explores the ideas of
his books, The Inner Game of Golf, The Inner Game of Tennis and The Inner
Game of Selling.

Interestingly, there is a never-ending connection between the inner game in sport

and the inner game in business, allowing experts like Waitley, Galloway, ex-
quarterback Fran Tarkenton and golfer Arnold Palmer, among others, to step back
and forth between expounding on success techniques in the athletic and business

In all cases, these people speak much more about attitudes than aptitudes for a
good reason. Surveys, studies and research consistently reaffirm that 85% of your
success will depend on attitudinal factors, 15% on aptitude.

Yet in your formal education and in most continuing education, the emphasis is
on the opposite - 15% on attitude, 85% on aptitude.

Certainly technical knowledge and skills are important. In your profession, you
must deliver excellence based on your staying up to date in techniques, products,
materials and ideas.

However, such excellence alone will never build a successful, growing,

profitable business. The excellence that will is an excellence created and sustained
in your own mind. This is the most difficult, least tangible aspect of building your
business that we’ ll ever talk about, but it is also probably the most important.

Yeah, but what isit?

So what is the inner game? The way I see it, the inner game can be broken
down into four major components:

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· Self esteem
· Self image
· Self confidence
· Self discipline

Quality in these four areas is a necessary foundation to personal and professional


Self Esteem

Self Esteem is essentially your feelings of worth. How much success do you
deserve? How much money should you make? How much is your time worth?

Here, briefly, are seven ideas for strengthening self-esteem:

1. Establish worthwhile, meaningful goals and values.

2. Take massive action to get your own financial house in order if it isn’ t
now. Reduce debt, bring expenses under income, and invest every
single month.

3. Give yourself recognition for each and every accomplishment.

4. Manage your time productively. Procrastination and disorganization

rob many people of their self-esteem.

5. Associate with positive-minded, happy people who encourage and

motivate you. Don’ t hang out with folks who are negative, unhappy,
critical or jealous.

6. Continually acquire new know-how in you profession and in the areas

of business, sales and communication.

7. Regularly invest in improving your office and home environments,

tools and equipment, wardrobe and other external things that impact
on your attitudes.
Self I mage

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Self-image is how you see yourself; it’ s who you think you are. Your self-
image is controlled mostly by self-imposed limits. Very few people ever perform
beyond those self-imposed limits.

A salesman whose father never earned more than $25,000 a year in his life may
well see himself as a $25,000 a year guy. And he will subconsciously screw up the
opportunities to earn more that come his way.

In the financial area, the controversial Reverend Ike calls this a money rejection
syndrome, and I am convinced that such a thing definitely exists. One man I
know, who made over $100 million in his business in its first three years from
scratch, had gone broke in business several times before. After the three years of
remarkable success, he said, “ Making $100 million is about the easiest thing I’ ve
ever done. Believing it could happen to me was the hard part that took 20 years.”

Your self-image was created and is sustained through self talk, the use of
affirmations - and that is also the method you can use to alter and modify your self
image, literally as you wish.

I call the process self image goal setting, because most people who set goals set
only “ to get” and “ to have” goals; they fail to set “ to be” goals. I encourage you to
balance your approach to goal setting by including some self-image modification.
Self Discipline

Self-Disciple, the fourth component of the inner game, is quite possibly the most

Success lecturer Jim Rohn says that most people do not associate lack of
discipline with lack of success.

Most people think of failure as one earth-shattering event, such as a company

going out of business or a home being foreclosed on. This, however, Jim Rohn
says, is how failure happens.

Failure is rarely the result of some isolated event; rather, it is a consequence of a

long list of accumulated little failures, which happen as a result of too little
discipline. I agree. I find that most people understandably tend to look everywhere
but in the mirror for the sources of their failures as well as the victories.

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I’ m here to tell you it’ s not the town you’ re in, not your location, not the
economy, not the weather, not your competitors - it’ s your own discipline that
makes the difference between excellence or mediocrity, between getting by or
getting rich.

It’ s interesting to observe professionals. I often say to my associates, “ Let me

watch the professional’ s behavior before, during and after the seminar, and I’ ll
guess his annual income within a few thousand dollars.” It’ s actually pretty easy to

Jim Rohn says that discipline is the bridge between thought and

I’ d encourage you to take the self-discipline challenge very seriously.

Select those areas that you know are your weakest links - timely paperwork,
punctuality, daily self-improvement study, being happy and enthusiastic first thing
in the morning, whatever your personal stumbling blocks are - and apply new,
tough, demanding disciplines to yourself in those areas.

You’ ll find that success in these particular areas of your day-to-day life will roll
over into greater success in all parts of you life.

For example, let’ s look at the ultimate game players - professional football
players. A pro ball player knows that every single moment of his on-the-job
performance is recorded on film, to be replayed and reviewed later in stop-action
slow motion, for critique by his superiors and co-workers.

If your day was filmed and reviewed, how would you feel during the replay?

Of course, the professional football players who have to put up with this sort of
thing are highly paid.

Yes, the inner game stuff is tough. If being a big success were easy, everybody
would be one. You’ ve got to decide what you really want to be, do, have,
accomplish - and decide whether or not you’ re willing to adhere to the disciplines
necessary to get it.

In order to have the opportunity to accomplish virtually any goals you honestly
desire, you must accept the related responsibility for everything you get.
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The Story of the Pontiac

and the Vanilla I ce Cream

To illustrate, here’ s the text from an actual but entertaining complaint letter
received at the Pontiac Division of General Motors:

“ This is the second time I have written to you, and I don’ t blame you for not
answering because what I have to say sounds crazy, but it is a fact that we have a
tradition in our family of ice cream for dessert. But the kind of ice cream varies.

“ So every night after we’ ve eaten, the family votes on which kind of ice cream
we should have, and I drive down to the store to get it. It’ s also a fact that I
recently purchased a new Pontiac, and since then my trip to the store have created
a problem.

“ Every time I buy vanilla ice cream, when I start back from the store, my car
won’ t start. If I buy another kind of ice cream, the car starts fine. I want you to
know that I’ m serious about this question no matter how silly it sounds. What is
there about a Pontiac that makes it not start when I get vanilla ice cream and easy
to start when I get any other kind?”

The Pontiac people were understandably skeptical about the letter, but they sent
an engineer to check it out. The engineer was surprised to be greeted by a
successful, obviously well educated man in a good neighborhood.

He had arranged to meet the man just after dinner, so the two hopped in the car
and drove to the ice cream store.

It was vanilla ice cream that night: sure enough, when they came back to the car,
it wouldn’ t start.

The engineer returned for three more nights. The first night, the man got
chocolate and the car started. The next night he got strawberry and the car started.
The third night, he ordered vanilla and the car wouldn’ t start.

Now, the engineer was a logical man and he refused to believe that the Pontiac
was allergic to vanilla. He arranged to continue his visits for as long as it took to
figure out the problem. And he began to take notes.

He jotted down all sorts of data - time of day, type of gas used, time to drive
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back and forth, etc. In a short time he had a clue. The man took more time to buy
any flavor other than vanilla. And that was because of the store’ s layout.

Vanilla, being the most popular flavor, was in a separate case at the front of the
store for quick pick up.

All the other flavors were kept in the back of the store at a different counter,
where it took considerably longer to select the flavor, pay and get back to the car.

Now the question for the engineer was why the car wouldn’ t start when it took
less time. Once time became the problem, not vanilla, the engineer came up with
the answer quickly: Vapor lock.

It was happening every night, but the extra time it took to get the other flavors
allowed the engine time to cool down sufficiently to start. When the man got
vanilla, the engine was still too hot for the vapor lock to dissipate. Mystery solved.

And the moral of the story is...

One of the points of this story is that cause and effect is a universal law that
governs everything in our lives.

For every effect, there is a cause, and most frequently the cause is you. You can
change things.

In fact, one excellent exercise is to make a master list of all things in and out of
your business that aren’ t as you’ d like them to be. Small, medium, large,
seemingly significant, apparently trivial - put them all on the list.

Then comes the hard part: Go back through the list and decide what you can do
to cause some positive improvement with regard to each item, including what
changes you might make in your inner game that could impact those items.

Look at this as a positive experience: You’ ll be discovering how much power

you’ ve really got! Then, number in order of priority the actions you can take to
create change. Then get going. a referral-oriented company, you’ ll double your

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The Power Of Mastery

I am about to tell you how to add $25,000.00, $50,000.00, maybe $100,00.00 a

year to your yearly income - without spending even a penny more on advertising
or marketing.

One of my featured guest speakers at a recent SuperConference was Michael

Vance. Michael worked side-by-side with Walt Disney for a number of years. As I
was listening to Mike, I made a mental note to start talking about a Walt Disney
quote about marketing that I used to use a lot.

What Walt Disney said about Marketing is:

“Do what you do so well - and so uniquely – that people can’t resist telling
othersabout you.”

I n every field, there are “masters”. People just so darned good at what they
do that people are compelled to tell others about them.

Mike Vance is that kind of speaker, and there are darned few in that category.
Actors like Paul Newman, Al Pacino, Robert DeNiro. The salesman I buy my cars
from, Bill Glazner, at Sanderson Ford here in Pheonix - he puts every other car
guy I’ ve ever seen to shame. There are a couple chiropractors I know who put on
such a great “ report of findings” (their equivalent of the Printing Audit) that they
enjoy 100% conversions and can easily sell large dollar “ pre-pays.” There’ s a
shoe-shine guy at the Atlanta Airport who still rubs wax in by hand, snaps the
towel with authority, slaps the leather, makes the brush sing. And this is
important: these people are “ master performers.” They are not just masters at
whatever technical thing they do, they are masters at presentation.

So, here’s a very simple, very practical question: after customer buys from
you for the first time, do they - without any prodding from you - rush to the phone,
call an associate, and tell them about the amazing buying experience they just had?
Are the first words out of their mouth to the next person they see about you?

I f it is, here’s the economic impact: your need to invest money in acquiring
new customers will diminish over time as your business converts to being 100%
referral driven. This means you can take all the money you now spend on
advertising, direct mail, telemarketing, etc. and put it into your pocket instead.

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This means you will have more people calling and waiting in line for you
than you have time, because each client will multiply.

“ Mastery” can quite easily be worth an extra $50,000.00 to $200,000.00 or

even more to you each year you remain in this business. (Bank it all at even
modest interest and in just five years you can retire a cash millionaire.)

To get that good, you must dedicate yourself to doing so: I’ ve always been
impressed with the late Yul Brenner, who performed the “ King and I” a record
number of times on Broadway - and still rehearsed his lines, gestures and facial
expressions everyday, before every performance, right up until his last one. How
many times have you written out your own, complete sales script word for word?
Recorded it and listened to it on tape? Role-played it with family or mastermind
group members? Practiced in front of a mirror? Ever? This month?

Get this: I can predict your future bank balances if I know what you read,
what you listen to, what educational functions you attend, who you hang out with
and what you work on (practice) regularly. Oh, and years ago, Joe Karbo wrote
this wonderful ad headline: are you too busy making a living to make a fortune?
Are you?

Discover how you can sneak into the closed door meeting and
eavesdrop on the free-wheeling, no holds barred discussions of arguably
the most elite and extraordinary group of marketing and moneymaking
"masters" ever assembled in one place, at one time!

Go to

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How To Increase The 3 R’s Of Good

Salesmanship - Retention, Referrals
& Repeat Sales

Getting a new customer is a very small part of selling. One-shot sales,

however, don’ t help you to build a predictable, secure and growing business. It
takes more than glib talk, a big smile, shined shoes and a few glowing promises to
build customer loyalty and repeat business.

The key to a consistent income in selling is the development of clientele. The

salesperson that carefully develops positive relationships with his customers builds
a strong foundation for his future. When enough customers are firmly established,
you can expect repeat business and an assured income that provides a firm
foundation for your livelihood. That’ s what professionals call a “ customer base” .

The salesperson can go back to these customers with new products or services
with the knowledge that they will get a favorable reception. It’ s also likely that the
positive attitudes that have been established will make it easier to get referrals.

The building of relationships with customers is the key to keeping them, getting
repeat business from them, and acquiring referrals. It can be the difference
between worrying about your next meal and having a reliable income base.

Why don’ t salespeople make it a priority to build strong relationships with their
clients? One reason is simple laziness. It takes time and effort. Consequently,
many salespeople ignore this part of their job.

Another reason is competition. This competition takes many forms. It’ s not
only other salespeople selling similar products. It’ s an enormous amount of
competition from innumerable sources for your customer’ s interest, attention and

Reliable research indicates that today the average adult is bombarded with more
invitations to spend money in one eight-hour period than he was in 30 twenty-four
hour periods only five years ago. An example of this is the switch from 60-second
TV commercials to 30-second commercials. This makes it possible to have twice
as many commercials in the same time slot. More catalogs were mailed last fall
than in any previous fall in U.S. History. There is a tremendous competition for

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your customer’ s attention, interest, and spendable dollars.

You cannot match all this competition blow for blow, dollar for dollar. The
secret is to do things to stay on top of your customers’ consciousness. Being
remembered and well thought of is half the battle!

You’ ve probably heard this adage: out of sight, out of mind. If you’ re out of
the customer’ s mind at the moment he needs something you sell or at the moment a
competing salesperson contacts him, you’ ll lose out on repeat business from that

Another old adage also applies. It is: what you take for granted, you lose. If
your customer feels ignored or neglected and thinks your only interest is the dollars
your earn from his orders, you’ re likely to lose him to someone else.

Your objective, then, is to mount a planned campaign to let the customer know
that you care about him, value the relationship and are eager to be of service.

Here are a few ideasfor your campaign:

1. Organize your customers on a mailing list. Send mailings to those on the list
at least six times a year. This contact program might include a Christmas card,
mailings about new products and services, news about special offers and thank
you notes for orders you have gotten. You can use letters, flyers, and
postcards. The important thing is that the customer is periodically reminded
that you are ready to be of service, and that you are eager to keep him posted
on special opportunities.

2. In most businesses, you’ ll sell more and increase your value to the customer
by teaching proper, most effective usage of what you sell. Some salespeople
collect new product use ideas and tips from their customers, put them together
in tip-sheets and occasionally mail these out to all their customers. This kind
of information can even form the basis for a newsletter that can be sent to
customers several times a year.

3. Advertising specialties such as pens, calendars, scratch pads and items useful
to your customers, imprinted with your name and identification information,
frequently remind your customers to do business with you. Choose items
appropriate for your customers and your business. Visual reminders are a
good investment.
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4. Develop special opportunities to contact clients. One salesman, for example,

keeps a ticker file of his clients and their wedding anniversary dates. He calls
each one a week a ahead of time to remind them of their anniversary. Special
strategies like this can create tremendous goodwill and loyalty.

The salesperson that survives on the basis of one sale at a time is constantly in
search of the next new customer. He cheats himself with his shortsightedness.
Because of his lack of planning, he is constantly under pressure and stress.

Choose, instead, to build a reliable customer base that will provide you with
repeat business and referrals. Like other professionals, your success depends on
the relationships you establish and the reputation you build for yourself. If you do
your job properly, you can build a business that will be that will
provide a secure financial future for you and your family.

Are you ready to:

Stop Wasting Money On Worthless Advertising???

Stop Wasting Time On Cold Call Prospecting Grunt Work???

Excellent. Then you are ready to discover:

"How MAGNETIC MARKETING Will Instantly Begin To Flood Your Business

With More New Clients, Prospects, And Sales Than You Can Handle!"

Are you ready instantly soar to the next level ofsuccess and income in your business?
Are you ready to discover these incredible, proven inside secrets that will cause a
virtual avalanche of new business for you in the following days, weeks, and months?
Well then...

Now's the time to rush over to:

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The Secret Of Getting Referrals

There has never been any argument in advertising circles that the most effective
business advertising is word-of-mouth advertising.

That’ s why direct selling is so dramatically successful as a method of marketing

every imaginable product and service, and why direct selling is such a great
business in which to be. As a direct salesperson conversationally telling another
person why you like a particular product, you are much more convincing
advertisement than any TV commercial or magazine ad.

The tremendous persuasiveness of your personal endorsement of a product is

what word-of-mouth advertising is all about. Much to the chagrin of professional
ad agencies, such word-of-mouth advertising cannot be purchased. But you, as a
direct salesperson, can put this special type of advertising power to work for your

Because you are fortunate to be on friendly, personal terms with your customers,
you can enlist their aid in promoting your services. You can actually turn your
present customers into a personal advertising department. All you need to do is
master the right way to ask for their help.

Develop Personal Relations

If you learn how to properly ask for their help, your customers will
enthusiastically go to work advertising your business. This will help promote your
services, lead you to scores of new services, and give you all the valuable benefits
of word-of-mouth advertising. There are two types:

1. The customer actually becomes an advertising agent and tells others about
you and the service you provide.

2. The customer gives you referrals to people who may be good prospects and
allows you to use their name as an endorsement.

Either type can be extremely valuable in multiplying your customer list.

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Avoid Pressure

The most important thing to remember is that this kind of help cannot be bought
from your customers. It must never seem like you are offering a bribe in exchange
for a list of names. As a rule, people will not “ sell” their friends to you. Offering
an “ inducement” also might raise doubts about the quality of your services. If they
are as good as you say they are, why should you bribe people for their

Remember two very important things about human nature: first, people usually
enjoy telling others about products they try and like. Second, people like to be
appreciated. One way they get appreciated is by being helpful to others.

In short, offer an incentive for help without appearing to be paying for it.

Show Appreciation

In this way, you’ re thanking the person, not bribing them. They’ ll be pleased,
won’ t feel guilty, and will be more willing the next time you ask.

The next time you call on that customer you should remember to again thank
them for their help. Report to them on the reactions of the prospects they
suggested. Let the person you know you did call on them, that Mrs. Jones did
become a customer and purchased such and such, and that Mrs. Walters was
interested but wished to purchase at a later date.

In many cases, after reporting these results, you can obtain a couple of
additional prospects from them.

Prospects are the lifeblood of your business. Your greatest asset in direct sales
is your inventory of prospective new customers. And there is no better way to
maintain that inventory, converting prospects to customers, than by using the
power of word-of-mouth advertising ...with recommendations from your present,
satisfied customers. Put this power to work now and watch your profits and your
list of customers multiply.

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Test And Grow Rich

“ Testing” is an ugly topic. Why? Because testing variables in advertising
direct mail, phone scripts and sales presentations requires discipline, diligence and
patience. To get it right, you can only test one variable at a time. This means that
if you change a headline, you can’ t change anything else. Plus you have to make
sure all other variables remain the same, like the mailing day or a war breaking out
that has everybody watching CNN day and night or the President getting caught
again with his drawers down or a hurricane hitting.

Frankly, most business people will just not go through the “ detailitis” required
to test - which is why it’ s a very good idea to model proven promotions. And in
some cases where you’ re only going to use something once or twice or you’ re
dealing with a very small number, it’ s just not worth testing; instead, you take your
best shot. But let’ s assume you’ re working on something you intend to use over
and over and over again in some significant quantity, so that it’ s worth real effort
to fine-tune it...

I have some tips for you: first of all, there’ s non-testing testing - huh? Well, I
describe that in my book ‘ The Ultimate Sales Letter’ (available at, where I talk about the steps
to take with a finished sales letter before you actually mail it. Second, there’ s split
testing, which is the fastest way to test and get to a reasonable conclusion. Let’ s
assume you have a postcard and you want to leave everything the same but test
four different headlines, and you have 4,000 similar addresses to mail to. You do
“ nth name testing” ; that means Headline #A goes to every 4th name, Headline #B
to every 5th name, Headline #C to every 5th name, etc.

So you evenly divide the list without bias among the headlines being tested.
Some media (like Val-Pak or MoneyMailer) will let you split test within a single
buy. Third, there’ s testing against a control. A “ control” is a marketing strategy
that already works well and you’ re using it on a continuing basis - maybe it’ s a
series of letters you mail every month. You have been using it long enough you
know what it produces. You have a “ known” to measure against. Now you can
start trying to improve that control, ideally one step or variable at a time.

If I’ m trying to beat a control, here are the “ hot” variables I’ ll look at closely, to
see if there’ s room for improvement:

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1. The offer
2. The guarantee(s)
3. The urgency of response
4. The big idea or big promise
5. The overcoming of skepticism i.e. credibility and believability
6. The style or tone of the writing itself
7. The look of the piece

By the way, little, very testable things DO sometimes make very big
differences. Recently I showed an example in my newsletter of a guy who just
added four rubber-stamped words to the outside of his envelope, and beat his
control by 300%. I once brought a TV infomercial back from the dead by raising
the price of the product.

Gary Halbert saved the Pearl Cream advertising by adding a particular bonus.
In 1984, after attending my seminar, a dentist in Sacramento changed five words
on his Val-Pak coupon and went from getting two or three new patients a month to
15 to 20. This is the sort of thing that makes direct-response advertising as
frustrating as golf. (Did you happen to see John Daly miss a put seven times and
scratch himself out of the tournament a few weeks back? Ugh.)

Obviously, you can’ t test if you can’ t, won’ t or don’ t collect accurate data. You
have to code every offer, and track where every ounce of business comes from. If
you have employees who are lax about this, you must educate them about the
importance, discipline them if they goof it up, and ultimately can’ em if they won’ t
do it right 100% of the time. I confess that I fly by the seat of my pants in my
business more than I should, but I can’ t fire me, God knows there are days I
should. Anyway, I can assure you: the clients I have with the best profits and
incomes possess the best information about where their business comes from.

Let me switch gears and talk briefly about another aspect of “ testing” . This is
actually how all highly successful entrepreneurs view everything they
testing. They do NOT see things in the context of “ success” or “ failure” like
ordinary people do, and as a result they do not become “ de-motivated” like most
people do. See, most people drain all the vitality, courage, optimism and git-up-n-
go out of themselves by focusing on all the things they do that don’ t work out well,
as a compilation of failures.

But successful people understand the powerful impact of that negative

reinforcement on their own self-image (somewhat akin to the impact of pouring a
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gallon of toxic waste into a pint of clear water, drinking the result, and wondering
why the stomach backs up into the esophagus). Instead, they carefully organize the
things they do into a series or sequence of experiments, testing options, and
focusing on the ones they find that work. And they fully expect to go through any
number of experiments that don’ t pan out before walking away from the lab with a
winner. This not only has practical relevance, it has profound psychological

Just like a little tweak in thinking can make a big difference in the results of
say, an ad or a flyer, a little tweak in thinking can make a giant difference in the
life results experienced by an individual.

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How To Keep Yourself And Your Hard-Earned

Money Safe From Us Smooth-Talkin’ Salesmen,
Selling “Success Stuff”
This is not an article about selling your goods or services. This is an article
about the often-unnoticed truth about what separates the winners from the
Mediocre Majority in business, in any business, and in life.

I’ ve been at “ this” a long time; via speaking, giving seminars, putting out books
and tapes, and otherwise trying to inform, inspire and ignite people into action on
principles, strategies, ideas and behaviors likely to lead to success in business and
in life in general – 29 years to be precise. And I long ago stopped trying to figure
out why some people alertly and eagerly grab opportunities and ideas while others
are asleep at the switch.

But I can tell you a few things I’ ve learned about “ reading people.” For
example, in a seminar setting, the ones who are first up to invest in something
designed to help them be more successful are usually the people in the group who
need help the least. The ones who sit, arms folded, cynical, mumbling “ heard that
before” and grumbling about being sold to, are the ones who need help the most.

