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A novel approach for semantic similarity

measurement for high quality answer selection in

question answering platform using deep learning
Darshana Vekariya Nivid R. Limbasiya
Department of Computer Engineering, Department of Computer Engineering,
V.V.P. Engineering College, Rajkot V.V.P. Engineering College, Rajkot
Gujarat, India Gujarat, India

Question retrieval and high-quality answer retrieval is the main task 1. Retrieving best answers and Questions
in Question-answering system. It is a real-world application of NLP
technologies. The major challenges of QA is the exact selection of 1.1) Retrieving best answers :
high-quality responses w.r.t. given questions and by doing that it will
also minimize the time of finding a similar question and high-quality QA service is used to restoring the efficient answer to a similar
answer. A large amount of data available, but getting the right question.
information accessible when needed is very important. Since many A major issue in answer selection are:
users have similar informational needs, answers to new questions can 1) Modeling of complex matching amongst Question and answer.
typically be found either in whole or part, from the existing question- 2) Modeling of the complex relationship among the response of a
answer archive. Hence, given a new incoming question, it displays a given question.
list of similar or related questions, which could satisfy immediately A major challenge for CQA tasks is how to recognize the quality of
response, the information needs to the user, without having to wait response to the correct question. Methods can involve the elaborate
for new questions to be answered by other users. QA engines attempt task of extracting numerous features or are not e ffective for longer
to let you ask the question the way you normally ask. Cosine answers[17]. As from the Figure 2,we can say that, the high-quality
similarity algorithm is used to compute the distance between the answers are those which directly identify and explain the question.
question and answer pairs and it is used to find the appropriate
answer. QA can have two domains Open Domain QA and Closed Question:
Domain QA. In Open-domain there is no any particular domain, users How can I travel from Rajkot to Mumbai?
can ask any question, the system will give an answer from the web
and give a respective answer to the user. In a closed domain, QA Expected answer:
users can ask a question related to some particular domain. Book yourself a ticket to fly to Mumbai.
Not Expected:
Question-answering, neural networks, deep learning, memory By Swimming…

Introduction: Figure 1. An example of Question answering

QA is important to retrieve questions from information resources on 1.2) Retrieving best questions :
the web and based on that it is also helpful to retrieve the best User's query compared with the historical data and acquire the best
answers. Sources include Yahoo!-answers, Quora, Stack Overflow. question[2]. The retrieving functional can take a lot of conveniences
The advantages of Question answer retrieval are: (i) input is used as a and reduces the repeat rate for CQA platforms. Word mismatch and
Natural language rather than the keyword; (ii) system obtained semantic gap problem are the main challenges for CQA question
several possible answers directly rather than long document and so retreival[3]. Question retrieval’s main aim to match historical
we can increase the efficiency of finding the required answer [1]. questions which are relevant or equivalent to resolve user’s query
There are mainly two types of QA systems. 1)Open-domain and directly[18]. Whenever a user submits a new question, the system
2)Closed-domain. In open-domain users get an answer from any will check whether similar questions have already been asked and
domain using a large collection of data[16]. In the open domain, answered before or not. If it has been asked or answered previously
many subjects are there and Information is added and updated and No then the user's query can be resolved directly by returning the
manual work is required to build databases. In closed domains, QA archived questions with their answers.
users can obtain an answer from a specific domain. And extract an
answer from the database(structured data).
Query FAQ pair Relevant There are mainly 3 stages in IR based factoid QA system:
I want to Q: What are the steps to Yes 1. Question processing
remove my fb remove Facebook account? 2. Retrieval of document and passage
account, what A:Go to "Your Account". 3. Answer Retrieval
are the steps of And then next thing to do
that? is select option 2.1.1) Questison processing
"Deactivsate Account". The question can be asked in different forms, the user may ask it in
their own way. Users should recognize what the question is asking for
Q: How to make friends on No before proceeding to answer the question itself. The practice to
facebook? understand the question is known as question processing.
A: To make friends on
facebook, you need to 2.1.2) Retrieval of document and passage
send request to that Main function of document retrieval is to identify documents that
particular person. contain an answer, by utilizing the query which is provided by
question processing phase. And the main aim of passage retrieval is
Figure 2. An example of question retrieval. to reduce the search space for finding the answer from a set of
documents to a fixed number of passages.
2. Different types of question and answering systems:
2.1.3) Answer Retrieval
2.1) Information retrieval (IR) -based question answering This is the final stage of the IR based QA system. For example, if the
user asks “how tall is Mount Everest?” then the corresponding
IR depends on the huge amount of information which is available in answer should be 29,029 feet. But here some limitations are there
the form of text on the Web. such as definition questions which don’t tend to be a particular
In factoid based information retrieval QA, questions are based on the named type entity.
facts and answer is a named entity. (ex. Person, number, location, 2.2) Question and answering based on knowledge
Example: Knowledge-based question answering is mainly used to convert the
natural language query into a structure database query.
query = “What is the surname of john??”
it gets converted into database query SQL
SELECT surname FROM table1 WHERE name= ‘john’;
it returns the answer to the user.

