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nn Edit

Inn 1f.

Inn 2f.
The inn is found in the bottom-left of the town. During the first visit in the
flashback, Cloud must enter the inn to talk to Sephiroth to continue with
the events on Mt. Nibel after having visited the places around town.
During the first visit with the party, the innkeeper charges 100 gil for a
room. There is also a second selectable option, "What's your story?".
Selecting this option prompts Cloud to question what is going on with the
town not being destroyed; to which he replies saying he grew up in in
Nibelheim and that it never burned down, to which prompts Tifa if she is
present, or Cloud if she is not, to say he is lying. The innkeeper refutes

There is a man in a black cape in the back room only before the Reunion
shortly into the start of disc 2. From him the player can receive a Luck

Sephiroth is found on the second floor during the flashback, and talking
to him continues the Mt. Nibel events.

Item Store Edit

During the flashback visit, nothing occurs here. During the second visit,
the man in the black cape standing next to the fire gives an Elixir only
before the Reunion shortly into the start of disc 2. The woman at the
desk sells items.
Siblings' House Edit

Siblings' House 1f.

A two-story house in the bottom right of the town. This area is known as
"Nibelheim House" in the menu in English versions of the game, though in
the Japanese version it is "The house with the small older sister and
younger brother" (小さな姉弟がいた家, chiisana shitei ga ita ie?). The siblings
are seen on the first floor during the flashback. When the party visit the
town for the first time, two black cloaked figures appear on the second
floor, sharing their speech patterns with the siblings.
During the flashback there is a lady and two children on the first. During
the visit with the party, there is nothing on the first floor.
During the flashback there is nothing on the second floor. During the visit
with the party before the Reunion shortly into the start of Part 2, two
cloaks can be found here. From these the player can get a Luck Source.

Tifa's House Edit

In the flashback, if the player enters Tifa's house and does certain things
Tifa will question whether Cloud actually did such things. Replying "No"
will take the player outside the room.

Action Tifa's question

"I thought you m
Entering Tifa's House
"Did you go into my house?" No...
"I remember yo

"Cloud...?" Cloud stays in r
Entering Tifa's room
"Did you go into my room?" No...
Cloud exits room
Pressing the action button by the piano "Did you play my piano?" No, I didn't
Yeah, I jammed
"Now, how did t
Just a little
"I can read shee
Ummm, let's se
"Do... Re.... Mi...
Do... Re... Mi... S
Forget it..."

I'd never do tha

Pressing the action button by Tifa's desk "Did you read it? Tifa: "Of course
("The letter...") My letter?"
Tifa: "You remem
It's true
Tifa: "... Cloud"
Pressing the action button by Tifa's "We're talking a
wardrobe "Cloud!!!"
Just kidding. Do
(Received "Orthopedic Underwear!")
Tifa: "... Cloud"
"We're talking a

When on the piano, selecting "Yeah, I jammed on it" brings up another

menu. Selecting "I remember" allows Cloud to play it normally. Selecting
"I forgot" brings up a piano guide.

When on the piano, selecting "Just a little" brings up sheet music.

The two options that are given regarding the letter on Tifa's desk after
selecting "Yeah" to say Cloud had read the letter are "I don't remember..."
and "I remember clearly". Selecting the former will cause Tifa to reply
with "Then. let's go on with the story about Sephiroth". If the player
selects the latter, Cloud will say "I read it..." followed by "It was a letter
addressed to Tifa from the son of the guy that runs the General Store...".

"Tifa, how are you?

I just arrived in Midgar eight days ago."

"Yesterday, all of Nibelheim got

together to welcome me.
The only person that we couldn't
get a hold of was Cloud."

"But everyone said he wasn't

really that close to us.
So even if we asked, he probably
wouldn't have come anyway."

"Well, enough about him."

"Midgar is really something.

But to tell the truth, I feel
so behind on everything...
so out of it."

"Even the rooms of people

in the slums are clean."

"Right now I'm living in the slums,

but I plan to move to a really nice room,
like the ones I've seen in magazines,
once I make some money."

"...but, to do that, I guess I have to find

a job first.
That's right.
I still haven't found a job yet."

"I lied to my parents and told them I

found a great job with Shinra, Inc."

"I wonder if it's too late to go back.

Sometimes I think I should've
taken over my parents' store."

Tifa asks Cloud if he remembers all of it. Selecting "No, that's it" prompts
Tifa to say "Then. let's go on with the story about Sephiroth." Selecting
"Yeah, I remember it all" continues the reciting of the letter.

"I just made it here to Midgar

but all I think about is Nibelheim."

"Hey, Tifa... Is that stupid old water tower still working?"

"Is the old man at the Inn doing well?

Are my parents still at the shop everyday?
Have any monsters attacked?"

"And most of all,

how are you, Tifa?
It feels like I haven't seen you for years."

"We were all talking about you last night."

"Everyone likes you.

But because everyone idolizes you,
I couldn't very well stab them in the back."

"I always acted cool, but actually,

I was just afraid of being jilted."

"Wow, if I keep writing like this,

this'll become a love letter!"

"So, I think I'll stop here.

Take care.
I'll write again."

"P.S. Write me back, okay?"

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