Years back, I did 3-hour seminars for doctors where a practice-building system
was sold. When I met them before the start of the seminar, I used to ask for their
present practice gross and their goal. Virtually without exception, the first few
doctors to rush back to buy the practice-building materials already had the highest
grosses in the room – and they took their armload of goodies out to Mercedes,
Cadillacs, Lincolns and the like to drive home. The last few docs to ever so slowly
wobble back to buy had lower grosses, except for the few who didn’ t buy at all –
they had the lowest grosses of all, and drove home in old Chevys. Why was this?
Because their behavior reflected their attitudes, and their attitudes controlled their
lifestyles, as well as their practice’ s level of success or lack thereof.

You see, the successful person loves being sold and tries to learn something
from that by itself; then he loves to buy, because his experience has been and
always is that every time he invests in education, he finds at least one good idea,
acts on it, and recoups his investment plus more. The unsuccessful person hates
being sold, buys reluctantly, because his experience has been and is that every time
he invests in education, he gets nothing out of it and has fewer coins in his pocket

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afterwards. How can two people in the exact same business in the exact same
town experience such dramatically different results? Clue: the education being
sold and bought is the same, so it’ s not the causative factor. Clue: in this picture,
there is only one difference.

Very early, when I was starting out doing what I do, I got some very, very good
advice from a fellow named Joel Weldon, with considerable experience selling
how-to “ stuff” to sales managers and sales professionals. He told me, “ If you want
to make money at this, ignore the people who obviously need your information the
most and focus on selling to individuals who are already quite successful but eager
to do even better.”

Here’ s what I found out: winners live what’ s called THE PRINCIPLE OF THE
SLIGHT EDGE; they know that teeny adjustments and refinements yield
disproportionately big improvements, so they are always hunting for even one idea
that can tweak what they’ re doing a smidgen to the good. They’ re looking hard,
every day, for some information to invest in that might give them a slight edge.
Not only don’ t they mind being sold, they’ re eager to buy. Losers stay losers for
three basic reasons: 1) they do not learn from information; 2) they do not act on
ideas; so 3) they don’ t want more information.

I just had a bunch of custom-built shelves installed in my home, turning two

walls of our bedroom into bookshelves. That’ s because the other walls of
bookshelves are all full of books, but I want to buy more ‘ because I’ m always
looking’ for the next good idea. My friend Jim Rohn says he’ s never visited a
wealthy person’ s home that didn’ t have a big library, and that ought to tell you
something. He didn’ t say it, but I sure have visited a lot of poor people’ s homes
where you couldn’ t find a book at all. Of course, it’ s easy to invest in education
now; I’ ve got plenty of money. But you see, I behaved this way when I was broke,
too. That’ s why I didn’ t stay broke. To once more quote Jim, he says, “ Miss a
meal if you must, but don’ t miss a book.”

So when I’ m up on stage speaking, and I start giving a little commercial about

my educational materials, these days I kind of smile and chuckle to myself about
how very predictable folks are. Many think, “ Uh-oh, he’ s about to try and sell me
something and take my money, so I’ ll close my ears or duck out the back and save
my coins. Others think, “ Oh, by, he’ s about to offer me something I can get to
multiply my coins. Bring it on, man, bring it on.” Then I think, “ Terrific – that
wonderful self-selecting process, the cutting of the herd. The dumb ones, who are
just trying to hang on and keep the few coins they’ ve got, will go away. The smart
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ones, who are committed to multiplying their pennies and who I’ ll enjoy having a
relationship with; they’ ll become my customers. Couldn’ t work out better if I’ d
designed human behavior myself.

Let me tell you just 3 quick true stories that may give you a bit of insight.

Story #1: Years ago, I was working a booth at a business show, showing off
my books and tapes. About 500 people came through that booth over two days.
About 400 took catalogs furtively and scurried off hastily, lest I grab them and sell
them something. About 99 made small purchases. One guy handed over his credit
card and said, “ Ship me one of everything you’ ve got.” I didn’ t know him from
Adam’ s housecat. But a few weeks later, I was watching a national TV program,
and there he was being interviewed. Seems he was one of the most successful
chiropractors in America, retiring from having built 3 $1 million a year practices,
one right after the other, and now was head of a consulting firm with 600 clients
each paying about $3,000 a month for his advice. That’ s $1.8 million a month for
those of you short on fingers and toes.

Story #2: Many years ago, a kid (too young to drive) walked a few miles from
his house to a riding stable and pestered the owner for a job, and got hired to clean
saddles and scrub buckets and mostly do the real grubby stuff nobody else wanted
to do after school for $20 a week. The kids used the $20 to buy a used set of Earl
Nightingale self-improvement tapes. The kid was me.

Story #3: A guy at a garage sale found a set of my tapes and bought them for
$5.00. The fellow selling them told the buyer he guessed they were all right, but
they hadn’ t done anything for him. In fact, he’ d just shut down his business, was
selling off all his stuff, and moving to another city to take a job at a relative’ s
company. He said, “ The free enterprise system just didn’ t work for little guys
anymore.” He said, “ The rich get richer and the poor get poorer and that’ s all there
is to it. The guy that bought my tapes for $5.00 listened to them, used them,
worked with them, and started his own business. When he wrote to me two years
later to tell me of making over $200,000 that year in his business, he said, “ Funny
thing. I was concerned about it at the time, but now I understand – you see, the
business I started is exactly the same kind of business that guy I bought your tapes
from got out of.”

Now let me finish this long-winded, gas-baggy diatribe with one psychic
prediction: some people reading this will say to themselves, “ Does Kennedy think
I fell off a turnip truck yesterday? Heck, I can see through this as clear as day.
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This is just a clever ploy to separate me from my coins the next time he gets
around me or mails me some literature. I’ m not going to fall for it, no sir. I’ m
keeping my coins.” Some other folks will get it. It’ s all kind of fun to watch.

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If you want to learn how to end cold call prospecting grunt work once and
for all, possess new and powerful ways to magnetically attract prospects who are
predisposed to buy from you, put an end to being “ screened and to phone tag, and
have qualified prospects eagerly asking you to make time to see them, then go to right now and enroll in Dan’ s FREE
online sales and marketing course!

Plus, as an unadvertised bonus be sure to read through Dan Kennedy’ s “ kick

butt” collection of world class sales letters in the next chapter!

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Dan Kennedy’s
Kick Butt Collection Of
World Class Sales Letters

#1: Sales letter for “ Magnetic Marketing”

#2: Sales letter for “ Copywriting Seminar In A Box”

#3: Sales letter for “ Power Points”

#4: Sales letter for “ The Ultimate Information Entrepreneur”

#5: Sales letter for “ Platinum Inner Circle”

#6: Sales letter for “ Customer Appreciation Tapes”

#7: Sales letter for “ Information Marketing A-Z”

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STOP Wasting Money On Advertising Guesswork
STOP Wasting Time On Cold Call Prospecting Grunt Work


Will Change Your Business Life
Forever --
Amazingly Powerful
Advertising, Marketing, Direct Marketing,
Customer / Client Attraction
& Persuasion Strategies
I urge you to lock the door, take the phone
off the hook, kick off your shoes, get comfortable,
and STUDY this letter -- it IS that important!
It introduces something THAT revolutionary!

Dear Friend,
If you own a Small Business of any kind: How would you like to stop being an “advertising
victim”?.....Finally get accurately measurable, quick results from each and every dollar you put into ANY
kind of advertising, marketing, or promotion? At will, attract a flood of new customers? At will, spark a
huge cash flow surge? Define and DOMINATE any “target market” of your choosing…..for less than
$2.00 per prospect? (It doesn’t matter if you own a company selling sophisticated software only to the
Fortune 1000 or a local flower shop, incredibly what I’m about to reveal to you can “re-invent” your
entire marketing process for the better!)
If you are a Sales Professional: How would you like to end cold prospecting once and for all?
Possess new, powerful ways to magnetically attract prospects who are pre-disposed to view you as an
expert ally and advisor, pre-disposed to buy from you? Put an end to being “screened”, to phone tag?
Have qualified prospects eagerly asking you to make time to see them?

If you are a Sales Manager or Marketing Executive: How would you like to cut all the fat, waste,
even the uncertainty out of your company’s advertising…..AND…..make your salespeople immensely
more productive?
All those benefits, and many more, are readily available -- with my marketing strategies,
notably my “Magnetic Marketing Systems”.
My name is Dan Kennedy. You’ve probably heard of me -- or heard me. I speak to over 200,000
people each year, appearing in big events with the likes of Zig Ziglar, Tom Hopkins, and Larry King, and
Paul Harvey just to name a few. Private clients pay me
$800.00 an hour for consultations; $7,500.00 to
$15,000.00 plus royalties to develop marketing Why you MUST pay
documents, tools, and campaigns. attention to Dan Kennedy:
One of my hottest, most in demand speech topics Reason #1: Dan Kennedy is one of the highest
and consulting specialties is -- “Magnetic Marketing” -- paid, most in-demand direct marketing consultants
in America today. In the last few years, he has
and we get rave reviews from the people who acquire and worked hands-on with clients in 68 different
use my Magnetic Marketing Systems and Strategies. businesses, industries and sales fields, at fees
(I’ve enclosed a few.) starting at $800.00 an hour. His methods transfer
easily from one to the other. Entrepreneur
I promise you that you, too, will be amazed at the Magazine says he has “at least 101 moneymaking
ideas for any business owner” -- but ‘idea’ is really
power of my unusual yet proven methods to virtually a misnomer; Dan is relentless about providing only
transform businesses and sales careers from struggle or proven, practical, useable action strategies.
‘average’ to meteoric growth and extraordinary success at As a consultant, Dan applies his “marketing
blinding speed. wizardry” and moves with remarkable ease
from one field to the next -- proving that his
If you act quickly, you can put my “marketing methods are universally applicable, although
wizardry” to work for YOU now, on a zero risk basis. often brought to a particular field for the first time at
his urging. His clients include everything from
In this letter, I’m going to tell you exactly what my start-up entrepreneurs and small companies to
several 100-million and 200-million dollar
Systems can do for your business and career. companies, even two billion-dollar companies, one
I Know You May Go To A Lot Of Seminars, in the U.S., one in England. Many of these clients
have been with Dan continuously for 5, 7, even 10
Hear A Lot Of Speakers, And Own A Lot Of Books years. A total of 92% of all clients who have used
And Tapes. Still, I Outright Guarantee You’ve him in consulting and/or direct-response
Never Gotten Your Hands On Anything copywriting capacity once have done so
Quite As Powerful And Practical As My Materials. subsequently, repeatedly. One of the interesting
business arenas he’s been heavily involved in is
I have assembled a product like no other -- yes, it the TV infomercial field, where he has consulted
with 3 of the 5 largest companies, worked on
includes audio cassettes or CDs, but you MUST NOT projects with a long list of celebrities including
prejudge it because of that. This is actually a complete Florence Henderson and Fran Tarkenton, and
“TOOL KIT”.....real tools you take and use in your been directly involved in the sale of hundreds of
business. It’s called THE MAGNETIC MARKETING millions of dollars of product via TV. His longest
continuing client in this industry, the Guthy-Renker
SYSTEMS KIT and you might think of it as a complete, Corporation, is famous for its ‘Personal Power’
transformational marketing department in a box. infomercials with Tony Robbins and the Victoria
Actually, this is such a unique product it is hard to Principal Skin Care infomercials.
describe, but I’m going to take my very best shot. Many of Dan’s clients -- and “students” -- achieve
really miraculous sales breakthroughs almost
There are 6 main, moneymaking “components” in overnight. Just as an example, consider the young
my MAGNETIC MARKETING SYSTEMS KIT -- let married couple with a failing home-based business
and $100,000.00 in accumulated credit card debt;
me walk you through each of them: 90 days after attending one of Dan’s seminars on
marketing, they had their income up to $50,000.00
MONEYMAKING COMPONENT #1: a month. Today, just two years later, they have
“No Brainer”, Fast Implementation zero debt, a monthly income exceeding
$100,000.00..…an amazing, “unbelievable”
First, in general, I’ve made implementation an 80% turnaround. Yet, these kind of “unbelievable
“no-brainer”, because I have done 80% of the work for results” seems to be the norm with those applying
Dan Kennedy’s advice!
you. In addition to teaching on the 6 Cassettes or CDs in
the Kit, I have taken 11 different businesses and 4 Reason #2: As you already know, he is also one
of the most popular professional speakers, sharing
different sales careers, in 6 different business categories, his ideas with over 200,000 people a year and
and treated each one as a private, paying client, and sharing the platform with a long list of other famous
created complete direct marketing/Magnetic Marketing speakers and celebrities, including: Zig Ziglar,
Systems for each one, including all of the “power Tom Hopkins, Larry King, Mrs. Fields, Bill Cosby,
documents”: prospecting and sales letters, ads, postcards,
General Norman Schwartzkopf, former President
and so on. And these documents are all marked Bush, coaches Jimmy Johnson and Lou Holz, and
‘Copyright Free’, which gives you permission to take them the list goes on and on. Because of the
and use them, virtually as-is! (When I am paid to develop extraordinary practical value of even the
briefest of his dissertations on marketing, Dan
ONE collection of documents, for one client, I am has become one of America’s top professional
typically paid $7,500.00 to as much as $15,000.00 plus speakers. His busy schedule includes
royalties, so there is over $75,000.00 worth of copywriting in-house seminars for corporate clients, ranging
services provided in this Kit!) from Ski-Doo to Sun Securities to Orange Systems
(computer software); speeches or panel
Now, here’s the best part: Information and ideas are presentations for major associations, and Peter
Lowe Success Events. This is his 20th year as a
fine, but let’s bridge the gap to implementation. It turns professional speaker.
out that 90% of all businesses and sales careers fit one (or
Reason #3: He is a prolific author, with six books
more) of these categories so perfectly…..YOUR business simultaneously available in bookstores, including
or sales career will match up with (at least) one of these his bestseller, ‘The Ultimate Marketing Plan’ book.
categories so perfectly, you will be able to “steal” and use (His book, ‘How To Turn Your Ideas Into A Million
those “power documents” and strategies outright, just as if Dollars’ carries praise from people like Joan Rivers
and Al Reis, of Reis & Trout.) Success Magazine
they were created for you…..only very minor adaptation has praised his ‘Magnetic Marketing System’.
necessary! Please pay attention to this point! At each Dan has six business books in the bookstores,
seminar, after each speech, I am surrounded by people, a 7th on the way, and his books have received
each asking if the Kit applies to this business, that favorable attention in Success, Entrepreneur,
and Selling Magazines, numerous trade
business, each believing theirs to be so ‘different’ it must publications, even USA TODAY. Millions of
not be included. So, to repeat: 90% of all businesses and dollars of his cassette programs and other
sales careers are covered by this Kit! For most, at least products have been sold by his own companies
worldwide, and products he has co-authored or
one category is such a perfect match, there’s instant
edited have also been featured in major catalogs
application with little or no creative adaptation. like Nightingale-Conant and Sybervision. The “Be
Your Own Boss System” he co-authored with Tony
The Kit covers business-to-business selling situations, Robbins, Fran Tarkenton, and the columnists of
to-consumer situations, retail, restaurants, professional Entrepreneur Magazine was featured in its own TV
practices, real estate, automobile sales, even financial infomercial.
services sales (where there are compliance issues), direct Reason #4: And he is an entrepreneur, who
sales and network marketing, industrial, big ticket items, actively, currently lives what he teaches and
practices what he preaches. Dan says there are
and on and on. And just about everybody who gets this too many experts, authors, and speakers who “sell
Kit finds one category to be a very close match…..they only in their memories and run businesses only in
learn and ‘borrow’ from ALL the materials, AND they are their nightmares.” He is NOT one of them.
able to instantly and easily apply the tools from the one
category best matched to their business.
Included in these Copyright-Free Documents, in one
of the business examples, are the now-famous “Giorgio, Romance Director” Letters that I show at most
seminars, that every audience falls in love with! You’ve just got to see this “marketing masterpiece”!
Learn From What Others Have Done
In addition to everything I created for you, I have also included 102 -- yes, 102! -- additional
“Exhibits” that I did NOT create. These came from people just like you, who purchased previous
Editions of the Kit, took something, adapted it to their business, then sent it in with a report of
extraordinary results.
These Exhibits let you see exactly how business owners, marketing executives, and salespeople have
very successfully adapted and used the ‘power documents’ in the Kit. By seeing how they’ve moved the
‘documents’ from one business to another, from a different business to theirs, you can see how to do it
Included in these 102 Exhibits, you even get a “Cash Flow Surge Letter”.....4 typed pages that
brought in $58,000.00 of extra, cash business in 15 days for an art gallery owner and has been adapted,
with similar success, in over a dozen different businesses that we know of. These four typed pages
ALONE could easily be worth thousands of dollars to you.
Don’t mistake this Kit for a big collection of “form letters”, by the way. SOME of my Marketing
Systems are “letter driven”. But virtually EVERY possible media; every effective method of getting your
‘marketing message’ out to your target markets is included in my Systems. My MAGNETIC
MARKETING KIT is a comprehensive, integrated package of help with marketing messages, target
marketing, and every media and method.
The “Cafeteria Tape”
Audio Tape or CD #1 “walks” you through every page, every ‘power document’, every tool, every
example in the Kit. Sit down for about a half-hour at your desk or kitchen table, with the Kit, listen to this
first Tape, and you will understand everything in the Kit, where it is, why it’s there, how it is to be used.
This way, you quickly set up your own “cafeteria line”, so you can go back through the line…..pick out
the strategy and ‘tools’ most relevant to your business right now.….get those up and running, working for
you.….then go back through the line and pick another system…..etc.
Oh, and don’t worry about the “how to eat an elephant problem” here -- the answer IS “one bite at a
time”. This Kit is NOT something you’re going to zip through once, put on a shelf and never go back to.
Not at all! It IS a true “tool kit” you’ll keep going back to, time after time, month after month. And each
time you choose and put to work a System, a strategy, or tool, you will AGAIN simplify your business,
strengthen your marketing, increase your income!
A “Crash Course” In Magnetic Marketing
Audio Tapes or CDs #2, 3, 4 and 5 give you a fast, crash course in these unusual, powerful marketing
strategies. These unique cassettes condense my answers to a full day of interviewing about all of my
marketing’s a total “brain drain”.....and it’s eminently listenable. I promise you: you’re
going to EAGERLY listen to these four cassettes over and over again, making new discoveries every
time! If you have business associates, get them to listen to these 4 tapes, and they’ll instantly have their
minds opened to these new approaches.
Get Off To A Super-Fast Start.....
Audio Tape or CD #6 is the “Fast Start Tape”. Here, I focus only on a couple of the most powerful,
easy to master, easy to implement Marketing Systems you can very quickly see great results from.
Hands-On, Personal Assistance:
A $1,000.00+ Consultation Value!
You get TWO “2nd Opinion Critique Certificates” -- each lets you send any one printed promotional
item for your business to me for my personal feedback, by mail or FAX. You can send in an ad, letter,
brochure, whatever. And staff does NOT do this; you get advice from me on what you’ve done well,
what you haven’t, and how to improve it. (By the way, a warning: I’m rather blunt. I may hurt your
feelings. But I WILL improve what you’re doing!)
As a consultant, I frequently provide this 2nd Opinion Critique Service to many companies,
entrepreneurs, even ad agencies, and charge $200.00 per Critique, so this IS a very real $400.00 value.
However, it can certainly be worth a whole lot more to you. (There’s a dentist in Sacramento, for
example, who made three “little” changes in his Val-Pak Coupon after my critique -- and TRIPLED the
response. Or an industrial products company… “little” change in their trade journal ads slashed their
cost-per-lead by 30%.)
You ALSO get a “My #1 Marketing Challenge Consultation Coupon”. I will respond to your most
vexing marketing challenge. I regularly charge $800.00 per hour for consulting, but this is included for
you at no added charge!
Finally, in addition to this entire Kite, you get my full-day "Customer Appreciation Seminar" on six
audio-cassettes. While I did talk about the specialty I'm known for; breakthrough marketing strategies -
that's not all I talked about. For the first time ever in a seminar, I discussed my PERSONAL philosophies
and business practices. I even included what I calls my "Brass Balls Factors" - the sort of "harsh reality"
success information nobody ever talks about publicly....what it REALLY takes to go from scratch to
wealth, fast, against all resistance and all obstacles. But don't mistake any of this for "self-help pablum."
This was hard-hitting, "Adults Only" how to information.
By Now, I’ll Bet You Are “Worrying”
About The Price.....
Most people guess we’re into the $500.00 to $1,000.00 price range. Fortunately, we are not. The
Publisher’s Price for my “Magnetic Marketing Kit”, in their Catalog and on their Website, is $399.00.
And lots of Kits are sold at $399.00. Then, the “Customer Appreciation Tapes” is catalog priced at
$199.00. There’s a Coupon in the package for your choice of my books free -- a $10.00 value. In total:
But I’ve arranged BIG SAVINGS for you! At my speaking events, I provide all of this for just
$297.00 (a $102.00 DISCOUNT!). This is the lowest price this material is ever available for, anywhere,
at any time. My associate, Dave Dee, convinced me to “test” offering this exact same “super savings”
exclusively by mail to business owners, salespeople, etc. who may have not had an opportunity to see me
speak. This is a “test”, so this $102.00 discount is available ONLY if you within the next 15 days. I hope
it’ll be an easy, quick decision for you to make, because at just $297.00, if you apply yourself to my
advice, use even ONE of the Tools in this Kit, you’ll probably get that back within the first few
weeks…..if not days!
There’s Even A Remarkably Generous DOUBLE GUARANTEE --
And I Enjoy A 96% Satisfaction Rate.
Your first Guarantee: You have TWO full months to examine everything, use what you
wish, and, if for any reason or even no reason, you want a full refund, just return everything
and you’ll get your money back immediately. NO questions asked. You do not need a ‘my
dog ate my homework story’. No one will ask you any questions at all. No hassle. No ‘fine
print’. Simple and straightforward; you are thrilled with what you get in my Kit or you get a
full refund. And, incidentally, I’m devoted to the goal of only having satisfied customers.
If you’re not going to profit from having my Kit, I really would prefer to buy it back.
Your SECOND Guarantee: If you keep the Kit after the two months, I’ll ride along with you
for another TEN months and, if, after a full year from your purchase date, you will show me
proof that you used at least one strategy, System, or tool from the Kit, and you will look me
in the eye on paper and tell me you did not put at least $10,000.00 in your bank account
that you would not have otherwise, send me a note describing your use and failure with the
Kit, I will STILL refund every penny you’ve paid. Even if you’ve used the Critique and
Consultation Coupons, I will STILL refund every penny you’ve paid -- even after one full
year. I want you to put tens of thousands of dollars of income in your bank account, that
you know would never have gotten there without my Kit, or I want to buy it back.

Now let me give you an amazing statistic: in 1999 and again in 2000, I sold over One Million Dollars
worth of my Magnetic Marketing Tool Kits. This includes sales at speaking engagements, to my
corporate clients, and through my publisher’s catalog. All were sold with this same Double Guarantee.
The result: a 96% satisfaction rate. But that doesn’t just mean that 96% of those people kept their
Kits.....96% not only kept their Kits but also sent me success reports and testimonial letters, subscribed to
my newsletter, attended my advanced seminars, or bought additional Dan Kennedy books, cassettes,
courses, or tool kits.
I think that fact has to tell you a lot about the results YOU can expect from getting my “secrets”
working for you. After all, why would anybody make additional investments in my materials if they
weren’t profiting tremendously from their first investment?
An Incredibly Valuable Fast Action BONUS Offer:
I’ve also reserved a copy of my Special Report “How To Solve All Your Advertising, Marketing &
Sales Problems, Fast & Forever” -- and the three “Bonus Reports” offered to the first 100 at-event buyers
-- for you -- and you keep that Report and the “Bonus Reports” even if you choose to return everything
else for a refund.
The three “Bonus Reports” are extremely powerful:
1. “How To (At Least) Double The Results From Your Yellow Pages, Coupon & Other ‘Print’
2. “How To Turn Mailing Lists Into Money: Sophisticated Target Marketing Made Simple”.
This Report shows you how to obtain the names, addresses, etc. of the people most likely to buy
your services or products.
3. “How To Print All The Money You Want Legally”. This Report shows you how to create “lead
generation magnets”, “widgets”, and “secondary reason for response”.