2.3) Question and answering based on the story

This method is generally used to asking the question based on the
passage/story given.

3. The main objective of QA are:

Figure 3. Example of IR
1) To efficiently identify the quality of answers that are relevant to a
In IR based Question answering, the answer is selected from the set of given question.
documents, it just copies the content from the documents, it does not 2) Retrieving answers to questions rather than full documents.
generate the answer. So if the answer is not present in the given 3) Finding small segments of text which answer user's questions.
document then it does not guarantee to answer. 4) To answer one's query directly by finding the most relevant
question from an archive of past question.
5) QA system helps users to retrieve accurate information by
obtaining the correct answer directly, rather than browsing through
large ranked lists of results.

Figure 4. Architecture of a factoid question answering system Figure 5. Overview of the CQA service.
4. Methodology: Figure 7. shows the process flow of the question retrieval model.
Whenever user issues a query it will be classified to the ranked list by
Methodology used for retrieval information in CQA is dividing into question classification[12]. And based on the ranked list, a general
following phases. score including the question retrieval score it will describe the
relevance of two questions.
4.1) Phase 1: Retrieval of high quality answer Each question type describes an expected answer which reflects those
The task of any Question Answering system is to get an answer for a asker’s intention. Therefore, targeted question retrieval should pay
particular question[19]. A new architecture is proposed called Spatio- attention to search similar questions in particular types [12]. A
Temporal LSTM (ST-LSTM) which is designed to effectively question, when understood correctly places some constraints on a
influence not only the causal influence between the question-response possible answer and determining those constraints becomes an
(how appropriate response is for a given question) but also spatial important task for any QA system. So, to enhance the accuracy of the
and temporal interactions between responses how to form a high- system, filtering out non-relevant candidate answers plays an
quality response gradually). important part. This is done by Question Classification[20].

Table 1: Types of questions:

Type Purpose Expected answers

REC Recommendation Suggested item and
the reason
FAC finding facts Data, location, or
YNO Yes/No Yes/No and reason
HOW How-to question The instructions
WHY Seeking reason The explanation
DEF Definition The definition of
given entity
OPN Seeking opinion Opinions of other
TRA Transportation Navigation
INT Interactive Discussion thread
Figure 6. The overview of the proposed Spatio-Temporal LSTM (ST- MAT Math problem Solution with steps
LSTM) Architecture.
The label describes the possible intentions of a particular question.
ST-LSTM reads the question and its answers successively and gives The sequence in the ranking list reflects the similarity between
out their corresponding output for answer selection task (i.e., answer questions and a type. The more related a type to a query, the more
classification and answer ranking). The answer retrieval component likely it is that the types contain questions relevant to that query. We
extracts a set of candidate answers A for a question Q by two means. can use two machine learning algorithms: Naive Bayes(NB) and
One is obtained by searching webpages from the internet, the other is Support Vector Machine (SVM) for label ranking.
searching for the knowledge-based map database[16]. h(i) is the
hidden output of the ith ST-cell (e.g., h(4) is the hidden output of the 5. List of Algorithms can be used in CQA :
4th ST-cell in the network). (a) Question and its corresponding
answers with different quality in the training set. (b) All question or 5.1) LSTM :
all answer is considered as a single paragraph and use Paragraph2Vec
to generate their distributed representation.

