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Name – Rao Urvashi SECTION – ABPSY 3A

1) Leadership is a process of social influence, which maximizes the efforts of others,
towards the achievement of a goal. Leadership is defined by direction setting, with liked
to change, improvement and persuasion. Leadership defined as person, result, position
and process. A leadership is generally as a collective, rather than a individual. They do
tend to hold one thing in common. A leader is someone who has followers. Leadership is
the capacity to translate vision into reality. Leadership is influence – nothing more,
nothing less. Leadership stems from social influence, not authority or power

Boss leader

 Boss is the one who blame others for leader is the one who fix the breakdown.


 Boss uses people to take credits. Leader develop people to give credits.
 Boss inspires fear and says ‘I’ leader generates enthusiasm and says ‘We’
 Boss make employees feel inferior. Leader trust employees will perform their job well.

A boss think of ways to show his authority and demands respect, instead of earnings. He
do whatever it take to maintain his power and control. he watches every move his team
and analyse every mistake. He criticize his team and threatens when they perform poorly.
but a leader inspire his team to grow and learn. He challenges his team by recognizing
their strengths while helping them improve their weakness. A leader for ways to improve
his team.

2) 21st century leadership is emerging in alternative ways. As in all eras, in part it is linked
to changes in information technology. a modern servant leadership approach and focus on
developing their teams; others are charismatic leaders who inspire their teams to take action.

most common styles in modern organizations.

 Servant: The servant leader is one who truly cares about the needs of their employees. Iconic
leaders of nonviolent movements for civil disobedience such as Mahatma Ghandi, Martin
Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela could all be considered examples of servant leadership.
 Innovative: Innovative leaders are big picture thinkers who are willing to shake things up to
achieve the desired outcome. They like to take stock of processes, and when something isn’t
working innovators are willing to try new things and find something that does
 Pace Setting: Pace setters are visionaries who set the pace not just for their organizations but
for the direction of their entire industry.
Name – Rao Urvashi SECTION – ABPSY 3A

 Charismatic: These leaders inspire the people around them to greatness. They have a “let’s
do it together” attitude and use the power of personality to inspire passion and action in
3) A real HR leader leads employees and teach them on a good will. A real HR leader looks
for a way to improve his team. He praises their successes and jumps in to help when
roadblocks arise. A real leader make sure his has a time and resources to finish their
projects and work, and if not then seeks out ways to help without placing blame. Real
leaders in human resources understand who the external customer is and how their
organization makes money. They make an effort to understand the needs and concerns of
the organization’s customer. Strong HR leaders also understand what high performance
looks like to senior leaders and management. This helps the leader develop the
competencies needed for each description, which is part of the performance management
process. Great HR leaders can make quick, ethical decisions during a crisis. They
understand labor laws and can identify potential employee and management problems.
Great HR leaders are continuously learning. They network to gain new ideas and enhance
their leadership skills.

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