So, TWO FULL MONTHS, unconditional satisfaction guarantee. PLUS an additional TEN
MONTHS’ conditional guarantee. PLUS all of the Bonus Reports, yours to keep regardless of your
decision about everything else.
At The Very Special Discount (This IS a limited offer. Act now!)
I have allocated only a certain, limited number of Kits at this deeply discounted price. As a result, I
can only extend this invitation to you for the next 15 days…I need your response immediately! (After
15th day, the $102.00 Discount is void.) There are three ways to order:
One: You can order online via our Secure Server by going to All website orders are fulfilled and
shipped by UPS within 72 hours.

Two: You can call my publisher’s (Dave Dee, Inc.) secure automated order hotline, at
1-678-348-7577 and use your American Express, VISA, MasterCard or Discover card. All telephone
orders are fulfilled and shipped by UPS within 72 hours. Be sure to say that you want the “Magnetic
Marketing Toolkit Special Offer” when you leave your ordering information on the secure voice mail
Three: you can send your order in by mail, with your personal or company check to: Dave Dee, Inc.,
11770 Haynes Bridge Rd, Suite 205-242, Alpharetta, GA 30004. Orders arriving by mail are also
fulfilled within 72 hours, but, of course, there is the delay of the in-bound mail. (And, if your order is
received after the 15- Day Deadline Date, we will have to refuse it and return your check uncashed.)
I urge you to act on this opportunity today, right now, while it is fresh in your mind.

Dan S. Kennedy
P.S. You get everything: the Magnetic Marketing Systems Kit, a total of 6 audio cassettes or CDs, 2
Critique Certificates, the Marketing Challenge Consultation Coupon, the Double Guarantee, the Special
Report, the 3 “Bonus Reports”, and the Bonus Book all at the special “test offer rate” -- but only if you act
within the next 15 days. Go to:
P.S. #2: Don’t forget…you are getting the same savings and all the same bonuses as if you were one of
the first 100 to purchase at one of my speaking events, you are fully protected by a generous Double
Guarantee, and this is NOT “another cassette or CD program” – it IS a practical “tool kit” you will use to
quickly and dramatically increase your income.
An Important Note From The Publisher: Hi my name is Dave Dee. I'm also including FREE with your
kit, a copy of, "How To Automatically Master New Skills & Program Your Subconscious Mind For
Success". This tape explores the uses of "spaced repetition learning" and "subconscious programming,"
for a wide variety of applications, and provides tips for getting the greatest value from any audio cassette-
based learning product or system you own or acquire. Listen and discover how to accelerate your mastery
of new information and skills, how to effortlessly learn new "scripts" for selling, and how to "implant"
new, more productive, motivational ideas directly into your powerful subconscious mind (a $17 value
yours FREE with your order).

Enclosed information may be

to your competitors.

And it may make you so

as a marketer, the U.S. Government will require you
to be registered and may impose a 10-day waiting period
before use of any copy, ads, letters, etc. you create.

This information is definitely

HAZARDOUSto small thinkers.....and people for whom

receiving and handling enormous floods of money
is too stressful. Individuals with weak hearts
should consult their physician before reading the enclosed.
An Invitation To Selected “Dave Dee Customers” Only

Only 115 people were permitted

to attend DAN KENNEDY’S recent,
closed door, 2-day Seminar where
he revealed ALL of his most prized,
most powerful and most profitable
copywriting techniques.
This high-powered Seminar was completely Sold-Out and there was
a long waiting list of others who desperately wanted to attend but
couldn’t. And, unfortunately, Dan has decided he will not conduct
a Seminar like this ever again.

However, the Seminar WAS captured on tape and has been made
available to Dan’s Inner Circle Members -- thousands snapped it up --
and now I’ve convinced Dan to let me offer it to all our customers at
a substantial discount, but for a limited time, to a limited number of

Dear Friend,

Hi, this is Dave Dee. As you probably know, I operate several businesses including an
information marketing business and an entertainment/speaking business. What I’ve learned from
Dan Kennedy about putting words on paper that bring in floods of cash orders, excited customers
-- for just about any business -- has quite simply made me a fortune. That’s why I pushed so hard
to get Dan to let me offer the tapes and materials from this one-time-only Seminar, to all our

So, let me give you the details:

It has been about five years since Dan presented a Seminar totally devoted to copywriting --
to turning words into money -- and, quite honestly, it was “elementary school” compared to what
he delivered in this one-time-only, no holds barred, EVERY secret revealed, two-day workshop.
The tapes from this Seminar are “atomic”!

WARNING: This is only for people VERY SERIOUS about being world-class,
powerful and very time-efficient direct-response copywriters OR who are
using ads, sales letters, and other printed tools in their business.
This is definitely not for everybody. You really should NOT get these Tapes if you are a small business
owner who intends to stay in that role or if you are not already relatively well-grounded in direct-response
and have been doing some copywriting for your own businesses or for clients. This was an advanced
workshop. GRAB THIS OPPORTUNITY IF: (1) you are serious about turning your own business into a
gold-plated, awesome money machine, utilizing ads and mailings that outperform anything you’ve ever
done before, that bring in returns of $5-to-1, $10-to-1, even $50-to-1. Or, (2) you are serious about using
direct-response style copywriting for a variety of products and businesses, yours or clients’.

In these 2 days, Dan took us through EVERY element that goes into a winning ad or sales
letter -- in minute, exacting detail -- supported by loads of examples. He revealed EVERY trick,
strategy, and method he uses. Dan has never before taught anybody all of this, step-by-step, idea
by idea. I doubt seriously if he ever will again.

He also presented his personal methods for being FAST, efficient, and prolific at writing sales
copy. As near as I can tell, talking with other top freelance copywriters, Dan out-produces them
nearly 10 to 1. Yet his “win/loss” record is better than most, as good as anybody’s.

Why Is Dan Finally Willing To Reveal Every Trick He Knows

About Turning Words On Paper Into Floods Of Cash?

Dan has been asked to do this type of Training often. In fact, you may be getting this letter
because you’ve expressed some interest in getting Dan to teach everything he does in creating
super-powerful marketing materials. Until now, this year, he’s been reluctant to do a “magician
shows how ALL the tricks are done” Seminar.

Currently, he routinely commands no less than $9,200.00 for the simplest letter or ad to
$25,000.00 to $50,000.00 per copywriting project, plus royalties. And he literally has a waiting
list business, with clients standing in line and patiently (or impatiently) waiting for him to fit them
in. Dan has been paid as much as $50,000.00 in royalties from one letter. Nearly 70% of all
clients hiring him to write copy once, return and continue.

As a result, he’s rapidly reaching a point of being unable to accept but a very few new clients
during the entire year. And Dan is determined to cut back on his workload starting next year.
So, he now feels at greater liberty than ever before to lay everything he knows and does on the

Dan is preparing for “semi-retirement” in 2001, and this is one step in that direction.
He would NOT have done this seminar if he wasn’t ready to relax and work a whole lot
less, if at all. (In a sense, you are catching him at a “weak moment”. Maybe he’ll look back on
this in a few years as a dumb move. We’ll see. In any case, this is your ONLY golden
opportunity to crawl inside this master-copywriter’s mind and extract even his most treasured

Originally, he intended to invite only 115 people -- who each paid at least $947.00 to attend
the Seminar. Then he decided to offer the same know-how, teaching, “secrets”, and examples he
revealed at the Seminar as a “SEMINAR-IN-A-BOX”, but only to his Inner Circle Members.
Now you can attend Dan’s special Seminar at home, at your convenience, via audio and video
tape, and two hefty Manuals including lots of exhibits and examples. You’ll not only get the
value of the Seminar -- you’ll also have powerful “tools” you’ll keep referring to and using over
and over again. This “Advanced Copywriting Seminar-In-A-Box” is being offered in a limited
number, for a limited time.
I want to give you some real insight to the immense power and value of the strategies Dan
teaches and discusses in this Seminar Package. So let me just cite a few examples of his work for
various clients:

1. A series of letters that took a company from ½-million to over 1-million a year in sales,
AND more than doubled profits.
2. A single ad that has brought in over 5-million dollars.
3. A series of letters that pulled nearly a 50% response rate.
4. A sales letter “package” that pulls a remarkable $4.00 in sales per $1.00 of cost from
“cold lists”.
5. A letter mailed to just 2,200 people (est. cost about $2,000.00) that brought in over
$18,000.00 in profits in 11 days. (By the time this 3-step sequence is through, this client
will put at least $45,000.00 in his pocket against costs under $8,000.00.)
Just as Dan was preparing for the Seminar, he got a royalty check for $1,330.50 from a client
in Norfolk, Virginia. From her test mailing of a sales letter he wrote for her, to 10,500 of her past
customers and leads, she sold (just) 68 “units” (less than 1% response) at $395.00 net profit
each.....$26,860.00 profit less about $10,000.00 in mailing costs.....$16,860.00 profit or $1.60
profit for every letter mailed. Now she’s mailing a second letter to the 10,432 non-buyers left
from that list and rolling the first letter out to another 30,000. When it’s all over and done with,
she will have made over $120,000.00 from just ONE sales letter. And Dan knew, just as sure as I
knew the earth is round, that she would get these kind of results.

Wouldn’t you like to be able to create promotions like these -- and be able to predict profits
with absolute certainty*? How many letters could you get in the mail this week if you
KNEW you’d get back a net profit of $1.60 for each one mailed? Would you like to pick up
an easy $100,000.00 or so of extra money two or three times a year?
*Yes, Dan can show you how to know with 99% certainty that your mailing will be profitable.

Dan Kennedy’s copywriting efforts have produced tens of millions of dollars for his
clients -- me included. In some cases, launched businesses. Literally made fortunes. And I
doubt very seriously if there is a currently working, active, sought-after copywriter anywhere in
the country who can match Dan’s track record of diversity and success, who will teach all of his
methods (at any price). This really is a one-of-a-kind, possibly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

The ability to create compelling sales letters CAN make or break a business. I’m not going
to embarrass this person by naming him, but his letter -- sent to Dan -- is on file at my office and
I’m quoting from it here, word for word:
“Eighteen months ago, we could not pay our bills. We went to
our creditors and said we would gladly pay them in 3 months if
they would wait. Some said yes, others started collection
procedures. At the end of the 3 months, we had paid very little
on their accounts and asked for another 3 months. Eventually
they all got paid. And at the end of 1997, we decided to pay
out $60,000.00 in year-end employee bonuses - the first bonuses
in 6 years! I relate the above to you because I attribute a
part of our success to your teachings and consulting.”
Now I want to tell you that their turnaround is almost entirely thanks to their learning how to
write one strong sales letter after another, and using direct mail to build their business. Theirs is a
remarkable turnaround and testament to the power of putting the right words on paper. To their
credit, they were determined, diligent “students” (and ready-fire-aim, learning-on-the-run
entrepreneurs); they studied Dan’s materials, attended his Seminars, used his critique coupons,
and modeled his successful campaigns. And they have gotten very, very good at this craft.

These are the kinds of results -- and more: bigger, better -- that you can expect by getting the
Seminar-In-A-Box, and using these strategies revealed in it.

I Will Back Up This Advanced Copywriting Seminar-In-A-Box

With TWO Very Generous Guarantees To Protect You
Against Any Possibility Of Wasting Your Money Or Your Time

First guarantee: I’ll give you a 60-DAY FREE PEEK. You can listen, learn, and use
this Seminar-In-A-Box for up to TWO FULL MONTHS without obligation. Anytime
within those two months that you choose to return the package, you’ll get a FULL
refund. If you will write me a letter explaining why you are unhappy, I’ll even pay you an
extra $25.00 for your trouble!

Immerse Yourself In These Seminar Tapes And.....

You will be MUCH more skilled and better equipped to turn out copy that will achieve the
absolute maximum possible results in any situation. Being able to turn words put on paper into
floods of precisely the prospects or clients you want, or into cash business literally at will, is THE
skill that can quite literally change you and your life.

Which brings me to my second guarantee: anytime within SIX MONTHS, if you can
send proof you used one or more of the strategies and secrets presented in this
Seminar package and can honestly say you didn’t profit by many times the price of the
entire package, I’ll still refund every penny you paid PLUS $50.00 for your trouble! (I
dare any direct marketing pro offering seminars to match this guarantee.)

So the Copywriting Seminar-In-The-Box comes to you with ZERO risk. I wouldn’t have it
any other way.

Now Here’s What Dan Has To Say About This:

“Stop sweatin’ to sell! - flick on the chain saw! I don’t know if you’ve ever done
hard manual labor in your life or not. I have and I didn’t like it. Whenever I
see one of those old Tarzan or “lost treasure” movies on TV, with the natives
and guides tediously hacking their way through dense jungle with machetes,
sweating up a storm, I think to myself: imagine what those guys would have
given for a chain saw. Well, most entrepreneurs and salespeople work just as
hard as those guys do, to get customers, to make sales. Why? Because they
don’t have a chain saw. The chain saw of business is the ability to put words
on paper that bring you tons of cash, fast. After 20+ years in business, with
20-20 hindsight and clear present vision, it’s obvious to me that, by far, THE
most valuable skill is the ability to “sell via print”. Forget inefficient manual
labor. I absolutely guarantee I can equip you with the ability to use ads, sales
letters, postcards, FAX broadcasts, etc., etc. to efficiently make more money
than you ever thought possible, in whatever business you’re in. Being able to
turn words put on paper into floods of precisely the prospects or clients you
want or into cash business is THE skill that will quite literally change your life,
just as it did mine and many others I taught. One more thing: bluntly, there
ARE some folks who prefer suffering, wandering around lost in the jungle,
getting through it the hard way with a dull machete, so they have a masochist
story to tell. I hope that does NOT describe you.”

Well, there you have it -- Kennedy, to the point as usual.

Here’s what you get with your ADVANCED COPYWRITING SEMINAR-IN-A-BOX:

First, you get the complete Seminar Audio Cassette Learning Library consisting of 10
audio tapes of the entire 2-day Seminar. You’ll even get the evening ‘Ultimate Panel Discussion’
included on these tapes.

By being able to listen to these tapes over and over again, as you drive to and from your
office, fly on an airplane, run on your treadmill, or soak in your hot tub, you can “imprint” your
powerful subconscious mind with all of Dan’s techniques, including many known only to a very
small, elite group of direct-response “master practitioners”. Soon you’ll find that you’ve
“programmed” your “computer” (the one between your ears) with the same know-how that Dan
has. Kind of like mind cloning.

Second, you get Two GIANT Manuals: (1) the actual Presentation Notes & Exhibits
Manual and (2) the “Lab” (examples) Manual that we used during the Seminar. These manuals
include every example Dan showed up on the screen. You won’t miss a thing. And these’ll be
very valuable reference tools you’ll return to over and over again. By the way, these Manuals
include both Notes and Examples that have not been published before and will not be published in
any other place.

And third, you’ll receive a “Blue Ribbon Package” of checklists, tip sheets, copy idea-
starters, and assorted weapons I’ve assembled just for this Seminar.

As an option, you can get the “DELUXE VERSION” of the Seminar-In-A-Box,

which includes everything I’ve just described above -- PLUS:

· You get the entire 2-day Seminar on 8 VIDEOS, so you can “attend” while sitting on your
couch, watching TV. And, you can attend at your convenience, like a half-hour each night,
for example. Or a few hours each weekend. Whatever suits your schedule. Since you
couldn’t attend the Seminar, I’ll deliver the entire Seminar to your living room. (You save the
cost of travel, hotel, restaurant meals; you take no time away from your business; you learn at
your chosen pace.)
Dan hired the same crew he often uses to film and produce television infomercials to come in
and video-tape the Seminar. That’s expensive, but once you see these Videos, you’ll agree it
warranted the expense. You’ll feel like you’re right there in the room, participating with
everybody else, with these Videos!
· You get TWO “Red Tag Priority Critique Certificates” (each worth $200.00 in and of
themselves). I urge you to use them judiciously. Materials sent in to Dan for his personal
critique with these Certificates get to “cheat the line” and will typically be answered within a
few days, instead of a few weeks -- by Dan himself!

Incredibly, This Seminar Comes To You For Considerably Less

Than You Would Have Paid To Attend It
I’ve got a genuine bargain for you. As I mentioned earlier, the people who were fortunate
enough to get into this Seminar paid no less than $947.00 per person to attend. Plus they paid
travel, hotel, and meal expenses which were probably another $1,000.00 or more. All total --
$2,000.00 or more, not including time away from work, etc. And the Seminar was well worth
every penny of $2,000.00. (Read the enclosed comments from the attendees.)
So Let’s Cut The Cost By About Two-Thirds,
And Bring This Thing Right To You!
Your investment for the “DELUXE VERSION” of the Advanced Copywiting Seminar-In-A-
Box is just $697 (plus $11.50 shipping), about one-third of what it would’ve cost to attend in
person. Or if you prefer, you can get the “Basic Version” for only $497 (plus $9.50 shipping) --
roughly one-fourth of the cost! Frankly, this is a giant bargain; after all, it’s ridiculously easy to
“blow” several hundred bucks on a very small, unsuccessful ad or mailing.
By the way, to make this even easier and more affordable for you, you can make three easy
payments of only $232.22 for the “Deluxe” Box, or two easy payments of $248.50 for the
“Basic”. You can use your VISA, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover card. We can
also take your company or personal check.
If you are SERIOUS about arming yourself with Dan’s secrets and skills, then you’ll have to
agree: the investment for this Seminar Package is a tiny price indeed. The bottom line is very
simple here: do you SERIOUSLY want to become a modern day alchemist, able to turn paper and
ink into floods of cash, over and over again, pretty much at will? to do it quickly,
efficiently?......finding money in your mailbox every day of your life? If so, you’ll do just about
anything NOT to miss this one-time (and I do mean it: one time) opportunity.

Respond By The Deadline Date

On The Enclosed Acceptance Form And
You’ll Also Receive These Important Bonus Gifts -- FREE!
Bonus Gift #1: A FREE copy of my book titled, “The Ultimate Collection Of Winning Ads
& Sales Letters”. This giant 264-page, 8½” by 11” book is filled from cover to cover with
proven, successful direct-response ads and sales letters that have generated MILLIONS of dollars
in income. (One letter generated over 7 million cash with order customers!) Anybody and
everybody who needs ideas for headlines, guarantees, offers, sales letters, or ads can profit by
having this book as a handy helper and reference tool. Many people consider this book to be the
ultimate “swipe file”. I’ll even give you a “License” which gives you the Rights to reprint and sell
the book. The suggested retail selling price for the book is $79.00, and thousands have been sold
at that price. You can, however, sell the book for any price you wish, or use it as a premium.
Plus you get a 4-page direct mail sales letter you can use that sells the book for you! You can
easily recover your investment for the Seminar-In-A-Box by selling this book! This book and the
Reprint Rights to sell this book along with the 4-page sale letter are yours free if you respond by
the date stamped on the enclosed Acceptance Form. (a $597.00 value!)
Bonus Gift #2: A manual titled, “Secrets of Writing Headlines That Could Make You
Rich”. Section One of this manual covers: how to target your market with your headlines…..the
5 essential rules for writing effective headlines… to find the best headline for your product
or service…..the 9 different headline types and when to use them…..and much, much more. In
Section Two, you’ll see the “361 Best Headlines Ever Written” -- use them as models when
writing your own. (a $69.00 value!)
Bonus Gift #3 (while supplies last): A CLASSIC book by the legendary Claude Hopkins
titled, “Scientific Advertising” -- this is THE handbook for all top copywriters. David Ogilvy,
the famous advertising genius once said, “No one should be allowed to have anything to do with
advertising until they have read this book (Scientific Advertising) seven times.” This book is out
of print and hard to find. But I recently found a publisher who had 93 bound copies of this rare
book, and I bought them all on the spot! You’ll get one of these famous books for free, if you’re
one of the first 93 to order the Seminar Business-In-A-Box! (invaluable bonus!)
Bonus Gift #4 (included with “Deluxe” Seminar Box only): Dan’s “Copywriting
Clinic” Kit. On these six tapes, Dan covers 97 very specific “tricks” that will boost the response
of just about any ad, letter, postcard, flyer, Web site, anything that appears in print. And because
Dan already covered these techniques in the Copywriting Clinic, he did NOT reveal them in the
Seminar-In-A-Box, and I wanted you to have both. These are 97 tricks you can use to make all
your advertising work even better. This kit also includes an Outline Notes Manual. (a $129.00
Bonus Gift #5 (included with “Deluxe” Seminar Box only): Dan and I recently spoke at
T.J. and Eileen Rohleder’s 10th Anniversary Marketing & Moneymaking Convention.
This event was restricted to 100 of their best clients, each paying $5,000.00 to be there. It
featured nationally respected experts on mail-order, direct mail, Internet opportunities, and other
entrepreneurial and direct marketing subjects. Each of the speakers has been granted the Rights
from the Rohleders to sell the tapes of this unique Convention. But I have decided to give you
the tapes FREE! If you are among the first to order the “Deluxe” Seminar Box, you will get
virtually the entire 3-day Rohleder Convention on audio and video tape at no charge. T.J.
informed me that he and some of the other speakers are selling this Seminar package for over
$1,000.00! But order now and you’ll get it all FREE! I have personally handpicked and edited
these materials, so you’ll get a giant package of the very best audios and videos. You’ll get to
eavesdrop on this incredible ½-million dollar event that was restricted to just 100 people, who
each paid $5,000.00 to be there!
You’ll see and hear T.J. & Eileen Rohleder, who are VERY savvy copywriters and direct
marketers. In their presentation, they discuss the direct mail principles they’ve used to earn over
$30 MILLION dollars during the last 10 ten years! You’ll hear from one of America’s “grand
masters of mail-order”, Russ Von Hoelscher. You’ll listen to one of the “secret” direct-response
copywriters almost nobody knows about, but his brilliant work sells millions of dollars of products
year after year. You’ll even see and hear from Mark Nolan, one of the smartest marketers of
diverse kinds of info-products I know. You will get the audio and video tapes of Dan’s 3-hour
presentation which is titled, “What It Takes To Make $100,000.00 In 100 Days With Information
Products”. (Dan’s presentation was great!) You’ll see and hear me talk about successful direct
marketing strategies and models I use everyday for my businesses. And more. I have to tell you,
Dan tried talking me out of giving all this away for free (he wants me to sell it as a separate
package). Even the Rohleders tried to talk me out of it. But I’m as stubborn as a mule, and I’m
determined to make this a truly “irresistible offer”.
So right now, you can get the “Deluxe” version of the Advanced Copywriting Seminar-In-A-Box
for about one-third of what it would’ve cost you to attend in person AND you get this incredible
Rohleder Conference bonus “bundle” -- FREE! I have NEVER made such a way-overboard-
generous offer before and if Dan has anything to say about it, won’t do it again. Oh, and these
bonus video and audio tapes are limited in number. We’re only going to give away 125 sets, so
you need to jump on this right away. (at the very least, this is a $1,000.00 value!)
Important Note: The FREE Bonus Gifts are included ONLY when you place your order by
or before the deadline date on the enclosed Acceptance Form OR until our inventory runs out,
whichever comes first.
(The 5 Bonus Gifts alone are worth over $1,795.00!)
Now, Here’s How To Order

One: You can order online via our Secure Server by going to: All website orders are fulfilled and shipped by
UPS within 72 hours.

