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Presented by: Abdul Hafeez & Naima

Assigned by: Madam Sanam memon

Learning objectives
• At the end of the presentation students will be able.
• To know the process of communication.
• To understand the directions of communication in school level.

Directions of communication
• Direction
 Directing is said to be a process in which the managers instruct, guide and oversee the
performance of the workers to achieve predestined goals.
 In this field of management direction is said to be all those activities which are designed to
encourage the subordinates to work effectively and efficiently.

Directions of communication
 Communication communication is a process of transmitting and sharing ideas, opinions, fact,
values etc. from one person to another or one organization to another. Direction in which
communication travel are four.
• Downward direction
• Upward direction
• Lateral or horizontal communication
• outward
• Downward communication Flow from high level of a group or organization to a lower level,
• Upward Flow to a higher level in the group or organization. It starts from the people at the
lowest level of an organization and reaches the top.
• Lateral or horizontal communication this kind of communication takes place between
departments or people on the same level in an organizational structure.
• Outward Flow between employs inside the organization and variety of stakeholders outside the
• The typical communication model developed by clanpitt (2005) demonstrates a number of key
elements in communication process.
• Oral communication Oral communication describes any type of interaction that makes use of
spoken words. The types of oral communication commonly used with an organization include
staff meeting, personal discussion, presentation and informal conversation.
Written communication written communication involves any type of message that makes use of text,
written word.
1. Memos and letter
2. News letter
3. Notice board
4. Booklets and manual
1. Memos and letter
• The memos are short form of letter usually used to communicate with the employee of the
same organization for internal communication it is a kind of an upward communication.
2. News letter
• A newsletter is written once a term by the principal to all members of staff or by the director of
studies to all academic staff as a useful way of making everybody feel they are in touch.
• 3. Noticeboard
• The purpose of the noticeboard is to keep everybody informed
• Staff students, and parents receive unto date information
• Improve school cooperation between management and others
• Allowing students to post announcements on a public forum increases trust (e.g. notice of
party’s article for sale etc.).
4. Booklets and manual
• The booklets are important for new students and staff By administrative handbook can kept all
the up to date relevant instructions on how to deal with sure matter as repairs.
• Example registration leaves sickness salary scale etc.
 Direction of communication flow in an organization.
Within organization, there are three directions in which communication flow, downward, upward and
laterally (horizontal). Downward.
 Communication involves a message travelling to one or more receivers at the lower level in

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