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Detecting Sound

Part 1: The Ear

Label the parts of the ear on the diagram below:
semi-circular canals


auditory _________


auditory __________

cochlea ossicles auditory canal pinna

eardrum auditory nerve semi-circular canals

Now, match up each part of the ear with its function:

Pinna Takes electrical signals to the brain

Cochlea Help you to balance

Auditory nerve Sound waves travel along here to the eardrum

The outside part of the ear that collects sound
Auditory canal Vibrates and passes the vibration on to the ossicles
Eardrum Turns vibrations into electrical signals
Semi-circular canals Tiny bones that amplify (make bigger) the vibrations
Part 2: Loudness & damage to hearing
Loudness or sound intensity is measured in decibels (dB).
You can _________ your hearing if sharp objects make a _____ in your
eardrum or a serious build-up of ear wax.
Very _____ sounds or _____ __________ can permanently damage your
Ear ____________ or turning down the volume can ________ the risk of
defenders loud hole decibels damage
reduce head injuries

Part 3: Planning an investigation

How would you investigate noise level in different places around your school using a sound
meter in decibels?


Does the noise level change in different locations around school?


Sound meter

Dependent variable (what we want to measure):


Independent variable (what we change in our experiment):


Control variable(s) (what do we keep the same?):


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