Two: You can call my publisher’s (Dave Dee, Inc.) secure automated order hotline, at
1-678-348-7577 and use your American Express, VISA, MasterCard or Discover card. All
telephone orders are fulfilled and shipped by UPS within 72 hours. Say that you want the
“Copywriting Seminar In A Box”.

Three: you can send your order in by mail, with your personal or company check to: Dave Dee,
Inc., 11770 Haynes Bridge Rd, Suite 205-242, Alpharetta, GA 30004. Orders arriving by mail are
also fulfilled within 72 hours.


~Dave Dee

P.S. Dan also had this to say:

“After a client has spent a bundle printing and mailing a sales letter, saying ‘sorry’ when it fails does
NOT offer much consolation. That’s why I try not to put myself in that situation! Does that mean I
-- and my techniques -- succeed every time? Well, of course not. But I very, very, very rarely blow
it. And I can show you the “x-factors” that allow you to just about guarantee success, so you never
deal with failure; instead, you only always deal with degrees of success. How would you like to
know in advance that you will succeed whenever you place an ad or put a letter in the mail? How
dangerous will you be then?”

P.P.S. In the evening of Day One, Dan lead THE ULTIMATE PANEL DISCUSSION --
2 full hours with very, very, very successful copywriters on a panel, sharing their most
successful techniques and responding to questions. TWO HOURS of money-making
ideas from people really doin’ it everyday, in the trenches -- NOT theorists, NOT those
who used to do it, NOT professional consultants -- people who put their own money on
the line day in and day out, running ads and sending out mail, making money from copy.
These powerful recordings are included with both versions of the Seminar-In-A-Box!
“(At Least) 21 Compelling Reasons Why
This ‘Copywriting Seminar-In-A-Box’ Will
Wind Up Putting More Money In Your Bank
Account Than Any Other Business Tool
You’ve Every Acquired, Period.”
(Take a look at this list, which represents only a tiny
sampling of every discovery, secret, strategy, and shortcut
waiting for you……surely one of these hits your curiosity
button with atomic force, doesn’t it? Surely you can see
something here certain to boost your income, if you only
knew about it and could immediately use it? )
1. The simplest formula ever devised for attracting giant floods of leads
from your advertising -- just 3 steps!
2. 15 “components” to mix n’ match, in putting together direct-mail
packages that involve the recipient and virtually compel response.
3. 5 formulas that speed up copywriting -- no matter how skilled or
unskilled you are, how quick or slow, how experienced or
inexperienced, you’ll get great ad copy or sales letters done much,
much quicker with these formulas (see Josh Bezoni’s comment in the
enclosed green folder).
4. Discover the sales-boosting difference between “credibility” versus
“believability”…..why and how to use both.
5. 15 quick ‘n dirty ways to create a powerful headline, fast!
6. 9 “E-FACTORS” (emotional triggers) ….the more you hit, the better
your response…..use this little checklist every time.
7. 9 ways to use the “P.S.” in a sales letter to increase response, push
“think-it-overs” into action.
8. ONE THING you must do, ONE LIST you must make BEFORE
you write even one word of copy…..this guarantees better results
and speeds up the task!
9. 5 special techniques for selling repeatedly to the same customers!
10. 6 “secret reference tools” used by most master copywriters, easily
accessible to you -- to speed the process, make getting great copy on
paper much, much easier!
11. 4 “mind power techniques” used by top copywriters to focus their
thinking, improve concentration, even let the subconscious mind write
powerful copy while you sleep!
12. 5 quick-fixes for “writer’s block”, to get started immediately, to get
the process rolling, to get words on paper, to break through the dam
and get a stream of great ideas flowing.
13. 7 “shortcuts” you can use to keep churning out great ads, letters,
brochures, flyers, postcards, Web site copy, etc. for your product or
service as if you had a whole idea factory working for you!
14. 7 ways to “test copy” -- without spending a dime…..unearth its flaws
and fix ‘em fast!
15. 4 quick ways to gather information and “raw material” from which
you can build the most powerful sales message possible.
16. Yes, we all know that “bonuses” can and do drive sales -- but here are
the 4 key decisions to make about bonuses and the 4 best ways to get
maximum sales and response increases with bonuses!
17. 10 of Dan’s best methods for “presenting price”… fact,
everything you need to know and consider about “price”.
18. 13 strategies for turning up the heat……creating a white-hot urgency
in the reader’s mind so he responds immediately (if not sooner!).
19. A checklist of “cosmetic gimmicks” to increase the “readability” of
ads and letters, to pull the reader in, to keep him involved, to build
“buying momentum”.
20. 13 ways to prove your case and erase all doubt, skepticism, fear and
hesitation, create instant unshakeable trust, reassure the prospect so he
responds without a second’s delay.
21. Shortcuts, shortcuts and more shortcuts: Dan shows you how to
write more powerful, profit-producing copy than most top pro’s can, at
twice the speed most pro’s can write!
Go to!
Rave Reviews About Dan Kennedy’s
Advanced Copywriting Seminar…..
“As a professional copywriter, I create mailings for some of the top publishers in the
country. Yet on these tapes, I’ve found tons of great techniques and ideas for increasing
response that I’ve never heard anywhere else. Not even from Dan, until now.”
-- David Deutsch, Direct Mail Copywriter, Midlothian, Virginia

“There is no more important business skill than the ability to write copy that gets people to
respond. That's why I dropped everything and flew across the country to attend Dan's
Advanced Copywriting Seminar. I knew I'd learn new strategies from Dan that would translate
into thousands of dollars of added income. I'll endure a 5-hour coach-class flight, a lumpy
hotel bed and lousy food to make that happen! The seminar was tremendous. I'm usually
happy to come away with just one or two good ideas from a session like this. Well, I took 16
pages of detailed notes and there are money-making ideas on just about every line... worth at
least $20,000.00 to me.”
-- Victor Urbach, Optran Corporation, New York

“Dan Kennedy’s Copywriting Seminar was a career-enhancing experience for me. Though
I’ve been a student of copywriting and a copywriter myself for several years, Dan brought the
whole thing together in an extraordinarily easy to understand and easy to implement way. Dan
gave me more than I expected to get - it was absolutely a remarkable conference!
I constantly see financial returns from applying what I learned at the Copywriting Seminar in
my own business. Every time I send out a direct-mail piece, I get more significant return on
investment, more profit, and I have greater confidence in every bit of copywriting I ever do,
thanks to what I learned from Dan at the conference. This has already meant thousands of
EXTRA dollars in my pocket in the short time since the conference, and no doubt will mean
tens of thousands of EXTRA dollars in my pocket this year, and hundreds of thousands of
dollars EXTRA in the years ahead!
Though I attended the conference live, I was anxious to purchase the video and audio tapes
from it as well. I have re-watched and re-listened to the tapes on multiple occasions already,
and will continue to use them over and over again. I love these tapes! I learn so much every
time I review them -- it’s almost like I wasn’t at the seminar live because I’m able to learn so
much new “money creating stuff” every time I watch and listen. The tapes are so easy and fun
to review because they are so entertaining while being highly instructional at the same time.
Dan has a great sense of humor, and incredible experience and insight that make him awesome
to learn from. As far as I’m concerned, Dan is the man!”
-- Tim Paulson, Gilbert, Arizona
“I have read all of Dan’s books, have purchased his Magnetic Marketing program and the
whole Power Points series, have attended numerous seminars, even paid thousands of dollars to
join his Platinum Inner Circle Group. One would think that I would have learned everything
Dan has to say by now. But after viewing Dan’s Copywriting Seminar In-A-Box, I can
honestly say that I’ve been introduced to hundreds of new ideas that I know will make me
thousands of dollars. I’ve already implemented lots of them. You don’t have to be a great
copywriter to be a great direct response marketer. Dan makes it so easy for you by giving you
the world’s greatest templates, and then, backing them up by injecting his own, easy-to-use
ways to interpolate them for your own use. I have literally watched and re-watched the video
tapes of the seminar, each time picking up at least one new idea that I can use that day. In fact,
I’ve made a routine of popping one of the videos into the VCR each morning while I run on my
treadmill! After thirty minutes, I’ve gotten my workout for that day done, and I’ve thought of
at least one way to improve my pulling ratios. My only complaint is that I’m tired of seeing
Dan in that same suit.”
-- Reed Hoisington, Midstate Financial Services, Fayetteville, NC

“During one of the last hot seats and the end of the second day, Dan gave some advice on
how to systematically ask for referrals using direct mail on an ongoing, daily basis. I decided
to take the advice he gave the other business owners and use it for one of my own businesses.
Consequently, in the last three months our referral business has increased by 24%, putting an
additional $23,275 of income into the bank. This example is just one of the many little golden
nuggets of information you get when you attend a Dan Kennedy Seminar. You can’t possibly
do them all. My advice is to take the top three you know you can implement in the next 60
days and go make your own small fortune.”
-- Chauncey Hutter, Jr., Real Tax Marketing, Inc., Charlottesville, Virginia

“After studying copywriting for years and years, I was sure I had seen and heard it all. I
was wrong! The Dan Kennedy’s Copywriting Seminar introduced me to at least a half dozen
new insights and techniques that will almost certainly double my profits in my business this
year. I’d be missing out on tens of thousands of dollars if I hadn’t attended this seminar.
Thanks a million!”
-- Peter Louis Kacynski, Springfield, MA

“I’ve been exposed to many different resources for copywriting but never have I attended a
seminar that defines easy ways to use “clicks” which are the key pieces in any advertising piece
to get people to respond. Now I can go through my marketing pieces and see what’s missing,
and clearly see what “clicks” to add. As a result, I’ve increased my sales from just one sales
piece by 3% which has added an additional $6,000 in sales so far this year - I anticipate this one
small portion of this seminar will add an additional $30,000 in sales alone before the year ends.
I greatly anticipate applying everything else I learned. This seminar is a must for any person
involved with marketing or advertising.”
-- RD Skinner, President, Piranha Marketing for PCOs, Albuquerque, NM
“The information you gave us at your Copywriting Seminar has DRAMATICALLY
INCREASED OUR SALES AND PROFITS! As you know, we’ve been active players in the
world of Direct Response Marketing for over 10 years….And we thought we’d heard
everything there was to hear.…But we were dead wrong! We left Phoenix on Friday afternoon
with dozens of powerful strategies that we couldn’t wait to put into our up-and-coming
promotions. And, the first promotion we wrote when we got home was the single most
powerful sales letter we ever produced in the history of our company! The results were
phenomenal! We took in over $1,895,000.00 (yes, almost two million dollars!!!) on this single
promotion! It all came rushing in like a raging river over a 30-day period between December
5th and the first of the New Year! And we wrote this history-breaking sales letter right after we
left your Seminar using your techniques! I know in my heart that we would have NEVER
achieved EVEN HALF of this response had it not been for all the awesome tips, tricks, and
strategies we discovered at your Seminar!”
-- Eileen and T.J. Rohleder, M.O.R.E. Inc., Goessell, Kansas

“I think the most important things I got were Dan’s formulas - there it is, you can’t go
wrong, just follow the formulas. There was also a period of several hours where I was in
copywriter’s heaven because we reached a point where I felt like - ahh - we’re inside Dan’s
-- Michael Jans, Insurance Profit Systems, Inc., Vancouver, WA

“This is my fourth pilgrimage here in the last three years, and every time I come it changes
for me, but I learn more and more. I’ve gone from taking notes - I’ve got volumes of notes -
but what happened to me these last two days is four or five marketing campaigns have just
written themselves into my spiral notebook, so the work is done and all I have to do is go back
and put the work into motion.”
-- Terry Hunefield, REMU, Oceanside, California

“With the checklists and manuals Dan gave us, instead of me having to go through my six
bookshelves and seven boxes of marketing materials, I now have everything summarized for
me in one place, so I know I’ve at least, without even starting yet, cut my copywriting time in
-- Jim Fleck, HPS, Inc., Schaumburg, IL

“No one knows more about Direct Response Marketing than Dan Kennedy. When he gives
his advice on a particular project or idea, his suggestions are based on real-life, hands-on
experience. He doesn’t guess. He has been there, seen it, or done it before. This real-like
knowledge is worth thousands of dollars. When I want to be successful in a marketing
campaign, I don’t want to waste thousands of dollars testing to see what will work. I want to
come out of the gate with a strategy that will make money. I don’t need any more experience.
Dan has helped me do this!”
-- David Lupberger, Silver Spring, MD
“Previously, it took me weeks… sometimes even months… to write a direct response sales
letter. I dreaded the process. But after investing in Dan Kennedy’s Copywriting Seminar and
using the techniques he taught, I’m creating sales letters in a tenth of the time (sometimes just a
few hours!) and my response rates are at an all-time high. Thanks Dan!”
-- Josh Bezoni, Golden, Colorado

“My name is John Alanis. A few years ago, my art business was in so much trouble I was
forced to move from my tiny apartment into the front office space of my warehouse. I had no
clue about how to sell my art until I discovered Dan Kennedy. Using his strategies, I got one of
my art pieces into a large mail order catalog, selling 4,447 of them in only 18 months, resulting
in $171,209.50 in income.
And…since implementing Dan’s methods, my mailings to my customer list have returned a
minimum of 2.89 times cost all the way up to a 9.07 times cost. I have attended many of Dan’s
seminars, and invested in his information products, each returning hundreds of times more than
I paid for it. To be truthful, I didn’t think Dan’s information could get any better. I mean, how
can you improve on top notch? Then I attended Dan’s Copywriting Seminar. To say I was
blown away is an understatement. I got hot idea after hot idea - any one of which will add
hundreds of thousands of dollars to my bottom line…with no extra cost or investment.
For example, one idea I got was to add “impulse items” to my order form. Guess what? I tried
it on a Valentine’s Day mailing and…27% of people circled the impulse items, adding an
average of $11.79 per person responded to my sales. This was money I would have missed out
on had I not attended Dan’s seminar…yet I can use this idea for the rest of my career.
I’ve listened to the tape set three times, and each time I get incredible new ideas. In fact, I had
to pull off the road just a few days ago and write down an idea that popped into my mind while
listening to the tapes again - give a free sample of my work away to gift shop owners to get
them to order more stuff. How much money will this make me? Thousands? Hundreds of
Thousands? Millions? I don’t know for sure, but I do know if I hadn’t gotten Dan’s
Copywritng Seminar, I would have never gotten this idea.
If you buy one information product this year, then it should be Dan Kennedy’s Copywriting
Seminar. If you are in business or thinking about going into business, then I’ll be quite frank
with you: you can’t live without this information. The information in there can be the
difference between surviving and prospering, between seeking out a living or making a fortune.
If I hadn’t discovered Dan Kennedy, I have little doubt I’d be slaving away at some job I hated,
my business little more than a memory. The best advice I can give? Get Dan’s stuff
immediately: and start with his Copywriting Seminar.”
-- John Alanis, World Famous Artist, Art Of Steel, Inc., Texas

Order your “Advanced Copywriting Seminar-In-Box” Now!

Go to:
“How would you like to have me -- Dan Kennedy --
sitting in your office, waiting, on call,
to leap to attention and give you my very best advice,
answer, or strategy any minute you need it,
day or night?”
Dear Friend, unpublished, even consulting session notes, since
1975.......quite literally a trailer-truck full of “raw
I’m writing to you about a moneymaking “tool”
material”......and set out to edit out all the duplication,
extraordinaire, that I have invested 19 years in making. It
pull together all the “gems”, and get it organized into
is called “POWER POINTS”, and it is, by far and away,
categories and disciplines, somewhat like an
the most valuable and important “tool” or product of any
kind I’ve ever brought forward, and I can’t wait to
describe it to you in all of its glorious detail. It took her nearly an entire year of very dedicated
But let me begin with its extraordinary guarantee:
I invested a large sum of money in her efforts.
Now I’ve been working with what she delivered, to
That’s right -- Dave Dee is exclusively offering his
make it even more useable and accessible.
past and present customers, a DOUBLE-your-money-
back guarantee with this new “tool”. In total, 19 years of my experience and nearly 3 years
of arduous labor have gone into assembling POWER
You will have a full TWO MONTHS to review it and
POINTS for you.
profit from it. If you are not absolutely thrilled with it,
eager to keep it, and eager to continue receiving certain Here was my goal, my idea:
benefits attached to it, you can simply return everything
At any time, for any specific purpose, you could
for a full cash refund of every penny you paid PLUS
go right to the proper place in this “tool” and get a
again that amount in “script” that you can use for ANY
quick, concise refresher -- what would Dan Kennedy
purchase on, which
think and say about this?
Dave is President of.
So, let’s say you’re getting ready to go and give a
Dave and I trust you to be fair.
speech, to persuade 10 or 10,000 to accept your
And I know you will rank this “tool” as the very best proposition or buy your products. You could instantly
thing I have ever offer AND is the very best “bargain” yank me into the room and get a quick “download” of my
you’ve ever gotten from me. But if you disagree, for any best advice and strategies for group selling, platform
reason, you get your money back plus again that much selling, and public speaking.
toward other purchases.
Or let’s say you’re putting together a new sales letter
In all my years of publishing, I have NEVER offered or advertisement, and you’re stumped on “the offer”.
such a guarantee. That should immediately tell you You get me to instantly “beam down” into the chair next
something about just how profitable reading this letter in to your desk and reel off my very best suggestions for
its entirety, carefully, thoroughly, might be to you. building the most powerful, magnetic offers possible.
The problem: how to access what I know Or, you’re about to get on the phone and negotiate a
efficiently, to get what you need, deal with a particularly difficult client. Blink your eyes
when you need it. like Barbara Eden and -- zap -- there I am, to go over a
handful of key ideas about winning in negotiations.
The answer: Power Points.
I’m at your beck and call. Anytime. As needed. As
Let me explain how this “tool” was built. Two years often as needed.
ago, a very capable editor and organized-thinker, very
familiar with my work, took everything we could find that Of course, some private clients do this now -- by
I had said, taught, recorded, or written, published and getting me on the phone -- at $800.00 an hour. Or even
flying in to see me. But you may not want to face What is a ‘Power Point’ anyway?
consulting bills of $2,400.00, $4,000.00, $12,000.00 or
A ‘Power Point’ is something so important, so
more each month. I know you’ll really profit from the
critical, so pivotal that it alone can make or break the
incredible convenience of being able to dip into my brain
project, the marketing piece, the ad, the letter, the phone
and pull out the appropriate “expensive experience”
call, the presentation, the entrepreneurial plan of action.
anytime you want to, just like I do.
A ‘Power Point’ is something so useful, influential
Many of my ‘students’ have been asking for a
and effective it can resolve even a seemingly enormous
resource like this for years. Maybe you’re one of them.
problem, can break through paralysis of analysis, provide
It’s finally here. Now you can keep me on the shelf right
light in darkness to show you the best way out.
next to your desk, ask me a question any time you want
to, and get an instant answer. (If you’ve profited at all A ‘Power Point’ is THE factor, the idea, the principle,
from what I’ve provided to you so far, why wouldn’t you the truth that makes THE difference between success and
jump at this?) failure.
The birth of the $72,800.00 book. In my new POWER POINTS Manuals, I’ve
identified 979 of these Power Points, divided into 3 main
In fact, a quick story; what prompted the development
of POWER POINTS in the first place:
1. Advertising, Marketing & Sales
Three years ago, a long-time “student” and occasional
2. Personal Achievement & Productivity
client called me and said, “I’ve decided I’d like to have
3. Entrepreneurship & Business Success
some kind of a reference of just about every piece of
advice you’ve ever given out on advertising in one place. ......but there are a gazillion sub-categories. Just for
How much would it cost for you to go through all your example, in “Advertising, Marketing & Sales”, there are
files and notes and put it in one place for me?” sub-categories like:
After a bit of thought, I said, “Probably two full Headlines.....Offers..…Guarantees.....Consumer
weeks.” At my in-Phoenix day rate for consulting, that’d Psychology.....Multi-Step Marketing.....Lead-
run $72,800.00. Quite frankly, I knew it’d be a daunting, Generation…..Sense Of Urgency.....Positioning..…
herculean project, so I quoted $72,800.00, certain, such a and many, many more.
price would end the discussion.
A small sampling of the important strategies, tactics,
“As long as you don’t give it or sell it to anybody “pearls of wisdom”, etc. included in POWER POINTS
else,” he said, “go ahead and do it. It’ll probably be can be found on the “pink” sheet of paper enclosed with
worth the $72,800.00 to me the first month I have it.” this letter. I defy you to go through it and NOT find
things certain to put money in your pocket!
(Does that seem outlandish to you? Well, last week, I
gave one of my on-going clients one strategy, in under 10 The POWER POINTS Incredibly Detailed Index
minutes, that he turned into over $17,000.00 in the very Makes All This Work For You As If I Was Sitting
next 4 days -- very accurately measured.) Right There, Waiting To Instantly Answer Any
After thinking it over, I refused the $72,800.00 fee
and instead decided to assemble this resource and make it The INDEX is darned near magical. Putting together
available to all my customers, at a much more affordable the Index was almost as herculean a project as was doing
investment. And the giant project began, as I’ve already everything else.
This is a detailed, cross-cross-cross referenced, highly
Oh, and by the way, his $72,800.00 would only have organized, easy to use Index, so you can get from
gotten him one-third of the complete POWER POINTS question or topic to answers fast. Every Power Point is
that I now have for you’re going to get a numbered, every page is numbered, and both sets of
$218,000.00 “system”. (And yours will even be on a numbers are used in the Index.
CD-ROM with a ‘search’ feature -- in addition to printed
You can go to the Index and instantly find all my
Power Points for:
No fluff. No filler. No fu-fu. · sales letters
No wading through clever stories, jokes · offers
or anything else to get to the point. · envelopes
· order forms POWER POINTS ENCYCLOPEDIA on a ‘fully
· multi-step marketing campaigns searchable’ CD-ROM. That means you can
just pop that little doohickey in
· promotional books your computer, type in a couple of key
· lead generation words, and the CD-ROM instantly finds
· using mailing lists all the Power Points related to your
· recorded messages key words. Or, you can just click on
· etc. the subject category or individual
Power Point(s) you’re interested in
You can go to the Index and instantly find all my seeing.
Power Points for:
· preparing for an important NEGOTIATION Remember: It Is Impossible To Be Unhappy With
POWER POINTS, Impossible NOT To Profit
· reacting to SUDDEN ADVERSITY
Handsomely From This Decision
· increasing a business’ CASH FLOW
· cleverly RE-INVENTING a business Back to the guarantee: anytime within 60 days, you
· cheap, do-it-yourself MARKET RESEARCH can return everything you’ve received, get a 100% cash
· adding sizzle to a SPEECH, etc. refund, PLUS that amount again in “credit” good toward
any product on
How “big” is POWER POINTS? DOUBLE your money back!
As big as my career experience. You Can Save BIG --
During This Introductory Offer
I have consulted in over 176 different businesses,
industries and professions, with clients ranging in size POWER POINTS was initially offered ONLY to my
from less than a million dollars a year in sales to over a private clients and Inner Circle Members. It was then set
billion dollars a year in sales, and everything in between. for publication at $599.00. But Dave has published it in a
My clients’ successful results have made me a marketing different binding, in higher volume, and created cost
legend. savings he’s decided to pass along to you. And
(obviously) convinced me that this should be made
I have built, bought and sold businesses. Created
available to everyone -- not just Inner Circle Members.
publishing and marketing businesses for $500.00 to
$5,000.00 that have subsequently produced millions of So right now, you can get the entire POWER
dollars in sales. POINTS SYSTEM for just $299.00….. a huge 50%
discount from its initial retail price of $599.00. Or, order
I have had enormous and embarrassing failures.
now and get the System Manuals AND the new CD-
I have private clients in continuing relationships as ROM for just $399.00, still a big 33% savings. But, to
long as 10 years, customers and subscribers who’ve been take advantage of these generous savings, you must order
with me as long as 15. by the deadline date on the enclosed ACTION FORM.
I have faced hundreds of business problems, Just As A Refresher --
thousands of marketing challenges, turned losing projects How Profitable Is My Advice?
into winners, multiplied profits and incomes, invented
Take a look at the enclosed “green sheet” of paper --
truly new and innovative methods and strategies, even
revolutionized a few entire industries.
attention to my advice is worth thousands, tens of
Every ounce of all that experience, successful and thousands, even hundreds of thousands of dollars.
unsuccessful, is condensed and included in POWER
You might put thousands of dollars in your pocket
from just one use of POWER POINTS. Imagine what
POWER POINTS is so gigantic it can’t even be you might make by asking it a question everyday?
put in one volume! POWER POINTS will be delivered
Wake Me Up In The Middle Of The Night
to you in three large volumes: the first volume,
“Advertising, Marketing & Sales”; the second, “Personal Go ahead: worry me endlessly with your questions.
Achievement & Productivity”; & the third, Poke me in the side and ask me questions all day long.
“Entrepreneurship & Business Success”. Roll me over and ask me a question in the middle of the
As an option, in addition to the damned night. Like a circus sea lion who does a
Manuals, you can also get the entire somersault every time a dead fish is waved over its
head, I will leap to alertness, ready and eager to give worth ten times its price and more, I definitely want you
you my very best ideas, advice and answers at a to return it for your double refund.
moment’s notice, any time, as often as you desire.
It’ll be a huge mystery to me if you choose not to put
That’s what owning POWER POINTS enables you to
POWER POINTS to work for you.
PS: If you take my current $800.00 per
This really is THE ultimate Dan Kennedy product; if hour rate, and figure it takes
you’ve benefited from any of my products, then you must about 5 minutes to ask a single
have this product. question and have me answer it,
that breaks down to about $66 for
Now, Here’s How To Order one piece of advice. Use Power
(Immediately, To Save Up To 50%!!!) Points just 6 times and you’re
One: You can order online via our Secure Server by ahead of the game. But that’s
going to: still “small potatoes”. Imagine what having “Dan-in-a-box”, waiting
All website orders are fulfilled and shipped by UPS to advise you anytime, instantly,
within 72 hours. can be worth over a year’s time!
PPS: I’ve even had (a limited number
Two: You can call my publisher’s (Dave Dee, Inc.) of) POWER POINTS computer
secure automated order hotline, at “mousepads” made up. The mousepad
1-678-348-7577 and use your American Express, is full of Power Point sayings and
VISA, MasterCard or Discover card. All telephone
ideas. It’s yours as a FREE
orders are fulfilled and shipped by UPS within 72
hours. Say that you want the “Power Points Special
GIFT....first come, first served,
Offer”. until the supply is gone -- I’m
not making anymore. To be sure
Three: you can send your order in by mail, with your you get a mousepad, either call 1-
personal or company check to: Dave Dee, Inc., 11770 678-348-7577 or go to:
Haynes Bridge Rd, Suite 205-242, Alpharetta, GA
30004. Orders arriving by mail are also fulfilled
within 72 hours. PPPS: I just want to remind you that
As Red Foxx Used To Say: this was originally created as a
“This Is The Big One!” resource for private clients.
Then I decided to let just my
I’ve never written a letter like this before and I’ll Inner Circle Members have it.
probably never write one like it again, where I work so Maybe it still seems expensive to
hard, where I implore, plead, urge and push you to you, I’m not sure. But I can
respond. This is THE Big One! This is THE tell you that nearly 70% of all
“moneymaking power tool” you’ll use daily for the rest of my Inner Circle Members snapped
your life, that you’ll be thanking me for over and over it up as soon as it was offered.
again, that will directly bring tons of money through your This is certainly the most useful
resource I’ve ever produced. If
phone, FAX, mailbox and door. you go through the 979 Power
Please do not miss out on this. Points in all three Volumes once,
from beginning to end, you’ll not
By taking action right now, you save up to 50%, get only immediately uncover ways to
your choice of convenient payment choices (see Action boost your sales and income or
Form), and get a double money back guarantee. solve nagging business problems,
but you’ll be “hooked”’ll
So, it always comes to this: there’s nothing left to say. see how useful it is, and you’ll
I have done everything I know to do, to put you and want to keep it close by, and
POWER POINTS together. In fact, if there’s something keep going back to it time and
I haven’t done (short of giving it away) that you think I again for instant advice. This
should have done, I’d like to know about it. And if you is the next best thing to having
me there in person.
do get POWER POINTS and you do not agree it is THE
most powerful tool I’ve ever provided, agree it’s easily PPPPS: Be sure to read both sides of
the “pink sheet” of paper.