4.2) Phase 2: Question Classification

Figure 7. Question retrieval model

5.2.2) Skip-gram model: It does the reverse of what the CBOW
model does.

5.3) PLSA(Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis) Algorithm :

In PSLA model words and documents can be mapped as vector.

Mainly it is used to improve answer validation.
For given sentence set S, a term set W and a topic set Z, the
Figure 8. LSTM Architecture(source: conditional probability of sentence-term P(s, w) is shown in equation (1)[14]:

LSTM is an artificial RNN, and it's far used in the subject of deep
learning and it's far succesful to research long-time period
dependencies. LSTMs are specially designed to avoid the long-term
dependency problem[12]. It remember the information for long (1)
periods of time. Figure 6. the exact architecture of LSTM networks.
LSTMs offer finer manage over what is needed via making In equation (1), P(w | z) represents the conditional possibility of
adjustments to the inner structure of a neuron, as can be seen in Fig. words in latent semantic layers and P(z | s) represents the conditional
7. Here, xt corresponds to the input vector at time step t (or the t th possibility of topics in sentences[14].
word), ht−1 is the hidden state vector from the previous time step, and The model suits with the EM algorithm and export the most useful
the calculations for the various internal states such as “forget gate” P(Z), P(W | Z) and P(Z | S). while a brand new question is coming,
(controls which part of the information is propagated to the next time it's far projected to the topic area Z through using EM set of
step), “input gate” (controls which part of the input is considered as rules[14]. The similarity of the query and every sentence may be
important information), and cell state are also represented[15]. received through computing the similarity of the probabilistic
The questions are first surpassed thru word2vec models and their distribution among them in the subject matter area.
respective embedding is acquired[12]. The query embedding is then First, initialize the P(s, w) for each sentence s ∈ 1,2 , ,..., n within the
passed through a recurrent neural community and is similarly brought retrieved files by using the ratio of the frequency of w in s and within
to the embedding of memories[12]. The added records is then the sentence set; and P(w | z) for every phrase and P(z | s) for every
surpassed via every other LSTM the encoded vectors from which sentence are iteratively computed by means of EM set of rules. Then
might be subsequently handed via softmax layer that makes solution the query constructed from the question is mapped into the subject
predictions. space to compute by way of using EM set of rules, preserving P(w |
z) continually[14]. After that, the conditional chance (w | q) Pwq and
5.2) Word Embedding Algorithm : (w | s ) Pws for each sentence in the retrieved files is computed
It also known as distributed semantic representations which play a according to the formula (2)-(3)
significant role in building continuous word vectors based on the
contexts in a large corpus. They learn a low-dimensional vector for
each vocabulary term in which the similarity between the word
vectors can show the syntactic and semantic similarities between the
corresponding words[13].
There are main two types of word embeddings. (2)

5.2.1) Continuous Bag-of-Words model (CBoW):

It expect a word from sum of all phrase vector in its context.


This paper focused on improving the various deep learning
methodology that have been proposed in question answering system.
The Method is only based on neural architecture and the recurrent
neural network. In this paper we've got discussed different sorts of
algorithms like LSTM, word embedding set of rules and
PLSA(Probabilistic Latent Semantic analysis) which can be used
in question answering system to retrieve the high quality question
and answer. LSTM is easier to train and LSTM can solve the difficult
task and effective at capturing long-term temporal dependencies.
There is a need to look at ways to solve ambiguous questions because
they are actually very common in real life scenarios.
Figure 8. Overview of the Continuous Bag-of-Words model.
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