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04/04/2018 Construction economics | Apis Cor.

We print buildings

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Construction economics
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What are the benefits of using 3D technology in comparison with traditi
Technical specifications of construction 3D printer
Благодаря использованию технологии 3D печати достигаются следующие выгоды:
Building structure characteristics
1. The construction process excludes certain types of materials, logistics and labor for them, such
Construction economics 2. Reducing the number of personnel involved in construction, and as a result – reducing cost on:
Servicing personnel (transportation, catering, expenses for clothing and so on.)
insurance, taxes, hospital and so on.
3. The technology can significantly red
construction of  buildings with unique
printers are not limited to rectilinear s
Walls of the future buildings can be cu
and obtuse angles, radial turns, etc. a
the cost of construction - only the volu
structure is taken into account.
4. Reducing the time - 3D printer does
for lunch and weekends, it can work a
is much faster than a person.
5. Improving the quality and reliability
structure by eliminating the human fa
incompetence and construction errors
6. Reduction of time and labor for the
utilities due to the fact that the printed
the space for laying engineering comm
7. In the course of construction there
Pic. 1
debris, that would require removal fro
sites and recycling.

What is the cost of 3D printing?

The cost of printing of 1 m³ of finished building structure is composed of many factors, such as the
thickness of the wall, grade of the mixture used, the location of the construction, etc. The exact va
calculated only on the basis of the building project.
The main type of building structure (wall) is done in the form of two rectilinear layers connected w
bridge (Fig. 1). In this embodiment of 1m² wall the thickness is 300 mm requires 0.093 m³ of printi
the cost of construction calculated to be 6000 to 9000 rubles per m³. Calculation example for the b
seen here 
Given on Figure 1 the configuration of the building structure is not the only one possible. The confi
internal bridge can be changed, for example, by increasing the period of a sine wave and saving m
or even in the form of cells, changing the bearing capacity of the structure (Figure 3), and adding s
insulating structures (Figure 4).

Fig. 1 1/2
04/04/2018 Construction economics | Apis Cor. We print buildings

Fig. 3 2/2

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