~Dan Kennedy
Here’s just a tiny sampling of the “gems”
to be found in POWER POINTS:
1. The paradigm shift in how you see yourself, that produces enormous, fast gains in sales and profits.
2. What is the secret of the entrepreneur who can take risks without worry?
3. What to do if everybody hates your idea?
4. The best piece of people management advice that everybody ignores.
5. THE Cardinal Rule of Delegation.
6. THE financial secret that pulls extraordinary profits from ordinary businesses.
7. Why increasing sales is rarely the right #1 priority.
8. The Three Rules Of Management that prevent panic, insure objectivity instead of emotional response, and foster calm
peace of mind.
9. How the Mini-Conglomerate Strategy can conquer most entrepreneurs’ biggest, most frequent reoccurring, most
distasteful problem.
10. How to look at “customer retention”.
11. What one “ingredient” should every product have, before you invest in marketing it?
12. How to create a Cash Flow Surge when you need it most.
13. What single, reoccurring decision has more to do with your long-term success in business than any other
decision you’ll ever make – and why do most entrepreneurs blow this one more often that not?
14. The power of parasite marketing: how to create marketing capital out of this air.
15. What is the purpose of being in business? (Most entrepreneurs have this all screwed up!!!)
16. The power of “overhead creep”.
17. Why EGO is your worst enemy, and how to protect yourself.
18. The Five Rules Of Business that, followed, virtually guarantee ultimate wealth.
1. The only kind of question to ask when closing a sale.
2. How a simple misunderstanding costs most professional offices, service businesses and stores small fortunes year after
3. What you must know about offending people.
4. The one thing every prospect, customer or client wants so desperately that they will buy just about anything
from anybody who can fulfill this primal need.
5. How to make price a non-issue – every time! (2 simple techniques that take ‘price’ out of the buying decision,
even in price sensitive businesses filled with “cheapest price” competitors!)
6. In person-to-person selling or negotiating, the most important “trick” that melts resistance away.
7. The power of package selling.
1. What is more important than creative, copy, offer, target markets, etc. in making your advertising pay off?
2. How to (at least) double the readership of just about any ad.
3. THE most effective kind of direct-mail campaign.
4. How to use five “Emotional Factors” to make advertising sizzle.
5. What is THE one thing people are eager to buy, above all else?
6. The power of unfair comparison.
7. The two most frequently made mistakes in advertising.
8. Two magic words that boost the pulling power of most headlines.
9. The power of the right offer.
10. Two obstacles that even the very best copy, message and offer can never overcome.
11. Why should you advertise? (Believe it or not, most people don’t know, and waste a lot of money as a result.)
12. A tough, challenging, in-your-face question that will make all your advertising better.
13. A “sure winner” direct-mail campaign for just about any business.
14. The power of the hidden benefit: how to use this strategy to re-invest “tired” offers.
15. Five millionaires met on a Caribbean island, as a testament of the power of this one secret.
16. The power of risk reversal: how to create compelling guarantees.
17. The power of primacy and recency.
18. The sales letter “trick” most copywriters forget.
Remember: each POWER POINTS volume comes with a comprehensive INDEX, and with the
“search” feature on the POWER POINTS CD-ROM, you can ask questions and get answers instantly!
To try POWER POINTS on a
generously guaranteed basis,
I’m going to bribe you so silly, your
legs’ll wobble, you’ll be bumping into
furniture, holding your head and humming
“Volare” before it’s over.
Audio-Tape Highlights of my April 7th Orlando Special Seminar. At this Seminar, I covered the most critical factors in
a well-honed, “killer” Marketing Message. I showed exactly how to extract the greatest possible profits from every
marketing effort, every customer. The attendees each paid no less than $395.00 to be in this one-time-only, full day,
intensive session. Now you can eavesdrop on it for free. And this is the only way you can; this TAPE will NOT be sold or
otherwise made available.
Value: At least $100.00 to $400.00.
Michael Jans’ 31-page exclusive interview with me -- conducted for his clients and members of his ‘wealth-builder
workshop of the month’. Michael is very astute, successful “student”-turned-master, and, in this interview, he asked
precisely the right questions to suck out of my brain my very best marketing and moneymaking ideas, in a very logical,
useful sequence. After it was all over and I saw this interview transcript, I knew I somehow had to get it for my Inner
Circle Members -- because it is the best “dose of charity” I’ve ever done, about my methods. This 31-page book is very
likely to be worth much more than you’re investing in Power Points! And again, this is the only way to get it.
Value: At least $100.00.
The “How To Create A Great Unique-Selling Proposition” Checklist. At the Orlando Seminar, one of the attendees –
a top-flight marketing consultant in his own right – urged me to put on paper a “master list” of the ways I dig into a client’s
brain and business, to uncover and clarify a Unique Selling Proposition. This was a very difficult task. But I did it. If
you’ve ever struggled with a “USP” for your product, service or business or a particular campaign, you’ll find this Check-
list valuable beyond all measurement! You know getting this USP thing right is tough. This’ll make it child’s play easy.
Value: At least an hour of consulting: $800.00.
My Consulting Tricks Checklist”. I hope it’s overwhelmingly obvious that having POWER POINTS at your fingertips
HAS to make you bags and bags and bags of money. But how about some FAST CASH? I’m going to include my “Fast
Cash Consultant’s Tricks” – these are the ways I uncover hidden, almost instantly available hunks of cash in just about
every client’s business. Up until now, I’ve kept these in my head and used them only for private clients paying at least
$5,200.00 for a day. For example, I’ll reveal how one of these “tricks” took something a client was already doing and
increased its profitability by more than double instantly! Each “trick” on this list is THAT powerful. I used to think if I
told all these to somebody, I’d then have to kill them.
Impossible To Place A Value On This!

1. POWER POINTS at a 50% Introductory Savings
2. Double Money-Back Guarantee!!!
3. All of the above incredible BRIBES* -- over $1,000.00 in value!
4. Your choice of convenient payment options.
5. FREE POWER POINTS idea-triggering mousepad*
*Supplies limited.
Look! -- I’ve had no personal consulting
time with these’s what they’ve
achieved just by paying close attention to
my advice via my books, tapes and
newsletter -- imagine what they’ll do once
they get their paws on

And why shouldn’t you hit it even bigger?

“In 1992, we almost went under. Our sales were $735,000.00. I
sat down and wrote a 4 year plan in which I forecasted a 100%
increase over the 4 years, with total annual sales the 4th year
of $1.5 million. Frankly, I thought it was wishful thinking.
If you possibly remember, I stayed after the ‘Success 1994’
event at Exhibition Coliseum in Toronto and thanked you. I told
you of my success in the past 1-1/2 years with faxing flyers,
but admitted that I had no other ideas on how to increase sales
- until I listened to your presentation. I knew the FAX
marketing would not last. (It tends to annoy people....the
effect was more negative than positive.) Using your ideas, the
very first mailing I did was to 1,655 companies in western
Ontario. The sales we made from the first mailing exceeded
$250,000.00. We have been mailing an average of 400 envelopes
each week. Our total sales the 4th year from my 1992 planning
were $2.5 million....a 340% increase from 1992. And profitable.
Thank you Dan Kennedy.”
-- Don Gordon, President, SWL Crane & Hoist LTD.

“Although this thank-you gift is long overdue, I hope it

expresses my gratitude for what your books, tapes and
newsletters have done to improve not only my business, but my
entire life. You may recall meeting my younger brother, Mike,
at your Orlando Seminar. Mike, unlike me, had little exposure
to your work, although I had often shared your principles with
him. He left Orlando ‘a changed man’! Not only has his main
business substantially improved, but he has ‘gone on a tear’
with our Alpine air purification business.”
William James Lee, President, Friends For Life Marketing
“As a result of studying your ideas, I have taken a product that
I had invested years and over $100,000.00 in, that was dead in
the water, and completely, as you say, ‘re-invented’ it, taken
it directly to consumers with your kind of advertising, and
began making money the very first month. If I stay at the
current pace, I’ll have all my debts paid off and be running a
profitable business in just four more months. I once spent
$15,000.00 with a big advertising agency and got bupkus for it.
I’ve spent less than $1,500.00 with you and am making a
-- Carol Van, CEO, Innovations, L.L.C.

And here’s what’s happening with a few personal

clients -- could one of the Power Points that I’ve
given them personally have a huge impact on your
business, too?
“$140,000.00 in business in 4 days, and a big chunk of that was
extra revenue I’d have never seen without the one suggestion you
gave me. If I’d been using that one since the first of the
year, I’d be at least $100,000.00 farther ahead.”
Joe Polish, Piranha Marketing, Inc.

“He put us in the high-priced seminar business. Showed us how

to leverage a yearly marketing campaign we were already doing
successfully into about 30% more profits. His impact on our
business has been enormous.”
-- Greg Stanley, Whitehall Management

“I have purchased thousands of dollars’ worth of Dan Kennedy’s

books, tapes, newsletters, etc. and have had him speak at two of
my marketing boot camps held for the photography industry. His
wealth of business-building ideas have helped me grow personally
and professionally - and directly added no less than $336,000.00
to my sales last year.”
-- John Hartman, Contemporary Photography

My clients ROUTINELY make $100,000.00, $200,000.00,

$500,000.00, even millions of dollars from implementing my
strategies -- now, for the first time ever, you can have ready
access to all of them for a tiny investment.....can there possibly
be a sane reason NOT to get POWER POINTS? (If you’ve got
one I really like, I’ll pay $100.00 for it and publish it in my
This letter introduces a new up-dated resource
guaranteed to prove immensely
valuable to you
- or I'll refund its cost AND give you ten bucks
out of my pocket,
just for taking the time to "try" it.
It'll pay you to read every word of this letter carefully.
Dear Entrepreneur,

My name is Dan Kennedy. I think I know more about making money with "information products"
than anybody else on this planet. With this letter and its remarkable offer, I'll prove that to you -- and
show you how to either (finally) get started or how to dramatically improve your success in the fields of
"self-publishing" and "mail-order."

You may be busy right now. You may have been "burnt" by somebody else's offer of teaching you
how to "get rich." You may be tempted to toss this out unread. But: a wise person investigates what
fools take for granted.

Let me quickly give you just a few "qualifiers" - FACTS about me - reasons why YOU should pay
attention to ME and what I have to say about making money this way:

I started creating and selling information by mail nearly 20 years ago. I've started many
promotions and ventures with less than $1,000.00. In a typical year, including last year, my business and
my joint ventures sold well over One Million Dollars of my information products at huge profits. My
consulting clients -- who pay me no less than $700.00 an hour for my advice -- sold over 100-Million
Dollars of products via direct marketing last year, directly related to my guidance. I have a successful
newsletter business worth over $250,000.00 a year. Full-page ads for my products and products sold by
my joint-venture partners appear in about a dozen different magazines each and every month.

In short, I am real. I am current. I am doing what you want to do right now. And I have helped
countless people succeed with their own information marketing businesses --- including, for example, one
couple who came to me with a failing project and $100,000.00 in credit card debt - just 3 months later,
they were making over $25,000.00 a month!


- The "secrets" of a man who started with a 'dirt cheap' 1-inch magazine ad and sold
over 900,000 copies of his self-published business book?

- How one author-marketer sold 180,000 copies of his $19.95 how-to book -- all via free

- How to take the same information and convert it to not one but dozens of different types of
'information products', that can be promoted nearly 100 different ways....and can provide
tens of thousands of dollars of extra, passive monthly income...?????
If you answered 'yes' to any or all of those questions, then carefully reading every word of this
letter is going to be exciting and profitable for you.

In this letter, I am going to:

1) Prove to you that I know this 'field' inside and out, and can show you more 'real' opportunities to make
lots of money with what you know than you could discover and figure out on your own in three lifetimes!

2) Make you a guaranteed profit offer only a donkey-stubborn fool would refuse!....

3) Jump up and down on your Greed Glands!....

4) Right here in this letter, teach you more about the Information Products Business than most
people know!


- Proven formulas for selling "big ticket items", like seminars or home study courses for $300
to $3,000, by mail.

- Why and how your Information Products can provide financial security, not just income.

- Secrets behind certain Information Product promotions, including cheap Classified Ads
that have been working continuously for 10, 20, even 30 years as AUTOMATIC MONEY
MACHINES....and how you can create just such a money-machine of your own? ("Must"
information for people who might like to cut back or even quit working someday, or take 6
months off sometime.)

- How to use the cheapest direct-mail device: the lowly postcard -- to test new offers and to sell your Information Products via Card Decks, Recorded Messages, 800
Numbers, the Internet.

- Why most people FAIL as information marketers: the TRUTH about what it takes to be
successful. No, I don't sugarcoat this. I am NOT "hype-ing" you into any particular
business opportunity or products. I am known for "No BS" and that's what you'll get, even if
it doesn't taste very good, even if you wind up not liking me.

I have spent 19+ years learning, assembling 'expensive experience', and making millions of
dollars as an Information Products Entrepreneur. I can tear the lid off your income too.



- GREG RENKER and Bill Guthy at the Guthy-Renker Corporation, one of the biggest,
fastest-growing leaders in the "hot" Infomercial business....producers of hugely successful
BAILEY TOTAL BODY POWER and many others.

Greg & Bill have ready access to the best marketing minds in the country, and they choose
to involve me, one way or another, in nearly all of their projects! - and have for 10 consecutive
years! they have built their business virtually from scratch to over 350-Million-Dollars.

- GARY HALBERT, the famous direct-response expert who charges as much as a whopping
$7,000.00 per person to attend his seminars --- he insists that I lecture at every one of

- JEFF PAUL - you see his ads everywhere for his "How To Make $4,000.00 A Day Sitting
At Home In Your Underwear"

- U.S. MORTGAGE - you can see their big ads in magazines every month - like
Entrepreneur, Success, New Business Opportunities, etc.

And this list goes on and on...I could fill another 2 pages.

My advice has made hundreds-of-thousands of dollars to millions of dollars for every person I could
name on that lengthy list!



FACT #1: My Full-Page Ads have appeared repeatedly in Success, Opportunity, Entrepreneur, the airline magazines, and
dozens of other publications --- producing Big Profits for my own companies' Information Products and for my clients!
(Before you spend a nickel on advertising, you ought to know what I know.)

FACT #2: Over a million dollars worth of my own Information Products have been sold worldwide directly through my
own efforts, in each of the past few years....and, counting clients, joint ventures, etc., I've been involved
with sales of over 250-Million Dollars worth of Information Products...and that number goes up DAILY.

FACT #3: I'm the Author, Co-Author and/or Editor of many enormously successful Information Products...including the
'Think & Grow Rich Business Reports' --- over 50,000 sold....the 'Psycho-Cybernetics' sold by Nightingale-
Conant....Entrepreneur Magazine Presents: Be Your Own Boss!, co-authored with Fran Tarkenton and Tony
Robbins....many books, manuals, audio cassettes, video cassettes...products priced from $9.95 to $899.95...products for over
a dozen publishers, mail-order firms, catalogs and TV promotions.

FACT #4: In 1996, well over one million pieces of direct-mail that I wrote were mailed by my companies and my clients.

FACT #5: I've been involved with dozens of successful TV-Infomercials including THE longest-running lead generation
infomercial in the entire industry. Right now, you cannot "channel surf" any night without encountering at least one show
I've written, co-written, produced, co-produced or consulted on.

FACT #6: I've FAILED, too. You can learn as much or more from my expensive mistakes as you can from my successes. I
am one of the few people giving out "how-to information" who very freely and openly discusses his screw-ups.

FACT #7: In just 2 years, I developed THE largest integrated Seminar and Publishing business exclusively serving the
chiropractic and dental professions throughout the U.S. and Canada....hosted seminars in every Canadian province and 42
U.S. states....captured a 30% market-share of the primary target market....and eventually sold the business - and I did it all
with direct-mail. This is just one example of how attacking a small "niche" market can provide huge profits.

FACT #8: I'm also a successful Newsletter Publisher....and know how to create "continuity income" and "renewable
income". (How about starting out the 1st day of every month with several thousand dollars or more of 'automatic' business?)

FACT #9: I'm routinely paid $4,600.00+ per day, $15,000.00 to $35,000.00 per project as a Marketing Consultant, largely
dealing with Information Products clients.....I've been paid as much as $48,000 in one month by one client...
been gifted with a new Cadillac by one appreciative client......and I receive continuing royalties from a number of
companies and individuals.

FACT #10: I am the only person to ever take ALL his most prized resource materials, examples, strategies, secrets, literally
ALL my files and put them in one giant book. I am willing to give you access to just about everything I know about making
money with information products, no strings attached.

If all that sounded braggadocio to you,

please understand: the time has long passed when I felt any urge to toot my own horn just to hear the
music. I've rattled off these facts for your benefit, not mine -- to clearly demonstrate why you should and
can trust what I have to reveal to you about making obscene amounts of money....'passive' income,
in most cases!...from your own Information Products Business! You see, I am NOT a 'theorist.'

MOST IMPORTANT SUBJECTS COVERED in my 'super-book', the Ultimate Information
Entrepreneur. I know - the type's "squint small." I promise it'll be worth the eye-strain to take a yellow hi-
liter pen and mark through each item on this list that you believe would be of value and importance to
you. Do this and you'll easily see for yourself just how important my super-book can be to you. (Then,
when I offer you my incredible guaranteed offer, your decision'll be easy.)

(I DARE go through this list and NOT find a wealth of 'how-to's' you'd
value knowing a lot more about. Go through the list now.)

