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CELL ( Structure, Tranport Through Membrane Cell Reproduction, Protein Synthesis)

Name :..................................... Score

Class :.....................................
Date :.....................................

1. Aisyah and Adiba want to observe about plant cell and animal cell. Then they decided to use red
onion and cheek cells. They observed the two ingredients with a microscope.
a. Please help Aisyah and Adiba to complete the results of the observation by completing the
cell structure below!
b. What is cell A called? What is cell B called?

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2. Organelle is an object that can be found in the cytoplasm. These objects are essentially living and
carrying out the functions of life.
Writedown 5 organelles and it’s function!
3. The organism always need energy to doing daily activity, for example we used muscle for doing
activity such as sport. Muscle are contain of cell, called muscle cell. If a cell requires high energy,
does the cell have a lot or is it just a little mitochondrion? Explain your answer!
4. Chika drops ink into a glass of water. What happens to the ink molecules that are dropped on a
glass of water? What is it phenomenon called?

5. Some of the human body is composed of proteins, like skin, nails, hair. This protein functions in building,
maintaining and repairing body tissues. The body can produced protein by itself, it’s called protein
Writedown and explain the 2 stages of protein synthesis !
6. Cells can develop into many through the process of cell division. Multicellular organisms like humans do
cell division, namely mitosis and meiosis. Below is a process of cell division, mitosis division.
a. Determine the sequence and stages of the following cell division!
b. Explain the characteristics of each stages!

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