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Does the company verify workers' age before hiring them and certify that all workers Minimum graduate from Sr. High School
1 have at least the minimum age defined by law? (No. Attachment)
Does the company certify that all workers have signed a written contract of
No N/A
2 employment and work on a voluntary basis?
If yes, detail relations with Trade Unions
Does the company respect workers' freedom of association and right to take part in
No and participation of workers in Trade
Trade Unions activity?
3 Unions activity.

Does the company certify that wages always meet at least the legal minimum standard
The company always meet at least the
4 if defined? If a minimum legal wage is not defined, does the company make sure that Yes
legal minimum standard (No attachment)
the minimum wages applied satisfy basic needs?

The company always comply with law

Does the company comply with law / contract provisions as regards working hours,
5 overtime and period of rest?
Yes regarding working hours, overtime and
period of rest (No attachment)

6 Does the company monitor working hours in order to prevent excessive overtime? No If yes, attach statistic of last 12 months.

Does the company ensure that disciplinary practices, if any, complies with provisions
7 of law?
Yes Please refer to Safety Declaration Letter

Internal audit do not cover HR

8 Are internal audit covering HR management carried out an a regular basis? No management, only trainings and
personal development

Has your site recently been subject to (or pending) any fines/prosecutions related to
9 violation of labour law provisions?
No If yes, detail in attachment.

10 Does your company self-assess or audit its suppliers against social parameters? No We refer to ISO system (No attachment)

11 Does your company include social clauses in contracts with its Suppliers? No If yes, attach the contract clauses.

12 Has your company received a social audit by a second party in the last 36 months? No If yes, please attach the report.

Sustainability report published by BB

13 Does your company publish a Sustainability Report? Yes

Does your company implement a Social Responsibility Management System certified

14 according to SA 8000?
No If yes, please attach the certificate.


1 Does the company have a written and formal Ethical Code? Yes Code of Conduct

Does your company have documented polices or procedures clearly stating that it will
2 not tolerate bribery or corruption and will not accept improper offers of payment to or Yes Pledge of loyalty
from its employees or agents /suppliers?

Does your company self-assess or audit its suppliers against anti-bribery or corruption
3 parameters?
Yes Code of Conduct

Has your site recently been subject to (or pending) any fines/prosecutions related to
4 bribery or corruption?
No If yes, detail in attachment.
Health & Safety, Environment ANSWER (Y/N) ATTACHMENT

Are you using or developing a management system (including policy, programs,

1 procedures and review process) to ensure proper management of Healt & Safety Yes Health, Safety and Environment Manual

2 Do you have a certified Health & Safety management system? Yes OHS 512564

Has your company received anl audit on Health & Safety by a second party in the last Assessment Report BBS HSE February
12 36 months?

Have you had any deaths at work in the last 3 years? If YES, in which year? Yes Safety Summary 2009-2013

Are you using or developing a management system (including policy, programs,

3 procedures and review process) to ensure proper management of environmental Yes Health, Safety and Environment Manual

4 Do you have a certified Environmental Management System? Yes EMS 561167

Has your company received an Environmental audit by a second party in the last 36
12 months?
Yes Assessment Report BBS HSE April 2012

8 Have you had any environmental accidents in the last 3 years? If YES, in which year? No Safety Summary 2009-2013

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