HOW TO PRODUCE YOUR INFORMATION · Everything you need to know about what
PRODUCTS works and what does not (based on five
· 12 Steps To An Audio Product million dollars worth of research and
· 18 Steps To A Video Product experience
· How To Save 25% To 75% From Most · The “A to Z of: envelopes...Sales
Video Production Quotes Letters...Brochures...All types of direct mail
· 8 Steps To A Printed Product package enclosures...Life Letters
· How To Create And Sell A Money- ...Catalogs...Post Cards...Self
making/Business Opportunity Mailers...Mail-Grams...Audio Brochures And
· The 39 Best Kinds Of ‘Information Products’ “Closure Tapes”
· How To Turn One Idea Into a Huge Product · 17 Keys To Making The ORDER FORM
Line help close the sales!
· 21 “Insider Secrets” To Creating · 6 ways to add sales sizzle to headlines and
“Information Products” With Exceptional titles
Sales Appeal
· 1 Key Source Of Over 10,000 good HOW TO MAKE BIG MONEY SELLING YOUR
‘Information Product’ ideas INFORMATION PRODUCTS WITH “CHEAP”
MONEY ISSUES’ · Classified as copywriting tips
· How to replace up-front costs with royalties · The “2 Step” model; the certain path to
and: how to convert vendors to at-risk success with classifieds
partners (How to use this model to get · How to place your classified ad in
hundreds of thousands of free services.) newspapers, magazines, tabloids,
· How to raise capital from private investors shoppers, etc. with just one phone call
and how to structure deals. HOW TO BE A “BIG PLAYER” IN THE

· How to get Agency Discounts...special · 5 sources of free market research
Mail-Order Only Discounts...First Time · How to get Famous Celebrities to
Advertiser Discounts...and save 17% to endorse your product
50% off the “rate cards” (price lists) – only · How to profit “in tandem” with other
chumps pay quoted rates!!! marketers of information including
· A very different way to instantly offset 50% “endorsed mailings”, co-op promotions, joint
to 100% of your advertising expenses – this ventures, etc.
is a critically important “trade
secret”...without knowing this, you will lose HOW TO REALLY GET “FREE” ADVERTISING
money 9 out of 10 times you advertise! FOR YOUR INFORMATION PRODUCTS
(Revealed: “How I made $12,000 from one · How to get on lots and lots of Radio Talk
phone call” and how this “model” makes it interviewed over the phone,
possible and profitable for you to buy Full long distance...give out your 800#...sell
Page Ads in national magazines for your products!
“Information Products”) · How to organize your own Publicity
· Best, Most Responsive Magazines...Best Campaign
Sizes...Best Times To Advertise · Our complete “How-To-Meet-The-Press” Kit
· When and how to use “Advertorials” · How a News Release sold $180,000.00
· How to get big results from small ads worth of an Information Product – how
to use this “model” to get over One
HOW TO CHOOSE THE RIGHT MAILING LISTS Million Dollars of free nationwide
TO PROFITABLY SELL YOUR INFORMATION advertising for your Information Product!
· How not to get ripped off! (Most beginners INFORMATION PRODUCTS
do.) · How to sell by mail to Libraries
· Where to learn about and ‘competition shop’ · How to sell by mail to the Military
thousands of good lists
· How to get Bookstore Distribution for
· When is a “good test” a bad test? – how to “self-published” products (Yes-You Can!)
avoid the most frequently used list scam
· How to take an “Information Product” you’ve
which “kills” thousands of unsuspecting
put into the marketplace yourself and
beginners every day!
convert it to a book that a major publisher
· How to get reputable brokers to really help will accept, publish, distribute, and promote!
· How to exhibit your information product
· “Secret” sources if the hottest, best
to over 25,000 bookstore owners, chain
‘opportunity seeker’ and ‘self-improvement
store buyers, catalog house buyers and
buyer’ lists
publishers for than $1,500.00!
· The secret to picking the best ‘selection
· How to get a literary agent who will
option’ with every list
aggressively promote you and your works
· 5 keys to choosing ‘Big Pay-Off, High
· How to “private label” your information
Response Lists for your offer
product for others
· How to get information products
featured in Catalogs
· How to use guarantees to boost response · How to use Card Decks
· “The Charles Atlas Method” can double your
· The ultimate marketing secret: product-to-
· Transcript of my complete speech on The
list matching and list-driven new
Infommercial Business from the famous
product/offer development. (This is the key
Gary Halbert Key West College Of
to the vault! When you “get” this, you’ll
Millionaires Seminar, which direct marketing
know the #1 reason why most people fail
entrepreneurs pay $7,000 to attend
when they try to market information
· How to submit your product or ideas for
products...if you’ve flopped before, you’ll
consideration by “the right people”
know why...and you’ll possess the most
important pro-secret for success.) · The 14 Elements You Can Assembly That
· 59 Direct Response Offers for information Virtually GUARANTEE Your Product Will
products Be Featured In An Infommercial – And
Will Succeed On TV! (This is our “insider

list” used to evaluate and develop · Inside the Meeting Planner’s mind: 9
infommercials!) questions you must answer to get a
· What to do if you have a dynamite speaking engagement
infommercial proposal but no money · Your 12 part Pro Self Marketing “Tool Kit”
· INSIDE...over a dozen infommercials, · All about “Demo Tapes”-including what 90%
including BRIAN TRACEY’S MAXIMUM of speakers do wrong!
PERFORMANCE SYSTEM HOSTED BY · How to develop your “Meeting Planner’s Kit”
ROBB WELLER...THE MENTAL BANK · 32 Directories + Agencies, Bureaus And
BREAKTHROUGH WITH FLORENCE Other Sources That Lead To Bookings!
· 4 Steps to Getting Speaking Engagements
Via Direct-Mail
SELF-HELP SOLUTIONS HOSTED BY · The 11 Different Ways To Structure Your
GLORIA LORING...etc. – including lessons Fees And Other Compensation As A
learned from Millions OF Dollars investing Professional to average
in product infommercials. $3,000.00 to $5,000.00 per engagement
· How an infommercial can make you a (or more)
millionaire “overnight” · 10 keys to maximize at-speech product
· The 5 biggest reasons why 9 out of 10 sales: how I “close” 70% or more of every
infommercials are flops audience on packages of $199.00 to
· The little-know, fortune-producing secret of $ I’ve taught other speakers
the “2 step infommercial” – including “how to do the same or better...the only true
my low budget, non-celebrity infommercial “system” for platform, point-of-speech
made 3-million dollars in 14 months” selling.
· How to turn audience names into a
HOW TO MAKE A LOT OF MONEY, BUILD productive, profitable mailing list
WEALTH, AND NET WORTH AND SELL · A “Ready to Use” Presentation on Spaced
INFORMATION PRODUCTS VIA THE Repetition (Cassette) Learning that works!
NEWSLETTER BUSINESS · “Client Penetration” for speakers: how to
· Why the Newsletter Business may be the get multiple dates and tons of money out
best business in the world! of each client...make more dollars from
· Advice directly from the most successful fewer clients with less hassles
newsletter entrepreneurs in America
· How to get your newsletter advertised HOW TO MAKE MONEY SELLING INFORMATION
repeatedly in dozens of national PRODUCTS IN THE SEMINAR BUSINESS
magazines ABSOLUTELY FREE! (No (Includes all the information orginally published as
front fees, no cost, no commission to “The Seminar Business Development Course” which
pay!!!) has sold for as much as $395 and most recently has
· How I sold 3,000 $39.00 subscriptions in a been catalog priced and sold at $169.95. This is no
few months, at a total cost of less than longer available as a separate course. It was
$7,000-how anybody can copy my “model” revised, up-dated and condensed exclusively for
· How to make $100.00 or more from each inclusion in this book.)
newsletter subscriber within 30 days after · 5 types of seminars you can make money
they subscribe promoting
· 12 best ways to market ANY seminar
HOW TO MAKE MONEY SELLING INFORMATION · 12 “tricks” for boosting attendance
(Includes all the information originally published as marketing
“The Speaking Development Course” which sold for · 10 ways to successfully promote “public
as much as $495.00 and most recently has been enrollment” seminars.
catalog priced and sold at $169.95. This is no longer · How to eliminate the “no-show” problem at
available as a separate course. It was revised, “free” seminars
updated and condensed exclusively for inclusion in · How to do “Executive Previews”
this book.) · How to market “big ticket”, specialized
· 5 ways to establish and promote yourself, seminars and retreats
your credibility, and your value as a speaker · How To Sell Huge Amounts Of
· Why and how being a “part-time” (not full- Information Products’ At Seminars
time) speaker is a marketing advantage
INFORMATION PRODUCTS BY PHONE · Where to advertise your list and how to get
· New ways to make money and sell products free advertising for lists
via ‘recorded messages’ · Why, when and how to do list “swaps”
· How to get Information Products · How to average $20.00 per name per year
telemarketed by professionals on selling, renting and swapping your lists:
commission with no investment, no hiring, 10,000 names puts $100,000.00 in your
no hassle pocket!...100,000 names makes Oe Million
· The Telephone Upsell Dollars
· Phone script tips
· Facts & Myths-all about MLM/’Network · Best “short run” book printers
Marketing · How to self-publish books at amazing low
· What you must know about the “legal costs
issues” · How to get Full-Color Printing at black
· LIES that most MLM promoters tell over and white prices
and over again · 29 “best sources” for goods and services
· Special information about “mail-order MLM” you’ll need
· An amazing Case History: meet the man · My “Million Dollar Rolodex”-Who I Know
earning over $250,000.00 a month in and Rely On
overrides by mail-order marketing an MLM
opportunity and get his secrets! ALSO INCLUDED IN THIS BOOK: revised, updated
and condensed-all the information from “The Postal
HOW TO MAKE LOTS OF MONE FROM MAILING Marketing Home Study Course”, which has sold for
LISTS YOU DEVELOP BY SELLING as much as $195.00 and-most recently-has been
INFORMATION PRODUCTS catalog priced and sold at $99.95.
· 3 ways to make BIG MONEY, even from
“small” lists
· Who will pay you 50 cents per name?
· How to sell your own lists without a broker

By the way, this huge Manual is in its 7th Edition. Some comments about it appear at the very end of
this letter. And thousands upon thousands have been sold at a price higher than you will be asked to pay!
Well, after going through the list on the previous three pages, I'll bet you can understand why I keep
referring to this as a 'Super-Book'. It is filled, literally, with MILLIONS OF DOLLARS of insider
information - that will:

INCREDIBLY LOW START-UP COSTS and virtually zero risk!

- Give you new, 100% private income sources. And, new PASSIVE INCOME sources!

- Let you operate from home or your present office in an ultra-efficient way, so you incur NO

- Make you a profitable INFORMATION ETREPRENEUR, just like me. And, don't think ---
even for a minute --- that you can't do this too! I will PROVE to you that you can.

You do NOT need 'special education.' I'm (only) a high school graduate. I've got no letters after
my name. I'm "self-taught" in advertising, copywriting and marketing. Remember, too, that I've already
helped and coached a great many people in making money with their own information products and mail-

order businesses, including people with these kinds of products: information products like books,
manuals, reports, audio tapes, video tapes, CD's, newsletters, etc. about:

- teaching birds to talk and sing - creatively investing in real estate

- making money with computers - travel
- getting money for college - self-improvement and personal growth
- stopping employee, deliveryman and shoplifter theft - Dating, how to meet mates
- New Age and metaphysical - Government auctions
- home study courses and correspondence courses - weight-loss and health and fitness
- to niche markets: business information for
chiropractors, carpet cleaners, dentists, insurance
agents, real estate agents, lawn and garden maintenance
companies, magicians, and on and on

You do NOT need tremendous writing talent either. I nearly flunked Creative Writing in high
school. Any English teacher will gladly, massively criticize my writing style. (I've been accused of
conjugating nouns.) Yes, some writing ability helps, and you've probably got some. But even people who
can't put together a good grocery list are making tons of money with the
methods revealed in my 'super-book.'

NO EXPERIENCE in mail-order is necessary. I teach you EVERYTHING you need to know.

The only 'step' I don't include is the location of the post office closest to your office --- that you'll have to
figure out for yourself. But there's nothing else to find out, nothing else to buy; everything you gotta
know, I tell you.(Of course, you may ALREADY be a serious student of all this. You may already BE
making good money in this field. And that's fine. As you'll see from the comments at the end of this letter,
even already very, very successful pros in this found immense value in my Manual.)

You do NOT need a lot of money either. There are dozens of ways to get going for less than
$250. Dozens more in the $500 to $1500 range. Many years ago, thanks to the combination of a divorce,
helping a close friend with his legal problems to the tune of $100,000.00 and a real dumb business
decision, I went bankrupt (personal and business). I started over with $142 in "capital." And I had a new
Information Products-based "money machine" spinning off over $10,000.00 a month in income going in
less than 60 days. Even today, I start many new projects for less than $1,000 each.

As a matter of fact, to quickly create a HUGE INCOME and obscene profits from your
own Information Products "businesses", you don't need anything but the desire, the initiative,
common sense, some worthwhile information to share with others, and the instructions in my new
super-book. And I'm going to GUARANTEE that to be true.

"Okay, so why publish a book like this

and reveal a ton of insider secrets --- including some stuff
that other insiders will be p.o.'d at you for revealing?"

Good question. Three answers.

First, frankly, one reason is to show off. Like Penn & Teller, I get a kick out of amazing people
with my "secrets." Second, this super-book has enhanced my already "big" reputation in professional
direct marketing circles. It has brought great new clients to me. Although some of my peers have
expressed their unhappiness at my spilling all these beans for so little money. Third, quite frankly, this
book has made and keeps making a lot of money for me.


about anybody can use to rev up their business and income.

I prepared a series of provocative questions. I did my best to

impose some order and control to the day. But mostly, like a bull-rider, I
just hung on.

The result: a set of 6 audio tapes unlike any you've ever heard.

Imagine, these 15 moneymaking commandos ALL spilling their guts,

ALL contributing to the maelstrom of ideas, insights and very specific advice
pouring across the conference table like gasoline on fire. We had a pro there
to tape it all, for the best possible audio quality given the situation. It's been
edited to keep the meatiest parts and lop off the fat.


I'll bet you the biggest steak in Texas you just cannot listen only

You'll be whacking the Pause button like some crazed monkey, to jot
down one sizzling hot idea after another you want to act on. You'll have to
listen to 'em all a number of times or you'll miss more than you get, because
it's all coming at you rapid-fire.

Getting a "down-load" of experience and thinking about marketing

from any ONE of this crack commando squad would certainly be worthwhile.
But from all FIFTEEN?

And keep in mind, this is NOT some carefully thought out, scripted and
read presentation, where the "guru" has had plenty of time to deliberately
leave certain things out and hold certain things back, to selectively share his
methods. This was a blow-the-doors-off discussion, with everybody thinking
on their feet and, to some extent, trying to top the other guy.

And keep in mind that over half these Platinum Members are back for
their 2nd or 3rd years. They don't keep coming back and investing in
attending these conclaves for the heck of it. These are people whose time is
gold-bullion valuable. They're here for one reason and one good reason only:
they keep getting "stuff" from each other that's worth a whole lot of money. I

know for a fact of six different Members last year who each made well over
$100,000.00 by implementing ONE idea that came out of the blue, at one of
these meetings. Who knows what'll occur to you as you listen in on an entire
day's output?

So, what will you pay for the privilege?

There are all kinds of ways to set a price. Here's what I did. First of all,
I had each of these Platinum Members write a price down on a piece of paper
they thought ought to be charged to let somebody sit in on a day of a regular
Platinum Meeting, let alone one targeted at covering "the best" strategies we
all know and use.

Second, I actually surveyed a few dozen of my clients and regular

Inner Circle Members and told them to bid, as if only the highest bidder
would get the one and only set of tapes from such a session. With the bid real
- in case I decided to do just that, let one copy out, and no others, in which
case I'd accept that highest bid and hit their credit card right then and there.

So, what do you think the number was, arrived at by the Platinum

It averaged out to $2,100.00.

And, maybe more relevant - what do you think the highest bid was?
Get this: it was $5,000.00. And I promise you, he was serious. In fact, the
LOWEST bid, the "cheapskate" bid was $595.00.

Well, Platinum Members each have a set of masters and can reproduce
and sell these tapes as they wish, for whatever price they wish. I think the low
bid is a very fair price. If I was on the outside looking in, I'd grab at that
before somebody changed their mind.But we don't want to be dripping with
unseemly greed either. We all have this in common: we actually do get our
jollies by sharing what we know with people who use it.

So, after considerable discussion, we've agreed on a price of just

$199.00. I imagine each Platinum Member will offer these at slightly higher
or maybe slightly lower prices, possibly bundled in with other products or
services, or priced differently for different groups of their customers. Here's
what I'm going to do: During the introductory time period, exclusively

for Dave Dee’s clients, I'm going to let up to 20 sets go at just $149.00.
When we hit the 20 mark, the price locks in at $199.00. So you get a nice
$50.00 savings if you order immediately. An Order Form's enclosed.

If you wanted to know how to be a tough, brutal warrior capable of

surviving incredible pain, operating under extreme conditions, and killing like
a machine, you'd seek out somebody like a top Navy SEAL or Seals-
instructor to whip you into shape and teach you what you need to know.

If you want to know how to use marketing weaponry, to be a

moneymaking commando, I don't know where else you could look for better
training than this gathering of the 15, on this day, available on these tapes.


Dan Kennedy


YOU." It contains this group's absolute best, most powerful marketing
tactics and tools, which they never discuss under any other circumstances,
with anybody else.

Here’s How To Order

One: You can order online via our Secure Server by going to:
All website orders are fulfilled and shipped by UPS within 72 hours.

Two: You can call my publisher’s (Dave Dee, Inc.) secure automated order
hotline, at 1-678-348-7577 and use your American Express, VISA,
MasterCard or Discover card. All telephone orders are fulfilled and shipped
by UPS within 72 hours. Say that you want the “Platinum Inner Circle

Three: you can send your order in by mail, with your personal or company
check to: Dave Dee, Inc., 11770 Haynes Bridge Rd, Suite 205-242,
Alpharetta, GA 30004. Orders arriving by mail are also fulfilled within 72

1. How to re-define your business to make all advertising and marketing

infinitely more productive and profitable
2. How to easily command prices significantly higher than your
competitors: one word that will change what you sell and how you sell it
3. A simple technique to obtain more referrals from customers: how to
put"timing”on your side
4. Exactly what one Member says to his customers to create a steady
stream of new referrals (a script you can use from Bill Glazer)*
5. Powerful insight into the "what business are you REALLY in?" issue;
misunderstandings here sabotage advertising; getting this right often
MULTIPLIES advertising pay-off
6. How to increase the average size of each customer's purchase AND the
frequency of repeat purchases......increase sales and profits without
getting more new customers (thar's gold under your feet! - being stepped
over in the chase for the next new customer.)
7. How to create "continuity income" in virtually ANY business (Egs.: Joe
Polish explains how one carpet cleaner has 108 customers automatically
charged $38.00 a month...$4,000.00 of guaranteed, locked in monthly
8. How to sell "pre-paid services" to put an iron cage around customers: a
practical approach to 'customer loyalty'..... how to make your customers
blind, deaf and dumb to your competitors! (Ron Ipach's example from
the auto repair industry)
9. How to increase the value of your company substantially with one
"tweak" to your marketing (Jim Fleck explains)
10. How one "little change" in the way phones are answered added over a
million dollars to one business' bottom line......and a larger lesson about
managing for maximum profit
11. Ron LeGrand's "One Question" to keep asking yourself, to continually
create income increases*
12. How to allocate your advertising funds and efforts against certain timing
issues: learning to fish when the fish are biting
13. What Dan Kennedy says about "contrarian marketing"
14. "THE discovery that finally took our company over the 5-million dollar
sales mark" - T.J. Rohleder
15. How to re-organize the way you work to immediately get more done
every day: a profoundly simple formula*
16. How to use but not be abused by communications to
qualify, pre-screen and pre-sell: Craig Forte's advice to sales
17. Dr. Bob Willis' example of a simple one-page letter anyone can use to
tap into a whole new source of new customers (Word for word, for you
to use)*
18. Ron Ipach: how tightly can you target high-probability prospects?- see if
you're missing the mark
19. Bill Glazer: THE most frequently made mistake in retail advertising - it's
easily fixed
20. A headline trick: improve quantity AND quality of ad response
21. "EXACTLY how I design my envelopes and put together my direct-mail
for maximum response" Michael Kimble. (TESTED and proven
22. What to do when a direct-mail campaign you believed in fails.
23. A critically important, oft misunderstood marketing principle: how to
shoot yourself in the foot in direct-mail (Dan Kennedy)
24. DOUBLE YOUR RESPONSE: Bill Glazer's tested and proven “best"
25. A little "gimmick" that boosts likelihood of your envelope being opened
26. "How I Increased Response By 92% - With A Dirt-Cheap Addition To
My Marketing".... a tool you can use! *
27. A "different" way to use testimonials (John Rubio)*
28. DOUBLE response from FAX-marketing (Reed Hoisington)
29. Precisely how top marketers think about competition (Chauncey Hutter)
30. How to capitalize on new strategies quickly (Jeff Gardner)

*Important Note: these are PRACTICAL TOOLS YOU CAN USE instantly, not
just "ideas." Make no mistake; this entire roundtable discussion produced
hundreds of practical tips, strategies, insights into the techniques behind
successful marketing campaigns - plus these very specific tools to use, any one
of which could easily be worth tens of thousands of dollars to you.
Get the First Totally New,
Full-Day Seminar
Presented by Dan Kennedy
in 5 Years - Delivered to
Your Living Room...
Plus Save $50.00 by ordering before
Friday, September 24th at midnight

By Dan Kennedy

Recently, Dan Kennedy presented a full-day "Customer Appreciation Seminar" in Phoenix, attended by
over 220 of his Inner Circle Members (me included), who traveled from as far away as Australia to be
there - the seminar was free, as a gift from Dan to his Members. But its value was so evident people
came thousands of miles to be there.

Now I have to tell you, this was a VERY unusual seminar. While Dan did talk about the specialty he's
known for; breakthrough marketing strategies - that's not all he talked about. For the first time ever in a
seminar, he discussed his PERSONAL philosophies and business practices, responsible for his
achieving extraordinary entrepreneurial and financial success. He even included what he calls his "Brass
Balls Factors" - the sort of "harsh reality" success information nobody ever talks about publicly....what it
REALLY takes to go from scratch to wealth, fast, against all resistance and all obstacles. But don't
mistake any of this for "self-help pablum." This was hard-hitting, "Adults Only" how to information.

Here is what Dan said, in his original letter, inviting his Members to the Seminar:

"This day might be the single most important day of your life, because I'm
going to share with you my philosophy, my personal success principles, my
entrepreneurial, deal-making, moneymaking and marketing strategies . . . . .
EVERYTHING that has enabled me to be successfully self-employed for 25 years,
to rise to the very top of not one but two professions, to create huge
incomes and personal wealth."

Here Are A Few Of The Ways This Seminar Can Supercharge Your Skills,
Skyrocket Your Income And Secure Your Financial Freedom

1. You'll be taken "inside" my personal modus operandi

2. You'll "travel" from A- to -Z with me, through my experiences, as no
other audience has done before or will do in the future. Get the
synthesis of 25 years of "expensive experience" and use it as your
personal shortcut to your goals.

3. You will receive a "kit" of TEN WEALTH-BUILDING TOOLS to take home and
use. This Tool Kit is a FREE GIFT.

4. You will be shown actual examples and case histories of my most prized
strategies at work.

5. You will even hear from a number of my "students" about how they are
using my methods in their businesses.

You see, I've been able to achieve Total Financial Liberty before even
turning 45, and I started from the dirt up, with no personal or family
resources, no backing, only a high school education. And, although I've
taught thousands and thousands of hours of seminars, given over 1,500
speeches, written numerous books, etc., etc., I've never before presented ALL
my "building blocks" of financial freedom at one time, in one place,
integrated together.

When you have an understanding of ALL these "building blocks", you can at
least equal my accomplishments and, as you wish, surpass them. And let me
even define the overall objective for you; it is achieving what I call TOTAL
FINANCIAL LIBERTY. This is how I see and live it:

1. Enough assets and wealth so that the passive income it provides can
meet all your needs, so that you need never do a minute of work again
if you don't want to.

2. Earning income doing things that genuinely interest you. And feeling
totally comfortable saying no to opportunities, jobs, etc. that do not
or that no longer interest you.

3. Earning income dealing only with people you want to deal with. And
saying no to those you don't want to deal with, without even a twinge
of regret.

4. Being and feeling completely free of any pressure, other than self-
imposed pressure to achieve goals totally of your own selection.

5. Not caring at all what anybody or everybody else thinks of you, not
worrying about who you please or offend.

6. Arranging your lifestyle to suit you.

7. Possessing the ability to create income at will, through direct

marketing NOT through manual labor... to transcend any one business or
product category and create profitable promotions for virtually any
product, service or business - or charity, non-profit, political cause.

Aren't You Sorry You Missed Out On THIS?

Good news though: this entire day and evening that Dan has just described WAS captured on audio tape
or CD. Professionally recorded, and mastered with an absolute minimum of editing, so listening to the
tapes is as much like being there as possible.

An Amazingly Small Price:

Of course, I can't give you the tapes free, like Dan gave the Seminar as a gift. But then, you don't have to
dip into your pocket for an airline ticket either, because now the whole Seminar's coming to you - and
you'll be able to listen while you drive or take care of other tasks, and share this remarkable seminar-on-
tape with your spouse or key associates. This seminar should have carried a registration fee of at least

And so $199.00 is a small price to pay for the cassettes or cds. What you gain from any one hour of the
whole day and evening on tape could easily be worth $199. Since it costs $800.00 an hour to consult with
Dan privately or by phone, this is like paying for 15 minutes - but getting the whole day! (By the way, not
long ago, a repeat client of Dan's bought a day at his $5,600.00 rate, flew all the way across the country
to meet with him, but ended the day after only 43 minutes. Why?

Because he had everything he needed and more to solve the business problem he'd brought with him
and wanted to get to work. He later told Dan that those 43 minutes had been worth over $180,000.00 to
him the first month.) Look, anyway you want to slice or dice this, $199.00 is nothing, when you are getting
where he has revealed his personal result-getting, obstacle-smashing, wealth-multiplying strategies,
bluntly, completely, nothing held back.

There are three ways to order:

One: You can order online via our Secure Server by going to All website orders are fulfilled and
shipped by UPS within 72 hours.

Two: You can call my publisher’s (Dave Dee, Inc.) secure automated order hotline, at
1-678-348-7577 and use your American Express, VISA, MasterCard or Discover card. All
telephone orders are fulfilled and shipped by UPS within 72 hours. Be sure to say that you
want the “Customer Appreciation Tapes” when you leave your ordering information on the
secure voice mail system.

Three: you can send your order in by mail, with your personal or company check to: Dave
Dee, Inc., 11770 Haynes Bridge Rd, Suite 205-242, Alpharetta, GA 30004. Orders arriving
by mail are also fulfilled within 72 hours, but, of course, there is the delay of the in-bound
From: Dan Kennedy
Re: “Dan Kennedy’s Complete, A-Z Information Publishing
& Advanced Direct Marketing Business System”
(Formerly the “Info Seminar” You Missed Out On....)

No Other Letter I Have Ever Written

Has As Much Potential To
Dramatically Change Your Life
For The Better As This One…..
…..If You Are Involved In Or
Very Seriously Interested In Direct Marketing Or
The Business Of Publishing And Marketing
Information Products
Who else wants to be an info/direct marketing millionaire?
Dear Friend,

I will be direct and to the point, with no warm-up.

In my career, for myself and my clients, I’ve sold well over half-a-Billion Dollars worth of
information products! (If you added in the money made by many more “students” of mine who have
followed my examples and instruction, it’s over several billion dollars.)

I have made a personal fortune -- and made millions of dollars for many clients -- in the business of
conceptualizing, creating, publishing and marketing “info products”, from $10 books to $15,000.00
“courses”, sold via every means imaginable. If you can name a scenario involving marketing information,
I’ve dealt with it. My track record in this specialized niche is virtually unmatched.

******For the first time, and for one time only, I put on an intense 3-day-and-nights seminar
where I taught absolutely everything I know about turning info-products into fortunes. Over 250
attended, coming from as far away as Japan and Australia. Each paid at least $3,475.00 to attend.
This seminar will never repeat. If you missed it, you missed a rarest-of rare opportunity to have
somebody who has really made a fortune and guided many others in doing the same, in the
fascinating field of “information products”*******************

As you would guess, the reason for this letter, now, is that we did record the entire 34-hour (!!!)
seminar, then carefully edit and condense those recordings into two “Highlights Packages”, one audio,
one video, and have made it possible for you to “attend” at home.

In this letter, I’m going to tell you all about this unprecedented program, exactly what I revealed, and
do everything I can to help you make a wise decision, whether or not you should make the rather
substantial investment of time and money required to “attend”, via the tapes. This requires a long letter.
I know you’re busy, maybe not blessed with patience. But I am serious when I say that no other letter I
have ever sent you has as much potential to dramatically change your life for the better as this one. So I

(Please go to the next page and continue reading…)

hope you’ll take the time to read it thoroughly. And I must urge you to do so immediately – it includes a
very limited HALF-PRICE offer you may not want to miss.

The Mythical Alchemist Lives…..

Maybe you read fables as a kid about medieval alchemists, who claimed the power to turn everything
from cloth to dirt into gold, to take nominally valuable raw material and -- presto! -- turn it into
enormously valuable gold.

The ability to repeatedly and consistently turn paper and ink or blank tapes or similar conveyances of
information into “gold” is modern alchemy. The ability to take one to several pages of sales copy in an
ad or sales letter selling information and turn it into hundreds of thousands of dollars is modern alchemy.
Wealth from thin air. I seriously question whether there is any other “alchemist” alive on this planet who
has demonstrated possessing this power as many times in as many different situations as I have. That’s
why even already very accomplished, very successful, very rich info-marketers still seek out my assistance
with their projects. And pay gigantic, arguably obscene sums of money for my input.

Should you require evidence of my status as a true, living, breathing alchemist, I have enclosed a little
package of it for your review. On the enclosed green paper, you will find a sampling of info-marketer
clients, by name, descriptions of their businesses, and details of my contributions to their wealth. And,
you’ll find some comments from such clients. If you want even more evidence, transcripts of interviews
with clients and their comments – pages and pages and pages of ‘em, relevant to this letter, can be found

If you take time to review this information, I believe you will find an overwhelming preponderance of
proof, compelling reasons for you to obtain what I know about this for your use, for the rest of your life.


If I don’t make at least a $1,000.00 a day from my information products, almost all of it arriving
through my FAX machine, my Websites, the mail, I’m very, very grumpy. And I do make that – and
more – nearly every day, whether I do any work or not. Last year, my wife, Carla and I took a 7 day
Alaska cruise, several other vacations, I took over 70 days off to “fool” around with our racehorses,
Carla visited our daughter and new grandson in Washington, D.C. almost every other week for a few
months – and the money kept streaming in. The point is – this type of business offers not only the
income, but the freedom to live as you please.

On top of all that, the information business I built and sold to Dave Dee is a big money machine of its
own. (As is his other info business.)

And I have dozens and dozens of clients who’ve “modeled” me, and created millionaire lifestyles of
their own as “info-marketers.” WHY NOT YOU?

Imagine..... joining me and many of my clients, “students”, and Platinum Members in an ideal
“business lifestyle”.......owning info-products that once birthed, for as little as a few hundred dollars of
investment and a week of work, deliver income year after year after year......orders arriving via your FAX
machine, the Internet, mail, a phone service, orders being shipped for you, and huge profits flowing into
your bank account every day whether you even drop by your office or not, or on a cruise, a beach, in a
mountain cabin......having other info-entrepreneurs engaged in joint ventures with you, doing all the
“heavy lifting”, selling your info-products to their customers, and sending you big checks......

And note, I’m talking about YOUR OWN PROPRIETARY PRODUCTS that you create, own and
control – and I promise, even if you can’t write a grocery list or are “all thumbs” at the computer, you
CAN quickly develop very valuable info-products of your own.

With my life’s blueprint – and my client’s examples – to follow, you CAN develop your own “perfect
business”.…. Few or NO employees, NO office overhead, most “work” done FOR you by outside
vendors, sales done AUTOMATICALLY, little or no personal contact with customers, multiple streams
of income from your products – from your own advertising, mailings, Internet marketing AND from
distribution by many others..… every time the FAX beeps, money for you! The day’s mail, money for

Why wouldn’t you want to live such a profitable business lifestyle to the greatest extent possible?

So, let me tell you about this “home study package” based on my once-in-a-lifetime, tell-it-ALL
seminar you missed, entirely, exclusively and totally devoted to the a-to-z’s of making money with direct
marketing and in the information business:


I taught virtually the entire seminar. From 8:30AM right through to 9:30PM the first two days,
8:30AM – 3:30PM the 3rd, as close to non-stop as humanly possible. There were NO guest speakers,
only a few quick “panel discussions.”

By the way, the longest presentation about info-marketing I’ve ever given at anybody else’s seminar
or conference has been two hours. Imagine what I can do with over 30 “classroom” hours!


*I’m less than 500 days away from real “semi-retirement”, as I write this letter – cutting way, way back on speaking, teaching, consulting. Divesting my

I poured my heart and soul into this specialized seminar, which was offered only to my Inner Circle
Members, because the information business has enabled me to create such independence and security, I
really wanted my Members intrigued with this kind of business to have exactly the same opportunity.
Originally, it was my intent to make the seminar itself AND the highlights-on-tape available only to my
own Members, each as only a one-time offer. But Dave Dee has convinced me to “open the doors” via
the tapes to any of his customers who have a strong, serious interest in this particular type of business –
his words: “it would be a crime to keep it from them and retire with it locked away in your closet ….. it’s
almost like taking some powerful secret people could use to improve their lives with you into the grave.”

So I thought it over, and I have decided I want you to have this, too, before I retire.

I am holding nothing back. Nothing. Every iota of experience, successful AND unsuccessful, and
knowledge I have acquired in 25+ years of “info-alchemy” will be laid bare before you.

To prepare, I’ve started the arduous (yet stimulating) task of going back through archival files dating
back to 1975; literally a room full, floor to ceiling, wall to wall, of ads, sales letters, products, client files,
my own project files; investing months of hard work, organizing everything I want to give you, making
sure I leave nothing out, no stone unturned. A sampling of the information I gave out at this seminar --
and kept in the edited pages -- is listed on the enclosed green paper, but it does not even come close to
doing justice to everything revealed.


No, I will NEVER present this seminar again. People who were there got my entire “bag of tricks”,
and no one else ever will. The next best thing is this Highlights Package – and it, too, is going to be
released ONLY ON A LIMITED BASIS. I have authorized David to sell only 500 of them, period.
Why the limit? Well, I just prefer the idea that we are sharing secrets… at least information known to
and used by a select few, and I’m able to afford and indulge all my eccentricities. You’ll even find a Non-
Disclosure Clause on the Registration Form. You must agree to it, to obtain this package.

If you procrastinate, you may very well have your order refused – and find everything “sold out.”

We Will Dissect The Frog

And Leave No Body Part Whole

We looked at every single aspect of making money with info-products in minute detail. From market
selection to media and list choices to product development to the back-end business and multiple income
streams. To every question you can imagine bringing to the table. (With one exception: database
management, technical computer stuff.)

Think about “product development” just for example. Heck, anybody can slap together product.
But there are dozens and dozens of “little” nuances and tricks I’ve learned -- or invented -- that impact on
everything from price and margin to refunds to up-selling. You need a complete strategy for putting out
a product that will be “hot”, eagerly accepted, have staying power, provide maximum profits. There are
several very smart questions that ought to be asked and answered before putting together any info-
product, that rarely are. With what I can tell (and show) you about “product” alone will be worth your
investment to acquire these tapes. You might double the profits from a product you were going to do
anyway… might save a lot of cost or agony.....OR you might get a whole new product idea that’ll
turn into hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Or “direct mail” -- is there anybody around who has created as many successful sales letters for as
many different info-products, year in, year out, for 25 years? I doubt it. And I will show you and
hammer home just THREE “SECRETS” you must incorporate every time you go down this path, that
provide iron-clad insurance against failure. While others admit to “batting averages” of one success
out of dozens of attempts, I hit base hits virtually every time at bat, and giant home runs about 25% of
the time. (That’s why, as a hired-gun copywriter, 80% of all clients who’ve used me once have come
back and hired me repeatedly. BUT these three secrets do NOT require masterful copywriting to pay off
for you.)

I’m also going to tell you what I’ve learned by carefully studying a number of legendary info-product
marketers, some you’ll know, some you may not have heard of (but should have!) Dean F.
DuVall, Jim Straw, George Haylings, Alan Shawn Feinstein, Joe Karbo, Harvey Brody.

I’m even going to unveil brand new ideas for info-product marketing, that you’ll be the first to hear
about and consider.

Every square inch of the “frog” will be put under the microscope and examined from every direction,
I promise you that. And the “best of all” is in this, my “Complete, A-Z Information Publishing &
Advanced Direct Marketing Business System.”

Here, let me check off some of the most important “secrets” definitely included in this “Info-
Publishing/Direct Marketing Business System”:

1. The exact, detailed criteria I and my clients use to ferret out and target ultra-responsive, rabid
markets..…which I’ve never presented in entirety before.
2. Insights into “niches” and “subcultures”, so you can be a more adept “hunter” of prime target
markets – fully supported with actual examples “hidden” from the casual observer.
3. Examples of “guerrilla warrior approaches” to launching or testing new info-businesses with
cheapskate budgets – for example: how I launched my first info-products, in tiny target markets,
4. Analytical examination of dozens and dozens of different successful info-products..… classics,
contemporary, brand new..…what makes them sell so well?…..what “ingredients” to build into
your info-product to support the strongest possible sales pitch, to assure customer satisfaction, to
provide greatest possible profitability.
5. Most commonly made, costliest info-product development mistakes to avoid.
6. How to make product development easier, faster, cheaper.
7. What you need to know about both sides of “Licensing.” HOW TO CREATE OR FIND AND
8. Insider, pro strategies for finding, obtaining, testing and using mailing lists.
9. How to buy media like an experienced pro – and not be taken advantage of.
10. Media choices offering low-cost/high-yield: Broadcast FAX, postcards, oversize postcards,
package inserts, ride-alongs.
11. How to exploit many different “distribution opportunities” for your info-products requiring NO
AD OR MARKETING DOLLARS OF YOUR OWN, and tapping into others’ carefully guarded
12. An exhaustive, in-depth look at Joint Ventures, arguably the highest-profit way to multiply your
wealth based on a “solid” info-product. EXACTLY HOW TO PUT TOGETHER A MULTI-
13. Hundreds of “little tricks” that pay off big – like the phone number “gimmick” that boosts
response to almost any ad or broadcast-FAX by 30% to 40%. Like: what to add to an order
form to boost net profits by 25% or more.
14. How to take a once effective but dying ad and give it new life, with one simple change.
15. Hundreds of “little nuances” shown to you in ads, letters, FAXes, etc. both for selling to new
customers and to established customers….. A LIFETIME OF MY MOST EFFECTIVE

In toto, you get a truly COMPLETE “PICTURE” of an info-business, from the very first ad to
acquire the very first customer all the way to a mature business with 2/3rds to 3/4ths of its income
derived from the “back end”, with continuity and renewable income, periodic BIG paydays, a complex
matrix of profit centers and income streams…..a business engineered for near 100% auto-pilot operation,
for the ideal lifestyle…..a business generating both current, high income and long-term equity, value and
wealth. I believe you will be INSPIRED by this “picture”… will PROFIT from this comprehensive
inside-look, more detailed understanding… will be fully equipped to launch OR to “super-charge”
your own info-business.

Examples, Examples, Examples And More Examples…

Unique, unusual envelope designs that get opened.….Order Forms designed with “rocket science”
thoroughness and precision to maximize response. From my archives: THE very first ads I ever wrote
and ran, for my first info-products, and for my first clients.….one of my earliest sales letters for info-
products and the amazing “secret” it contains….. Examine some of my longest-running, most profitable
ads, including “An Open Letter From A Once-Flat-Broke Nebraska Housewife”…..Joe Polish’s lead
generation ads.….

Powerful, high-performing sales letters, including the current Nightingale-Conant “control” for my
MAGNETIC MARKETING SYSTEM. Examples from clients and attendees at this seminar…..those
selling to business niches, hobbyists, “unusual”, offbeat markets..…my “Why Would A Wealthy Man…?”
letter that made millions for a client. Little “lift notes” and “Post-it Notes” that give big boosts to
response. Join me in dissecting and analyzing “million dollar sales letters”…..letters I’ve been paid
$25,000.00 to $100,000.00 to write, letters that have literally created million dollar successes from

You even get examples of “raw copy” as I delivered to clients, before it was ultimately turned into
successful direct-mail campaigns, so you see the “evolutionary process” from the very beginning – for
example, one renewal campaign that converted 2/3rds of a client’s customers from “low price” to “high

Original lead-generation ads that launched million dollar info-businesses – actual ads from over a
dozen different individuals shown and discussed. Examples of “winner” and “loser” ads for the same
product, why one worked, the other didn’t.

From 43 or 44 hours of classroom time and hundreds and hundreds of examples shown and discussed,
I’ve hand-picked THE most useful and valuable minutes, THE most valuable models, cut out all the
“chaff”, and built a HIGHLIGHTS PROGRAM that compresses, condenses and efficiently presents my
entire, systemized, step-by-step approach to developing a hugely profitable “info empire.” And in
addition to my “lifetime of know-how”, you’ll hear me quiz people like Ken McCarthy, the only person I
trust re. Making money via the Internet..…Joe Sabah, who has sold an unbelievable number of books “in
his bathrobe” via talk radio..…Jeff Paul, the “$4,000.00 A Day” man…..and a handful of other
information giants.

To Be Fair, This Particular Package

Definitely Is NOT For Everybody…

It is IDEAL FOR YOU if you are already in the info-products business in one way or another,
or you’re a very serious student of direct marketing.

If that’s the case, I can promise, I can guarantee the certainty of “plus-ing” your profits.....of
strategies and opportunities you’ll take immediate action on. If you are already spending money
producing, advertising and marketing info-products, it’s an absolute “lock” you’ll increase your profits
far, far, far in excess of your investment. Unless, of course, you think you know it all or are simply mule-
stubborn about the way you do things. But given that you are eager for ways to make more money
(without doing more work), let me say this: in the past 10 years, I have not consulted with a single
person or company in this field and failed to provide that client with income-boosting strategies. Not

If you are “green” but very, very serious about getting into this field, then this is a golden
opportunity to get the benefit of my 25+ years of experience in condensed form, an unbeatable
“shortcut” value.

After all, I have launched many people in the info-business from ground zero, almost all of
whom have on-going, lucrative businesses; many of whom are making in excess of a million dollars
a year, net. But you do need to already be at least a very serious student, if not a practitioner; the
complete novice will be overwhelmed here, and would be better served taking “baby steps”…..beginning
with the study of Dave Dee’s “Mega Information Marketing Success System And Toolkit.”

So, if you are a real babe-in-the-woods, I would not advise getting this Package. Or if you are flat
broke, I wouldn’t advise it; although the info-biz offers enormous financial leverage, it still does require
money to make money. Don’t spend your last few shekels coming to this, hoping for a miracle. This is a
REAL BUSINESS SYSTEM for a real business person.

One way or another, if you are really ready to develop a COMPLETE, hugely profitable information
business 100% your own, then you are the correct “match” with THIS Package.

Here’s Exactly What’s Included:

(Be careful just lifting the box.)

18 AUDIO TAPES professionally recorded and edited by Steve Tyra, in my opinion, THE best editor of
spoken word audio in the business. Over 27 hours of the 3 days are here, including my presentations,
lively question-answer sessions, panel discussions where quizzed guest experts and successful clients, and
much more. That’s an incredible 27 hours!!!

A WRITTEN TRANSCRIPT of the audio Tapes, to make note-taking, highlighting, and subsequent
reference as easy as possible for you.


Seminar, I kept these to myself. Even my private clients paying $6,800.00 a day, some paying me
$100,000.00 and more a year NEVER saw these diagrams and charts. These “pull everything together”
so you have complete understanding of very sophisticated marketing models.

marketing tools and examples discussed during the Seminar – including some of my earliest successful
ads, even my very first ads..…including successful examples I’ve never shown off at a seminar or in a
course. I promise, you can “live off of” this collection of “winners” by itself! I’ve even included
examples of “raw copy” as I deliver it to my copywriting clients in the first draft, so you can see my
thinking process, and how a winning promotion evolves. You cannot get many of these samples in any
other resource.


Turn Off The T.V. And Watch Something That

CAN Make YOU A Millionaire.

The investment to attend the Seminar was $3,475.00. This Package will be Internet/Catalog-priced in
the future at just $1,995.00 (A huge 40% Discount!). Right now, your investment required for this
Home Study Package is less than half that price: just $995.00*.

If you like, you can get the “Deluxe” Package which also includes 12 Video Tapes for just an
additional $375.00 (will be $750.00 later). So for a total investment of only $1,370, you can literally
recreate the seminar in your living room. Turn off “Who Want To Be A Millionaire?” and invest 39
hours** in a Training Program PROVEN to make hundreds of people millions of dollars! These 12
Videos came from a two-camera pro shoot, you see audience participants, panelists, me, the overheads
on the screen, the works. It truly is the next best thing to being there.

If you like, you can mark the “2 Installment” option (or “3 Installments” if you go with the “Deluxe”
Package) on the Form, and split the payment for your convenience.
*To get the HALF-PRICE SPECIAL, you MUST place your order no later than the date stamped in red on the Registration Form.

**Video highlights condensed to approx. 12 hours – audio highlights approx. 27 hours.

Yep, I Know, This Ain’t Cheap

Given the investment I have in this accumulated know-how, given its value in use, and given that this
is the only time in my entire life that I’m going to discuss it all, I’d be an idiot to attach a K-Mart price
tag. Sorry, but it’s Neiman-Marcus time.

Only you can know if you are serious enough about a real approach to making big money in the
information business to justify this.

I can’t guess. Only you can know.

How can you judge the “reasonableness” of this price tag? If you are in the business of selling
information, then you’ll have to plug your ears and sleep through it all not to walk away with strategies
you can quickly turn into large sums of cash. So, for the sake of conversation, let’s say it’s a “mortal
lock” you’ll put an extra $25,000.00 in the bank within 90 days of going through this Highlights Package.
(I’d think more like $250,000.00, but let’s say $25,000.00.) Here’s the question: how big of a return on
a 90-day CD would it take to get you in line at the bank? Or, do it this way: if your bank was selling a
CD worth $25,000.00 at maturity 90 days from now, what would you cheerfully pay for it today?
Would you pay $20,000.00? $15,000.00? Surely $10,000.00?

So how much are you willing to pay to get this? If you mentally bid less than $5,000.00, you’re silly.

Of course, if you’re not already up and running with an information business, so you can instantly
cash in on what you’ll hear, then you might look at it like getting a “franchise” – or maybe, more like
spending a couple days with Ray Kroc’s ghost, the current CEO of McDonalds and ten of the most
successful restaurant owners in the world, if you were going to open up a burger joint. And what would
you pay for that?

People paid $3,475.00 to attend the seminar. You’re getting the “Highlights Package” for less
than a third of that investment – and no travel, no hotel. Frankly, were the position reversed, I’d grab
*****THIS IS FACT: there are at least 100 people who quite literally owe their million dollar or
multi-million dollar yearly incomes as info-marketers to me. Either personally or through my
materials, I opened the door for them the very first time. Or they found me after years of
struggle and “flopping about”. They built their products, ads, mailings, entire businesses on
my methods and models. (As I was writing this, I talked with one who, in 2000, sold nearly
500 of his own information-product, at an average profit of $200.00 – that’s $100,000.00 –
almost entirely via direct-mail, FAX and e-mail in his spare time, while going to school full-
time! Within 2 years, he’ll be doing over a million a year.) ***************

Some comments from people who were at this seminar, and who’ve used these exact same strategies
“piece-meal” as I’ve taught them at other times appear on the last two pages of this letter. Read them.
Chew on ‘em. Why shouldn’t YOU join this unique group of information-entrepreneurs reaping such
huge rewards?

Do You Need A Guarantee?

I would hope not. Given the mountain of evidence laid out here, and elsewhere if you wish to go
look for it, you ought to decide “yea” or “nay” without need of guarantees. However, you do get a 45-
day “free peak”; go ahead and get everything into your hands and you can quickly determine that it IS
everything I’ve promised and much more – but then if you aren’t bowled over (I’ll be shocked), you can
return it all for a 100% refund. You’re perfectly safe!

********************Do NOT Wait Or Delay********************

Your immediate response is needed. Please take action now as quickly as you can,
preferably by going to my website at: Or order by phone via
our secure automated order line at: 1-678-348-7577., 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (Be sure to say
whether you want the “BASIC PACKAGE A-Z” package or the “DELUXE PACKAGE A-Z”

A Final Thought....
To paraphrase that Cuban baseball player John Belushi used to imitate on Saturday Night Live, info-
marketing been veddy, veddy good to me. I cannot imagine how else somebody with my background
could have created financial independence from scratch, so early in life, had as
much fun, and even had as much positive impact on the lives and fortunes of others. I’d sincerely like
you to have a similar experience; to be able to use my bank of knowledge about this unusual specialty to
dramatically accelerate your achievement of whatever goals you have. That cannot occur if you miss out
on this. It is up to you.


Dan Kennedy
Paper-’n-Ink Alchemist

PS: To get the Special HALF-PRICE DISCOUNT, your order must be received no later that the date
- 10 -
stamped in red on the enclosed Acceptance Form. After that date, if the maximum limit of 500 Info-
Publishing/Direct Marketing Business Systems have not been sold, you can get it on our Website at
double the price it’s being offered today.

PPS: Should you have any questions, call Dave Dee’s office at: (678) 393-0108.


“Best idea from the seminar - WOW! This will put at least $10,000.00 in my
pocket in the next 30 days. (Sorry Dan, no royalties!) I’ll definitely be at
the next seminar.”
- Rick Zimmerman, Fresno, CA

“I am stunned. Amazed. EXCITED. Three jam packed days of the best useable
information I’ve ever gotten in one place. My ‘to do’ lists have ‘to do’ lists,
yet I’m not the least bit overwhelmed. I’m walking away with a clear plan to
turn my employee-heavy, management-burdened business into a profit-making
machine…you’ve set me free!”
- Elizabeth Moreland, Orange City, FL

“Dan is truly passionate about helping people to do what he does, sharing his
knowledge and expertise tirelessly. We are fired up…we got answers.”
- Pamela Bower, Dodge City, KS

“I used one of Dan’s ideas to turn work I’d done for a client into an
information product that immediately doubled my income. Now, after this
seminar, I’m going to have to double my projections for next year. I’m not
easily impressed, but today I am astounded.”
- Shelley Stuart, London, Ontario, Canada

“There’s a lot of opportunity in the information-products business, but finding

the path to success can be like wandering into the forest in ‘The Blair Witch
Project.’ Dan’s seminar saved me from a lot of frustration, wasting a lot of
money – and most important – wasting a lot of time. In my market, I could never
have afforded to waste the time it would have taken me to learn everything that
was covered in just three days.”
- George Columbo, Winter Springs, FL

“I got more than my money’s worth during the first three hours…the first four
pages of the Manual alone showed me how to make my niche product into five other
niche markets – that alone will easily make me an additional million dollars in
the next 8 months…”
- Ernesto J. Fernander, Lutz, FL

“I’ve been a Marketing Director for nearly ten years. I know quite a bit. My
promotions pulled results - bosses and clients loved me. I was NOT aware of how
much I didn’t know. That bell rang for me around 8:07 AM Thursday and it has
kept on ringing!…I cannot recommend this Program strongly enough. Do whatever
you have to do to hear this man, and be prepared to have your old, staid ideas
flushed from your brain…I’ve just spent an hour, long-distance, hotel rates and
all, to tell my husband about my plans. After listening carefully, asking a few
questions, just hearing the tip of the tip of the iceberg of information I’ve
gotten in the last 24 hours, he got it! He’s even got another 4 or 5
distinctive niche-specialized products in mind for us to do together. He
referred to Dan as the Charles Manson of Direct-Response. Well, let me tell
you, if loving Dan is wrong, I don’t want to be right. I’ve been through
seminars, courses, conferences, etc. umpteen times and have NEVER been as
- 11 -
excited as I am right now – 2:00 AM. Between the raw Kennedy knowledge, tried
and proven techniques, 4 pounds of examples, checklists, guest panelists, this
seminar is worth every penny, every back ache, every under-eye bag and dark
circle…in fact, if Dan required my first born child in exchange for the
information he has given, I’d pay to have a reversal of my tubal ligation…I
think the most profound result of these three days with Dan is the realization
that this entire business of information marketing isn’t something just for
other people – it’s for me, too.
- Bridget Campbell, Coeur D’Alene, ID


“I adapted a letter from MAGNETIC MARKETING for my upholstery/drapery business,
mailed it to my past customers and brought in $42.00 for every $1.00 I spent
mailing it. Brought in $27,494.00 in 21 days. That was all over and above our
normal sales for the month!
- Rick Zimmerman, Fresno, CA

“I’ve been buying and using Dan Kennedy’s products since 1987. Using Dan’s
techniques, I’ve increased sales 12-times. 1,200 %!!!”
- Steven Swanson, Largo, FL

“Last December I read in an earlier newsletter of Dan’s about the importance of

creating urgency in your offer. I added a “P.S.” to my own letter with a reason
for urgency. I mailed to 167 banks (my prospects) and got 16 responses (10%)
resulting in 6 orders totaling over $16,000.00 all from a $200.00 investment.
Just making this addition to my sales letter doubled the results.”
- James A. Johnson, Minneapolis, MN

“For 10 years as a consultant, I’ve been developing programs for clients one at
a time. I’ve got a whole wall of individual binders with customized training
programs and I own them all. After listening to Dan for 40 minutes I smacked
myself in the head and said, “How stupid am I?” I took just one of those
binders off my shelf, re-packaged it, sent out a direct-mail piece about it to
just 2,500 from a niche market of 12,000 and instantly made over $30,000.00.
I’ve been sitting on a goldmine with a pick axe and shovel but Dan’s given me
the heavy-duty mining equipment.”
- Shelley Stuart, London, Ontario, Canada

“I attended Dan’s 1998 SuperConference. It cost me twice as much as any other

attendee because I had to travel 26 hours, jump on 5 planes, squished like a
sardine. Also my Australian dollar was worth half the U.S. dollar. Although
overcome by jet lag and struggling to stay awake, I learned about two strategies
that directly enabled me to increase the sales of my mail-order business by 86%,
and increase my profits by 300%, which in turn enables me to sell the business I
had started with zero for $420,000.00. Now I have started another mail-order
company that is already worth more than a million dollars.” (Note: Mal not only
attended this info Marketing Seminar in July but is returning again for the
October SuperConference.)
- Mal Emery, Scarborough, Perth, Australia

ã Kimble & Kennedy Publishing



Sampling Of Clients (Past/Present):
RON LE GRAND* Author of numerous books, cassettes and courses
for real estate investors.

CRAIG PROCTOR #1 ReMax real estate agent in the world for several
consecutive years and, based on that success, a trainer/coach and publisher
of info-products for the real estate industry.

LINDA MILES One of the leading consultants to the dental profession. (Listen to her
comments on the 'Spill The Beans' Tape.)

T.J. & EILEEN ROHLEDER* Publishers/marketers of how-to courses, audio tapes and complete
"business in a box" products for opportunity seekers.

CHAUNCEY HUTTER* Publishes info-products for tax preparers and accountants.

GUTHY-RENKER CORP. Publishes/produces info-products marketed primarily via TV, including

Think And Grow Rich, Tony Robbins' Personal Power, Kathy Smith
Weight Loss System, Covert Baily Fitness, etc.

(LARRY PINO) Publishes books, tapes, high-priced courses for individual entrepreneurs in
the cash flow industry (mortgages,
factoring, etc.)

U.S. MORTGAGE Publishes courses and "business in a box" type products.

*Platinum Members


Pamela Yellen, Prospecting & Marketing Institute

You'll hear Pamela on the "Spill The Beans" Tape. For a number of years, she sold her
info-products only via "manual labor", at speaking engagements, and while she still does
that, she has developed a much larger income stream from direct marketing of an expanded
line of info-products for her original niche, and an entirely separate, second info-
products business for another niche. The income and the freedom from a grueling travel
schedule allowed Pamela and her husband Larry to relocate from Phoenix to Santa Fe, New
Mexico, build their dream home there, and now operate their business from home with zero

Jeff Paul
You must know the Jeff Paul story, and you've probably read the book, "How I Make
$4,000.00 A Day Sitting At My Kitchen Table In My Underwear." As Jeff will freely tell
you, he was failing miserably in info-product marketing when he came to the first of my
SuperConferences, and I personally gave him a short list of corrective measures to re-
invent his product, fix his advertising and turn his business around. His income
skyrocketed in a matter of months to over $100,000.00 a month. He subsequently built
several successful info-products businesses, sold one for a very substantial profit, and
has become a highly paid, much in demand consultant. He has a very strict set of "rules"
about how he wishes to live his life, and designs his business activities to support that
chosen lifestyle.

Chauncey Hutter
Reed Hoisington
Bill Glazer
Chauncey, Reed and Bill all have this in common: they were very successful in their own
fields --- tax preparation, mortgages, clothing stores, respectively --- and were, in part
or whole, excelling at the use of direct-response advertising and innovative marketing. At
my urging and with my personal consulting, each launched their own info-products business
within their industries. To-date, Reed has had the greatest success, often exceeding
$60,000.00 in monthly revenue, and developing very innovative means of getting free lead
generation advertising via joint venture, sponsorship and co-op advertising arrangements.


2 Auto Repair Shop Owners 2 Heating/Air Cond. Contractors
2 Carpet Cleaners 2 Landscape Contractors
2 Chiropractic 2 Mortgage Brokers
2 Clothing Store Owners 2 Real Estate Agents
2 Dentistry 2 Restaurant Owners
2 Florists 2 Tax Accountants


2 "Speed Seduction" may have seen Ross Jeffries on Oprah, Sally Jesse Raphael, etc. ; his ads run
regularly in men's magazines. Ross markets info-products on "picking up women." His "Speed Seduction"
program carries a price tag of nearly $500.00.
2 "Weight Loss Secrets Of Las Vegas Showgirls".... Dr. Scott Lewis is actually a chiropractor whose
first info-products (books and audio tapes) have to do with "follow-through motivation" re. diet and exercise,
and hundreds of thousands of those products have been sold in conjunction with several different TV infomercial
products. His newest venture is marketing these new videos he recently produced.

2 "Wealth Secret Of A Desperate Iowa Housewife" ..... Louise Nielsen turned her true story of starting
a housecleaning business broke, with a bucket and sponge, and building up, and selling, a multi-million dollar
company into an info-product that has been profitably advertised and sold for nearly 4 consecutive years.

2 "Let A Pro Teach Your Son To Hit Home Runs".....a former pro ballplayer has developed a business
selling how-to videos, audios and manuals to parents of Little Leaguers. He has gone from one product to
twenty, and a million dollar a year business!

2 "How To Kill A Man With Your Bare Hands In 60 Seconds"....."Quick Kill" Williams' full-page ads
are a staple in martial arts, soldier-of-fortune and men's magazines every month, fueling a business featuring a
huge collection of video and printed info-products like his "Speed Hitting Course", ranging in price from under
$100.00 to over $1,000.00. "Quick Kill" has attended a number of my seminars over the years and -- fortunately
for me!!! --- has profited by doing so.


2 The largest publisher of test prep guides for postal service, other federal jobs, police dept. jobs, etc.
2 A national association of professional hypnotists
2 A 10-million-dollar a year mail-order marketer of alternative health books

A Few Of The
2 A bestselling book on improving eyesight
2 An audio-tape program by fitness guru Covert Bailey
2 A memory improvement course
2 The leading audio/video program on back injury
prevention in the workplace
2 The #1-selling collection of audio, video, and multi-media theft control training
programs for the supermarket, convenience store and drug store industries.....over
5,000 CEO and Corp. Training Directors signed as newsletter subscribers in
first year of publication.....
2 A comedy newsletter for radio disc jockeys
2 A complete time management system
2 New "Psycho-Cybernetics" branded products sold in
bookstores, on line, by Nightingale-Conant and in other

In this business, it only takes one great idea
to make a million........




M.O.R.E., Inc.
(Info-products and business opportunities)

"Thanks in large part to Dan Kennedy's guidance, methods and strategies we are going to
break the Five Million Dollar yearly sales mark, for the first time in the history of our

Warrior Publications
(Personal growth, mental toughness and martial arts publications)

From 1992: "It seems like, after 14 years of 'hoping' and struggling, you've finally shown me
how to make real money from selling my information. Things are now happening I never
thought were possible. Dan - you are one of the handful of people who really got me started."
From 1999....."We've sold 3,407 videos in the "Kahuna Warrior Mind" series in the last
4 weeks alone! We pull in $33.00 plus S&H for each video. And of all the purchases, we've
had only 17 choose the "Silver" package, and 9 of those upgraded to "Gold" as soon as they
watched the "Quick Start Video". Most of the rest buy the "Gold", but are immediately sold
up to "Platinum" - for another $97.00."
(DAN'S NOTE: That's over $112,000.00 in business - about $4,000.00 A DAY....wouldn't you like to know how to do

Guthy-Renker Corporation
(TV Infomercials incl. Tony Robbins, Victoria Principal, Kathy Smith, Covert Bailey, etc.)

"We try never to make an important marketing decision without consulting Dan Kennedy.
While our use of his services is not restricted to 'information products', there is no doubt that
Dan Kennedy has more real knowledge about successfully marketing such products than
anyone else."
(DAN'S NOTE: the Guthy-Renker Corp. has paid me nearly a half-million dollars in fees and royalties, in a consulting
relationship dating back to their very first infomercial.)

Piranha Marketing, Inc.
(Info-products for service industries)

"Here's a much deserved testimonial. I should have sent you this formal thank-you sooner, but
I've been so busy making money with all the killer marketing stuff I've learned from you, I
haven't taken the time. Anyway, my relationship with you is directly responsible for over
$500,000.00 in sales in less than 2 years."

I first made money selling information by mail in 1972.

Following is a summary of many of my experiences with different
media for selling information. But note this: I'm learning
something new and useful everyday; I'm not teaching "history".
About Product Development

I have built product for Entrepreneur Magazine, Hume Publishing, Guthy-Renker, Group M
Marketing, Nightingale-Conant, and a number of other product
with Tony Robbins, Jeff Paul, Pamela Yellen, Dr. Maxwell Maltz......and ghost-written
product for over a dozen authors/speakers. Over the years, I have created and sold over
100 different info-products of my own. My own products have been sold in over a dozen
different companies' catalogs, in joint-ventures with magazine and newsletter publishers,
even on TV. The very first info-product I ever created, in 1973, sold over 1,000,000
copies. I developed an entire collection of info-products for the chiropractic and dental
professions, sold via seminars and direct-mail in 1983-1987, then licensed to another
entity and sold by that firm for several years, then bought back, up-dated and re-licensed
in 1998. For several years I was the CEO of a custom cassette manufacturing company which,
at the time, produced products for roughly 1/3rd of all the professional speakers in North
America. Three years ago, I organized The Psycho-Cybernetics Foundation, and we have
developed a new home study course sold by direct-mail, a new audio product sold by
Nightingale-Conant and in SkyMall catalogs, and a new book sold in bookstores. I am
currently developing new info-products for test advertising this year in the horse racing
About Magazine Ads
The first full-page ad I created for a client (in 1975) ran every month in dozens of
magazines for a month. The first full-page direct-response ad I created for my own
products (in 1974) provided a 4-1 (400%) ROI and ran until the product was unavailable.
More recently, in one category, for several months, 11 of 63 full-page ads in one national
magazine were written by me, for 11 different clients! I have created full-page ads for
info-products that have produced as much as 9-1 ROI via 1-step selling, and, in total,
that have sold well over 25-million dollars worth of various info-products. My full-page
ads for clients as well as my own products have appeared repeatedly in Success,
Entrepreneur, Money, Moneymaking Opportunities, all major airline magazines, as well as
diverse publications including Golf Digest and Prevention.

About Direct-Mail
I have been paid as much as $72,000.00 in fee + royalties in one year, for writing one
sales letter - and paid more than $50,000.000 each for a number of sales letters. Over
the past 5 years, my sales letters have either become my clients' "controls" or beat their
"controls" over 80% of the time. In 1999, one client, selling an audio/video info-product,
made over $200,000.00 in profits from mailing one of my letters to less than 30,000
prospects. With case history after case history, I have successful, profitable sales
letters to show for nearly 100 different clients, projects and info-products. Millions
and millions of pieces of direct-mail created by me have been mailed. Even top freelance
copywriters have purchased my products about copywriting. My book THE ULTIMATE SALES
LETTER has been continuously available in bookstores since its first publication in 1991.
The sales letter developed with my assistance by Nightingale-Conant for 'The New Psycho-
Cybernetics' product made that N/C's #1 best-selling personal development program of 1999.
About Television
The infomercial I wrote and produced for U.S. Gold still holds the record for longest-
running lead generation show for a business opportunity (7 years), and it made the client
a millionaire+. I have had numerous successes and even more failures in the infomercial
field, spanning 11 years. I have been a guest expert on panels at the national
conventions of both the National Infomercial Marketing Association and the Direct
Marketing Association, and had articles published re. infomercials in both TARGET and DM
About Audio Tapes As Sales Tools
I have created some of the most successful tapes used as sales tools ever used. For a
product of my own ('The Money/Business/Success Course'), my 90-minute audio tape sold over
$500,000.00 worth of courses in 18 months, with an average conversion rate of 15%. More
recently, I developed three different "recruiting tapes" for two different MLM companies
and, in total, over one million of those tapes have been distributed.
About Video Tapes As Sales Tools
I have written and/or turn-key produced "video brochures" for MLM companies, business
opportunity and franchise companies, home study course publishers, as well as a variety of
consumer products. Consulting clients specific to this have included the Amway Corporation
and ICS, International Correspondence Schools.

A Very Small Sampling Of The Important Topics

That Are Covered On These Tapes:
1. Prolific product development
2. Three biggest mistakes made when putting together info-products
3. Acquiring product or product content from others
4. Finding, hiring and using freelance researchers and writers
5. Finding, hiring and using ghost-writers
6. Where to find experts by-the-boatload who will cheerfully contribute to your info-products, free (pay
them nothing, not even a royalty)
7. How to create products that have exceptional sales appeal
8. How to create products that have a "sales story"
9. How to create products that others will want to sell
10. Command exceptionally high prices and maintain high margins
11. How to create and sustain a continuity program and "lock in" stable monthly cash flow and income
12. How to "build in" content and mechanisms in one product that automatically sells another
13. How to get a higher price via "limited continuity": a different way to package and sell a high-priced product
14. How to get a 6-tape album done in 1 day: from idea to finished product
15. How to read -- the daily newspapers, trade journals, etc. --- for good info-product ideas, titles, content
16. Rapid Research: how to get all the raw material you need for a new info-product organized in one week
17. How to set product prices (for maximum profit)
18. A discussion of product media incl. CD's, Audio, Video, Print, etc.
19. Delivery of info-content to customers via the Internet
20. What to "build in to" info-products to minimize returns and refunds
21. How to add a lot of perceived value to products at little or no cost
22. How to get and use Public Domain material free
The Newsletter Business
23. Why, when and how to profitably use a "free" newsletter
24. How to build a paid circulation newsletter business
25. Renewals: what works, what doesn't
26. How to make "content" for a really good newsletter easy (4 tactics)

Multiple Income Sources

27. How to license your products for non-competitive use by others
28. Pros, cons, dangers, details of international or territorial licensing
29. Re-cycling old product for new income
30. Marrying info-products with info-services
31. How to get paid for access to your customers: exploiting the Toll Booth Position

Business Operations & Financial Success Strategies

32. How to identify, nurture and exploit the Hyper-Responsive customer
33. How to minimize customer service without creating customer dissatisfaction
34. Outsourcing: options, problems, quality control
35. Five Poisonous Patterns that destroy successful info-product businesses: how my clients have shot
themselves in the foot
36. Rapid Market Research: 5 things to do, to get a more thorough understanding of a target market
37. How to use continuity-type products to create stable, predictable cash flow AND equity AND more
valuable customers
38. What to do to extend the life span of an info-biz in a small niche
39. A discussion of the Publish-On-Demand approach to the business
40. Legal Hazards specific to info-products
41. Long-Term Vision: how to create Wealth via info-products
42. Will "books" be extinct? - Paper-n-ink vs. the Internet
43. How to use an info-products biz to make any vacation anywhere tax-deductible
44. How info-marketers have successfully "re-invented" themselves after saturating a market
45. How to test an idea as quickly and cheaply as possible

Advertising & Marketing

46. Why, when and how to use Self-Liquidating Lead Generation
47. 1-Step advertising: appropriate uses, effective techniques
48. Multi-Step Marketing: appropriate uses, effective technique
49. A look at info-marketers' use of Celebrities and Celebrity Endorsements
50. How to get FREE Celebrity Endorsements
51. Ten different ways to use Testimonials
52. Offer Options: how to structure the most appealing Offer
53. When and how to change the offer during a marketing sequence
54. Payment Terms: variety of ways to structure and present payments
55. How to write, present and manage Guarantees, to maximize sales
56. How to use Premiums to drive the sale
57. How to best utilize new marketing technologies incl. tele-conferences, recorded messages, broadcast FAX,
broadcast Voice Mail, e-mail
58. How to create Credibility for info-products
59. How to create Believability for info-products
60. 14 Steps to "World Class Expert" status
61. How does "brand identity" work in the info-products business?
62. How to make a fortune giving your info-products away for free
63. Info-product sales strategies from "E.R.", the Mafia, the devil, James Bond, Ed McMahon, Ted Turner

Radio & Television

64. The changed and changing face of the infomercial world
65. The only sensible way for an info-marketer to use TV right now
66. How to use "talk radio" to market
67. How to sell a million dollars of info-products a year doing interviews at home, sitting on your patio
68. Lead generation via spot radio advertising

Trade Secrets
69. In the past 3 years, Platinum Inner Circle Members, all info-product marketers, have paid over $200,000.00
in fees to attend their meetings, to share "what works", and combined, these Members have sold well over
50-Million Dollars of info-products during that time period. Without violating specific confidences, many of
the discoveries made, "guinea-pig'd" and shared by these marketers are shared on these tapes.
70. The 5 secrets of creating “Customers For Life”, each with value exceeding thousands to tens of
thousands of dollars.
71. Why, when and how to compete with yourself in a given market
72. How to get top-drawer direct-response copywriters to work for you for free
73. How to periodically set up "Giant Pay-Days" within your Info-Product Business
74. Exit Strategies: 5 ways info-biz owners extract large "walk away money" from their businesses, when the
time comes
75. A Lifetime Of Homework: my personal daily/weekly/monthly reading list....what every info-marketer must
76. 7 Million Dollar Lessons About Customer Behavior That I've Observed In Horses - just paying attention
to this "Big 7" will save and make you a ton of money
77. Copywriting: as you know, two years ago I conducted a complete seminar exclusively about copywriting -
here we will review and examine the critically important keys as they relate specifically to selling info-
78. How to virtually GUARANTEE that a new info-product and the marketing of it will be successful
and profitable. Exactly how to write yourself an "insurance policy" against loss or failure.

Here’s How To Order

(Immediately, To Save Up To 50%!!!)
One: You can order online via our Secure Server by going to:
All website orders are fulfilled and shipped by UPS within 72 hours.

Two: You can call my publisher’s (Dave Dee, Inc.) secure automated order hotline, at
1-678-348-7577 and use your American Express, VISA, MasterCard or Discover card. All telephone
orders are fulfilled and shipped by UPS within 72 hours. Be sure to say that you want the “BASIC
PACKAGE A-Z” package or the “DELUXE PACKAGE A-Z” package.”

Three: you can send your order in by mail, with your personal or company check to: Dave Dee, Inc.,
11770 Haynes Bridge Rd, Suite 205-242, Alpharetta, GA 30004. Orders arriving by mail are also fulfilled
within 72 hours.

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